Lancio di "eTwinning Plus", la rete di aule virtuali per le scuole
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-183_it.htm
Data documento: 04-03-2013
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Launch of 'eTwinning Plus' virtual classroom network for schools
Lancio di "eTwinning Plus", la rete di aule virtuali per le scuole
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The European Commission’s 'eTwinning' network, which has encouraged 100 000 schools in 33 European countries to talk to each other via the internet, will be extended from today to schools in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
La rete eTwinning della Commissione europea, che ha incoraggiato 100 000 scuole di 33 paesi europei a dialogare via Internet, sarà estesa a partire da oggi alle scuole di Armenia, Azerbaigian, Georgia, Moldova e Ucraina.
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The launch of 'eTwinning Plus' will enable these countries to join a massive virtual classroom in which pupils and teachers can learn more about their counterparts and take part in interactive projects focused on language learning or maths, for instance.
Il lancio di "eTwinning Plus" consentirà a questi paesi di partecipare a una grande aula virtuale in cui gli allievi e gli insegnanti possono conoscere meglio le rispettive controparti e prendere parte a progetti interattivi, ad esempio sull'apprendimento delle lingue o sulla matematica.
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It is also an opportunity for youngsters to discover different cultures and traditions– as well as to find out what they have in common.
È anche un'opportunità per i giovani di scoprire culture e tradizioni diverse e di rendersi conto di quali siano i punti in comune.
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Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth said:
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria europea responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, ha affermato:
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"eTwinning is a brilliant educational project with enormous potential to break down barriers.
"eTwinning è un progetto educativo brillante, con un enorme potenziale per infrangere le barriere.
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The contacts we have facilitated between schools are incredibly beneficial to everyone involved;
I contatti tra le scuole che abbiamo facilitato hanno apportato incredibili benefici a tutti i partecipanti;
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eTwinning gives them the freedom to develop creative and inter-cultural educational projects, while also encouraging children to develop their ICT skills.
eTwinning dà loro la possibilità di sviluppare la creatività e i progetti educativi interculturali, incoraggiando allo stesso tempo i bambini a sviluppare le loro competenze in materia di TIC.
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With eTwinning Plus, we are taking this network to a new level". |
Con eTwinning Plus, stiamo portando questa rete a un nuovo livello".
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eTwinning Plus is a pilot project initiated as part as the EU's Neighbourhood policy, under the 'Contacts between people' Eastern Partnership platform which aims to enhance dialogue with Eastern partners.
eTwinning Plus è un progetto pilota avviato come parte della politica europea di vicinato nel quadro della piattaforma "contatti tra i popoli" del partenariato orientale, che mira a potenziare il dialogo con i partner orientali.
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The Commission plans to gradually roll out the scheme to Southern neighbourhood countries, starting with Tunisia.
La Commissione prevede di introdurre gradualmente il sistema nei paesi limitrofi meridionali, partendo dalla Tunisia.
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To start with, the eTwinning Plus platform will use English and Russian as its main languages, with French and Arabic to follow at a later stage.
Per iniziare la piattaforma eTwinning userà l'inglese e il russo come lingue principali, francese e arabo seguiranno in una fase successiva.
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As well as serving as a meeting point for pupils and teachers to share ideas, it will also enable schools to find partners for joint projects.
Oltre a servire da punto di incontro e condivisione delle idee per gli alunni e gli insegnanti, la piattaforma darà alle scuole l'opportunità di trovare partner per progetti comuni.
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Commissioner Štefan Füle, responsible for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, stated:
Štefan Füle, Commissario responsabile per l'Allargamento e la politica europea di vicinato, ha dichiarato:
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“Increased EU involvement in education, higher education and vocational training will help partner countries and especially the younger generations to be better equipped to respond to economic and social challenges in our neighbourhood.”
"l'impegno crescente dell'UE nell'istruzione, nell'istruzione superiore e nella formazione aiuterà i paesi partner, e in particolare le giovani generazioni, ad avere strumenti migliori per affrontare le sfide sociali ed economiche nei paesi del vicinato".
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To help establish the network, a partner support agency has been set up in each of the neighbouring countries involved.
