Cittadinanza europea: i cittadini europei sono sempre più consapevoli dei diritti che l'UE garantisce ma ne vogliono sapere di più
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Data documento: 19-02-2013
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European Citizenship: Awareness growing about EU-guaranteed rights but people want to know more
Cittadinanza europea: i cittadini europei sono sempre più consapevoli dei diritti che l'UE garantisce ma ne vogliono sapere di più
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20 years after the birth of EU citizenship Europeans are broadly aware of their rights, but do not always know what these entail, according to a new Eurobarometer survey published by the European Commission today.
Una nuova indagine Eurobarometro, pubblicata oggi dalla Commissione europea, rivela che, a vent'anni dall'introduzione della cittadinanza dell'UE, gli europei hanno ampia cognizione dell'esistenza dei diritti ad essa legati, ma non sempre sanno cosa implicano.
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81% of respondents to the survey know that they are EU citizens on top of their own nationality. However, only 36% feel well informed about the rights that EU citizenship entails.
L'81% degli intervistati sa di essere cittadino dell'UE, oltre ad esserlo del proprio paese, ma solo il 36% ritiene di essere ben informato sui diritti che derivano da questa condizione.
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Europeans are most familiar with their rights to free movement (88%) and to petition EU institutions (89%). Meanwhile two-thirds (67%) consider that free movement of people within the EU brings economic benefits to their country.
La maggioranza degli europei conosce i propri diritti in fatto di libera circolazione (88%) e petizione presso le istituzioni unionali (89%), mentre i due terzi (67%) pensa che la libera circolazione delle persone all'interno dell'UE sia vantaggiosa per il proprio paese dal punto di visto economico.
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The survey comes as the European Parliament and the European Commission hold a joint hearing today to discuss Europeans’ rights.
L'indagine è pubblicata in concomitanza con l'udienza che Parlamento europeo e Commissione tengono oggi congiuntamente per discutere i diritti europei.
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The discussions will notably provide inspiration for the Commission's next EU Citizenship Report, which aims to tackle obstacles encountered by EU citizens when exercising their rights.
La discussione fornirà materia per la prossima relazione della Commissione sulla cittadinanza dell'UE, che intende affrontare gli ostacoli incontrati dai cittadini nell'esercizio dei loro diritti.
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The report – due on 8 May – will set out a series of initiatives to help make these rights a reality, as part of the 2013 European Year of Citizens. It also follows up on the 25 actions announced in the First EU Citizenship Report in 2010 (see IP/10/1390 and MEMO/10/525) and looks at which obstacles for EU citizens have been dismantled over the past three years.
La relazione, prevista per l'8 maggio, oltre a delineare una serie di iniziative tese a concretizzare questi diritti, nell’ambito dell’Anno europeo dei cittadini 2013, traccerà il bilancio delle 25 azioni annunciate nella prima relazione sulla cittadinanza dell'UE del 2010 (cfr.IP/10/1390 e MEMO/10/525) e riferirà in merito agli ostacoli sormontati negli ultimi tre anni.
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Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU’s Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship said:
Viviane Reding, Vicepresidente e Commissaria per la giustizia, i diritti fondamentali e la cittadinanza, si è così espressa:
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"Europeans value their rights as EU citizens and are more aware of them than ever before.
"Gli europei tengono molto ai loro diritti di cittadini dell'UE e oggi sono più che mai consapevoli di averne.
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Yet, there is still more we can do to help citizens use their rights and to better engage people in the European Union’s decision-making.
Resta però ancora molto da fare per permettere loro di fruirne appieno e per coinvolgerli più direttamente nel processo decisionale dell'Unione europea.
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I will participate in Citizens' dialogues all over the Union throughout this year which is the European Year of Citizens. I want to listen to citizens' concerns and ideas about their rights. I want to hear how we can improve the situation and how citizens see the future of Europe.
Nel corso di quest'anno, che è l'Anno europeo dei cittadini, parteciperò a incontri pubblici in varie città dell'Unione, per raccogliere timori e idee riguardo ai diritti UE, ascoltare proposte per migliorare la situazione e capire come i cittadini vedono il futuro dell'Europa.
