L'Europa sul sentiero della ripresa?
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Data documento: 15-02-2013
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Europe on the road to recovery?
L'Europa sul sentiero della ripresa?
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During the European Economic and Social Committee's February plenary session European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and EESC members held a debate on sustainable growth, the road to economic recovery and the role of civil society.
Nella sessione plenaria di febbraio del Comitato economico e sociale europeo in cui il Presidente della Commissione europea Barroso e i membri del CESE hanno discusso di crescita sostenibile, del percorso verso la ripresa economica e del ruolo della società civile.
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Three opinions on the specific economic policies of Member States were adopted.
Sono stati adottati tre pareri sulle specifiche politiche economiche degli Stati membri.
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The European Commission (EC) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) agreed that sustainable growth was crucial to maintaining Europe's social model.
La Commissione europea (CE) e il Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE) hanno convenuto sulla cruciale importanza della crescita sostenibile per mantenere il modello sociale europeo.
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President Barroso stressed the importance of discipline, convergence and solidarity to create jobs and growth, while EESC President Staffan Nilsson urged the Member States and the institutions to deepen the integration process and keep in mind the costs of non-Europe.
Il Presidente della CE Barroso ha sottolineato l'importanza della disciplina, della convergenza e della solidarietà per creare posti di lavoro e generare crescita, mentre il Presidente del CESE Nilsson ha esortato gli Stati membri e le istituzioni europee ad approfondire il processo di integrazione e a tener presenti i costi della "non Europa".
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The Commission considered that recent decisions on banking union and fiscal reforms should lead the EU to the path of recovery, although evidence shows that there is no room for complacency.
Secondo la Commissione le recenti decisioni sull'unione bancaria e sulle riforme di bilancio dovrebbero condurre l'UE sul sentiero della ripresa, benché ogni forma di autocompiacimento sia fuori luogo.
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President Barroso praised the Committee's important service to the EU and the EESC's advisory role and support in many policy areas, for example in the work for a sustainable Europe and in defending the Commission's proposal for the European budget.
Barroso ha elogiato il prezioso contributo del Comitato all'UE e il suo ruolo consultivo e di sostegno in molti ambiti, citando a titolo d'esempio il lavoro del Comitato per un'Europa sostenibile e la sua difesa della proposta della Commissione per il bilancio europeo.
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EESC Member, Jane Morrice, thanked the Commission President for his commitment to work closer with the Committee but urged him to do more:
Il membro del CESE Jane Morrice ha ringraziato il Presidente della Commissione per il suo impegno a lavorare a più stretto contatto con il Comitato, ma lo ha anche invitato a fare di più:
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"I believe that you can take more advantage of the Committee's expertise, she said, Please, use us better".
"Sono convinta che i benefici che Lei può trarre dalle competenze specifiche del CESE siano ancora maggiori" ha dichiarato. "Per favore, ci utilizzi meglio!"
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Three opinions related to national policy areas were adopted.
Nella stessa sessione il CESE ha adottato tre pareri riguardanti le politiche nazionali.
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In its opinion on the 2013 annual growth survey (rapporteur Xavier Verboven, Workers’ Group, Belgium), the EESC warned against continuing austerity policies and against the severe consequences of recession, which could structurally weaken economies.
Nel parere sull'analisi annuale della crescita 2013 (relatore Xavier Verboven, gruppo Lavoratori, Belgio), il CESE mette in guardia contro la prosecuzione delle politiche di austerità e i gravi effetti della recessione, che potrebbero condurre a un indebolimento strutturale delle economie.
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In its opinion on employment guidelines for Member States (rapporteur Wolfgang Greif, Workers’ Group, Austria)the EESC reiterated its deep concern that neither the employment nor the anti-poverty goals of the EU 2020 strategy could be met.
Mentre nel parere sugli orientamenti per le politiche a favore
dell'occupazione (relatore Wolfgang Greif, gruppo Lavoratori, Austria) ribadisce
la sua profonda preoccupazione per il rischio che gli obiettivi della strategia
Europa 2020 in materia di occupazione e lotta alla povertà non vengano
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It also called for a European stimulus package with a comprehensive impact on labour market policy.
