UE araldo mondiale della lotta contro la povertà e dello sviluppo sostenibile
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Data documento: 27-02-2013
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EU to take leading role in global fight against poverty and strive for sustainable development
UE araldo mondiale della lotta contro la povertà e dello sviluppo sostenibile
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As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) come to an end in 2015 and the Rio+20 conference launched the process for the formulation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the European Commission acknowledges that both challenges must be tackled together through a joined up approach.
Mentre scade nel 2015 il termine per realizzare gli obiettivi di sviluppo del millennio (OSM), l'elaborazione di nuovi obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (OSS) è stata avviata alla Conferenza di Rio+20. Su questo sfondo la Commissione europea fa appello a un approccio comune che agisca su entrambi i fronti.
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The MDGs have been a powerful tool to mobilise the world around the fight against poverty. Today, tackling poverty remains a top priority as well as other global challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, environmental degradation and social inequalities.
Se da un lato gli OSM si sono rivelati un potente strumento di mobilitazione mondiale nella lotta contro la povertà, eliminare la povertà rimane comunque un imperativo, come pure contrastare i cambiamenti climatici, la scarsità delle risorse, il degrado ambientale e la disuguaglianza sociale.
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The two challenges of eradicating poverty and ensuring a sustainable development are interlinked and the Communication "A Decent Life for All:
Ending Poverty and Giving the World a Sustainable Future",
presented today by the European Commission, proposes a global framework to
address both issues,
Eliminazione della povertà e sviluppo sostenibile sono infatti due sfide mondiali interconnesse. Partendo da questa evidenza, la comunicazione "Un'esistenza dignitosa per tutti:
sconfiggere la povertà e offrire al mondo un
futuro sostenibile", presentata oggi dalla Commissione europea, propone un
quadro globale per affrontare entrambe contemporaneamente. |
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with a view to achieve an EU common position to feed the debate at the UN and worldwide.
L'intento della Commissione è raggiungere una posizione comune in seno all'Unione che andrà a alimentare il dibattito in sede ONU e nel resto del mondo.
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European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, said:
Il Commissario europeo per lo Sviluppo, Andris Piebalgs, ha così commentato:
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"Eradicating extreme poverty across the globe in a single generation is within reach.
"La povertà estrema nel mondo può essere eliminata nell'arco di una generazione.
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It is not a question of resources, but rather of having the political will and the right framework.
Non è una questione di risorse:si tratta di avere la volontà politica e un quadro adeguato.
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The next two years will be critical for the international community to prove the ambition is there.
I prossimi due anni saranno cruciali per la comunità internazionale, che dovrà dimostrare di voler realizzare questa ambizione.
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The EU is determined to play a decisive role and today’s proposal is a first step in this direction."
L'Unione è determinata a giocare un ruolo decisivo e la proposta di oggi è un primo passo in questa direzione."
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European Commissioner for Environment Janez
Potočnik said:
Il Commissario europeo per l'Ambiente, Janez
Potočnik, ha aggiunto:
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"Efforts to end poverty have to go hand-in-hand with sustainable development. Otherwise we will simply not be successful.
"Gli sforzi per eliminare la povertà devono andare di pari passo con lo sviluppo sostenibile, altrimenti risulteranno vani.
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This is why today's Communication proposes a single, coherent framework to offer a decent life for all by 2030."
Per questo motivo la comunicazione di oggi propone un unico quadro coerente che assicuri a tutti un'esistenza dignitosa entro il 2030."
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The framework should include a limited set of goals, clear and inspiring, addressing not only quantitative targets, but also qualitative ones such as standards in education, nutrition, access to clean water and air.
Il nuovo quadro dovrà stabilire un numero limitato di obiettivi chiari e illuminanti, con traguardi non solo quantitativi ma anche qualitativi, come standard in materia di istruzione, nutrizione, acqua potabile e aria pulita.
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These goals should establish a floor under which no man, woman or child should fall by 2030, in order to provide a Decent Life for All.
Per garantire a tutti un'esistenza dignitosa, i nuovi obiettivi dovranno stabilire un livello di vita minimo al di sotto del quale nessuno – uomo, donna o bambino – dovrà più trovarsi alle soglie del 2030.
