La Commissione europea vara la Grande coalizione per l’occupazione nel settore digitale
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Data documento: 04-03-2013
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European Commission launches Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs
La Commissione europea vara la Grande coalizione per l’occupazione nel settore digitale
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Commission President José Manuel Barroso today called on Europe's digital businesses, governments, training and education sectors to join a Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs to address up to 900 000 job vacancies expected to exist in Europe in Information and Communication technologies (ICT) by 2015.
Oggi il presidente della Commissione José Manuel Barroso ha esortato le imprese europee del digitale, le amministrazioni pubbliche, i settori della formazione e dell'istruzione a unirsi in una grande coalizione per l’occupazione nel settore digitale, per contribuire a occupare i 900 000 posti vacanti nel settore delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (TIC) previsti in Europa entro il 2015.
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Despite the current levels of unemployment, the number of digital jobs is growing by more than 100 000 per year.
Nonostante gli attuali livelli di disoccupazione, i posti di lavoro nel digitale aumentano ogni anno di circa 100 000 unità.
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Yet the number of fresh ICT graduates and skilled ICT workers is not keeping up.
Ma il numero di nuovi laureati e di lavoratori qualificati nel campo delle TIC non riesce a coprire questo fabbisogno.
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Vice-Presidents Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda) and Antonio Tajani (Industry and Entrepreneurship) and Commission members László Andor (Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) and Androulla Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth) also attended the launch of the Grand Coalition held today in Brussels, which is part of the Commission's drive to make Europe more competitive.
Anche i vicepresidenti Neelie Kroes (Agenda digitale) e Antonio Tajani (Industria e imprenditoria) e i commissari László Andor (Occupazione, affari sociali e integrazione) e Androulla Vassiliou (Istruzione, cultura, multilinguismo e gioventù) hanno partecipato al varo della Grande coalizione tenutosi oggi a Bruxelles, all’interno del processo promosso dalla Commissione per rendere l'Europa più competitiva.
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President Barroso said:
A tal proposito, il presidente Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"The Grand Coalition we launch today is an essential part of getting Europe's economy back on track and finding jobs for some of Europe's 26 million unemployed.
"La Grande coalizione che viene varata oggi è un elemento essenziale per rimettere in pista l'economia europea e creare posti di lavoro destinati a una parte dei 26 milioni di disoccupati che si contano attualmente in Europa.
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I applaud those companies who have signed up today.
Mi congratulo con le aziende che oggi hanno aderito all'iniziativa.
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If, together, we can turn the tide and fill the growing number of ICT vacancies, we will see a much wider impact across the whole economy.
Se, insieme, riusciremo a invertire la tendenza negativa e a occupare il sempre maggior numero di posti vacanti nel settore delle TIC, potremo incidere positivamente e in modo trasversale su tutti i settori dell'economia.
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We want to empower Europeans to fill the jobs that will drive the next ICT revolution."
Vogliamo che i cittadini europei siano in grado di occupare i posti di lavoro che faranno da traino alla prossima rivoluzione nel settore delle TIC."
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Europe cannot afford to leave employment opportunities like this unexploited.
L'Europa non può permettersi di non sfruttare opportunità d’impiego così rilevanti.
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Today's announcement builds on the groundwork laid by Vice President Kroes in collecting initial pledges on new jobs, internships, training places, start-up funding, free online university courses and more from technology companies, governments, educators, social partners, employment service providers and civil society organisations at the World Economic Forum in Davos (see IP/13/52).
L’annuncio di oggi può contare sul lavoro già condotto dalla vicepresidente Kroes in occasione del Forum economico mondiale di Davos, per raccogliere promesse iniziali riguardo a impegni concreti di offerta di nuovi posti di lavoro, tirocini, formazione, finanziamenti di start-up, corsi universitari gratuiti online e altro ancora, che si affiancano agli ulteriori impegni da parte di imprese tecnologiche, governi, educatori, parti sociali, fornitori di servizi per l'occupazione e organizzazioni della società civile (cfr. IP/13/52).
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Initial commitments from stakeholders have been endorsed with over 15 companies and organisations signing up to the Grand Coalition.
Le promesse iniziali sono state poi convalidate da 15 aziende e organizzazioni che hanno sottoscritto la Grande coalizione varata oggi.
