Diritti dei passeggeri: maggiore protezione per chi viaggia in autobus nell'UE
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Data documento: 01-03-2013
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Passenger rights: better protection for bus and coach travellers in the EU
Diritti dei passeggeri: maggiore protezione per chi viaggia in autobus nell'UE
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Today, Regulation (EU) No 181/2011 on bus and coach passenger rights becomes applicable, providing bus and coach travellers throughout the EU with new rights.
Il regolamento (UE) n.181/2011 relativo ai diritti dei passeggeri nel trasporto effettuato con autobus entra in vigore oggi, garantendo nuovi diritti a chi viaggia in autobus in tutta l’UE.
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The regulation lays down travellers' basic rights, and imposes a number of obligations on bus and coach companies and terminal managers concerning their responsibility towards the passengers.
Il regolamento stabilisce i diritti fondamentali dei viaggiatori e impone una serie di obblighi alle società di trasporto e ai gestori delle stazioni per quanto riguarda la loro responsabilità nei confronti dei passeggeri.
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Every year around 70 million passengers travel by buses and coaches in the EU.
Ogni anno circa 70 milioni di passeggeri viaggiano in autobus nell’UE.
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European Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport, said:
Il Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Siim Kallas, responsabile per i Trasporti, ha dichiarato:
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"We have kept our promise: thanks to this regulation EU passenger rights are also extended to bus and coach transport.
“Abbiamo mantenuto le promesse e grazie a questo regolamento, i diritti dei passeggeri dell’UE si estendono anche a chi viaggia in autobus.
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The EU is now the first area in the world with a full set of passenger rights for all modes of transport."
L'UE è ora la prima regione del mondo che dispone di un complesso di diritti dei passeggeri per tutti i modi di trasporto.”
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The bus and coach regulation lays down passenger rights similar to those for air, train and boat transport.
Il regolamento relativo ai diritti dei passeggeri che viaggiano in autobus stabilisce diritti analoghi a quelli di cui beneficiano già i passeggeri del trasporto aereo, ferroviario e marittimo.
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These new rights include:
I nuovi diritti prevedono:
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- Non-discrimination based on nationality regarding tariffs and other contract conditions;
- la non discriminazione basata sulla cittadinanza riguardo alle tariffe e ad altre condizioni contrattuali;
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- non-discriminatory treatment for disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility. Specifically, free-of-charge assistance both at designated bus terminals and on board buses and coaches, as well as financial compensation for loss of or damage to their mobility equipment;
- il trattamento non discriminatorio per le persone disabili o a mobilità ridotta (nello specifico, assistenza gratuita nelle stazioni di autobus designate e a bordo degli autobus, nonché la compensazione pecuniaria per la perdita o il danneggiamento delle loro attrezzature per la mobilità);
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- adequate and accessible information for all passengers before and during their journey, as well as general information in bus terminals and on the internet about their rights;
- informazioni adeguate e accessibili per tutti i passeggeri prima e durante il viaggio nonché informazioni a carattere generale sui loro diritti nelle stazioni e su internet;
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- reimbursement of the full ticket price or rerouting in case of overbooking, cancellation or delay of more than 2 hours from the estimated time of departure (only applicable for journeys of more than 250 km distance);
il rimborso del prezzo del biglietto o il reinstradamento in caso di accettazione di un numero di prenotazioni superiore ai posti disponibili, di cancellazione o di ritardo superiore a due ore rispetto all’ora di partenza prevista (applicabile solo per distanze superiori a 250 km);
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- compensation of 50% of the ticket price in addition to the reimbursement of the full price in case of overbooking, cancellation or a delay of more than 2 hours from the estimated time of departure, when the bus and coach company fails to offer the passenger the right to choose between reimbursement and rerouting (only applicable for journeys of more than 250 km distance);
il rimborso del 50% del prezzo del biglietto oltre al rimborso del prezzo pieno del biglietto; in caso di accettazione di un numero di prenotazioni superiore ai posti disponibili, di cancellazione o di ritardo superiore a due ore rispetto all’ora di partenza prevista, qualora la società di trasporti non consenta al passeggero di scegliere tra rimborso e reinstradamento (applicabile solo per distanze superiori ai 250 km);
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- adequate assistance (snacks, meals, refreshments, as well as, if necessary, accommodation) in case of cancellation or delay of more than 90 minutes for journeys longer than 3 hours (only applicable for journeys of more than 250 km distance);
- un’adeguata assistenza (spuntini, pasti, bevande e, se necessario, alloggio) in caso di cancellazione o ritardo superiore a 90 minuti per i viaggi di durata superiore alle tre ore (applicabile solo per distanze superiori ai 250 km);
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- compensation for death, injury, loss or damage to luggage caused by road accidents;
- il risarcimento per il decesso, le lesioni, la perdita o il danneggiamento del bagaglio in seguito a incidenti stradali;
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- a complaint handling mechanism established by the bus and coach companies and available to all passengers;
- un sistema per la gestione dei reclami istituito dalle società di trasporti e a disposizione di tutti i passeggeri;
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- setting-up of independent bodies in each EU Member State with the mandate to enforce the regulation and, where appropriate, to impose penalties.