E invoca un pacchetto di misure europee di stimolo che abbia un impatto globale sulla politica del mercato del lavoro.
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Stimulating demand and delivering distributive justice
Stimolare la domanda e attuare la giustizia distributiva
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The third opinion to be adopted (rapporteur Thomas Delapina, Workers’ Group, Austria) was on "Economic policies - Member States of the euro area" following consultation by the EC on a Council recommendation on broad economic guidelines for the economic policies of the Euro area Member States.
Il terzo parere adottato dal CESE (relatore Thomas Delapina, gruppo Lavoratori, Austria) intitolato "Politiche economiche – Stati membri dell'area dell'euro", ha per oggetto una raccomandazione del Consiglio sull'attuazione degli indirizzi di massima per le politiche economiche degli Stati membri la cui moneta è l'euro, su cui la Commissione europea ha deciso di consultare il Comitato.
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The EESC welcomes this recommendation by the EC, which provides not only general guidelines for the countries of the Euro area, but also recommendations tailored to national economic circumstances.
Il CESE accoglie con favore tale documento del Consiglio, che fornisce non solo indirizzi di massima per i paesi dell'eurozona, ma anche raccomandazioni "su misura" per le diverse situazioni economiche nazionali.
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However, the Committee views the current macroeconomic policy mix as unbalanced and calls for a new growth model taking into account the need for demand and distributive justice.
Tuttavia, il Comitato ritiene che l'attuale mix di politiche macroeconomiche non sia equilibrato, e invoca un nuovo modello di crescita che tenga conto dell'importanza della domanda e delle esigenze di giustizia distributiva.
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The EESC puts forward a number of specific recommendations including stricter regulation of financial markets to meet the needs of the real economy and a solidarity safety net to avoid speculation against countries and financing costs.
Il CESE formula quindi una serie di raccomandazioni specifiche, chiedendo tra l'altro una regolamentazione più severa dei mercati finanziari, affinché essi rispondano alle esigenze dell'economia reale, e una rete di sicurezza che eviti speculazioni ai danni dei paesi in difficoltà e riduca così i loro costi di finanziamento.
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In the light of international research, which suggests that in recessive circumstances fiscal multipliers have a more adverse impact on economic growth and employment than was hitherto realised, the Committee urged a re-evaluation of fiscal multipliers in the design of economic policies. Thus policies should take into account that negative income and employment multipliers of revenue-related measures are generally more limited than those of spending cuts.
Alla luce della ricerca internazionale, da cui emerge che, in una situazione di recessione, l'impatto dei moltiplicatori di bilancio sulla crescita economica e l'occupazione è più negativo di quanto non si ritenesse finora, il Comitato chiede una nuova valutazione di tali moltiplicatori al momento della definizione delle politiche economiche, in modo da sfruttare il fatto che i moltiplicatori negativi del reddito e dell'occupazione risultanti dalle misure adottate sul versante delle entrate siano generalmente inferiori rispetto a quelli dei tagli alle spese.
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The EESC warned against price competition as a means of reducing external economic imbalances, particularly through wage restraint, because it reduced overall demand leading to a downwards spiral to the detriment of all countries.
Il CESE esorta inoltre a non concentrarsi sulla competitività a livello dei prezzi nel tentativo di eliminare gli squilibri economici esterni, in particolare attraverso il contenimento dei salari, poiché ciò riduce la domanda complessiva, generando una spirale discendente da cui tutti i paesi escono perdenti.
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Europe would only succeed in the global race by pursuing an upwards-leading strategy of high-quality added value.
L'Europa potrà imporsi nella concorrenza globale soltanto se adotterà una strategia di alto profilo basata sulla creazione di valore aggiunto di elevata qualità.
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The Committee opposed the weakening of the social security systems and called for a general re-think of tax systems, with due regard for distributive justice and for a stronger role for the social partners at national and European level, enhancing the value of macroeconomic dialogue.
