Occupazione: la Commissione propone cinque milioni di euro del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione per gli ex lavoratori della Antonio Merloni S.p.A. in Italia
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Data documento: 20-02-2013
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Employment: Commission proposes five million euro from Globalisation Fund for former workers of Antonio Merloni S.p.A.in Italy
Occupazione: la Commissione propone cinque milioni di euro del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione per gli ex lavoratori della Antonio Merloni S.p.A. in Italia
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The European Commission has today proposed to provide Italy with five million euro from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to help 1,517 former workers of Antonio Merloni S.p.A. with their re-integration into employment.
In data odierna la Commissione europea ha proposto di assegnare all'Italia 5 milioni di EUR del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione (FEG) per facilitare il reinserimento professionale di 1 517 ex lavoratori della Antonio Merloni S.p.A.
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The proposal now goes to the European Parliament and the EU's Council of Ministers for their approval.
La proposta passa ora all'esame del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio dei ministri dell'UE per approvazione.
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EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor commented:
László Andor, Commissario UE responsabile per l'occupazione, gli affari sociali e l'inclusione ha dichiarato:
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"The crisis had a serious impact on the market for domestic appliances, mainly due to the decrease in exports.
"La crisi ha avuto un forte impatto sul mercato degli elettrodomestici, soprattutto a causa di una riduzione delle esportazioni.
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This proposal to allocate 5 million euro from Europe's Globalisation Fund would help prepare over fifteen hundred redundant workers for new job opportunities in other sectors with a more promising outlook."
Se approvata, questa proposta di stanziamento di 5 milioni di EUR del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione aiuterà oltre 1 500 lavoratori in esubero a prepararsi per nuove opportunità di lavoro in altri settori nei quali le prospettive sono più promettenti."
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Italy applied for support from the EGF for 1,517 workers made redundant by Antonio Merloni S.p.A., an Italian manufacturer of domestic appliances.
L'Italia ha chiesto il sostegno del FEG per 1 517 lavoratori posti in esubero dalla Antonio Merloni S.p.A., produttore italiano di elettrodomestici.
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All redundant workers are expected to participate in the measures.
Si prevede che tutti i lavoratori in esubero beneficeranno delle misure.
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The package will help the workers by offering them careers advice, special guidance for those over 50, job-search assistance, vocational training, skills upgrade and entrepreneurship promotion.
Il pacchetto aiuterà i lavoratori offrendo loro un orientamento professionale, un orientamento mirato per gli ultracinquantenni, assistenza nella ricerca del lavoro, formazione professionale, riqualificazione e promozione dell'imprenditorialità.
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These measures will be complemented with hiring benefits, a job-search allowance, a contribution to commuting expenses and to expenses for moving their residence.
Queste misure saranno integrate da incentivi all'assunzione, da un'indennità per la ricerca di un lavoro e da un contributo alle spese di viaggio e di trasferimento.
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The total estimated cost of the package is approximately €7.7 million, of which the EGF would provide five million euro.
Il costo totale stimato del pacchetto è di circa 7,7 milioni di EUR, 5 dei quali saranno stanziati dal FEG.
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To maintain its market share against competition from low labour cost countries such as China and Turkey, Antonio Merloni SpA, the fifth largest manufacturer of appliances in the EU in 2002, changed its sales strategy and in 2006 started selling its products directly through its own brands.
Per conservare la sua quota di mercato a fronte della concorrenza di paesi a basso costo del lavoro come la Cina e la Turchia, la Antonio Merloni S.p.A., quinto produttore di elettrodomestici dell'UE nel 2002, ha modificato la strategia di vendita e nel 2006 ha iniziato a vendere i suoi prodotti direttamente con i propri marchi.
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With the outbreak of the global financial and economic crisis, the company experienced financial difficulties, which were further exacerbated by the sudden tightening of conditions for access to financial credit.
Con lo scoppio della crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale, la società si è trovata in una situazione di difficoltà finanziaria, ulteriormente aggravata dall'improvvisa stretta delle condizioni di accesso al credito finanziario.