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Among the first pledges to come to life is a new online learning platform for young people called the Academy Cube and a new training module for energy smart grid installers.
Tra i primi impegni già concretizzati segnaliamo ad esempio l’Academy Cube, una nuova piattaforma di apprendimento online per i giovani, e un modulo di formazione di nuova concezione per installatori di reti energetiche intelligenti.
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The Commission has sought pledges in the following key areas:
La Commissione ha sollecitato impegni nei settori cruciali elencati di seguito.
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- Training and matching for digital jobs – to help ensure the skills people are getting are the skills business needs;
- Formazione e capacità di colmare il divario tra domanda e offerta per i posti di lavoro del settore digitale - per assicurare che le competenze acquisite dai cittadini siano effettivamente quelle delle quali le aziende hanno bisogno.
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- Mobility – helping those with skills get to the place where they're needed, to avoid shortages and surpluses in different towns and cities;
- Mobilità – per aiutare chi è in possesso delle competenze necessarie a recarsi dove sono richieste ed evitare carenze o eccedenze nelle diverse aree urbane.
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- Certification – making it easier to prove to an employer what skills one has, regardless of the country;
- Certificazione – per rendere più facile certificare a un datore di lavoro le proprie competenze, in qualsiasi Stato membro.
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- Awareness raising – so that people know the digital sector offers rewarding and enjoyable careers to both women and men;
- Sensibilizzazione – perché i cittadini sappiano che il settore digitale offre possibilità di carriera gratificanti e ben retribuite sia agli uomini che alle donne.
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- Innovative learning and teaching – so our education and training systems expand and improve to give more people the skills for success.
- Metodi didattici innovativi – per migliorare e ampliare i nostri sistemi educativi e formativi e offrire a sempre più persone le competenze necessarie ad inserirsi con successo nel mondo del lavoro.
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President Barroso also called on organisations to follow the example of the early pledgers.
Il presidente Barroso ha inoltre invitato le organizzazioni a seguire l'esempio di chi ha sottoscritto le promesse iniziali.
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The Commission has a role to play, but actions like industry-led training, assisting labour mobility, certifying skills, improving school and university curricula, raising awareness, and creating an entrepreneur friendly environment for start-ups need the active engagement of all stakeholders.
La Commissione ha sicuramente un ruolo da svolgere, ma azioni quali la formazione a partire dai bisogni delle imprese, la maggiore mobilità della manodopera, la certificazione delle competenze, il miglioramento dei programmi di studio scolastici e universitari, la sensibilizzazione e la creazione di un ambiente imprenditoriale più propizio alle start-up, richiedono l’impegno attivo di tutte le parti interessate.
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The Commission is also launching Startup Europe, a single platform for tools and programmes supporting people wanting to set up and grow web start-ups in Europe.
La Commissione sta inoltre avviando “Startup Europe”, una piattaforma unica che riunisce strumenti e programmi di sostegno per cittadini desiderosi di creare e far crescere nuove start-up digitali in Europa.
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The Employment Package adopted by the Commission in April 2012 pointed out that there is a significant shortfall in ICT professionals despite high unemployment elsewhere (IP/12/380, MEMO/12/252).
Il pacchetto per l'occupazione adottato dalla Commissione nell'aprile 2012 sottolineava la significativa carenza di professionisti TIC, in contrasto con gli alti livelli di disoccupazione presenti in altri settori (IP/12/380, MEMO/12/252).
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The ICT workforce in Europe in 2011 amounted to 6.7 million, which is 3.1% of the overall workforce.
Nel 2011 gli occupati nel settore delle TIC in Europa avevano raggiunto i 6,7 milioni, ossia il 3,1% del totale complessivo UE.
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From 2000 to 2010 the ICT workforce grew at an average annual rate of 4.3%.
Dal 2000 al 2010 tale forza lavoro è cresciuta a un ritmo annuo medio del 4,3%.
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According to brand new, as yet unpublished figures (Empirica, March 2013), the number of digital jobs that will be created in Europe by 2015 could be as high as 864 000.
Un nuovissimo studio (Empirica, marzo 2013), le cui cifre non sono state ancora pubblicate, indica che entro il 2015 si potrebbero creare in Europa fino a 864 000 posti di lavoro digitali.
