Acciaio: le raccomandazioni della Tavola rotonda per migliorare la competitività
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Data documento: 12-02-2013
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Steel: High-Level Roundtable Recommendations to improve competitiveness
Acciaio: le raccomandazioni della Tavola rotonda per migliorare la competitività
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European steelmakers are currently facing extremely challenging economic conditions, but new opportunities are opening up for the steel industry through emerging industrial applications in traditional or technology-based industries, such as construction and renewable energy.
Oggi la siderurgia europea deve affrontare condizioni economiche molto difficili, ma si intravvedono nuove opportunità grazie a nuove applicazioni industriali in settori industriali tradizionali e d’avanguardia, come le costruzioni e le energie rinnovabili.
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The High-Level Roundtable on steel – a platform for dialogue between industry, trade unions and the European Commission - has today adopted Recommendations to help create the right framework for the European steel sector to maintain its long-term competitiveness in an increasingly global context.
La Tavola rotonda ad alto livello per la siderurgia – una piattaforma di dialogo fra industria, sindacati e Commissione europea – ha adottato oggi un insieme di raccomandazioni per aiutare la siderurgia europea a mantenere la propria competitività a lungo termine in un contesto sempre più globalizzato.
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These concrete proposals, to be considered by the Commission, Member States and the industry over the few next years, include measures on trade, raw materials, legislation costs, climate change, energy, environment, employment and research and development.
Si tratta di proposte concrete rivolte alla Commissione, agli Stati membri e all’industria, che comprendono misure su commercio, materie prime, oneri regolamentari, cambiamenti climatici, energia, ambiente, occupazione e ricerca e sviluppo.
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The Roundtable was convened by European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship and László Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and attended by representatives from 13 steel producing Member States and the European Parliament.
La Tavola rotonda è un’iniziativa del vicepresidente della Commissione europea Antonio Tajani, responsabile per l’Industria e l’imprenditoria, e del commissario László Andor, responsabile per Occupazione, affari sociali e inclusione. Vi hanno partecipato rappresentanti di 13 Stati membri produttori di acciaio
e il Parlamento europeo. |
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These include French Minister of Productive Recovery, Arnaud Montebourg, the Minister of Economy of the Belgian Walloon Government, Jean-Claude Marcourt, Luxembourg's Minister of Economy, Etienne Schneider, Austrian Federal Minister of Economy, Family, and Youth, Reinhold Mitterlehner; and Romanian Minister of the Economy, Varujan Vosganian as well as top ranking Government representatives and civil servants from the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.
fra cui i ministri Arnaud Montebourg (Francia), Jean-Claude Marcourt (Vallonia, Belgio), Etienne Schneider (Lussemburgo) e Reinhold Mitterlehner (Austria) e rappresentanti del governo o alti funzionari di Repubblica ceca, Finlandia, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Romania, Slovacchia, Spagna e Svezia.
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The president of industry body Eurofer, Wolfgang Eder, Deputy General Secretary of the union industriAll, Bart Samyn and Pervenche Beres, Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament, also participated.
Erano presenti anche il presidente dell’associazione industriale Eurofer, Wolfgang Eder e il segretario generale aggiunto del sindacato IndustriAll, Bart Samyn.Per il Parlamento europeo ha partecipato in particolare l’On. Pervinche Beres, presidente della commissione Occupazione e affari sociali.
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The main actions recommended by the High Level Group are:
Le principali raccomandazioni della Tavola rotonda sono:
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Trade and international competition
Commercio e concorrenza internazionale
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Continue to pursue the sector's trade liberalisation agenda with a view to eliminating or substantially reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers;
Proseguire l’attuazione dell’agenda di liberalizzazione del settore per eliminare o ridurre significativamente le barriere tariffarie e non tariffarie.
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Conduct additional analysis of impacts of free trade agreements - after negotiations are finished but before their signature;
Svolgere analisi supplementari degli impatti degli accordi di libero scambio (dopo la conclusione dei negoziati e prima della firma).
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Review trade defence instruments to ensure they are effective, transparent and up-to-date.
Riesaminare gli strumenti di difesa commerciale per garantirne l’efficacia, la trasparenza e l’aggiornamento permanente.
