Mobilitare le capitali dell'UE: il commissario Hahn sollecita i sindaci a svolgere un ruolo guida per far uscire l'Europa dalla crisi
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Data documento: 27-02-2013
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Mobilising EU Capital Cities:Commissioner Hahn urges Mayors to lead Europe out of crisis
Mobilitare le capitali dell'UE: il commissario Hahn sollecita i sindaci a svolgere un ruolo guida per far uscire l'Europa dalla crisi
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EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, will host the first direct talks between the European Commission and the EU's capital cities tomorrow, February 28.
Domani, 28 febbraio, Johannes Hahn, Commissario UE responsabile per la Politica regionale, ospiterà i primi colloqui diretti tra la Commissione europea e le capitali dell'UE.
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Commissioner Hahn will call on the 20 mayors attending to show leadership in the push for recovery and growth. He has argued for a more central role for capital cities as Europe’s economic and social powerhouses.
Il Commissario Hahn, che auspica un ruolo più centrale per le capitali in quanto volani dell'economia e della società in Europa, solleciterà i venti sindaci partecipanti a far prova di leadership al fine di contribuire alla ripresa economica e alla crescita.
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He is also pushing for a more prominent urban dimension in Cohesion Policy and across all EU policies.
Il commissario propone inoltre una dimensione urbana più prominente nell'ambito della politica di coesione e di tutte le politiche dell'UE.
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The event aims to promote dialogue between the mayors of Europe’s capitals: between themselves, the European Commission and to mobilise them to fulfill the goals of the Europe2020 Agenda for Growth.
L'evento intende promuovere il dialogo tra i sindaci delle capitali europee e la Commissione e mobilitarli per raggiungere gli obiettivi dell'Agenda Europa 2020 per la crescita.
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Commissioners Neelie Kroes for Digital Agenda and Janez
Potočnik for Environment will also participate in the meeting.
I Commissari Neelie Kroes, responsabile per l'Agenda digitale, e Janez
Potočnik, responsabile per l'Ambiente, parteciperanno anch'essi alla riunione.
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The mayors of Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Bucharest, Lisbon, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Madrid, Nicosia, Rome, Sofia, Stockholm, Tallinn, Valetta, Vienna, Vilnius, Warsaw and Zagreb - all present- will produce a joint statement on the role of cities and their central role as motors for sustainable, smart and inclusive growth.
I sindaci di Amsterdam, Atene, Berlino, Bratislava, Bruxelles, Bucarest, Lisbona, Lubiana, Lussemburgo, Madrid, Nicosia, Roma, Sofia, Stoccolma, Tallinn, Valletta, Vienna, Vilnius, Varsavia e Zagabria presenteranno una dichiarazione congiunta sul ruolo delle città e sulla loro funzione essenziale di motori della crescita sostenibile, intelligente e inclusiva.
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This statement will also be supported by a number of those mayors not able to attend.
Questa dichiarazione riceverà inoltre l'avvallo di diversi sindaci che non potranno presenziare all'evento.
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Before the meeting Commissioner Hahn said, "Capital cities are where Europe's economic and social problems are often most concentrated and most visible.
Prima della riunione il Commissario Hahn ha affermato: "Le capitali sono i luoghi in cui i problemi socioeconomici dell'Europa sono spesso più concentrati e più visibili.
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But they are also the powerhouses of Europe - where the most important solutions can be found: in the fields of competitiveness, employment, education, transport, environment and innovation.
Ma esse sono anche il volano dell'Europa: è lì che si possono trovare le soluzioni più importanti negli ambiti della competitività, dell'occupazione, dell'istruzione, dei trasporti, dell'ambiente e dell'innovazione.
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This makes them crucial in lifting Europe out of crisis.
Ciò le rende cruciali per far uscire l'Europa dalla crisi.
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Without Europe's capital cities we cannot make the Europe2020 Growth Agenda a reality.
Senza le capitali europee non possiamo tradurre in realtà l'Agenda per la crescita di Europa 2020.
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That's why I am calling on the mayors to lead the way in lifting Europe out of crisis."
Questo è il motivo per cui invito i sindaci a svolgere un ruolo guida per far uscire l'Europa dalla crisi."
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Commissioner Hahn has consistently championed the cause of cities, arguing for greater attention to the development of Europe's cities in decision making at a European level: in Cohesion Policy but also for a more prominent urban dimension across all EU policies.
Il Commissario Hahn patrocina da sempre la causa delle città e chiede che si riservi una maggiore attenzione allo sviluppo delle città europee nell'ambito del processo decisionale a livello europeo non solo nell'ambito della politica di coesione ma anche inserendo una dimensione urbana più prominente in tutte le politiche unionali.
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How future EU policies and investments will incorporate this will be a key element of the Mayors' round-table discussion.
In che modo le future politiche e i futuri investimenti dell'UE riusciranno a rispondere a tali aspettative sarà un elemento chiave della tavola rotonda dei sindaci.
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At the meeting, Vice-President Kroes will discuss the importance of ICT for smart growth in cities, especially with reference to the recently launched European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities.
