Un audit espletato dalla Corte dei conti europea spinge l’UE a ripensare le disposizioni sulle “misure provvisorie di alloggio” facenti seguito a catastrofi naturali
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Data documento: 25-02-2013
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Audit leads EU to rethink “temporary accommodation” rules after natural disasters
Un audit espletato dalla Corte dei conti europea spinge l’UE a ripensare le disposizioni sulle “misure provvisorie di alloggio” facenti seguito a catastrofi naturali
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Following a report from the EU auditors, the European Commission is to clarify rules on financing “temporary accommodation” following natural disasters.
In seguito ad una relazione della Corte dei conti europea, la Commissione europea chiarirà le norme disciplinanti il finanziamento di “misure provvisorie di alloggio” facenti seguito a catastrofi naturali.
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The report examined events following the April 2009 earthquake that hit the Italian Abruzzi region and its capital city of L’Aquila, causing direct damage estimated at more than € 10 billion.
La relazione della Corte ha esaminato quanto successo dopo il terremoto dell'aprile del 2009 che ha colpito la regione italiana dell’Abruzzo e il capoluogo di quest’ultima, L’Aquila, causando danni diretti stimati in oltre 10 miliardi di euro.
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In November 2009, the European Union contributed € 0.5 billion to the Italian emergency operations from its European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF).
Nel novembre 2009, l’Unione europea, tramite il proprio Fondo di solidarietà (FSUE), ha fornito un contributo di 0,5 miliardi di euro alle operazioni di emergenza italiane.
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Operations to be financed included the immediate restoration to working order of infrastructure for energy, water, sewage, transport, telecommunications, health and education, and the provision of temporary shelter and rescue services to meet the immediate needs of the population.
Gli interventi da finanziare includevano il ripristino immediato delle infrastrutture e delle attrezzature nei settori dell’elettricità, delle condutture idriche e fognarie, delle telecomunicazioni, dei trasporti, della sanità e dell’istruzione, nonché la fornitura di alloggi provvisori e l’organizzazione dei servizi di soccorso destinati a soddisfare le necessità immediate della popolazione.
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67,500 people were left homeless after the quake.
A causa del terremoto, 67 500 persone erano rimaste senza alloggio.
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Around 30% (€ 144 million) of the EUSF contribution was earmarked for operations which were fully eligible under the EUSF Regulation.
Circa il 30 % (144 milioni di euro) del contributo dell’FSUE è stato destinato ad interventi sotto ogni profilo ammissibili ai sensi del regolamento istitutivo dell’FSUE.
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However, the CASE project (Italian acronym for “Complessi Antisismici Sostenibili Ecocompatibili”, i.e. seismically isolated and environmentally sustainable housing), while relevant to the actual needs, did not comply with specific provisions of the EUSF Regulation.
Invece, il progetto CASE (“complessi antisismici sostenibili ed ecocompatibili”), sebbene rispondente alle effettive necessità, non ha rispettato le specifiche disposizioni del regolamento FSUE.
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This was because it constructed new permanent buildings instead of temporary houses.
Questo perché tramite il progetto sono stati costruiti edifici permanenti invece di case provvisorie.
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The CASE project took 70 % of the funding – € 350 million.
Il progetto CASE ha assorbito il 70 % del finanziamento – 350 milioni di euro.
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The strategy chosen for the CASE project addressed the housing needs of 15,000 of the earthquake-affected population, but did not respond in a timely manner and with sufficient capacity to the actual needs of the population.
La strategia prescelta per il progetto CASE ha soddisfatto le necessità abitative di 15 000 delle persone colpite dal sisma, ma non ha risposto in modo tempestivo e con sufficiente capacità agli effettivi bisogni della popolazione.
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The CASE houses were much more expensive than standard houses.
Gli edifici costruiti nell’ambito del progetto CASE sono stati molto più cari rispetto a quelli costruiti in situazioni normali.
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The EUSF Regulation states that the Fund can only be used for essential emergency operations, including temporary accommodation.
Il regolamento FSUE dispone che il Fondo possa essere utilizzato unicamente per “interventi di emergenza” (essential emergency operations), inclusa la realizzazione di “misure provvisorie di alloggio” (temporary accommodation).
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The regulation does not envisage financing real reconstruction.
Il regolamento non contempla il finanziamento di progetti di vera ricostruzione.
