L’avvocato generale Cruz Villalón considera che, quando un minore non accompagnato ha presentato domande di asilo in più Stati membri, sarà competente ad esaminarla lo Stato membro in cui è stata presentata l’ultima
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 21-02-2013
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Advocate General Cruz Villalón considers that, when an unaccompanied minor has lodged asylum applications with more than one Member State, the Member State responsible for examining the application will be that where the most recent application was lodged
L’avvocato generale Cruz Villalón considera che, quando un minore non accompagnato ha presentato domande di asilo in più Stati membri, sarà competente ad esaminarla lo Stato membro in cui è stata presentata l’ultima
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For this to apply, no member of the minor’s family must be legally present in another Member State and the minor’s best interests must not require a different solution
A tal fine occorre che non vi sia alcun suo familiare che si trovi legalmente in un altro Stato membro e che l’interesse superiore del minore non esiga altra soluzione
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The ‘Dublin II’ Regulation lays down the criteria for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in the EU, so that, in principle, responsibility lies with a single Member State.
Il regolamento «Dublino II» enuncia i criteri che consentono di determinare lo Stato membro competente a decidere su di una domanda di asilo presentata all’interno dell’Unione, cosicché, in via di principio, la competenza spetta ad un solo Stato membro.
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When a third-country national seeks asylum in a Member State which is not that designated as responsible by the Regulation, the latter provides for a procedure for the transfer of the asylum seeker to the Member State responsible.
Qualora un cittadino di un paese terzo chieda asilo in uno Stato membro che non sia quello designato quale competente dal regolamento, questo prevede una procedura di trasferimento del richiedente nello Stato membro competente.
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Two minors of Eritrean nationality (MA and BT) and one an Iraqi national of Kurdish origin (DA) applied for asylum in the United Kingdom.
Due minori aventi la cittadinanza eritrea (MA e BT) ed uno con cittadinanza irachena e di origine curda (DA) hanno presentato domanda di asilo nel Regno Unito.
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The British authorities observed that they had already previously claimed asylum in other Member States, namely Italy (MA and BT) and the Netherlands (DA).
Le autorità britanniche hanno rilevato che essi avevano già presentato domande di asilo in altri Stati membri, ossia, Italia (MA e BT) e Paesi Bassi (DA).
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Since the view was taken that those Member States were responsible for examining the asylum applications, it was agreed that the minors should be transferred to them.
Ritenendo che detti Stati fossero competenti ad esaminare le domande, veniva deciso il trasferimento dei minori in questione a tali Stati membri.
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Where the applicant for asylum is an unaccompanied minor, the Regulation provides that the Member State responsible for examining his application will be that where a member of his family is legally present, provided that this is in his best interests.
Qualora il richiedente asilo sia un minore non accompagnato, il regolamento stabilisce che è competente per l'esame della domanda lo Stato membro nel quale si trova legalmente un suo familiare, purché ciò sia nel miglior interesse del minore.
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If there is no such family member, the Member State responsible for examining the application will be that where the minor has lodged his application for asylum.
In mancanza di un familiare, è competente per l'esame della domanda lo Stato membro in cui il minore ha presentato la domanda.
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However, in that latter case, the Regulation does not expressly prescribe a solution where the minor has lodged asylum applications in several Member States.
Tuttavia, in quest’ultima ipotesi il regolamento non prevede espressamente una soluzione nel caso in cui il minore abbia presentato domande di asilo in più di uno Stato membro.
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That issue is interpreted for the first time in the Opinion delivered today by Advocate General Pedro Cruz Villalón.
L’interpretazione di tale questione è affrontata per la prima volta nelle conclusioni odierne dell’avvocato generale Cruz Villalón.
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It must be pointed out that, either before (MA and DA) or after (BT) the transfer was carried out, the British authorities, availing themselves of the ‘sovereignty clause’ provided for in the Regulation, decided that they would themselves examine the asylum applications.
Si segnala che, prima di procedere al trasferimento di MA e DA, ma successivamente all’esecuzione del trasferimento di BT, le autorità britanniche, avvalendosi della «clausola di sovranità» contemplata dal regolamento, hanno deciso di prendere in esame esse stesse le domande di asilo.
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This meant that BT, who had been transferred to Italy, could return to the United Kingdom.
Tale decisione ha comportato che BT, già trasferito in Italia, potesse rientrare nel Regno Unito.
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The sovereignty clause provides that each Member State may examine an application for asylum, even if such examination is not its responsibility under the criteria laid down in the Regulation.
La clausola di sovranità stabilisce che ciascuno Stato membro può decidere di esaminare una domanda d’asilo presentata da un cittadino di un paese terzo, anche se tale esame non gli compete in base ai criteri stabiliti nel regolamento.
