La società civile europea chiede un sistema comune di tassazione dell'energia
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Data documento: 14-02-2013
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EU civil society body calls for common energy tax system
La società civile europea chiede un sistema comune di tassazione dell'energia
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If the EU is to meet its energy and climate policy goals, it will need to adopt a common energy tax regime, said the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in its opinion on the internal energy market adopted yesterday.
Per realizzare gli obiettivi della politica energetica e di lotta ai cambiamenti climatici, l'UE dovrà adottare un sistema comune di tassazione dell'energia: è quanto afferma il Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE) in un parere sul mercato interno dell'energia adottato ieri.
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The EESC said that the countries of the EU must "rethink energy taxation" with a view to making it "uniform and smarter across Europe".
Il CESE afferma che i paesi dell'UE devono "ripensare la tassazione dell'energia" in Europa per renderla "omogenea e più intelligente".
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It suggested creating a common tax framework which would link the tax rate to the energy source and factor in CO2 emissions.
Il Comitato propone di creare un quadro fiscale comune che colleghi l'aliquota d'imposta alla fonte di energia e tenga conto delle emissioni di CO2.
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"The burden of fees and VAT for electricity ranges from 4.7% in the UK to 45.6% in Denmark, with no heed to the energy content of electricity produced", said Pierre-Jean Coulon (Workers' Group, France), rapporteur for the opinion.
"La percentuale degli oneri e dell'IVA sull'elettricità va dal 4,7 % del Regno Unito al 54,6 % della Danimarca, a prescindere dal contenuto energetico dell'elettricità prodotta", afferma Pierre-Jean Coulon (gruppo Lavoratori, Francia), relatore del parere.
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Local and national taxation results in price distortions that heavily penalise consumers and energy-intensive industries, according to the EESC.
Secondo il CESE, la tassazione locale e nazionale dà luogo a distorsioni dei prezzi che penalizzano pesantemente i consumatori e le industrie ad alta intensità energetica.
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European energy market: European in name only
Il mercato europeo dell'energia: europeo solo di nome
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The opinion, which presents European civil society's stance on the European Commission's plan to complete the internal energy market by 2014, deplores the fact that the gas and electricity markets are still European in name only.
Il parere, che presenta la posizione della società civile sul piano della Commissione europea per completare il mercato interno dell'energia entro il 2014, deplora il fatto che i mercati del gas e dell'elettricità rimangono europei solo di nome.
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"In practice, it is more of a hotchpotch of national practices, markets and providers", said Mr Coulon.
"In pratica, si tratta invece di una sommatoria di pratiche, mercati e operatori industriali nazionali", afferma Coulon.
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The internal energy market was intended to give consumers better choice and value, by enabling them to switch energy suppliers.
Il mercato interno dell'energia era inteso a dare ai consumatori più possibilità di scelta e prezzi più convenienti consentendo loro di cambiare fornitore.
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It was also supposed to unleash market forces to drive much-needed investment in the energy sector.
Era inoltre inteso a liberare le forze del mercato per stimolare i tanto necessari investimenti nel settore energetico.
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In reality, there has been a shift from monopolies to oligopolies with little competition between players in the market, said the EESC.
In realtà, si è passati dai monopoli a degli oligopoli, con poca concorrenza tra i diversi attori del mercato", afferma il CESE.
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"In a third of EU countries, 80% of electricity is produced by historical providers.
"In un terzo dei paesi dell'UE, l'80 % dell'elettricità è prodotto dai fornitori storici.
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As regards the internal gas market, it is largely hypothetical due to the dominant position of national gas suppliers", added Mr Coulon.
Per quanto riguarda il mercato interno del gas", aggiunge Coulon, "esso esiste più che altro sul piano teorico, vista la posizione dominante dei fornitori nazionali".
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He deplores the effect of price regulation at national level on energy consumption and business returns.
Il relatore deplora l'effetto della regolamentazione dei prezzi a livello nazionale sul consumo energetico e sugli utili delle imprese.
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"The administered energy prices do not provide the price signals necessary for consumers to cut down on energy use, nor do they cover the real cost of energy production and supply".
"I prezzi regolamentati non forniscono i segnali di prezzo necessari affinché i consumatori riducano il consumo di energia, e neppure coprono il costo reale della produzione e dell'approvvigionamento energetico".
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In his view, this undermines companies' balance sheets and the investment in energy production and networks that will be needed in the coming decades.
A suo parere, ciò incide negativamente sui bilanci delle imprese e frena gli investimenti nella produzione e nelle reti energetiche necessarie per i decenni a venire.
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Administered prices run counter to the EU's interests and should only be accepted as "a temporary exception" in extraordinary circumstance, said the Committee in its opinion.
L'esistenza di prezzi regolamentati va contro gli interessi dell'UE e dovrebbe essere accettata soltanto come "deroga temporanea" in circostanze eccezionali, afferma il Comitato nel suo parere.
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It also reiterated its call for the adoption of an EU-wide definition of energy poverty, which would automatically trigger national support policies for the most vulnerable.