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Europe cannot be built without the direct input of Europeans.
L'Europa non può essere costruita senza il contributo diretto degli europei.
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Therefore, we are profoundly changing the way European policies are made to give citizens a direct say.”
Ecco perché stiamo cambiando radicalmente il modo di concepire le politiche europee al fine di permettere ai cittadini di dire la loro."
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The Eurobarometer survey on European Union citizenship asked Europeans about their status and rights as citizens of the EU.
Nell'indagine Eurobarometro sulla cittadinanza dell'Unione europea veniva chiesto agli europei di esprimersi sulla loro condizione di cittadini dell'UE e sui diritti ad essa associati.
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Overall, respondents were aware of most of their EU citizenship rights, including petitioning the EU institutions (89%), free movement (88%), non-discrimination on basis of nationality (82%), consular protection (79%) and participating in a Citizens’ Initiative (73%).
Nel complesso, gli intervistati sanno di poter godere della maggior parte di questi diritti, compreso il diritto di petizione presso le istituzioni UE (89%), libera circolazione (88%), non-discriminazione fondata sulla nazionalità (82%), protezione consolare (79%) e partecipazione a un'iniziativa dei cittadini (73%).
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Over a third of respondents (36%) felt well informed about these rights – this is up by 5 percentage points compared to 2007. However, just 24% consider themselves well informed about what to do if their EU rights are not respected.
Se più di un terzo degli intervistati
(36%) si reputa ben informato su questi diritti (il che costituisce un aumento di 5 punti percentuali rispetto al 2007), solo il 24% ritiene di sapere come procedere nel caso i suoi diritti UE non siano rispettati.
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In terms of free movement rights, an absolute majority in all 27 EU member states believe that this brings economic benefits to their country.
Per quanto riguarda il diritto di libera circolazione, l'idea che apporti vantaggi economici per il proprio paese è condivisa dalla netta maggioranza degli intervistati in tutti i 27 Stati membri.
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Thanks to EU citizenship – which was introduced by the Maastricht Treaty in 1993 and celebrates its 20th birthday this year – all nationals of the EU Member States have a set of additional rights as EU citizens.
La cittadinanza dell'UE, che ha visto la luce nel 1993 con il trattato di Maastricht e di cui si celebra quindi quest'anno il 20° anniversario, conferisce a tutti i cittadini degli Stati membri dell'UE una serie di diritti in più.
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These include the right to move and live freely in the EU, to vote and stand in local and European elections in the EU country they live in, the right to consular protection abroad under the same conditions as nationals when their own country is not represented and the right to petition the European Parliament, apply to the European Ombudsman and address the EU institutions.
Il cittadino dell'Unione ha il diritto di spostarsi e risiedere liberamente nell'UE, di votare e candidarsi alle elezioni amministrative e europee nello Stato membro UE in cui risiede, gode della tutela consolare delle autorità di un qualsiasi Stato membro se il suo Stato non è rappresentato all'estero, può presentare una petizione al Parlamento europeo, rivolgersi al Mediatore europeo e alle istituzioni dell'UE.
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There are many rights that derive from European citizenship – but people are not always aware of them.
Dalla cittadinanza europea derivano molti diritti, di cui non sempre siamo consapevoli.
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The European Year of Citizens is about explaining these rights and making sure people are aware of them and do not face any obstacles in exercising them (see IP/13/2).
L'Anno europeo dei cittadini servirà a spiegarli e a fare in modo che le persone li conoscano e possano esercitarli senza impedimenti (cfr. IP/13/2).
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The European Commission is working to remove obstacles that EU citizens still face in their daily lives:
La Commissione europea è al lavoro per appianare gli ostacoli che i cittadini si trovano ad affrontare nella vita di tutti i giorni:
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the EU Citizenship Report 2010 (see IP/10/1390 and MEMO/10/525) outlined 25 concrete actions to empower EU citizens exercising their right to free movement in the EU.
la relazione 2010 sulla cittadinanza dell'UE (cfr. IP/10/1390 e MEMO/10/525) delineava 25 azioni concrete per responsabilizzare i cittadini UE circa l'esercizio del diritto alla libera circolazione all'interno dell'UE.