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However, the issue to be resolved is whether the outcome achieved in the present case, the result of a decision which was discretionary and taken freely by the United Kingdom, is mandatory in accordance with the Regulation.
Nondimeno, ciò che va accertato è se il risultato raggiunto nel presente caso, frutto di una decisione libera e discrezionale del Regno Unito, sarebbe risultat? obbligatori?) in conseguenza di quanto previsto dal regolamento stesso.
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Mr Cruz Villalón considers that when an unaccompanied minor has lodged claims for asylum in more than one Member State, and no member of his family is legally resident in another Member State, the Member State responsible for determining the application for asylum must, in principle, having regard to the minor’s best interests, and unless those interests require otherwise, be that where the most recent application has been lodged.
L’avvocato generale Cruz Villalón considera che, qualora un minore non accompagnato abbia presentato domande di asilo in più Stati membri, e non vi sia alcun parente che si trovi legalmente in un altro Stato membro, lo Stato membro competente per l’esame della domanda d’asilo deve essere, in via di principio, in funzione dell’interesse superiore del minore e, tranne nel caso in cui questo stesso interesse imponga una diversa soluzione, lo Stato in cui è stata presentata l’ultima domanda.
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The fundamental consideration of the minor’s best interests, provided for in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, must be decisive in order to decide which Member State, of all those that have received an asylum application, is the Member State responsible.
L’importanza preminente dell’interesse superiore del minore, prevista nella Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea, deve essere considerata decisiva al fine di individuare lo Stato competente fra tutti quelli che hanno ricevuto una domanda d’asilo.
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This has to be reconciled, in addition, with the objectives of clarity and speed which the Regulation advocates for the procedure for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application.
Ciò va reso, inoltre, compatibile con gli obiettivi di chiarezza e di rapidità richiesti dal regolamento per la determinazione dello Stato membro competente per l’esame di una domanda di asilo.
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Consequently, the responsibility in question must be allocated to that Member State which is best placed to ascertain the minor’s best interests.
Pertanto, la competenza deve essere attribuita allo Stato membro che si trovi nella posizione migliore per valutare cosa sia nel miglior interesse del minore.
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This will normally be the Member State where the minor is present, which will usually be the Member State which has received the most recent asylum application.
Tale Stato membro risulterà essere di norma quello in cui si trova il minore e che, generalmente, è lo Stato membro che ha ricevuto l’ultima domanda d’asilo.
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That Member State is the one which is in a position to question the minor and is able to have regard to what he himself understands to be his own best interests.
Detto Stato è quello che dispone dell’esame del minore e della possibilità di tenere in considerazione quelli che, secondo la sua percezione, costituiscono i suoi interessi.
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In addition, neither for reasons of time nor in view of the best treatment owed to minors is it appropriate to make this type of asylum seeker engage in travel that can be avoided.
Inoltre, sia per ragioni temporali sia in considerazione dell’esigenza di garantire il miglior trattamento dei minori, non è opportuno sottoporre tali richiedenti asilo a trasferimenti che non siano strettamente necessari.
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The Advocate General acknowledges that the solution proposed may have the undesired effect of giving rise to a type of ‘forum shopping’, with the result that asylum seekers may be tempted, for the purposes of lodging their application, to choose the Member State where the law which is most advantageous to them will be applied.
L’avvocato generale riconosce che la soluzione proposta può produrre l’effetto indesiderato di una sorta di «forum shopping», cosicché i richiedenti potrebbero essere indotti a scegliere, al momento della presentazione della richiesta di asilo, lo Stato membro in cui sarebbe applicata la disciplina a loro più confacente.
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However, that potential risk is sufficiently justified by the fact that it is only in this manner that due attention can be given to the minor’s best interests.
Siffatto rischio potenziale risulta tuttavia sufficientemente giustificato per il fatto che solo in tal modo si può garantire che venga prestata la dovuta attenzione all’interesse superiore del minore.
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In any event, the criterion that the Member State responsible is that where the most recent application for asylum has been lodged is warranted only in that it best lends itself, in principle, to serving the minor’s best interests.
In ogni caso, il criterio secondo cui sarà competente lo Stato membro dell’ultima domanda di asilo si giustifica solo in quanto offre le garanzie migliori, in via di principio, di soddisfare il miglior interesse del minore.
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Accordingly, if, in a given case, that consideration is inapplicable, the minor’s interests require the criterion in question not to be applied.
Di conseguenza, qualora, in un caso determinato, tale considerazione sia esclusa, lo stesso interesse del minore esige che siffatto criterio non sia applicato.
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The Advocate General’s Opinion is not binding on the Court of Justice.