Nella riunione la vicepresidente Kroes discuterà l'importanza delle TIC per la crescita intelligente nelle città, soprattutto in relazione al neoinaugurato Partenariato europeo per l'innovazione sulle città e comunità intelligenti.
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She will also underline that getting fast internet connections everywhere in Europe is a key enabler for social and economic progress, requiring the appropriate level of support at EU level.
Essa ribadirà inoltre che il fatto di disporre di connessioni veloci a Internet ovunque in Europa è un fattore chiave per il progresso socioeconomico che richiede il sostegno appropriato a livello di UE.
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Commissioner Potočnik will present his ideas around green growth in an urban context; how the energy-saving and innovation potential of environmentally-friendly cities can improve people's quality of life and increase competiveness.
Il Commissario Potočnik presenterà le sue idee in tema di crescita verde in un contesto urbano ed esporrà il modo in cui sfruttando le potenzialità di risparmio energetico e di innovazione legate alle città ecologiche è possibile migliorare la qualità della vita e accrescere la competitività.
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The European Commission has made a number of proposals to improve the delivery of investments in urban areas, in the reform of Cohesion Policy currently under discussion.
La Commissione europea ha formulato diverse proposte per migliorare gli investimenti nelle aree urbane, in particolare nell'ambito della riforma della politica di coesione attualmente in corso di discussione.
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These proposals stress an integrated approach to policy making.
Queste proposte ribadiscono un approccio integrato al policy making.
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The Commission has proposed a greater delegation of powers to cities themselves, and the opportunity for cities to test out new approaches to keep up with new economic, environmental and social challenges.
La Commissione ha proposto una più ampia delega di poteri alle città stesse e ha fatto presente l'opportunità che le città testino nuovi approcci per tenere il passo con le nuove sfide economiche, ambientali e sociali.
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Responding to this last point the recent deal on the EU's 2014-20 budget, still subject to the European Parliament's consent, ring fences around €330 million for innovative urban actions.
In relazione a quest'ultimo punto, il recente accordo sul bilancio UE 2014-2020, ancora in attesa di approvazione in seno al Parlamento europeo, accantona circa 330 milioni di euro per azioni urbane innovative.
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The event will be opened by Commissioner Hahn at 14.00 at the Berlaymont building in Brussels in the Walter Hallstein Conference Room.
L'evento sarà inaugurato dal Commissario Hahn alle ore 14.00 nell'edificio Berlaymont, Bruxelles, sala di conferenze Walter Hallstein.
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The closed door discussion will be followed by a Press Point and family photo at 16.00.
Alla discussione a porte chiuse seguirà un incontro con la stampa e una sessione fotografica alle 16.00.
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The recently renamed Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy has been given a new role by European Commission President Barroso to co-ordinate the urban policy initiatives of the European Union.
Quella che è stata ribattezzata di recente Direzione generale della Politica regionale e urbana si è vista affidare dal presidente della Commissione europea Barroso un nuovo ruolo di coordinamento delle iniziative unionali in tema di politica urbana.
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The need for a more coherent, joined-up approach is reflected in the European Commission’s proposals for the next Multiannual Financial Framework and proposals to reform rules on Cohesion Policy, making the case for a more integrated and effective approach to urban development.
La necessità di un approccio più coerente e coordinato si rispecchia nelle proposte della Commissione relative al prossimo quadro finanziario pluriennale e nelle proposte di riforma delle regole in materia di politica di coesione, che invocano un approccio più integrato ed efficace allo sviluppo urbano.
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These proposals include a minimum of 5% of the European Regional Development Fund allocations in all Member States to be earmarked for integrated sustainable urban development.
Queste proposte prevedono che un minimo di 5% degli stanziamenti del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale in tutti gli Stati membri sia destinato allo sviluppo urbano integrato sostenibile.
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The 5% is a minimum – there is no upper limit - that complements sectoral investments in urban areas;
Il 5% è la quota minima, in realtà non vi sono limiti per integrare gli investimenti settoriali nelle aree urbane.
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Since 2007, around €92 billion or close to 40% of total EU Regional funds, have been allocated to projects in cities.
Dal 2007 circa il 92 miliardi di euro, ovvero quasi il 40% del totale dei finanziamenti regionali dell'UE, è stato consacrato a progetti nelle città.
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But these have largely followed a “sectoral approach” e.g. low carbon, transport, social inclusion projects, in which the cities themselves have had little say.
Essi però hanno per lo più seguito un “approccio settoriale”, si trattava cioè di progetti in tema di basse emissioni di carbonio, trasporti, inclusione sociale, in cui le città stesse avevano poco da dire.
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The Commission is pushing for more holistic, integrated investments decided upon in partnership with cities.
La Commissione perseguirà investimenti più globali, integrati, decisi in collaborazione con le città.
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As well as proposing a stronger role for urban authorities in implementing integrated urban initiatives, the Commission is also pushing for a code of conduct to strengthen local participation in the programming and implementation of the funds.
