Accordo con la BEI per favorire i progressi nel campo delle tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali
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Data documento: 27-02-2013
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Agreement with EIB for breakthrough of Key Enabling Technologies
Accordo con la BEI per favorire i progressi nel campo delle tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali
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At the inaugural meeting of the High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the European Commission and the European Investment Bank that will pave the way for improved access to finance for investments in key enabling technologies.
In occasione della riunione inaugurale del Gruppo ad alto livello sulle cosiddette “Tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali” (Key Enabling Technologies – KET), è stato firmato un memorandum d’intesa tra la Commissione europea e la Banca europea per gli investimenti che permetta un accesso più agevole al credito destinato alle tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali.
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KETs - nanotechnology, micro-/nanoelectronics, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics and advanced manufacturing technologies – are of exceptional importance for shaping the future innovation and competitiveness of the EU.
Le KET – nanotecnologie, micro/nanoelettronica, biotecnologie industriali, materiali avanzati, fotonica e tecnologie avanzate di produzione – sono di fondamentale importanza per plasmare l’innovazione e la competitività future della UE.
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The global market in KETs is forecast to grow from about EUR 650 billion in 2008 to over one trillion euro in 2015.
Si prevede che il mercato globale delle KET passi dai 650 miliardi di EUR circa del 2008, a oltre 1 000 miliardi di EUR nel 2015.
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World leading industries in fields of automotive, chemicals, aeronautics, space, health and energy are all users of KETs.
Tutte le industrie di punta a livello mondiale nel settore automobilistico, chimico, aeronautico, aerospaziale, sanitario e dell’energia utilizzano le KET.
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To ensure the EU can fully participate in this growth and indeed continue its leading position, a new High-Level Group on KETs was launched today to assist the Commission in the implementation of the European strategy to boost the industrial production of KETs-based products in Europe.
Per far sì che la UE partecipi a questa crescita e continui a mantenere la sua posizione leader, è stato istituito oggi un nuovo gruppo ad alto livello nel campo delle KET che assista la Commissione nell’attuare la strategia europea volta a migliorare la fabbricazione industriale di prodotti europei basati sulle KET.
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The Group was inaugurated by European Commission Vice-Presidents Antonio Tajani and Neelie Kroes as well as Commissioners Máire Geoghegan-Quinn and Johannes Hahn, reflecting the cross cutting influences on KETs: industry policy, the digital agenda, research, research, innovation and science, and regional policy.
Il gruppo è stato salutato dai vicepresidenti della Commissione europea Neelie Kroes e Antonio Tajani nonché dai commissari Máire Geoghegan-Quinn e Johannes Hahn, con una riflessione sulle influenze trasversali esercitate dalle KET sulla politica industriale, sull’Agenda digitale, sulla ricerca, sull’innovazione e sulla scienza nonché sulla politica regionale.
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European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, and Vice President Philippe de Fontaine Vive, responsible for innovation at the Bank, underlined that the agreement signed between the two institutions was a strong signal to Europe.
Il vicepresidente della Commissione europea Antonio Tajani, commissario per l’industria e le imprese, ha sottolineato che l’accordo concluso con la BEI
(Vicepresidente Philippe de Fontaine Vive, responsabile per l'innovazione) lancia un segnale inequivocabile per l’Europa.
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Key Enabling Technologies should be a priority investment area in Europe.
Le tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali sono in Europa un settore d’investimento prioritario.
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Develop the industrial deployment of European KETs
Sviluppare in Europa l’applicazione su scala industriale delle KET
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The group aims to foster the industrial deployment of European KETs in order to keep pace with our main international competitors, restore growth, create jobs and help address today's major societal challenges.
Il gruppo mira a promuovere in Europa l’applicazione su scala industriale delle KET in modo da tenere il passo con i principali concorrenti internazionali, rilanciare la crescita, creare occupazione e contribuire ad affrontare le grandi sfide della società contemporanea.
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The high-level group will advise the Commission on the implementation of the strategy to boost KETs in Europe.
Il gruppo di esperti ad alto livello informerà la Commissione sui tempi e i modi di attuazione delle strategie riguardanti le KET in Europa.
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The scope of issues to be discussed by the high-level group is broad and relates to:
L’ampiezza delle questioni che il gruppo ad alto livello dovrà affrontare si estende fino ad abbracciare:
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- Research and innovation aspects,
- aspetti relativi alla ricerca e all’innovazione,
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- Financial engineering mechanisms for KETs-projects,
- meccanismi di ingegneria finanziaria per i progetti KET,
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- Cooperation of KETs value chain stakeholders,
- cooperazione tra parti interessate nella catena del valore delle KET,
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- Trade and state aid related issues,
- questioni relative al commercio e agli aiuti di Stato,
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- Human capital & skills and
- capitale umano e competenze, e
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- National and regional KETs policies.
- politiche nazionali e regionali nel campo delle KET.
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Vice-President Antonio Tajani and EIB Vice President Philippe de Fontaine Vive drew attention to the fact that the Commission and the EIB had already adapted its policy instruments to promote the industrial deployment of KETs and that more coordination was now needed to prevent the leaving of industry Europe, as well as that of Europe's centres of excellence.