In ognuno dei paesi del vicinato coinvolti è stata aperta un'agenzia di supporto per sostenere la rete.
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These organisations will promote eTwinning Plus at the national level, ensure it meets the needs of schools and organise training sessions for teachers.
Queste organizzazioni promuoveranno eTwinning Plus a livello nazionale, garantendo che risponda alle esigenze delle scuole, e organizzeranno sessioni di formazione per gli insegnanti.
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They will select participating schools on the basis of their computer equipment and knowledge of languages.
Le scuole partecipanti saranno selezionate sulla base delle loro attrezzature informatiche e della conoscenza delle lingue.
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They will ensure that rural and urban schools, as well as children from different socio-economic backgrounds, are involved.
Le agenzie garantiranno che siano coinvolte scuole rurali e urbane, nonché bambini provenienti da ambienti socioeconomici diversi.
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The budget for eTwinning Plus is € 834 000:
Il budget di eTwinning Plus è di 834 000 EUR:
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around half of this sum will be invested in developing the new online platform and coordination work, with the remainder allocated to co-funding the partner support agencies.
circa la metà di questo importo sarà investita nello sviluppo della nuova piattaforma on-line e nel lavoro di coordinamento, mentre il resto sarà assegnato al cofinanziamento delle agenzie di supporto partner.
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The allocation by country is as follows:
La ripartizione per paese è la seguente:
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Armenia € 64 000, Azerbaijan € 80 000, Georgia € 64 000, Moldova € 80 000 and Ukraine € 96 000.
Armenia 64 000 EUR, Azerbaigian 80 000 EUR, Georgia 64 000 EUR, Moldova 80 000 EUR e Ucraina 96 000 EUR.
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Created in 2005, eTwinning is a growing community of schools in Europe.
Creata nel 2005, eTwinning è una comunità di scuole in Europa che continua a crescere.
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Almost 200 000 teachers and more than 100 000 schools from 33 European countries (the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Switzerland, Norway, Turkey, Croatia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) have signed up to use its free and safe online environment for teacher training and joint educational projects.
Quasi 200 000 insegnanti e più di 100 000 scuole di 33 paesi europei (i 27 Stati membri dell'UE, l'Islanda, la Svizzera, la Norvegia, la Turchia, la Croazia e l'ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia) partecipano e utilizzano il suo ambiente online, gratuito e sicuro, per la formazione degli insegnanti e per progetti educativi congiunti.
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The eTwinning portal is available in 25 languages.
Il portale eTwinning è disponibile in 25 lingue.
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eTwinning is part of the EU's Comenius programme and receives around €10 million in funding each year. It does not finance individual projects but offers tools and support to teachers and pupils such as the eTwinning portal and seminars for teachers.
eTwinning, che fa parte del programma Comenius e riceve ogni anno un finanziamento di circa 10 milioni di euro, non finanzia singoli progetti, ma offre strumenti e sostegno agli insegnanti e agli alunni quali il portale eTwinning e i seminari per gli insegnanti.
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A recent study found eTwinning to be an easy and cost-effective way for schools to engage in international cooperation. It also found that teachers involved in eTwinning improved their skills, their relations with pupils and developed their professional networks.
Un recente studio ha evidenziato che eTwinning è per le scuole un modo semplice ed efficace sotto il profilo dei costi di impegnarsi nella cooperazione internazionale e che gli insegnanti che partecipano a eTwinning hanno migliorato le loro competenze, la loro relazione con gli allievi e hanno sviluppato la loro rete professionale.
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Pupils felt more motivated and were better at working in a team.
Gli alunni sono stati più motivati e più capaci di lavorare in gruppo.
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As part of the new Erasmus for All programme which will start in 2014, the Commission has proposed to develop eTwinning as a platform for all schools that wish to co-operate across borders with EU support.
Nel quadro del nuovo programma Erasmus per tutti, che sarà avviato nel 2014, la Commissione ha proposto di sviluppare il programma eTwinning come piattaforma per tutte le scuole che desiderano collaborare attraverso le frontiere con il sostegno dell'Unione europea.
