Herman Van Rompuy Presidente del Consiglio europeo - Un bilancio per il futuro
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Data documento: 15-02-2013
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Herman Van Rompuy President of the European Council
- A budget for the future
Herman Van Rompuy Presidente del Consiglio europeo
- Un bilancio per il futuro
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One week ago, after a long night of negotiations, the 27 presidents and prime ministers of our countries reached a deal on the European Union's budget for the next seven years.
Una settimana fa, dopo una lunga notte di negoziati, i ventisette presidenti e primi ministri dei nostri paesi hanno raggiunto un accordo sul bilancio dell'Unione europea per i prossimi sette anni.
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On Monday I will be presenting and defending it in the European Parliament.
Lunedì lo presenterò e difenderò davanti al Parlamento europeo.
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As is clear from press reports, each of the leaders tried to get the best deal for their own country and citizens.
Come riportato chiaramente dalla stampa, ogni leader ha tentato di ottenere il migliore accordo per il proprio paese e i propri cittadini.
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This is perfectly legitimate, as is the fact that some focused more on the concerns of their taxpayers and others on the needs of beneficiaries.
È perfettamente legittimo che lo facciano, così come è legittimo che alcuni si siano concentrati maggiormente sulle preoccupazioni dei loro contribuenti e altri sulle esigenze dei beneficiari.
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The important thing for me is that together we reached agreement on a budget for the rest of the decade, and a good deal for Europe as a whole.
Ciò che conta per me è che insieme abbiamo concordato un bilancio per il resto del decennio e raggiunto un buon accordo per l'Europa nel suo insieme.
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The figures speak for themselves. Overall spending targets are going down, but the share of investments for growth and employment is rising.
Le cifre parlano da sole: a fronte di un complessivo calo degli obiettivi di spesa, aumenta la quota degli investimenti a favore della crescita e dell'occupazione.
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This reflects the two key considerations behind the choices we put forward:
Ciò rispecchia le due considerazioni essenziali che sottendono le scelte che avanziamo:
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adapting to severe budgetary constraints across Europe, whilst investing for the future.
adattarsi ai forti vincoli di bilancio in Europa e al tempo stesso investire per il futuro.
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Just like everywhere else in Europe, the focus is on doing more with less money, including for administration costs, and ensuring that each euro goes where it can make the most impact.
Proprio come ovunque in Europa, l'obiettivo è fare di più con meno mezzi, anche per quanto riguarda i costi dell'amministrazione, e assicurare che ogni euro vada laddove se ne risentano maggiormente gli effetti.
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Belts are being tightened across Europe and the Union itself can be no exception, so the only option was a budget of moderation.
L'intera Europa sta stringendo la cinghia e l'Unione stessa non può fare eccezione, ragion per cui l'unica scelta possibile è un bilancio di moderazione.
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For the first time ever, spending ceilings are down compared to the previous period, and capped at exactly 1% of EU gross national income.
Per la prima volta in assoluto i massimali di spesa sono scesi rispetto al periodo precedente e limitati esattamente all'1% del reddito nazionale lordo dell'UE.
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Given today's economic challenges, focusing on jobs, growth and competitiveness is our top priority.
Dinanzi alle sfide economiche attuali, è nostra priorità assoluta concentrarsi sull'occupazione, la crescita e la competitività.
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We simply cannot afford to sacrifice future-oriented investments, in education, research or innovation.
Non possiamo semplicemente permetterci di sacrificare investimenti orientati al futuro nei settori dell'istruzione, della ricerca o dell'innovazione.
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That is why the new budget foresees an extra 37% (or €34 billion) precisely in those areas, also setting aside substantial sums for cross-border energy, transport and digital networks (€30 billion).
È per questo motivo che il nuovo bilancio prevede un supplemento del 37% (ovvero 34 miliardi di EUR) destinato appunto a questi settori, oltre a sostanziali accantonamenti a favore delle reti transfrontaliere nei settori energetico, dei trasporti e digitale (30 miliardi di EUR).
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Key initiatives like 'Erasmus for all', the exchange programme for students and teachers, or 'Horizon 2020', the continent's biggest research and innovation programme, will also see a real increase in their funding.
Iniziative fondamentali come "Erasmus per tutti", il programma di scambio per studenti e docenti, o "Orizzonte 2020", il principale programma di ricerca e innovazione del continente, beneficeranno anch'esse di un reale aumento dei fondi loro destinati.