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During the European Year of Citizens in 2013, the Commission will publish a second EU Citizenship Report, which will take stock of the 25 actions proposed in 2010 and will present further key actions for the future to remove remaining obstacles that hinder citizens from fully enjoying their rights as EU citizens.
Nel corso di quest'Anno europeo dei cittadini, la Commissione pubblicherà una seconda relazione sulla cittadinanza dell'UE, che farà il punto sulle 25 azioni proposte nel 2010 e ne presenterà altre da portare avanti nei prossimi anni per sopprimere i restanti ostacoli che impediscono ai cittadini di godere pienamente dei loro diritti UE.
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Throughout the year 2013, Vice-President Reding and other EU Commissioners will also join forces with national and local politicians to hold debates with citizens all across Europe – to listen to them and answer their questions.
Per tutto il 2013 la Vicepresidente Reding e altri Commissari UE terranno in varie città d'Europa, insieme a politici nazionali e locali, una serie di incontri con i cittadini per ascoltarli e rispondere alle loro domande.
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Vice-President Reding has already held debates in Cadiz (Spain), Graz (Austria)Dublin (Ireland) and Berlin (Germany) and Commissioner Andor held a debate in Naples (Italy).
La Vicepresidente Reding ha già partecipato a incontri di questo genere a Cadice (Spagna), Graz (Austria) e Berlino (Germania), mentre il Commissario Andor ne ha tenuto uno a Napoli (Italia).
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Many more will be held throughout European municipalities in 2013 and will see European and local political decision makers engage in a debate with citizens from all walks of life across the whole EU discussing the impacts of the economic crisis, EU citizens' rights and the future of Europe.
Ne sono previsti molti altri, che vedranno impegnati politici europei e locali in un dialogo con cittadini di ogni ceto e provenienza per dibattere le ripercussioni della crisi economica, i diritti dei cittadini dell'Unione e il futuro dell'Europa.
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Follow all the debates on website indicated below.
È possibile seguire i dibattiti sul sito sottoindicato.
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To prepare the ground for the European Year, the Commission held a broad public consultation between 9 May and 9 September 2012 asking citizens what problems they have encountered in exercising their rights as EU citizens (see IP/12/461).
La Commissione, in preparazione dell'attuale Anno europeo, ha lanciato una grande consultazione pubblica che, tenutasi dal 9 maggio al 9 settembre 2012, chiedeva ai cittadini quali fossero i problemi incontrati nell'esercizio dei loro diritti UE (cfr.P/12/461).
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Respondents made clear that they are very attached to their EU rights – especially free movement and political rights.They would like to see a true European area in which they can live, work, move, study and shop without facing red tape or discrimination.
È emerso con chiarezza che gli intervistati danno molta importanza ai diritti UE, in particolare alla libertà di circolazione e ai diritti politici, e vorrebbero vedere concretizzarsi un vero e proprio spazio europeo in cui abitare, lavorare, spostarsi, studiare e fare acquisti, senza intoppi di ordine burocratico o discriminazioni.
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But they also pointed out that there is still some way to go.
È anche emerso, però, che restano ancora varie questioni da risolvere.
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They highlighted various problems, notably in getting EU rights respected at local level – issues which the Commission will be taking up in the next EU Citizenship Report, planned during 2013.
Il rispetto dei diritti UE a livello locale è uno dei problemi additati dagli intervistati, ed è tra quelli che la Commissione affronterà nella prossima relazione sulla cittadinanza dell'UE, prevista nel corso del 2013.
http://ec.europa.eu/european-debate/index_it.htm. |
European Citizenship: Awareness growing about EU-guaranteed rights but people
want to know more
20 years after the birth of EU citizenship Europeans are broadly aware
of their rights, but do not always know what these entail, according to a new
Eurobarometer survey published by the European Commission today.
81% of respondents to the survey know that they are EU citizens on top
of their own nationality. However, only 36% feel well informed about the rights
that EU citizenship entails.
Europeans are most familiar with their rights to free movement (88%)
and to petition EU institutions (89%). Meanwhile two-thirds (67%) consider that
free movement of people within the EU brings economic benefits to their country.