Oltre a proporre un ruolo più forte per le autorità urbane nell'attuazione delle iniziative urbane integrate, la Commissione vorrebbe che si ponesse in atto un codice di condotta per rafforzare la partecipazione locale nella programmazione e implementazione dei fondi.
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A further €330 million will be allocated to innovative actions in the field of sustainable urban development directly targeting urban authorities.
Altri 330 milioni di euro verranno stanziati per azioni innovative nel campo dello sviluppo urbano sostenibile rivolte espressamente alle autorità urbane.
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These will be managed directly by the European Commission through Europe-wide calls for proposals for funding.
Tale importo verrà gestito direttamente dalla Commissione europea per il tramite di inviti su scala europea a presentare proposte di finanziamento.
Mobilising EU Capital Cities: Commissioner Hahn urges Mayors to lead
Europe out of crisis
EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, will host the first
direct talks between the European Commission and the EU's capital cities
tomorrow, February 28.
Commissioner Hahn will call on the 20 mayors attending to show
leadership in the push for recovery and growth. He has argued for a more central
role for capital cities as Europe’s economic and social powerhouses.
He is also pushing for a more prominent urban dimension in Cohesion
Policy and across all EU policies.
The event aims to promote dialogue between the mayors of Europe’s
capitals: between themselves, the European Commission and to mobilise them to
fulfill the goals of the Europe2020 Agenda for Growth.
Commissioners Neelie Kroes for Digital Agenda and Janez
Potočnik for Environment will also participate in the
The mayors of Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels,
Bucharest, Lisbon, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Madrid, Nicosia, Rome, Sofia,
Stockholm, Tallinn, Valetta, Vienna, Vilnius, Warsaw and Zagreb - all present-
will produce a joint statement on the role of cities and their central role as
motors for sustainable, smart and inclusive growth.
This statement will also be supported by a number of those mayors not
able to attend.
Before the meeting Commissioner Hahn said, "Capital cities are where
Europe's economic and social problems are often most concentrated and most
But they are also the powerhouses of Europe - where the most important
solutions can be found: in the fields of competitiveness, employment, education,
transport, environment and innovation.
This makes them crucial in lifting Europe out of crisis.
Without Europe's capital cities we cannot make the Europe2020 Growth
Agenda a reality.
That's why I am calling on the mayors to lead the way in lifting Europe
out of crisis."
Commissioner Hahn has consistently championed the cause of cities,
arguing for greater attention to the development of Europe's cities in decision
making at a European level: in Cohesion Policy but also for a more prominent
urban dimension across all EU policies.
How future EU policies and investments will incorporate this will be a
key element of the Mayors' round-table discussion.
At the meeting, Vice-President Kroes will discuss the importance of ICT
for smart growth in cities, especially with reference to the recently launched
European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities.
She will also underline that getting fast internet connections
everywhere in Europe is a key enabler for social and economic progress,
requiring the appropriate level of support at EU level.
Commissioner Potočnik will present his ideas around
green growth in an urban context; how the energy-saving and innovation potential
of environmentally-friendly cities can improve people's quality of life and
increase competiveness.
The European Commission has made a number of proposals to improve the
delivery of investments in urban areas, in the reform of Cohesion Policy
currently under discussion.
These proposals stress an integrated approach to policy making.
The Commission has proposed a greater delegation of powers to cities
themselves, and the opportunity for cities to test out new approaches to keep up
with new economic, environmental and social challenges.
Responding to this last point the recent deal on the EU's 2014-20
budget, still subject to the European Parliament's consent, ring fences around
€330 million for innovative urban actions.
The event will be opened by Commissioner Hahn at 14.00 at the
Berlaymont building in Brussels in the Walter Hallstein Conference Room.
The closed door discussion will be followed by a Press Point and family
photo at 16.00.
The recently renamed Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy
has been given a new role by European Commission President Barroso to
co-ordinate the urban policy initiatives of the European Union.
The need for a more coherent, joined-up approach is reflected in the
European Commission’s proposals for the next Multiannual Financial Framework and
proposals to reform rules on Cohesion Policy, making the case for a more
integrated and effective approach to urban development.
These proposals include a minimum of 5% of the European Regional
Development Fund allocations in all Member States to be earmarked for integrated
sustainable urban development.
The 5% is a minimum – there is no upper limit - that complements
sectoral investments in urban areas;
Since 2007, around €92 billion or close to 40% of total EU Regional
funds, have been allocated to projects in cities.
But these have largely followed a “sectoral approach” e.g. low carbon,
transport, social inclusion projects, in which the cities themselves have had
little say.
The Commission is pushing for more holistic, integrated investments
decided upon in partnership with cities.
As well as proposing a stronger role for urban authorities in
implementing integrated urban initiatives, the Commission is also pushing for a
code of conduct to strengthen local participation in the programming and
implementation of the funds.
A further €330 million will be allocated to innovative actions in the
field of sustainable urban development directly targeting urban authorities.
These will be managed directly by the European Commission through
Europe-wide calls for proposals for funding.