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In 2007, with a turnover of almost 900 million €, Antonio Merloni faced debts and liabilities of about 500 million €.
Nel 2007, con un fatturato di quasi 900 milioni di EUR, la Antonio Merloni aveva debiti e passività per circa 500 milioni di EUR.
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The downturn in production, which had been following the downward trend at European level, combined with the financial constraints, resulted in a request submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development for admission to the administration proceedings for large firms in crisis and finally in the cessation of the business activities of Antonio Merloni SpA.
Il calo della produzione, che ha seguito la tendenza al ribasso registrata a livello europeo, e parallelamente i vincoli finanziari hanno condotto alla presentazione di una richiesta al ministero dello Sviluppo economico per l'ammissione alla procedura di amministrazione straordinaria delle grandi imprese in crisi e successivamente alla cessazione delle attività della Antonio Merloni S.P.A.
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A total of 2 217 workers were made redundant, of whom 700 were taken over by company QS Group SpA.
In totale sono stati dichiarati in esubero 2 217 lavoratori, 700 dei quali sono stati assorbiti dalla QS Group S.p.A.
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This application therefore covers the 1 517 workers left jobless through the closure of Antonio Merloni SpA.
La presente domanda riguarda quindi i 1 517 lavoratori rimasti senza lavoro a causa della chiusura della Antonio Merloni S.p.A.
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The territories concerned by the redundancies are the regions of Marche and Umbria and in particular the provinces of Ancona and Perugia, where the production plants of Antonio Merloni SpA were located.
I territori interessati dagli esuberi sono le regioni Marche e Umbria, in particolare le province di Ancona e Perugia, dove sono ubicati gli stabilimenti di produzione della Antonio Merloni S.p.A.
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There have been 105 applications to the EGF since the start of its operations in 2007.
Dall'inizio del suo funzionamento nel 2007, il FEG ha ricevuto 105 domande.
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Some €454 million has been requested to help about 94,500 workers.
Sono stati chiesti 454 milioni di EUR a sostegno di circa 94 500 lavoratori.
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EGF applications are being presented to help redundant workers in a growing number of sectors, and by an increasing number of Member States.
Le domande di intervento del FEG riguardano lavoratori in esubero in un numero sempre maggiore di settori e sono presentate da un numero crescente di Stati membri.
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More open trade with the rest of the world leads to overall benefits for growth and employment, but it can also cost some jobs, particularly in vulnerable sectors and affecting lower-skilled workers.
La maggiore apertura degli scambi commerciali con il resto del mondo si traduce, nel complesso, in vantaggi in termini di crescita e di occupazione, ma può anche causare la perdita di un certo numero di posti di lavoro, soprattutto nei settori vulnerabili e a danno dei lavoratori meno qualificati.
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This is why Commission President Barroso first proposed setting up a fund to help those adjusting to the consequences of globalisation.
Per questo motivo il Presidente della Commissione Barroso ha, per primo, proposto l'istituzione di un fondo per aiutare quanti devono adeguarsi alle conseguenze della globalizzazione.
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The EGF was established at the end of 2006 and was designed to demonstrate solidarity from the many who benefit from openness to the few who face the sudden shock of losing their jobs.
IL FEG è stato creato alla fine del 2006 con l'obiettivo di dimostrare la solidarietà di coloro che beneficiano dell'apertura dei mercati nei confronti dei pochi che devono affrontare il trauma improvviso della perdita del posto di lavoro.
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In June 2009, the EGF rules were revised to strengthen the role of the EGF as an early intervention instrument forming part of Europe's response to the financial and economic crisis.
Nel giugno 2009, le norme del FEG sono state riviste per rafforzarne il ruolo come strumento di intervento rapido nel quadro della risposta europea alla crisi economica e finanziaria.
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The revised EGF Regulation entered into force on 2 July 2009 and applied to all applications received from 1 May 2009 to 31 December 2011.
Il regolamento FEG rivisto è entrato in vigore il 2 luglio 2009 ed è stato applicato a tutte le domande ricevute tra il 1º maggio 2009 e il 31 dicembre 2011.