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Raw materials
Materie prime
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In order to ensure the efficient functioning of the internal secondary raw materials market, the HLR considers it necessary to analyse scrap trade outside the EU, while preserving open trade.
Per garantire il funzionamento efficiente del mercato interno delle materie prime secondarie, occorre analizzare il commercio dei rottami fuori dell’UE, nel rispetto della libertà commerciale.
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Include blast furnace coke in the list of Critical Raw Materials.
Inserire il coke da altoforno nell’elenco delle materie prime critiche.
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Extra costs due to legislation
Oneri supplementari dovuti alla legislazione
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Eliminate undue administrative burden, consider the cumulative impact of legislation in the sector and deliver a fitness check of EU legislation in 2013.
Eliminare gli oneri amministrativi eccessivi, considerare l’impatto cumulativo delle norme per il settore e svolgere un "check-up" nel 2013 per verificare l'idoneità della normativa dell'UE.
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Climate change
Cambiamenti climatici
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Create in Member States additional funding schemes for development of new technologies including earmarking of emissions trading system (ETS) revenues;
Creare ulteriori regimi di finanziamento negli Stati membri per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie, anche mediante la destinazione specifica di proventi del sistema di scambio delle emissioni (ETS) |
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In developing the 2030 energy and climate policy framework, continue to pay attention to risks of carbon leakage still existing after 2020.
Considerare i rischi di rilocalizzazione delle emissioni di CO2 dopo il 2020 anche in sede di elaborazione del quadro di riferimento 2030 per energia e clima.
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Explore new ideas and opportunities for improving the ETS policy design and targets with continued emphasis on having in mind sector specific technology and economic considerations and taking into account global competitiveness issues.
Esplorare nuove idee ed opportunità per migliorare la struttura e gli obiettivi del sistema ETS, continuando a considerare le specificità tecnologiche settoriali, la situazione economica e la competitività internazionale.
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Energy policy
Politica per l’energia
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Report annually on electricity prices in EU as compared with major developed economies;
Elaborare relazioni annuali sui prezzi dell’elettricità nell’UE raffrontati con quelli delle grandi economie avanzate.
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Issue guidance on Long Term Electricity Contracts;
Fornire orientamenti sui contratti a lungo termine per l’elettricità.
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Issue guidance on renewable energy schemes to better integrate them in the energy market.
Fornire orientamenti sui regimi per le energie rinnovabili per integrarle meglio nel mercato dell’energia.
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Refrain from setting absolute caps such as on metals consumption (20% by 2020, 50% by 2050) without due consideration of their implications for competiveness;
Evitare di fissare tetti massimi inflessibili, ad esempio sul consumo dei metalli (20% entro il 2020, 50% entro il 2050) senza tenere in debito conto le conseguenze per la competitività.
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Invite the European Investment Bank (EIB) to take into consideration requests for financial assistance in order to introduce best available technologies (BATs).
Invitare la Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI) a considerare richieste di assistenza finanziaria per l’introduzione delle migliori tecniche disponibili (Best Available Techniques - BAT).
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Promote an anticipative approach and socially responsible restructuring in consultation with stakeholders, including in particular the social partners;
Promuovere un approccio alle ristrutturazioni di carattere previsionale e socialmente responsabile, in consultazione con le parti interessate, in particolare le parti sociali.
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Encourage the use of the European Social Fund for workers' retraining and re-skilling and maintain the European Globalisation Fund after 2013 as the main tools to finance investment in human capital and to mitigate the social costs of redundancies;
Incoraggiare il ricorso al Fondo sociale europeo per la riconversione e la riqualificazione dei lavoratori e mantenere il Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione anche oltre il 2013, per finanziare gli investimenti nel capitale umano e alleviare il costo sociale degli esuberi.
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Launch an inter-service task force to investigate and follow up each case of plant closure or significant downsizing.
Istituire una task force interservizi per investigare e seguire tutti i casi di chiusure e ridimensionamenti significativi di impianti.
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Research & Development, Innovation
Ricerca e sviluppo, innovazione
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Give full support for R&D, demonstration and deployment of new technologies using all available instruments such as Horizon2020, NER3000, structural funds, the Research Fund for Coal and Steel;
Dare il massimo sostegno alla ricerca e sviluppo, alla dimostrazione e all’introduzione di nuove tecnologie mediante tutti gli strumenti disponibili, quali Orizzonte 2020, NER 300, i fondi strutturali, il Fondo di ricerca carbone e acciaio.