Il vicepresidente Antonio Tajani ed il vicepresidente Philippe de
Fontaine Vive della BEI hanno richiamato l’attenzione sul fatto che la Commissione aveva già orientato i propri strumenti politici alla promozione su scala industriale delle KET e che è ora necessario un maggior coordinamento per impedire la deindustrializzazione e la chiusura dei centri di eccellenza europei.
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Both expressed their strong wish that the private and other actors represented in the High-Level Group had to contribute to the successful deployment of key enabling technologies.
Hanno espresso l’augurio che il settore privato e altri soggetti rappresentati nel gruppo ad alto livello contribuiscano all’effettiva applicazione delle tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali.
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The following key organisations are represented in the HLG:
Nel Gruppo ad alto livello sono rappresentate le seguenti principali organizzazioni:
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- technology providers for each of the six KET:
- fornitori di tecnologia per ciascuna delle 6 KET:
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nanotechnology, micro & nano-electronics, photonics, advanced materials, industrial biotechnology and advanced manufacturing systems
nanotecnologie, micro e nanoelettronica, fotonica, materiali avanzati, biotecnologia industriale e sistemi avanzati di fabbricazione;
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- down-stream industry users – e.g.energy, aeronautics, equipment, healthcare, biomaterials - as the aim of the KETs Strategy is to boost the production of KETs-based product;
- utenti industriali a valle – ad esempio, settore energetico, aeronautico, impiantistico, sanitario e dei biomateriali – in quanto l’obiettivo alla base della strategia delle KET è quello di incrementare la fabbricazione di prodotti basati sulle KET;
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- civil society representatives and cross-cutting KETs representatives:
- rappresentanti della società civile e della “trasversalità” delle KET:
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trade union association, environmental NGO, movement involving local and regional authorities as well as the Skills and SME Community, the Research Community and the European Investment Bank;
sindacati, ONG ambientali, movimenti che coinvolgano enti locali e regionali nonché la rappresentanza di competenze e PMI, il mondo della ricerca e la Banca europea per gli investimenti;
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- Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs), e.g.
Energy Efficient Buildings, Factories of the Future, Green Cars.
- partenariati pubblico-privato (PPP) nel campo, ad esempio, dell’edilizia ad alta efficienza energetica, delle fabbriche del futuro e delle automobili verdi.
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Key Enabling Technologies
Le tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali
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Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) - nanotechnology, micro-/nanoelectronics, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics and advanced manufacturing technologies – provide the technology bricks that enable a wide range of innovative product applications, including those required to address societal challenges.
Le KET – cioè le nanotecnologie, la micro/nanoelettronica, le biotecnologie industriali, la fotonica, i materiali avanzati e le tecnologie avanzate di produzione – forniscono le basi tecnologiche necessarie a un’ampia gamma di applicazioni di prodotti innovativi, assolutamente necessari per fronteggiare le sfide della società.
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Examples of KETs-based products are high-efficiency photonic LEDs;
Esempi di prodotti basati su KET sono i LED fotonici ad alto rendimento;
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advanced batteries combining advanced materials and nanotechnologies for electro-mobility;
le batterie avanzate, che combinano materiali avanzati e nanotecnologie, finalizzate alla elettromobilità;
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biochips combining advanced materials, nanoelectronics and photonics to detect diseases;
i biochip che combinano materiali avanzati, nanoelettronica e fotonica, in campo diagnostico;
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low friction car tyres based on industrial biotechnology;
i pneumatici a basso attrito, basati sulle biotecnologie industriali;
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nanocomponents issued from nanoelectronics for mobile phones etc.
i nanocomponenti, di origine nanoelettronica, destinati ai telefoni cellulari, ecc.
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Europe no longer KETs innovation leader
L’Europa non è più leader dell’innovazione nel campo delle KET
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Europe is a global leader in KETs research and development with a global share in patent applications of more than 30%.
L’Europa è leader mondiale nella R&S nel campo delle KET con una quota complessiva di domande di brevetto superiore al 30%.
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Despite this, the EU is not translating its dominant R&D base into the production of goods and services needed to stimulate growth and jobs.
Malgrado ciò, il dominio UE nella R&S non si traduce nella produzione di beni e servizi che sono necessari per stimolare la crescita e l’occupazione.
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This is why the Commission called in June 2012 for a European effort to boost KETs.
Per questo, nel giugno 2012, la Commissione ha lanciato un appello teso a rafforzare le KET.
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The importance of KETs in delivering sustainable growth, creating high-value jobs and solving societal challenges has also been underlined in the reinforced industrial policy Communication of October 2012.
Il ruolo delle KET nella crescita sostenibile, nella creazione di posti di lavoro altamente qualificati e nella soluzione delle problematiche sociali è stato anche sottolineato nella comunicazione sul rafforzamento della politica industriale, rilasciata nell’ottobre 2012.
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Previous High-Level Group on KETs
Il precedente Gruppo ad alto livello nel campo delle KET
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The first High Level Group for KET had a mandate of one year and developed a shared long-term strategy on how to improve the deployment of KETs at European level.