Le conclusioni dell'avvocato generale non vincolano la Corte di giustizia.
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It is the role of the Advocates General to propose to the Court, in complete independence, a legal solution to the cases for which they are responsible.
Il compito dell'avvocato generale consiste nel proporre alla Corte, in piena indipendenza, una soluzione giuridica nella causa per la quale è stato designato.
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The Judges of the Court are now beginning their deliberations in this case.
I giudici della Corte cominciano adesso a deliberare in questa causa.
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Judgment will be given at a later date.
La sentenza sarà pronunciata in una data successiva.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile.
Advocate General Cruz Villalón considers that, when an unaccompanied minor
has lodged asylum applications with more than one Member State, the Member State
responsible for examining the application will be that where the most recent
application was lodged
For this to apply, no member of the minor’s family must be
legally present in another Member State and the minor’s best interests must not
require a different solution
The ‘Dublin II’ Regulation lays down the criteria for determining the
Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in the EU,
so that, in principle, responsibility lies with a single Member State.
When a third-country national seeks asylum in a Member State which is
not that designated as responsible by the Regulation, the latter provides for a
procedure for the transfer of the asylum seeker to the Member State responsible.
Two minors of Eritrean nationality (MA and BT) and one an Iraqi
national of Kurdish origin (DA) applied for asylum in the United Kingdom.
The British authorities observed that they had already previously
claimed asylum in other Member States, namely Italy (MA and BT) and the
Netherlands (DA).
Since the view was taken that those Member States were responsible for
examining the asylum applications, it was agreed that the minors should be
transferred to them.
Where the applicant for asylum is an unaccompanied minor, the
Regulation provides that the Member State responsible for examining his
application will be that where a member of his family is legally present,
provided that this is in his best interests.
If there is no such family member, the Member State responsible for
examining the application will be that where the minor has lodged his
application for asylum.
However, in that latter case, the Regulation does not expressly
prescribe a solution where the minor has lodged asylum applications in several
Member States.
That issue is interpreted for the first time in the Opinion delivered
today by Advocate General Pedro Cruz Villalón.
It must be pointed out that, either before (MA and DA) or after (BT)
the transfer was carried out, the British authorities, availing themselves of
the ‘sovereignty clause’ provided for in the Regulation, decided that they would
themselves examine the asylum applications.
This meant that BT, who had been transferred to Italy, could return to
the United Kingdom.
The sovereignty clause provides that each Member State may examine an
application for asylum, even if such examination is not its responsibility under
the criteria laid down in the Regulation.
However, the issue to be resolved is whether the outcome achieved in
the present case, the result of a decision which was discretionary and taken
freely by the United Kingdom, is mandatory in accordance with the Regulation.
Mr Cruz Villalón considers that when an unaccompanied minor has lodged
claims for asylum in more than one Member State, and no member of his family is
legally resident in another Member State, the Member State responsible for
determining the application for asylum must, in principle, having regard to the
minor’s best interests, and unless those interests require otherwise, be that
where the most recent application has been lodged.
The fundamental consideration of the minor’s best interests, provided
for in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, must be decisive
in order to decide which Member State, of all those that have received an asylum
application, is the Member State responsible.
This has to be reconciled, in addition, with the objectives of clarity
and speed which the Regulation advocates for the procedure for determining the
Member State responsible for examining an asylum application.
Consequently, the responsibility in question must be allocated to that
Member State which is best placed to ascertain the minor’s best interests.
This will normally be the Member State where the minor is present,
which will usually be the Member State which has received the most recent asylum
That Member State is the one which is in a position to question the
minor and is able to have regard to what he himself understands to be his own
best interests.
In addition, neither for reasons of time nor in view of the best
treatment owed to minors is it appropriate to make this type of asylum seeker
engage in travel that can be avoided.
The Advocate General acknowledges that the solution proposed may have
the undesired effect of giving rise to a type of ‘forum shopping’, with the
result that asylum seekers may be tempted, for the purposes of lodging their
application, to choose the Member State where the law which is most advantageous
to them will be applied.
However, that potential risk is sufficiently justified by the fact that
it is only in this manner that due attention can be given to the minor’s best
In any event, the criterion that the Member State responsible is that
where the most recent application for asylum has been lodged is warranted only
in that it best lends itself, in principle, to serving the minor’s best
Accordingly, if, in a given case, that consideration is inapplicable,
the minor’s interests require the criterion in question not to be applied.
The Advocate General’s Opinion is not binding on the Court of Justice.
It is the role of the Advocates General to propose to the Court, in complete
independence, a legal solution to the cases for which they are responsible.
The Judges of the Court are now beginning their deliberations in this case.
Judgment will be given at a later date.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of
the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.