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The framework should address crucial elements such as the basic human living standards, the drivers for an inclusive and sustainable growth, the sustainable management of natural resources, the issues of equity, equality and justice, and peace and security. It should apply to all countries, and be relevant to every citizen on the planet, and should ensure an effective partnership between countries, the civil society and the private sector at national and international level.
È essenziale che il nuovo quadro abbracci una serie di tematiche cruciali – standard di vita essenziali, motori della crescita inclusiva e sostenibile, gestione sostenibile delle risorse naturali, equità, uguaglianza, giustizia, pace, sicurezza – e che si applichi a tutti i paesi, che tenga conto di tutte le categorie di cittadini e che garantisca un partenariato reale tra Stati, società civile e settore privato, tanto in ambito nazionale che internazionale.
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Over the last decade, the Millennium Development Goals have been a powerful tool to mobilise the world around the fight against poverty.
Negli ultimi decenni gli OSM si sono rivelati un potente strumento di mobilitazione mondiale nella lotta contro la povertà.
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Although some progress towards achieving them has been made, challenges remain, highlighting the need to deliver on the unfinished business of the current MDG agenda, ending in 2015.
Malgrado i progressi ottenuti verso la loro realizzazione, una serie di sfide rimangono aperte e occorre quindi completare l'attuale programma, che termina nel 2015.
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In 2012, the UN secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has appointed a High Level Panel – in which Commissioner Piebalgs serves- to propose a post-2015 development agenda.
Nel 2012 il segretario generale dell'ONU Ban Ki-Moon ha incaricato un gruppo ad alto livello – di cui fa parte il Commissario Piebalgs – di proporre un programma di sviluppo post-2015.
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In autumn 2013, a UN General Assembly special event will take stock of the efforts made towards achieving the MDGs, discuss ways to accelerate progress before 2015, and start exchanging on what could follow after that date.
Il prossimo autunno un evento speciale in sede ONU permetterà di fare il punto degli sforzi fin qui profusi verso il conseguimento degli OSM, di discutere come accelerare i progressi fino al 2015 e di cominciare lo scambio di proposte sul da farsi in seguito.
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At the same time, at the Rio+20 Conference in June 2012, the international community agreed to step up action on key sustainability challenges and started the process for the formulation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will be taken forward by the UN Open Working Group on SDGs.
Contemporaneamente alla Conferenza di Rio+20, tenutasi a giugno 2012, la comunità internazionale ha convenuto di intensificare l'azione intesa a affrontare le principali sfide della sostenibilità e ha avviato un processo di elaborazione di obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (OSS), conferendo il mandato a un apposito gruppo di lavoro aperto dell'ONU.
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The commitments made at the Rio+20 Conference in June 2012 now need to be implemented.
Gli impegni assunti alla Conferenza di Rio+20 vanno ora rispettati.
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A report on Sustainable Development Goals is due to be presented to the UN General Assembly by September 2014, and today's Communication will feed into the EU position on how these should be formulated.
Entro settembre 2014 verrà presentata all'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite una relazione sugli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile e la comunicazione di oggi servirà a definire la posizione dell'Unione sulla loro formulazione.
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The Communication adopted today calls for these two processes to converge as soon as possible and be integrated into a single framework after 2015.
La comunicazione adottata oggi propone di far convergere e integrare quanto prima questi due processi in un unico quadro post-2015.
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The Communication is the result of a broad consultation process with Member States, stakeholders and the general public.
Il testo è il risultato di un ampio processo di consultazione, che ha visto coinvolti gli Stati membri, le parti interessate e il grande pubblico.
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The EU is the world’s largest aid donor, providing more than half of all development aid.
Maggiore donatore mondiale, l'Unione europea eroga oltre la metà degli aiuti totali allo sviluppo.
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The EU is also the most significant trading partner for developing countries, as well as a key source of technology, innovation, investment and entrepreneurship.
Al tempo stesso l'Unione è il più importante partner commerciale dei paesi in via di sviluppo e la principale fonte di tecnologie, innovazioni, investimenti e imprenditorialità.
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Together, these elements have meant that the EU has been able to make a significant contribution to the achievement of the MDGs.
La combinazione di questi due fattori ne determinano il contributo significativo al raggiungimento degli OSM.
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For instance, between 2004 and 2010 EU aid provided 32 million people with access to drinking water, enrolled more than 10 million children in primary education and helped to immunise more than 5 million children against measles.