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The eTwinning scheme contributes to the EU's objectives of improving digital competence and collaborative peer learning.
L'iniziativa eTwinning contribuisce alla realizzazione degli obiettivi dell'UE di migliorare le competenze digitali e l'apprendimento collaborativo tra pari.
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Later this year the Commission will publish a strategy on Opening-up Education in order to enhance education and skills development through new technologies and open educational resources.
Entro la fine dell'anno la Commissione pubblicherà una strategia sull'apertura dell'istruzione finalizzata al miglioramento dell'istruzione e allo sviluppo delle competenze mediante nuove tecnologie e risorse educative aperte.
Launch of 'eTwinning Plus' virtual classroom network for
The European Commission’s 'eTwinning' network, which has
encouraged 100 000 schools in 33 European countries to talk to each other via
the internet, will be extended from today to schools in Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
The launch of 'eTwinning Plus' will enable these countries to
join a massive virtual classroom in which pupils and teachers can learn more
about their counterparts and take part in interactive projects focused on
language learning or maths, for instance.
It is also an opportunity for youngsters to discover different
cultures and traditions– as well as to find out what they have in common.
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education,
Culture, Multilingualism and Youth. said
"eTwinning is a brilliant educational project with enormous
potential to break down barriers.
The contacts we have facilitated between schools are incredibly beneficial to
everyone involved;
eTwinning gives them the freedom to develop creative and inter-cultural
educational projects, while also encouraging children to develop their ICT
With eTwinning Plus, we are taking this network to a new level".
eTwinning Plus is a pilot project initiated as part as the
EU's Neighbourhood policy, under the 'Contacts between people' Eastern
Partnership platform which aims to enhance dialogue with Eastern partners.
The Commission plans to gradually roll out the scheme to
Southern neighbourhood countries, starting with Tunisia.
To start with, the eTwinning Plus platform will use English
and Russian as its main languages, with French and Arabic to follow at a later
As well as serving as a meeting point for pupils and teachers
to share ideas, it will also enable schools to find partners for joint projects.
Commissioner Štefan Füle, responsible for Enlargement and
European Neighbourhood Policy, stated:
“Increased EU involvement in education, higher education and
vocational training will help partner countries and especially the younger
generations to be better equipped to respond to economic and social challenges
in our neighbourhood.”
To help establish the network, a partner support agency has
been set up in each of the neighbouring countries involved.
These organisations will promote eTwinning Plus at the
national level, ensure it meets the needs of schools and organise training
sessions for teachers.
They will select participating schools on the basis of their
computer equipment and knowledge of languages.
They will ensure that rural and urban schools, as well as
children from different socio-economic backgrounds, are involved.
The budget for eTwinning Plus is € 834 000:
around half of this sum will be invested in developing the new online platform
and coordination work, with the remainder allocated to co-funding the partner
support agencies.
The allocation by country is as follows:
Armenia € 64 000, Azerbaijan € 80 000, Georgia € 64 000, Moldova € 80 000 and
Ukraine € 96 000.
Created in 2005, eTwinning is a growing community of schools
in Europe.
Almost 200 000 teachers and more than 100 000 schools from 33
European countries (the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Switzerland, Norway,
Turkey, Croatia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) have signed up
to use its free and safe online environment for teacher training and joint
educational projects.
The eTwinning portal is available in 25 languages.
eTwinning is part of the EU's Comenius programme and receives
around €10 million in funding each year. It does not finance individual projects
but offers tools and support to teachers and pupils such as the eTwinning portal
and seminars for teachers.
A recent study found eTwinning to be an easy and
cost-effective way for schools to engage in international cooperation. It also
found that teachers involved in eTwinning improved their skills, their relations
with pupils and developed their professional networks.
Pupils felt more motivated and were better at working in a
As part of the new Erasmus for All programme which will start
in 2014, the Commission has proposed to develop eTwinning as a platform for all
schools that wish to co-operate across borders with EU support.
The eTwinning scheme contributes to the EU's objectives of
improving digital competence and collaborative peer learning.
Later this year the Commission will publish a strategy on
Opening-up Education in order to enhance education and skills development
through new technologies and open educational resources.