The survey comes as the European Parliament and the European Commission
hold a joint hearing today to discuss Europeans’ rights.
The discussions will notably provide inspiration for the Commission's
next EU Citizenship Report, which aims to tackle obstacles encountered by EU
citizens when exercising their rights.
The report – due on 8 May – will set out a series of initiatives to
help make these rights a reality, as part of the 2013 European Year of Citizens.
It also follows up on the 25 actions announced in the First EU Citizenship
Report in 2010 (see IP/10/1390 and MEMO/10/525) and looks at which obstacles for
EU citizens have been dismantled over the past three years.
Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU’s Commissioner for Justice,
Fundamental Rights and Citizenship said:
"Europeans value their rights as EU citizens and are more aware of them
than ever before.
Yet, there is still more we can do to help citizens use their rights
and to better engage people in the European Union’s decision-making.
I will participate in Citizens' dialogues all over the Union throughout
this year which is the European Year of Citizens. I want to listen to citizens'
concerns and ideas about their rights. I want to hear how we can improve the
situation and how citizens see the future of Europe.
Europe cannot be built without the direct input of Europeans.
Therefore, we are profoundly changing the way European policies are made to give
citizens a direct say.”
The Eurobarometer survey on European Union citizenship asked Europeans
about their status and rights as citizens of the EU.
Overall, respondents were aware of most of their EU citizenship rights,
including petitioning the EU institutions (89%), free movement (88%),
non-discrimination on basis of nationality (82%), consular protection (79%) and
participating in a Citizens’ Initiative (73%).
Over a third of respondents (36%) felt well informed about these rights
– this is up by 5 percentage points compared to 2007. However, just 24% consider
themselves well informed about what to do if their EU rights are not respected.
In terms of free movement rights, an absolute majority in all 27 EU
member states believe that this brings economic benefits to their country.
Thanks to EU citizenship – which was introduced by the Maastricht
Treaty in 1993 and celebrates its 20th birthday this year – all nationals of the
EU Member States have a set of additional rights as EU citizens.
These include the right to move and live freely in the EU, to vote and
stand in local and European elections in the EU country they live in, the right
to consular protection abroad under the same conditions as nationals when their
own country is not represented and the right to petition the European
Parliament, apply to the European Ombudsman and address the EU institutions.
There are many rights that derive from European citizenship – but
people are not always aware of them.
The European Year of Citizens is about explaining these rights and
making sure people are aware of them and do not face any obstacles in exercising
them (see IP/13/2).
The European Commission is working to remove obstacles that EU citizens still
face in their daily lives:
the EU Citizenship Report 2010 (see IP/10/1390 and MEMO/10/525)
outlined 25 concrete actions to empower EU citizens exercising their right to
free movement in the EU.
During the European Year of Citizens in 2013, the Commission will
publish a second EU Citizenship Report, which will take stock of the 25 actions
proposed in 2010 and will present further key actions for the future to remove
remaining obstacles that hinder citizens from fully enjoying their rights as EU
Throughout the year 2013, Vice-President Reding and other EU
Commissioners will also join forces with national and local politicians to hold
debates with citizens all across Europe – to listen to them and answer their
Vice-President Reding has already held debates in Cadiz (Spain), Graz
(Austria), Dublin (Ireland) and Berlin (Germany) and Commissioner Andor held a
debate in Naples (Italy).
Many more will be held throughout European municipalities in 2013 and
will see European and local political decision makers engage in a debate with
citizens from all walks of life across the whole EU discussing the impacts of
the economic crisis, EU citizens' rights and the future of Europe.
Follow all the debates on website indicated below.
To prepare the ground for the European Year, the Commission held a broad
public consultation between 9 May and 9 September 2012 asking citizens what
problems they have encountered in exercising their rights as EU citizens (see
Respondents made clear that they are very attached to their EU rights –
especially free movement and political rights.
They would like to see a true European area in which they can live, work, move,
study and shop without facing red tape or discrimination.
But they also pointed out that there is still some way to go.
They highlighted various problems, notably in getting EU rights
respected at local level – issues which the Commission will be taking up in the
next EU Citizenship Report, planned during 2013. |