Esistono strumenti per monitorare l’efficacia della spesa del Fondo sociale europeo (FSE) a favore dei lavoratori anziani?
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_ECA-13-6_it.htm
Data documento: 26-02-2013
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Are tools in place to monitor the effectiveness of European Social Fund (ESF) spending on older workers?
Esistono strumenti per monitorare l’efficacia della spesa del Fondo sociale europeo (FSE) a favore dei lavoratori anziani?
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The European Social Fund is a key financial instrument designed to help the Member States achieve EU employment policy objectives.
L’FSE è uno strumento finanziario fondamentale, destinato ad aiutare gli Stati membri a raggiungere gli obiettivi della politica UE in materia di occupazione.
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Its aims are to promote the integration in the labour market of the unemployed and disadvantaged, primarily by supporting training activities.
Esso intende promuovere l’inserimento dei disoccupati e dei soggetti svantaggiati nel mercato del lavoro, principalmente sostenendo le attività di formazione.
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From 2007 to the end of 2013, ESF spending will amount to over € 75 billion, representing around 8 % of the total EU budget.
Dal 2007 a fine 2013, la spesa dell’FSE ammonterà a oltre 75 miliardi di euro, circa l’8 % del bilancio totale dell’UE.
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Six programmes with a value of € 222 million were selected for audit, and covered four Member States (Germany, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom).
Per il presente audit sono stati selezionati sei programmi del valore di 222 milioni di euro, che riguardano quattro Stati membri (Germania, Italia, Polonia e Regno Unito).
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European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published throughout the year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU budgetary areas or management topics.
Le relazioni speciali della Corte dei conti europea sono pubblicate nel corso dell’anno e presentano i risultati di audit selezionati su specifici settori del bilancio UE o su temi relativi alla gestione.
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This special report (SR 25/2012) entitled “Are tools in place to monitor the effectiveness of European Social Fund spending on older workers?” assessed whether the Member States and the Commission had set up and implemented the tools required to assess the effectiveness of the European Social Fund (ESF) actions geared towards older workers during the programming period.
Questa relazione speciale (RS n.25/2012) dal titolo: “Esistono strumenti per monitorare l’efficacia della spesa del Fondo sociale europeo (FSE) a favore dei lavoratori anziani?” ha verificato se gli Stati membri e la Commissione avessero posto in essere ed applicato gli strumenti richiesti per valutare l’efficacia delle azioni dell’FSE dirette ai lavoratori anziani nel periodo di programmazione.
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It focused on the content of the operational programmes and in particular on the quantified operational objectives and indicators, as well as on the monitoring and evaluation systems.
L’audit si è focalizzato sul contenuto dei programmi operativi e in particolare sugli obiettivi operativi quantificati e sui relativi indicatori, nonché sui sistemi di monitoraggio e valutazione.
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The main conclusions and recommendations of the report will be presented to the press by Mr Lazaros Lazarou, Member of the Court.
Le principali conclusioni e raccomandazioni della relazione verranno presentate alla stampa da Lazaros Lazarou, Membro della Corte.
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DATE AND TIME Tuesday, 05 March 2013 at 10:30
DATA E ORA Martedì, 5 marzo 2013 alle ore 10:30
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VENUE The RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
LUOGO RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
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155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels – Belgium
155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Bruxelles – Belgio
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A PRESS KIT, consisting of the Special Report and a press release, will be made available for the press briefing.
Per la conferenza stampa, verrà fornita un’apposita CARTELLA STAMPA contenente la relazione speciale ed il relativo comunicato stampa.
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The Special Report will be published on the Court's website, www.eca.europa.eu, in 22 official languages.
La relazione speciale sarà pubblicata sul sito Internet della Corte, www.eca.europa.eu, in 22 lingue ufficiali.
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INTERPRETATION will be available in French and English.
Sarà disponibile un servizio di INTERPRETAZIONE in francese e inglese.
Are tools in place to monitor the effectiveness of European Social Fund (ESF)
spending on older workers?
The European Social Fund is a key financial instrument
designed to help the Member States achieve EU employment policy objectives.
Its aims are to promote the integration in the labour market
of the unemployed and disadvantaged, primarily by supporting training
From 2007 to the end of 2013, ESF spending will amount to over
€ 75 billion, representing around 8 % of the total EU budget.
Six programmes with a value of € 222 million were selected for
audit, and covered four Member States (Germany, Italy, Poland and the United
European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published
throughout the year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU
budgetary areas or management topics.
This special report (SR 25/2012) entitled “Are tools in place
to monitor the effectiveness of European Social Fund spending on older workers?”
assessed whether the Member States and the Commission had set up and implemented
the tools required to assess the effectiveness of the European Social Fund (ESF)
actions geared towards older workers during the programming period.
It focused on the content of the operational programmes and in
particular on the quantified operational objectives and indicators, as well as
on the monitoring and evaluation systems.
The main conclusions and recommendations of the report will be
presented to the press by Mr Lazaros Lazarou, Member of the Court.
DATE AND TIME Tuesday, 05 March 2013 at 10:30
VENUE The RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels – Belgium
A PRESS KIT, consisting of the Special Report and a press
release, will be made available for the press briefing.
The Special Report will be published on the Court's website,
www.eca.europa.eu, in 22 official languages.
INTERPRETATION will be available in French and English.