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Encourage companies to invest in best available technologies (BATs).
Incoraggiare le imprese ad investire nelle BAT.
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Next steps
I prossimi passi
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Following the dialogue with stakeholders, the Commission will, by June 2013, prepare an Action Plan for the European Steel Industry aiming to help the steel sector confront the current situation and foster innovation, growth and employment within this sector.
In seguito al dialogo con le parti interessate, la Commissione preparerà un Piano d’azione per la siderurgia europea entro giugno 2013, con l’obiettivo di aiutare il settore siderurgico ad affrontare la situazione attuale promuovendo l’innovazione, la crescita e l’occupazione del settore.
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Previous meetings of the High level Group on Steel
Le riunioni della Tavola Rotonda per la siderurgia
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Commissioners Tajani and Andor convened the High-level Roundtable on the future of the European Steel Industry to provide a platform for dialogue between industry, trade unions and the Commission. At the first and second meetings in September and December 2012, its stakeholders identified the main policy factors and challenges for the competitiveness of the sector.
Le prime riunioni della Tavola rotonda ad alto livello per il futuro dell’industria siderurgica europea si sono svolte a settembre e a dicembre 2012. Le parti interessate hanno individuato i principali fattori e le principali sfide della competitività del settore:
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These are (i) international competition including protectionism and unfair trade practices, (ii) access to raw materials, (iii) regulatory costs, (iv) implementation of EU climate policy (emission trading scheme), (v) EU climate policy objectives for post-2020, (vi) costs of energy, (vii) resource-efficiency, (viii) anticipation of skills and training needs and investing in human capital, (ix) adaptations of capacities, (x) R&D and innovation and (xi) demand-side measures stimulating recovery in the main steel-using sectors.
i) concorrenza internazionale, fra cui protezionismo e pratiche commerciali scorrette, ii) accesso alle materie prime, iii) oneri regolamentari, iv) attuazione della politica per il clima (sistema di scambio delle emissioni), v) obiettivi della politica per il clima per il dopo 2020, vi) costo dell’energia, vii) efficienza delle risorse, viii) previsione dei bisogni di qualifiche e di formazione e investimenti nel capitale umano, ix) adeguamento della capacità, x) R&S e innovazione e xi) misure sul lato della domanda per stimolare la ripresa nei principali settori consumatori di acciaio.
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Continuing significance of steel
L’importanza dell’acciaio
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With 360 000 people employed, turnover of around €170 billion and its position in the manufacturing value chain of many downstream sectors, the steel sector has a strategic place in Europe's economy.
La siderurgia occupa 360 000 addetti ed ha un fatturato di €170 miliardi. È situata a monte della catena industriale del valore, da cui l’importanza strategica che riveste per l’economia europea.
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Steel is essential to the technologies and solutions that meet society’s everyday needs – now and in the future.
L’acciaio è indispensabile alle tecnologie e alle soluzioni che provvedono ai bisogni quotidiani della società: oggi e domani.
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It is central to our current transport systems, infrastructure, housing, manufacturing, agriculture, water and energy supply.
È fondamentale per i nostri attuali sistemi di trasporto, per l’infrastruttura, per l’edilizia abitativa, per il manifatturiero, per l’agricoltura e per l’approvvigionamento idrico ed energetico.
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It is also critical to the sectors and technologies that will enable and drive a green economy.
È anche essenziale per i settori e per le tecnologie che renderanno possibile e guideranno l'economia verde.
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Renewable energy, resource-efficient and energy efficient buildings and low carbon transport, infrastructure for fuel efficient and clean energy vehicles and recycling facilities – all of these things depend on steel.
L’energia rinnovabile, gli edifici efficienti sotto il profilo energetico e delle risorse, i trasporti a basse emissioni di CO2, l’infrastruttura per i veicoli efficienti ad energia pulita e gli impianti di riciclaggio non esisterebbero senza acciaio.
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Changing situation of global industry
L’industria globale in mutazione
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Over the last decade, a spectacular change has taken place in the global steel landscape due to rapid growth in steel use and production capacities in BRIC countries.