Il CESE ribadisce inoltre l'invito ad adottare una definizione europea della povertà energetica, in presenza della quale scattino automaticamente politiche di sostegno nazionali a favore dei soggetti più vulnerabili.
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"The EU must make a clear distinction between policies targeting energy poverty and protectionist practices that go against the spirit of the internal market", said Mr Coulon.
"L'UE deve operare una distinzione netta tra le politiche contro la povertà energetica e le pratiche protezionistiche che vanno contro lo spirito del mercato interno", sostiene Coulon.
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Putting consumers at the heart
Mettere i consumatori al centro della politica energetica
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The EESC has said that consumers must be placed at the heart of EU energy policy, enabling them to make the most of a new, smarter energy market.
Il CESE afferma che i consumatori debbono essere posti al centro della politica energetica dell'UE e nelle condizioni di trarre il massimo vantaggio da un mercato dell'energia nuovo e più intelligente.
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It asked the European Commission to launch a major information campaign which would give consumers across the EU practical and easy to understand information about their rights and benefits.
Esso chiede alla Commissione europea di lanciare una grande campagna di informazione per dare ai consumatori europei informazioni pratiche e facilmente comprensibili sui loro diritti e sui vantaggi di cui possono beneficiare.
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As Mr Coulon points out, "few consumers have changed energy suppliers since 2007 when it became legally possible.
Come osserva Coulon, "pochissimi consumatori hanno cambiato fornitore di energia dal 2007, quando la legge lo ha reso possibile.
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This is simply the result of a chronic lack of information and communication by States, regulatory authorities and providers".
Ciò è semplicemente il risultato di una mancanza cronica di informazione e comunicazione da parte degli Stati, delle autorità di regolamentazione e degli operatori".
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The EESC opinion calls on manufacturers producing smart energy devices to design and roll them out in close cooperation with consumer associations, thus ensuring that they are "beneficial and useful to consumers and give them the option to change provider".
Il parere del CESE invita i fabbricanti di apparecchiature intelligenti dal punto di vista energetico a progettare e diffondere i loro prodotti in stretta collaborazione con le associazioni dei consumatori, in modo che siano "vantaggiose e utili per i consumatori e diano loro la possibilità di cambiare operatore".
EU civil society body calls for common energy tax system
If the EU is to meet its energy and climate policy goals, it will need
to adopt a common energy tax regime, said the European Economic and Social
Committee (EESC) in its opinion on the internal energy market adopted yesterday.
The EESC said that the countries of the EU must "rethink energy
taxation" with a view to making it "uniform and smarter across Europe".
It suggested creating a common tax framework which would link the tax
rate to the energy source and factor in CO2 emissions.
"The burden of fees and VAT for electricity ranges from 4.7% in the UK
to 45.6% in Denmark, with no heed to the energy content of electricity
produced", said Pierre-Jean Coulon (Workers' Group, France), rapporteur for the
Local and national taxation results in price distortions that heavily
penalise consumers and energy-intensive industries, according to the EESC.
European energy market: European in name only
The opinion, which presents European civil society's stance on the
European Commission's plan to complete the internal energy market by 2014,
deplores the fact that the gas and electricity markets are still European in
name only.
"In practice, it is more of a hotchpotch of national practices, markets
and providers", said Mr Coulon.
The internal energy market was intended to give consumers better choice
and value, by enabling them to switch energy suppliers.
It was also supposed to unleash market forces to drive much-needed
investment in the energy sector.
In reality, there has been a shift from monopolies to oligopolies with
little competition between players in the market, said the EESC.
"In a third of EU countries, 80% of electricity is produced by
historical providers.
As regards the internal gas market, it is largely hypothetical due to
the dominant position of national gas suppliers", added Mr Coulon.
He deplores the effect of price regulation at national level on energy
consumption and business returns.
"The administered energy prices do not provide the price signals
necessary for consumers to cut down on energy use, nor do they cover the real
cost of energy production and supply".
In his view, this undermines companies' balance sheets and the
investment in energy production and networks that will be needed in the coming
Administered prices run counter to the EU's interests and should only
be accepted as "a temporary exception" in extraordinary circumstance, said the
Committee in its opinion.
It also reiterated its call for the adoption of an EU-wide definition
of energy poverty, which would automatically trigger national support policies
for the most vulnerable.
"The EU must make a clear distinction between policies targeting energy
poverty and protectionist practices that go against the spirit of the internal
market", said Mr Coulon.
Putting consumers at the heart
The EESC has said that consumers must be placed at the heart of EU
energy policy, enabling them to make the most of a new, smarter energy market.
It asked the European Commission to launch a major information campaign
which would give consumers across the EU practical and easy to understand
information about their rights and benefits.
As Mr Coulon points out, "few consumers have changed energy suppliers
since 2007 when it became legally possible.
This is simply the result of a chronic lack of information and
communication by States, regulatory authorities and providers".
The EESC opinion calls on manufacturers producing smart energy devices
to design and roll them out in close cooperation with consumer associations,
thus ensuring that they are "beneficial and useful to consumers and give them
the option to change provider".