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This was made possible by modernising the budget.
Ciò è stato reso possibile dalla modernizzazione del bilancio.
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For instance, for agriculture, a policy area exclusively dealt with at European level, the focus is shifting away from blanket subsidies and towards ensuring fair incomes for farmers, quality of life in rural areas and greener practices.
Ad esempio per l'agricoltura, un settore trattato esclusivamente a livello europeo, l'accento si sta spostando da sussidi generalizzati alla garanzia di redditi equi per gli agricoltori, qualità della vita nelle zone rurali e pratiche più ecologiche.
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A sustainable food sector is essential for all of us.
Per tutti noi è essenziale un settore alimentare sostenibile.
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Agriculture is not a thing of the past, but thanks to reforms of the common agricultural policy its relative weight in the budget is going down and will continue to do so.
L'agricoltura non appartiene al passato ma, grazie alle riforme della politica agricola comune, il suo peso relativo nel bilancio sta diminuendo e continuerà a farlo.
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In response to the rise in youth unemployment – which affects one in four young Europeans, one in two in some countries – a new initiative worth €6 billion will contribute to help fight this dramatic situation.
In risposta all'aumento della disoccupazione giovanile, che colpisce un giovane europeo su quattro e uno su due in alcuni paesi, una nuova iniziativa di 6 miliardi di EUR contribuirà a sostenere la lotta a questa situazione drammatica.
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Regional funds will be mobilised to help the countries hardest hit by the crisis.
Saranno mobilitati i fondi regionali per aiutare i paesi più duramente colpiti dalla crisi.
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Funds will continue to target the poorest regions and most deprived people to improve social cohesion in our Union.
I fondi continueranno ad essere destinati alle regioni più povere e agli indigenti per migliorare la coesione sociale nella nostra Unione.
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And despite the crisis, the means allowing Europe to engage on vital global issues, such as development aid or climate change, remain preserved.
Nonostante la crisi, sono preservati i mezzi che consentono all'Europa di impegnarsi su problematiche vitali sul piano globale, quali gli aiuti allo sviluppo o i cambiamenti climatici.
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In many ways this is a modernised, realistic budget, focused on the most pressing concerns.
Per molti versi si tratta di un bilancio ammodernato e realistico, incentrato sulle preoccupazioni più pressanti.
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As a compromise, it is perhaps nobody's perfect budget, but it does reconcile everybody's views.
Come compromesso non è probabilmente il bilancio perfetto per nessuno, ma concilia le opinioni di tutti.
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Some regret that not all investment proposals could be taken on board, as that would have proved too costly.
Alcuni si rammaricano del fatto che non tutte le proposte di investimenti abbiano potuto essere accolte in quanto ciò si sarebbe rivelato troppo costoso.
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I may regret that myself, but it would be misleading to present adjustments to a draft as 'cuts', when in reality the budget we decided provides significantly more money for investment in growth than the current one.
Io stesso potrei rammaricarmene, ma sarebbe fuorviante far passare come "tagli" adeguamenti a una bozza, quando in realtà il bilancio che abbiamo deciso assegna fondi per gli investimenti nella crescita notevolmente superiori a quelli previsti dall'attuale.
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And this money will make a difference.
E questi fondi faranno la differenza.
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Last week's deal is not the end of the story.
L'accordo della settimana scorsa non è il punto finale.
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The European Parliament will now examine the political agreement reached by leaders in preparation for a final negotiation.
Il Parlamento europeo esaminerà ora l'accordo politico raggiunto dai leader in preparazione del negoziato finale.
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Already in the run-up to the summit, its members voiced legitimate concerns, for instance on the need for new sources of revenue or for forms of budgetary flexibility.
Già prima del vertice, i suoi membri avevano manifestato preoccupazioni legittime, ad esempio sulla necessità di nuove fonti di entrate o di forme di flessibilità di bilancio.
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This makes sense, since nobody can predict where Europe will be seven years from now.
È comprensibile in quanto nessuno può prevedere quella che sarà la situazione dell'Europa tra sette anni.
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Besides, flexibility helps ensure that the Union's payments can match its commitments.
Inoltre la flessibilità contribuisce ad assicurare che i pagamenti dell'Unione possano corrispondere ai suoi impegni.
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A seven-year investment budget is a strong factor of predictability.