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Building on the experience acquired with the EGF since 2007 and its value added for the assisted workers and affected regions, the Commission has proposed to maintain the Fund also during the 2014-2020 multiannual financial framework, while further improving its functioning.
Sulla base dell'esperienza acquisita con il FEG dal 2007 e considerato il suo valore aggiunto per i lavoratori assistiti e le regioni interessate, la Commissione ha proposto di mantenere il Fondo anche nel periodo coperto dal quadro finanziario pluriennale 2014-2020, migliorandone nel contempo il funzionamento.
Employment: Commission proposes five million euro from Globalisation Fund
for former workers of Antonio Merloni S.p.A.in Italy
The European Commission has today proposed to provide Italy with five
million euro from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to help 1,517
former workers of Antonio Merloni S.p.A. with their re-integration into
The proposal now goes to the European Parliament and the EU's Council
of Ministers for their approval.
EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László
Andor commented:
"The crisis had a serious impact on the market for domestic appliances,
mainly due to the decrease in exports.
This proposal to allocate 5 million euro from Europe's Globalisation Fund would
help prepare over fifteen hundred redundant workers for new job opportunities in
other sectors with a more promising outlook."
Italy applied for support from the EGF for 1,517 workers made redundant
by Antonio Merloni S.p.A., an Italian manufacturer of domestic appliances.
All redundant workers are expected to participate in the measures.
The package will help the workers by offering them careers advice,
special guidance for those over 50, job-search assistance, vocational training,
skills upgrade and entrepreneurship promotion.
These measures will be complemented with hiring benefits, a job-search
allowance, a contribution to commuting expenses and to expenses for moving their
The total estimated cost of the package is approximately €7.7 million,
of which the EGF would provide five million euro.
To maintain its market share against competition from low labour cost
countries such as China and Turkey, Antonio Merloni SpA, the fifth largest
manufacturer of appliances in the EU in 2002, changed its sales strategy and in
2006 started selling its products directly through its own brands.
With the outbreak of the global financial and economic crisis, the
company experienced financial difficulties, which were further exacerbated by
the sudden tightening of conditions for access to financial credit.
In 2007, with a turnover of almost 900 million €, Antonio Merloni faced
debts and liabilities of about 500 million €.
The downturn in production, which had been following the downward trend
at European level, combined with the financial constraints, resulted in a
request submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development for admission to the
administration proceedings for large firms in crisis and finally in the
cessation of the business activities of Antonio Merloni SpA.
A total of 2 217 workers were made redundant, of whom 700 were taken
over by company QS Group SpA.
This application therefore covers the 1 517 workers left jobless
through the closure of Antonio Merloni SpA.
The territories concerned by the redundancies are the regions of Marche
and Umbria and in particular the provinces of Ancona and Perugia, where the
production plants of Antonio Merloni SpA were located.
There have been 105 applications to the EGF since the start of its
operations in 2007.
Some €454 million has been requested to help about 94,500 workers.
EGF applications are being presented to help redundant workers in a
growing number of sectors, and by an increasing number of Member States.
More open trade with the rest of the world leads to overall benefits
for growth and employment, but it can also cost some jobs, particularly in
vulnerable sectors and affecting lower-skilled workers.
This is why Commission President Barroso first proposed setting up a
fund to help those adjusting to the consequences of globalisation.
The EGF was established at the end of 2006 and was designed to
demonstrate solidarity from the many who benefit from openness to the few who
face the sudden shock of losing their jobs.
In June 2009, the EGF rules were revised to strengthen the role of the
EGF as an early intervention instrument forming part of Europe's response to the
financial and economic crisis.
The revised EGF Regulation entered into force on 2 July 2009 and
applied to all applications received from 1 May 2009 to 31 December 2011.
Building on the experience acquired with the EGF since 2007 and its
value added for the assisted workers and affected regions, the Commission has
proposed to maintain the Fund also during the 2014-2020 multiannual financial
framework, while further improving its functioning.