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However, a drop in the number of ICT graduates leaving universities, and the retirement of ICT workers over the coming years, risks endangering ICT job growth potential.
Tuttavia, la diminuzione del numero di laureati in discipline attinenti alle TIC e il pensionamento previsto nei prossimi anni di una fascia di lavoratori occupati in questo settore, rischiano di mettere a repentaglio le potenzialità di crescita dell'occupazione nel settore.
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Education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics needs to be strengthened and the career image of these fields improved, in particular for women.
Occorre potenziare l'istruzione nel campo delle scienze, della tecnologia, dell’ingegneria e della matematica, nonché migliorare l’immagine delle carriere in questi settori, in particolare tra le donne.
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Furthermore, ensuring that EU workers have the necessary higher-end skills will help attract investment and prevent loss of key ICT employment to other regions of the world, as is highlighted in the Commission Staff Working Document "Exploiting the employment potential of ICTs", released as part of the Employment Package.
Inoltre, garantendo che i lavoratori dell’UE siano in possesso delle necessarie elevate competenze si potranno attrarre investimenti chiave ed evitare perdite di posti di lavoro nel settore delle TIC a favore di altre regioni del mondo, come evidenziato nel documento di lavoro della Commissione "Exploiting the employment potential of ICTs" (sfruttare il potenziale occupazionale delle TIC) pubblicato nell'ambito del "pacchetto occupazione".
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In order to better forecast skills needs, the European Commission launched in December 2012 the EU Skills Panorama, a website presenting quantitative and qualitative information on short- and medium-term skills needs, skills supply and skills mismatches (IP/12/1329).
Per ottenere previsioni più precise riguardo al fabbisogno di competenze, nel dicembre 2012 la Commissione europea ha lanciato EU Skills Panorama, un sito internet che raccoglie informazioni quantitative e qualitative sul fabbisogno, l'offerta nonché il divario tra offerta e domanda di competenze, a breve e medio termine (IP/12/1329).
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The Panorama, drawing on data and forecasts compiled at EU and Member State level, highlights the fastest growing occupations as well as the top 'bottleneck' occupations with high numbers of unfilled vacancies.
Il sito, in base alle cifre e alle previsioni elaborate a livello di UE e di Stati membri, mette in evidenza le professioni in rapida crescita, nonché le "strozzature" che interessano le professioni dove si registra un alto numero di posti vacanti.
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Currently, there are around 2 million job vacancies across the EU, despite high levels of unemployment.
Attualmente vi sono circa 2 milioni di posti di lavoro vacanti nell'UE, nonostante gli elevati livelli di disoccupazione.
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The website contains detailed information sector by sector, profession by profession and country by country.
Il sito contiene informazioni dettagliate, riguardo a singoli settori, professioni e paesi.
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Rethinking and Opening up Education
Ripensare e riaprire l’accesso all'istruzione
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The Commission launched its Rethinking Education strategy in November 2012. It calls for more investment to improve vocational education and training systems, especially in the area of ICT.
La Commissione ha lanciato la strategia Ripensare l’istruzione nel novembre 2012, in cui auspica maggiori investimenti per migliorare i sistemi d'istruzione e formazione professionali, in particolar modo nel settore delle TIC.
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The strategy also offers insights into how investments in education can be targeted to maximise their impact in times of financial austerity.
La strategia aiuta a comprendere verso quali obiettivi orientare gli investimenti nel settore dell’istruzione per massimizzarne l'impatto in tempi di austerità finanziaria.
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In addition, Opening up Education, a joint initiative by Androulla Vassiliou and Neelie Kroes which aims to make education more accessible through technology and open educational resources, is set to be adopted this summer.
Inoltre, si prevede l’adozione entro l’estate dell’iniziativa congiunta di Androulla Vassiliou e Neelie Kroes “Opening up Education”, che mira a rendere più accessibile l'istruzione con il ricorso a tecnologie e risorse educative aperte.
European Commission launches Grand Coalition for Digital
Commission President José Manuel Barroso today called on
Europe's digital businesses, governments, training and education sectors to join
a Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs to address up to 900 000 job vacancies
expected to exist in Europe in Information and Communication technologies (ICT)
by 2015.
Despite the current levels of unemployment, the number of
digital jobs is growing by more than 100 000 per year.