Un bilancio di investimenti settennale costituisce un forte fattore di prevedibilità.
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Without it, we can only commit money for one year at a time.
Senza di esso possiamo solo impegnare fondi per un anno alla volta.
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For scientists, charities and universities, for local and regional authorities across Europe, that would be a major setback.
Questo sarebbe di grande ostacolo per scienziati, organizzazioni di beneficenza e università nonché per le autorità locali e regionali di tutta Europa.
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Big projects depend on it.
Da esso dipendono importanti progetti.
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At a moment when confidence in our economies is gradually returning, sealing this seven-year perspective for Europe will be a positive sign.
In un momento di graduale ritorno della fiducia nelle nostre economie, suggellare questa prospettiva settennale per l'Europa costituirà un segnale positivo.
Herman Van Rompuy President of the European Council - A budget for
the future
One week ago, after a long night of negotiations, the 27 presidents and
prime ministers of our countries reached a deal on the European Union's budget
for the next seven years.
On Monday I will be presenting and defending it in the European
As is clear from press reports, each of the leaders tried to get the
best deal for their own country and citizens.
This is perfectly legitimate, as is the fact that some focused more on
the concerns of their taxpayers and others on the needs of beneficiaries.
The important thing for me is that together we reached agreement on a
budget for the rest of the decade, and a good deal for Europe as a whole.
The figures speak for themselves. Overall spending targets are going
down, but the share of investments for growth and employment is rising.
This reflects the two key considerations behind the choices we put
adapting to severe budgetary constraints across Europe, whilst investing for the
Just like everywhere else in Europe, the focus is on doing more with
less money, including for administration costs, and ensuring that each euro goes
where it can make the most impact.
Belts are being tightened across Europe and the Union itself can be no
exception, so the only option was a budget of moderation.
For the first time ever, spending ceilings are down compared to the
previous period, and capped at exactly 1% of EU gross national income.
Given today's economic challenges, focusing on jobs, growth and
competitiveness is our top priority.
We simply cannot afford to sacrifice future-oriented investments, in
education, research or innovation.
That is why the new budget foresees an extra 37% (or €34 billion)
precisely in those areas, also setting aside substantial sums for cross-border
energy, transport and digital networks (€30 billion).
Key initiatives like 'Erasmus for all', the exchange programme for
students and teachers, or 'Horizon 2020', the continent's biggest research and
innovation programme, will also see a real increase in their funding.
This was made possible by modernising the budget.
For instance, for agriculture, a policy area exclusively dealt with at
European level, the focus is shifting away from blanket subsidies and towards
ensuring fair incomes for farmers, quality of life in rural areas and greener
A sustainable food sector is essential for all of us.
Agriculture is not a thing of the past, but thanks to reforms of the
common agricultural policy its relative weight in the budget is going down and
will continue to do so.
In response to the rise in youth unemployment – which affects one in
four young Europeans, one in two in some countries – a new initiative worth €6
billion will contribute to help fight this dramatic situation.
Regional funds will be mobilised to help the countries hardest hit by
the crisis.
Funds will continue to target the poorest regions and most deprived
people to improve social cohesion in our Union.
And despite the crisis, the means allowing Europe to engage on vital
global issues, such as development aid or climate change, remain preserved.
In many ways this is a modernised, realistic budget, focused on the
most pressing concerns.
As a compromise, it is perhaps nobody's perfect budget, but it does
reconcile everybody's views.
Some regret that not all investment proposals could be taken on board,
as that would have proved too costly.
I may regret that myself, but it would be misleading to present
adjustments to a draft as 'cuts', when in reality the budget we decided provides
significantly more money for investment in growth than the current one.
And this money will make a difference.
Last week's deal is not the end of the story.
The European Parliament will now examine the political agreement
reached by leaders in preparation for a final negotiation.
Already in the run-up to the summit, its members voiced legitimate
concerns, for instance on the need for new sources of revenue or for forms of
budgetary flexibility.
This makes sense, since nobody can predict where Europe will be seven
years from now.
Besides, flexibility helps ensure that the Union's payments can match
its commitments.
A seven-year investment budget is a strong factor of predictability.
Without it, we can only commit money for one year at a time.
For scientists, charities and universities, for local and regional
authorities across Europe, that would be a major setback.
Big projects depend on it.
At a moment when confidence in our economies is gradually returning,
sealing this seven-year perspective for Europe will be a positive sign.