Il Comitato si oppone poi all'indebolimento dei sistemi di sicurezza sociale, esorta a ripensare in generale l'intero sistema fiscale, tenendo in debito conto la giustizia redistributiva, e invita a rafforzare il ruolo delle parti sociali a livello nazionale ed europeo, valorizzando il dialogo macroeconomico.
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Revision of the guidelines should take into account the fact that countries with successful social partnerships had been better able to cushion the impact of the crisis than other countries.
Infine, secondo il Comitato, la riformulazione degli orientamenti dovrebbe tener conto del fatto che i paesi con un buon funzionamento del partenariato sociale sono riusciti ad ammortizzare meglio le conseguenze della crisi rispetto agli altri.
Europe on the road to recovery?
During the European Economic and Social Committee's February plenary
session European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and EESC members held
a debate on sustainable growth, the road to economic recovery and the role of
civil society.
Three opinions on the specific economic policies of Member States were
The European Commission (EC) and the European Economic and Social
Committee (EESC) agreed that sustainable growth was crucial to maintaining
Europe's social model.
President Barroso stressed the importance of discipline, convergence
and solidarity to create jobs and growth, while EESC President Staffan Nilsson
urged the Member States and the institutions to deepen the integration process
and keep in mind the costs of non-Europe.
The Commission considered that recent decisions on banking union and
fiscal reforms should lead the EU to the path of recovery, although evidence
shows that there is no room for complacency.
President Barroso praised the Committee's important service to the EU
and the EESC's advisory role and support in many policy areas, for example in
the work for a sustainable Europe and in defending the Commission's proposal for
the European budget.
EESC Member, Jane Morrice, thanked the Commission President for his
commitment to work closer with the Committee but urged him to do mor
"I believe that you can take more advantage of the Committee's
expertise, she said, Please, use us better".
Three opinions related to national policy areas were adopted.
In its opinion on the 2013 annual growth survey (rapporteur Xavier
Verboven, Workers’ Group, Belgium), the EESC warned against continuing austerity
policies and against the severe consequences of recession, which could
structurally weaken economies.
In its opinion on employment guidelines for Member States (rapporteur
Wolfgang Greif, Workers’ Group, Austria), the EESC reiterated its deep concern
that neither the employment nor the anti-poverty goals of the EU 2020 strategy
could be met.
It also called for a European stimulus package with a comprehensive
impact on labour market policy.
Stimulating demand and delivering distributive justice
The third opinion to be adopted (rapporteur Thomas Delapina, Workers’
Group, Austria) was on "Economic policies - Member States of the euro area"
following consultation by the EC on a Council recommendation on broad economic
guidelines for the economic policies of the Euro area Member States.
The EESC welcomes this recommendation by the EC, which provides not
only general guidelines for the countries of the Euro area, but also
recommendations tailored to national economic circumstances.
However, the Committee views the current macroeconomic policy mix as
unbalanced and calls for a new growth model taking into account the need for
demand and distributive justice.
The EESC puts forward a number of specific recommendations including
stricter regulation of financial markets to meet the needs of the real economy
and a solidarity safety net to avoid speculation against countries and financing
In the light of international research, which suggests that in
recessive circumstances fiscal multipliers have a more adverse impact on
economic growth and employment than was hitherto realised, the Committee urged a
re-evaluation of fiscal multipliers in the design of economic policies. Thus
policies should take into account that negative income and employment
multipliers of revenue-related measures are generally more limited than those of
spending cuts.
The EESC warned against price competition as a means of reducing
external economic imbalances, particularly through wage restraint, because it
reduced overall demand leading to a downwards spiral to the detriment of all
Europe would only succeed in the global race by pursuing an
upwards-leading strategy of high-quality added value.
The Committee opposed the weakening of the social security systems and
called for a general re-think of tax systems, with due regard for distributive
justice and for a stronger role for the social partners at national and European
level, enhancing the value of macroeconomic dialogue.
Revision of the guidelines should take into account the fact that
countries with successful social partnerships had been better able to cushion
the impact of the crisis than other countries.