Grazie agli aiuti dell'UE, per esempio, tra il 2004 e il 2010 ben 32 milioni di persone hanno avuto accesso all'acqua potabile, oltre 10 milioni di bambini hanno potuto frequentare la scuola primaria e più di 5 milioni di bambini sono stati vaccinati contro il morbillo.
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The EU will continue to strive for global sustainable development, and support the transition to an inclusive green economy- notably through a range of policies and actions both at union level and internationally.
L'Unione continuerà a battersi per lo sviluppo sostenibile mondiale e a sostenere la transizione verso un'economia verde inclusiva tramite una serie di politiche e interventi condotti sia al proprio interno che sul piano internazionale.
EU to take leading role in global fight against poverty and
strive for sustainable development
As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) come to an end in
2015 and the Rio+20 conference launched the process for the formulation of
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the European Commission acknowledges that
both challenges must be tackled together through a joined up approach.
The MDGs have been a powerful tool to mobilise the world
around the fight against poverty. Today, tackling poverty remains a top priority
as well as other global challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity,
environmental degradation and social inequalities.
The two challenges of eradicating poverty and ensuring a
sustainable development are interlinked and the Communication "A Decent Life for
All:Ending Poverty and Giving the World a Sustainable Future", presented today
by the European Commission, proposes a global framework to address both issues,
with a view to achieve an EU common position to feed the debate at the UN and
European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, said:
"Eradicating extreme poverty across the globe in a single
generation is within reach.
It is not a question of resources, but rather of having the
political will and the right framework.
The next two years will be critical for the international
community to prove the ambition is there.
The EU is determined to play a decisive role and today’s
proposal is a first step in this direction."
European Commissioner for Environment Janez
"Efforts to end poverty have to go hand-in-hand with
sustainable development. Otherwise we will simply not be successful.
This is why today's Communication proposes a single, coherent
framework to offer a decent life for all by 2030."
The framework should include a limited set of goals, clear and
inspiring, addressing not only quantitative targets, but also qualitative ones
such as standards in education, nutrition, access to clean water and air.
These goals should establish a floor under which no man, woman
or child should fall by 2030, in order to provide a Decent Life for All.
The framework should address crucial elements such as the
basic human living standards, the drivers for an inclusive and sustainable
growth, the sustainable management of natural resources, the issues of equity,
equality and justice, and peace and security. It should apply to all countries,
and be relevant to every citizen on the planet, and should ensure an effective
partnership between countries, the civil society and the private sector at
national and international level.
Over the last decade, the Millennium Development Goals have
been a powerful tool to mobilise the world around the fight against poverty.
Although some progress towards achieving them has been made,
challenges remain, highlighting the need to deliver on the unfinished business
of the current MDG agenda, ending in 2015.
In 2012, the UN secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has appointed a
High Level Panel – in which Commissioner Piebalgs serves- to propose a post-2015
development agenda.
In autumn 2013, a UN General Assembly special event will take
stock of the efforts made towards achieving the MDGs, discuss ways to accelerate
progress before 2015, and start exchanging on what could follow after that date.
At the same time, at the Rio+20 Conference in June 2012, the
international community agreed to step up action on key sustainability
challenges and started the process for the formulation of Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) that will be taken forward by the UN Open Working Group
on SDGs.
The commitments made at the Rio+20 Conference in June 2012 now
need to be implemented.
A report on Sustainable Development Goals is due to be
presented to the UN General Assembly by September 2014, and today's
Communication will feed into the EU position on how these should be formulated.
The Communication adopted today calls for these two processes
to converge as soon as possible and be integrated into a single framework after
The Communication is the result of a broad consultation
process with Member States, stakeholders and the general public.
The EU is the world’s largest aid donor, providing more than
half of all development aid.
The EU is also the most significant trading partner for developing countries, as
well as a key source of technology, innovation, investment and entrepreneurship.
Together, these elements have meant that the EU has been able
to make a significant contribution to the achievement of the MDGs.
For instance, between 2004 and 2010 EU aid provided 32 million
people with access to drinking water, enrolled more than 10 million children in
primary education and helped to immunise more than 5 million children against
The EU will continue to strive for global sustainable
development, and support the transition to an inclusive green economy- notably
through a range of policies and actions both at union level and internationally.