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The scope of the EUSF is limited to the most urgent needs, whereas longer-term reconstruction must be left to other instruments.
Il campo d’azione dell’FSUE è limitato alle più urgenti necessità, mentre la ricostruzione a più lungo termine deve esser lasciata ad altri strumenti.
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Therefore, in the EU auditors’ opinion, the CASE project, which provided lasting and sustainable accommodation, did not comply with the objectives of the EUSF.
A giudizio della Corte, quindi, il progetto CASE, che ha fornito una sistemazione alloggiativa duratura e sostenibile, non ha rispettato gli obiettivi dell’FSUE.
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Furthermore, the CASE apartments are expected to generate considerable revenue in the future, although there are no provisions in the EUSF Regulation for such eventualities.
Ville Itälä, the ECA member responsible for the report,
said: |
Per di più, si prevede che gli appartamenti del progetto CASE generino in futuro notevoli entrate, sebbene il regolamento istitutivo dell’FSUE non preveda tali eventualità. Ville Itälä, il Membro della Corte dei conti europea responsabile della relazione, ha dichiarato:
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“There were weaknesses in advance planning, even though Abruzzi is in one of the most earthquake-prone areas in Europe.
“Vi sono state carenze nella pianificazione preventiva, nonostante l’Abruzzo sia una delle aree a più alto rischio sismico d'Europa.
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I am glad that the Commission will use the opportunity of the
forthcoming review of the EU Solidarity Fund Regulation to not only clarify
‘temporary accommodation, but also to encourage at-risk Member States to put
real preparedness plans in place’.
Sono lieto che la Commissione sfrutterà l’opportunità fornita dal prossimo riesame del regolamento disciplinante il Fondo di solidarietà dell’Unione europea non solo per chiarire il concetto di “misure provvisorie di alloggio”, ma anche per esortare gli Stati membri a rischio a porre in essere veri piani di preparazione.
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“This will help EU natural disaster response tremendously.”
Ciò rappresenterà un notevolissimo contributo per la risposta dell’UE alle catastrofi naturali”.
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Notes to the editors:
Note agli editori:
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European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published throughout the year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU budgetary areas or management topics.
Le relazioni speciali della Corte dei conti europea sono pubblicate nel corso dell’anno e presentano i risultati di audit selezionati su specifici settori del bilancio UE o su temi relativi alla gestione.
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This special report (SR 24/2012) entitled “The European Union Solidarity Fund’s response to the 2009 Abruzzi earthquake:
relevance and cost of operations" examined:
Questa relazione speciale (RS n.24/2012), intitolata “La risposta del Fondo di solidarietà dell’Unione europea al terremoto del 2009 in Abruzzo:
pertinenza e costo delle operazioni”, ha appurato:
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(i) whether the expenditure provided for in the Implementation Agreement was compliant with the EUSF Regulation
i) se la spesa prevista nell’accordo di attuazione rispettasse il regolamento FSUE;
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(ii) whether the CASE project was well planned and rapidly implemented
ii) se il progetto CASE sia stato ben pianificato e celermente attuato;
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and (iii) whether the CASE project was implemented in the most economical fashion.
e iii) se il progetto CASE sia stato attuato con debito riguardo a criteri di economicità.
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Most of the audit focused on the CASE project, which absorbed most of the EUSF grant (350 of 494 million €).
L’audit della Corte è stato per lo più incentrato sul progetto CASE, che ha assorbito la maggior parte della sovvenzione dell’FSUE (350 dei 494 milioni di euro).
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The audit took place in the period November 2011 to February 2012 and covered a sample of five procurement procedures and 12 contracts for the construction of buildings and supply of furniture, concrete, pillars and seismic isolators.
L’audit ha avuto luogo nel periodo novembre 2011 – febbraio 2012, ed ha riguardato un campione di cinque procedure d’appalto e 12 contratti per la costruzione di edifici e la fornitura di arredi, calcestruzzo, pilastri ed isolatori sismici.
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The sample covered 35 % of the amounts contracted for the CASE project (see Annex II of the report).
Il campione copriva il 35 % delle somme a contratto per il progetto CASE (cfr. allegato II della relazione).
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The documentary analyses were complemented by interviews with and observations from the Italian Department of Civil Protection, project sites and relevant stakeholders in the earthquake zone.