Yet the number of fresh ICT graduates and skilled ICT workers
is not keeping up.
Vice-Presidents Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda) and Antonio
Tajani (Industry and Entrepreneurship) and Commission members László Andor
(Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) and Androulla Vassiliou (Education,
Culture, Multilingualism and Youth) also attended the launch of the Grand
Coalition held today in Brussels, which is part of the Commission's drive to
make Europe more competitive.
President Barroso said:
"The Grand Coalition we launch today is an essential part of
getting Europe's economy back on track and finding jobs for some of Europe's 26
million unemployed.
I applaud those companies who have signed up today.
If, together, we can turn the tide and fill the growing number of ICT vacancies,
we will see a much wider impact across the whole economy.
We want to empower Europeans to fill the jobs that will drive the next ICT
Europe cannot afford to leave employment opportunities like
this unexploited.
Today's announcement builds on the groundwork laid by Vice
President Kroes in collecting initial pledges on new jobs, internships, training
places, start-up funding, free online university courses and more from
technology companies, governments, educators, social partners, employment
service providers and civil society organisations at the World Economic Forum in
Davos (see IP/13/52).
Initial commitments from stakeholders have been endorsed with
over 15 companies and organisations signing up to the Grand Coalition.
Among the first pledges to come to life is a new online
learning platform for young people called the Academy Cube and a new training
module for energy smart grid installers.
The Commission has sought pledges in the following key areas:
- Training and matching for digital jobs – to help ensure the
skills people are getting are the skills business needs;
- Mobility – helping those with skills get to the place where
they're needed, to avoid shortages and surpluses in different towns and cities;
- Certification – making it easier to prove to an employer
what skills one has, regardless of the country;
- Awareness raising – so that people know the digital sector
offers rewarding and enjoyable careers to both women and men;
- Innovative learning and teaching – so our education and
training systems expand and improve to give more people the skills for success.
President Barroso also called on organisations to follow the
example of the early pledgers.
The Commission has a role to play, but actions like
industry-led training, assisting labour mobility, certifying skills, improving
school and university curricula, raising awareness, and creating an entrepreneur
friendly environment for start-ups need the active engagement of all
The Commission is also launching Startup Europe, a single
platform for tools and programmes supporting people wanting to set up and grow
web start-ups in Europe.
The Employment Package adopted by the Commission in April 2012
pointed out that there is a significant shortfall in ICT professionals despite
high unemployment elsewhere (IP/12/380, MEMO/12/252).
The ICT workforce in Europe in 2011 amounted to 6.7 million,
which is 3.1% of the overall workforce.
From 2000 to 2010 the ICT workforce grew at an average annual
rate of 4.3%.
According to brand new, as yet unpublished figures (Empirica,
March 2013), the number of digital jobs that will be created in Europe by 2015
could be as high as 864 000.
However, a drop in the number of ICT graduates leaving
universities, and the retirement of ICT workers over the coming years, risks
endangering ICT job growth potential.
Education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
needs to be strengthened and the career image of these fields improved, in
particular for women.
Furthermore, ensuring that EU workers have the necessary
higher-end skills will help attract investment and prevent loss of key ICT
employment to other regions of the world, as is highlighted in the Commission
Staff Working Document "Exploiting the employment potential of ICTs", released
as part of the Employment Package.
In order to better forecast skills needs, the European
Commission launched in December 2012 the EU Skills Panorama, a website
presenting quantitative and qualitative information on short- and medium-term
skills needs, skills supply and skills mismatches (IP/12/1329).
The Panorama, drawing on data and forecasts compiled at EU and
Member State level, highlights the fastest growing occupations as well as the
top 'bottleneck' occupations with high numbers of unfilled vacancies.
Currently, there are around 2 million job vacancies across the
EU, despite high levels of unemployment.
The website contains detailed information sector by sector,
profession by profession and country by country.
Rethinking and Opening up Education
The Commission launched its Rethinking Education strategy in
November 2012. It calls for more investment to improve vocational education and
training systems, especially in the area of ICT.
The strategy also offers insights into how investments in
education can be targeted to maximise their impact in times of financial
In addition, Opening up Education, a joint initiative by
Androulla Vassiliou and Neelie Kroes which aims to make education more
accessible through technology and open educational resources, is set to be
adopted this summer.