- l’istituzione in ogni Stato membro di organismi nazionali indipendenti incaricati di garantire l’applicazione del regolamento e, se del caso, di imporre sanzioni.
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Before the European Commission decided to present its proposal on bus and coach passenger rights five years ago, there was neither an international agreement applicable in most Member States nor any EU legislation establishing general rights for this mode of transport.
Prima che la Commissione europea decidesse di presentare, cinque anni fa, una proposta sui diritti dei passeggeri che viaggiano in autobus non esisteva né un accordo internazionale applicabile nella maggior parte degli Stati membri né una normativa UE che definisse diritti generali per questo modo di trasporto.
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The adoption of the bus and coach passenger rights regulation in 2011 marked the completion of the legal framework for users of all transport modes at EU level.
L’adozione nel 2011 del regolamento relativo ai diritti dei passeggeri nel trasporto effettuato con autobus ha completato il quadro giuridico per gli utenti di tutti i modi di trasporto a livello dell’UE.
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Today the EU is the first integrated area of passenger rights in the world: passengers are protected when they travel across the EU no matter whether they travel by air, by rail, by boat or by bus or coach.
Oggi l'Unione è il primo spazio integrato al mondo nel quale sono garantiti i diritti dei passeggeri che sono tutelati quando viaggiano nell'UE con qualsiasi modo di trasporto: aereo, ferroviario, marittimo o in autobus.
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Next steps
Prossime tappe
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The European Commission will hold the first meeting with national authorities during the autumn of 2013 in order to coordinate the effective application of bus and coach passenger rights legislation.
Nell’autunno del 2013 la Commissione europea organizzerà la prima riunione con le autorità nazionali per coordinare l'effettiva attuazione della normativa sui diritti dei passeggeri nel trasporto effettuato con autobus.
Passenger rights:better protection for bus and coach travellers in the EU
Today, Regulation (EU) No 181/2011 on bus and coach passenger rights
becomes applicable, providing bus and coach travellers throughout the EU with
new rights.
The regulation lays down travellers' basic rights, and imposes a number
of obligations on bus and coach companies and terminal managers concerning their
responsibility towards the passengers.
Every year around 70 million passengers travel by buses and coaches in
the EU.
European Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for
transport, said:
"We have kept our promise: thanks to this regulation EU passenger rights are
also extended to bus and coach transport.
The EU is now the first area in the world with a full set of passenger rights
for all modes of transport."
The bus and coach regulation lays down passenger rights similar to
those for air, train and boat transport.
These new rights include:
- Non-discrimination based on nationality regarding tariffs and other
contract conditions;
- non-discriminatory treatment for disabled persons and persons with
reduced mobility. Specifically, free-of-charge assistance both at designated bus
terminals and on board buses and coaches, as well as financial compensation for
loss of or damage to their mobility equipment;
- adequate and accessible information for all passengers before and
during their journey, as well as general information in bus terminals and on the
internet about their rights;
- reimbursement of the full ticket price or rerouting in case of
overbooking, cancellation or delay of more than 2 hours from the estimated time
of departure (only applicable for journeys of more than 250 km distance);
- compensation of 50% of the ticket price in addition to the reimbursement of
the full price in case of overbooking, cancellation or a delay of more than 2
hours from the estimated time of departure, when the bus and coach company fails
to offer the passenger the right to choose between reimbursement and rerouting
(only applicable for journeys of more than 250 km distance);
- adequate assistance (snacks, meals, refreshments, as well as, if
necessary, accommodation) in case of cancellation or delay of more than 90
minutes for journeys longer than 3 hours (only applicable for journeys of more
than 250 km distance);
- compensation for death, injury, loss or damage to luggage caused by
road accidents;
- a complaint handling mechanism established by the bus and coach
companies and available to all passengers;
- setting-up of independent bodies in each EU Member State with the
mandate to enforce the regulation and, where appropriate, to impose penalties.
Before the European Commission decided to present its proposal on bus
and coach passenger rights five years ago, there was neither an international
agreement applicable in most Member States nor any EU legislation establishing
general rights for this mode of transport.
The adoption of the bus and coach passenger rights regulation in 2011 marked the
completion of the legal framework for users of all transport modes at EU level.
Today the EU is the first integrated area of passenger rights in the
world: passengers are protected when they travel across the EU no matter whether
they travel by air, by rail, by boat or by bus or coach.
Next steps
The European Commission will hold the first meeting with national
authorities during the autumn of 2013 in order to coordinate the effective
application of bus and coach passenger rights legislation.