Il primo Gruppo ad alto livello per le tecnologie abilitanti fondamentali (first High Level Group for KET) aveva un mandato di un anno e aveva messo a punto una strategia condivisa a lungo termine sul modo per migliorare la promozione delle KET a livello europeo.
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The group published its final report in June 2011.
Il Gruppo ha pubblicato la relazione finale nel giugno 2011.
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The final report and the eleven specific recommendations were carefully considered when preparing the European strategy for KETs, adopted by the Commission in June 2012.
La relazione finale e le 11 raccomandazioni specifiche sono state attentamente esaminate nel corso della preparazione della strategia europea per le KET, adottata dalla Commissione nel giugno 2012.
Agreement with EIB for breakthrough of Key Enabling Technologies
At the inaugural meeting of the High Level Group on Key Enabling
Technologies, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the European
Commission and the European Investment Bank that will pave the way for improved
access to finance for investments in key enabling technologies.
KETs - nanotechnology, micro-/nanoelectronics, industrial
biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics and advanced manufacturing
technologies – are of exceptional importance for shaping the future innovation
and competitiveness of the EU.
The global market in KETs is forecast to grow from about EUR 650
billion in 2008 to over one trillion euro in 2015.
World leading industries in fields of automotive, chemicals,
aeronautics, space, health and energy are all users of KETs.
To ensure the EU can fully participate in this growth and indeed
continue its leading position, a new High-Level Group on KETs was launched today
to assist the Commission in the implementation of the European strategy to boost
the industrial production of KETs-based products in Europe.
The Group was inaugurated by European Commission Vice-Presidents Antonio Tajani
and Neelie Kroes as well as Commissioners Máire Geoghegan-Quinn and Johannes
Hahn, reflecting the cross cutting influences on KETs: industry policy, the
digital agenda, research, research, innovation and science, and regional policy.
The EIB is represented in the High-Level Group by EIB Vice President Philippe de
Fontaine Vive. European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner
for Enterprise and Industry, and Vice President Philippe de Fontaine Vive,
responsible for innovation at the Bank, underlined that the agreement signed
between the two institutions was a strong signal to Europe.
Key Enabling Technologies should be a priority investment area in Europe.
Develop the industrial deployment of European KETs
The group aims to foster the industrial deployment of European KETs in order to
keep pace with our main international competitors, restore growth, create jobs
and help address today's major societal challenges.
The high-level group will advise the Commission on the implementation of the
strategy to boost KETs in Europe.
The scope of issues to be discussed by the high-level group is broad and relates
- Research and innovation aspects,
- Financial engineering mechanisms for KETs-projects,
- Cooperation of KETs value chain stakeholders,
- Trade and state aid related issues,
- Human capital & skills and
- National and regional KETs policies.
Vice-President Antonio Tajani and EIB Vice President Philippe de Fontaine Vive
drew attention to the fact that the Commission and the EIB had already adapted
its policy instruments to promote the industrial deployment of KETs and that
more coordination was now needed to prevent the leaving of industry Europe, as
well as that of Europe's centres of excellence.
Both expressed their strong wish that the private and other actors represented
in the High-Level Group had to contribute to the successful deployment of key
enabling technologies.
The following key organisations are represented in the HLG:
- technology providers for each of the six KET:
nanotechnology, micro & nano-electronics, photonics, advanced materials,
industrial biotechnology and advanced manufacturing systems
- down-stream industry users – e.g.energy, aeronautics, equipment, healthcare,
biomaterials - as the aim of the KETs Strategy is to boost the production of
KETs-based product;
- civil society representatives and cross-cutting KETs representatives:
trade union association, environmental NGO, movement involving local and
regional authorities as well as the Skills and SME Community, the Research
Community and the European Investment Bank;
- Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs), e.g.
Energy Efficient Buildings, Factories of the Future, Green Cars.
Key Enabling Technologies
Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) - nanotechnology, micro-/nanoelectronics,
industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics and advanced
manufacturing technologies – provide the technology bricks that enable a wide
range of innovative product applications, including those required to address
societal challenges.
Examples of KETs-based products are high-efficiency photonic LEDs;
advanced batteries combining advanced materials and nanotechnologies for
biochips combining advanced materials, nanoelectronics and photonics to detect
low friction car tyres based on industrial biotechnology;
nanocomponents issued from nanoelectronics for mobile phones etc.
Europe no longer KETs innovation leader
Europe is a global leader in KETs research and development with a global share
in patent applications of more than 30%.
Despite this, the EU is not translating its dominant R&D base into the
production of goods and services needed to stimulate growth and jobs.
This is why the Commission called in June 2012 for a European effort to boost
The importance of KETs in delivering sustainable growth, creating high-value
jobs and solving societal challenges has also been underlined in the reinforced
industrial policy Communication of October 2012.
Previous High-Level Group on KETs
The first High Level Group for KET had a mandate of one year and developed a
shared long-term strategy on how to improve the deployment of KETs at European
The group published its final report in June 2011.
The final report and the eleven specific recommendations were carefully
considered when preparing the European strategy for KETs, adopted by the
Commission in June 2012.