Le analisi documentali sono state accompagnate da colloqui con personale del Dipartimento della protezione civile e sopralluoghi presso la sede di quest’ultimo, i siti dei progetti ed i principali attori nella zona del sisma.
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The Court found that the financed projects, except the CASE project, were eligible according to the EUSF Regulation.
La Corte ha constatato che i progetti finanziati, ad eccezione del progetto CASE, erano ammissibili in base al regolamento FSUE.
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They had all been implemented according to the Implementation Agreement and responded to many immediate needs of the earthquake-affected population.
Erano stati tutti attuati secondo l’accordo di attuazione e rispondevano a molti bisogni immediati della popolazione colpita dal sisma.
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The strategy chosen by the Italian authorities to construct CASE apartments was easy to understand, but the project did not succeed in accommodating all the displaced population before winter.
La strategia prescelta dalle autorità italiane per costruire gli appartamenti del progetto CASE era facile da comprendere, ma il progetto non è riuscito a fornire alloggio a tutta la popolazione sfollata prima dell’inverno.
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The CASE apartments turned out to be unnecessarily costly and accommodated too few people;
Gli appartamenti CASE si sono rivelati immotivatamente costosi ed hanno alloggiato troppe poche persone;
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and there were shortcomings in the planning of the project and in ensuring economy in the implementation of the project.
vi erano carenze nella pianificazione del progetto e nell’assicurare l’economicità dell'attuazione dello stesso.
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The EUSF Regulation states that the Fund can only be used for essential emergency operations, including temporary accommodation.
Il regolamento FSUE dispone che il Fondo possa essere usato soltanto per “interventi di emergenza” (essential emergency operations), comprese “misure provvisorie di alloggio” (temporary accommodation).
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The regulation does not envisage financing real reconstruction or revenue generating projects.
Il regolamento non prevede che possano essere finanziati progetti di effettiva ricostruzione o che generino reddito.
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Furthermore, according to the EUSF Regulation, the scope of the Fund is limited to the most urgent needs, whereas longer-term reconstruction must be left to other instruments.
Inoltre, secondo quanto previsto dal regolamento istitutivo stesso, il campo d’azione dell’FSUE è limitato alle più urgenti necessità, mentre la ricostruzione a più lungo termine deve esser lasciata ad altri strumenti.
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Therefore, in the Court’s opinion, the CASE project, which provided lasting and sustainable accommodation, did not comply with the objectives of the EUSF.
A giudizio della Corte, quindi, il progetto CASE, che forniva una sistemazione alloggiativa duratura e sostenibile, non ha rispettato gli obiettivi dell’FSUE.
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Furthermore, the CASE apartments are expected to generate considerable revenue in the future, although there are no provisions in the EUSF Regulation for such eventualities.
Per di più, si prevede che gli appartamenti del progetto CASE generino in futuro notevoli entrate, sebbene il regolamento istitutivo del FSUE non preveda tali eventualità.
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With a view to learning from the Abruzzi experience and taking the specific emergency situation and its impact into due consideration, the ECA recommends that the Commission should:
Al fine di trarre insegnamento dall’esperienza dell’Abruzzo, e tenendo in debita considerazione la specifica situazione di emergenza ed il suo impatto, la Corte raccomanda alla Commissione di:
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(i) consider adapting the EUSF Regulation to the recent developments in disaster-response strategies
i) considerare di adattare il regolamento FSUE ai recenti sviluppi in materia di strategie di risposta alle calamità;
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(ii) encourage Member States to improve their emergency preparedness to achieve timely and cost-effective assistance and
ii) esortare gli Stati membri a raggiungere un grado di preparazione alle emergenze che consenta loro di fornire assistenza tempestiva ed efficiente in termini di costi;
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(iii) promote due regard to economy in the design and implementation of emergency projects.
iii) prestare la debita attenzione all’economicità nella pianificazione e nell’attuazione dei progetti di emergenza.
Audit leads EU to rethink “temporary accommodation” rules after natural
Following a report from the EU auditors, the European Commission is to
clarify rules on financing “temporary accommodation” following natural
The report examined events following the April 2009 earthquake that hit
the Italian Abruzzi region and its capital city of L’Aquila, causing direct
damage estimated at more than € 10 billion.
In November 2009, the European Union contributed € 0.5 billion to the
Italian emergency operations from its European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF).
Operations to be financed included the immediate restoration to working
order of infrastructure for energy, water, sewage, transport,
telecommunications, health and education, and the provision of temporary shelter
and rescue services to meet the immediate needs of the population.
67,500 people were left homeless after the quake.
Around 30% (€ 144 million) of the EUSF contribution was earmarked for
operations which were fully eligible under the EUSF Regulation.
However, the CASE project (Italian acronym for “Complessi Antisismici
Sostenibili Ecocompatibili”, i.e. seismically isolated and environmentally
sustainable housing), while relevant to the actual needs, did not comply with
specific provisions of the EUSF Regulation.
This was because it constructed new permanent buildings instead of
temporary houses.
The CASE project took 70 % of the funding – € 350 million.
The strategy chosen for the CASE project addressed the housing needs of
15,000 of the earthquake-affected population, but did not respond in a timely
manner and with sufficient capacity to the actual needs of the population.
The CASE houses were much more expensive than standard houses.
The EUSF Regulation states that the Fund can only be used for essential
emergency operations, including temporary accommodation.
The regulation does not envisage financing real reconstruction.
The scope of the EUSF is limited to the most urgent needs, whereas
longer-term reconstruction must be left to other instruments.
Therefore, in the EU auditors’ opinion, the CASE project, which
provided lasting and sustainable accommodation, did not comply with the
objectives of the EUSF.
Furthermore, the CASE apartments are expected to generate considerable
revenue in the future, although there are no provisions in the EUSF Regulation
for such eventualities.
Ville Itälä, the ECA member responsible for the report, said:
“There were weaknesses in advance planning, even though Abruzzi is in
one of the most earthquake-prone areas in Europe.
I am glad that the Commission will use the opportunity of the
forthcoming review of the EU Solidarity Fund Regulation to not only clarify
‘temporary accommodation, but also to encourage at-risk Member States to put
real preparedness plans in place’.
“This will help EU natural disaster response tremendously.”
Notes to the editors:
European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published
throughout the year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU
budgetary areas or management topics.
This special report (SR 24/2012) entitled “The European Union
Solidarity Fund’s response to the 2009 Abruzzi earthquake:
The relevance and cost of operations" examined
(i) whether the expenditure provided for in the Implementation
Agreement was compliant with the EUSF Regulation
(ii) whether the CASE project was well planned and rapidly implemented
and (iii) whether the CASE project was implemented in the most
economical fashion.
Most of the audit focused on the CASE project, which absorbed most of
the EUSF grant (350 of 494 million €).
The audit took place in the period November 2011 to February 2012 and
covered a sample of five procurement procedures and 12 contracts for the
construction of buildings and supply of furniture, concrete, pillars and seismic
The sample covered 35 % of the amounts contracted for the CASE project
(see Annex II of the report).
The documentary analyses were complemented by interviews with and
observations from the Italian Department of Civil Protection, project sites and
relevant stakeholders in the earthquake zone.
The Court found that the financed projects, except the CASE project,
were eligible according to the EUSF Regulation.
They had all been implemented according to the Implementation Agreement
and responded to many immediate needs of the earthquake-affected population.
The strategy chosen by the Italian authorities to construct CASE
apartments was easy to understand, but the project did not succeed in
accommodating all the displaced population before winter.
The CASE apartments turned out to be unnecessarily costly and
accommodated too few people;
and there were shortcomings in the planning of the project and in
ensuring economy in the implementation of the project.
The EUSF Regulation states that the Fund can only be used for essential
emergency operations, including temporary accommodation.
The regulation does not envisage financing real reconstruction or
revenue generating projects.
Furthermore, according to the EUSF Regulation, the scope of the Fund is
limited to the most urgent needs, whereas longer-term reconstruction must be
left to other instruments.
Therefore, in the Court’s opinion, the CASE project, which provided
lasting and sustainable accommodation, did not comply with the objectives of the
Furthermore, the CASE apartments are expected to generate considerable
revenue in the future, although there are no provisions in the EUSF Regulation
for such eventualities.
With a view to learning from the Abruzzi experience and taking the
specific emergency situation and its impact into due consideration, the ECA
recommends that the Commission should:
(i) consider adapting the EUSF Regulation to the recent developments in
disaster-response strategies
(ii) encourage Member States to improve their emergency preparedness to
achieve timely and cost-effective assistance and
(iii) promote due regard to economy in the design and implementation of
emergency projects.