Nel corso degli ultimi dieci anni, il panorama mondiale della siderurgia ha subito cambiamenti profondi in seguito all'aumento spettacolare del consumo di acciaio e delle capacità di produzione dei paesi BRIC.
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China is currently by far the biggest steel producer with a share of global steel output rising from 18% to 45 % between 2001 and 2011.
Oggi la Cina è di gran lunga il maggior produttore; è passata dal 18% al 45% del totale mondiale fra il 2001 e il 2011.
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By comparison, the share of EU-27 fell from 22% to 12%.
La quota dell’UE a 27 è invece passata dal 22% al 12% nello stesso periodo.
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At present, European steelmakers are facing challenging economic conditions. Due to the current stagnation and contraction in manufacturing output in the EU, crude steel output in the EU is around 17% below the level of 2007 and in 2012 it is forecast to fall by 5% compared to last year.
Attualmente la stagnazione e la contrazione della produzione industriale nell’UE hanno provocato un calo della produzione di acciaio grezzo del 17% rispetto al 2007 e si stima che nel 2012 sia ulteriormente diminuita del 5% su base annuale.
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The low demand resulted in situation of unused capacities that are estimated to account for around 20 - 25% (40 to 50 million tonnes) of the total production capacity.
La domanda debole è alla radice di capacità inutilizzate pari al 20-25% (40-50 milioni di tonnellati) della capacità di produzione complessiva.
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With reduced steel demand, temporary or permanent closures of production capacities took place in several EU countries.
Chiusure temporanee o permanenti di impianti si sono verificate in numerosi paesi dell’UE.
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Legal framework for steel
Il quadro giuridico della siderurgia
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Until 2002 the steel sector was governed by the European Coal and Steel Community Treaty, which gave the Commission special powers to propose measures related to restrictions on production, minimum price mechanisms and limits on imports of steel.
Fino al 2002 il settore era disciplinato dal trattato della Comunità europea del carbone e dell’acciaio, che conferiva alla Commissione poteri speciali per proporre misure di limitazione della produzione, meccanismi di prezzo minimo e limiti all’importazione.
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The degree of powers allowed the reconstruction of the sector after WWII, the efficient management of steel crises and the consolidation in the 90s.
Questi poteri hanno consentito la ricostruzione del settore nel dopoguerra e la sua consolidazione dopo un periodo di crisi negli anni Novanta.
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However the steel sector is now subject to common rules under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and treated as any other European industry.
Oggi la siderurgia è soggetta alle regole comuni del trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea (TFUE) alla stregua degli altri settori industriali.
Steel: High-Level Roundtable Recommendations to improve competitiveness
European steelmakers are currently facing extremely challenging
economic conditions, but new opportunities are opening up for the steel industry
through emerging industrial applications in traditional or technology-based
industries, such as construction and renewable energy.
The High-Level Roundtable on steel – a platform for dialogue between
industry, trade unions and the European Commission - has today adopted
Recommendations to help create the right framework for the European steel sector
to maintain its long-term competitiveness in an increasingly global context.
These concrete proposals, to be considered by the Commission, Member
States and the industry over the few next years, include measures on trade, raw
materials, legislation costs, climate change, energy, environment, employment
and research and development.
The Roundtable was convened by European Commission Vice-President
Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship and László Andor,
Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and attended by
representatives from 13 steel producing Member States and the European
These include French Minister of Productive Recovery, Arnaud
Montebourg, the Minister of Economy of the Belgian Walloon Government,
Jean-Claude Marcourt, Luxembourg's Minister of Economy, Etienne Schneider,
Austrian Federal Minister of Economy, Family, and Youth, Reinhold Mitterlehner;
and Romanian Minister of the Economy, Varujan Vosganian as well as top ranking
Government representatives and civil servants from the Czech Republic, Finland,
Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.
The president of industry body Eurofer, Wolfgang Eder, Deputy General Secretary
of the union industriAll, Bart Samyn and Pervenche Beres, Chair of the Committee
on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament, also participated.
The main actions recommended by the High Level Group are:
Trade and international competition
Continue to pursue the sector's trade liberalisation agenda with a view to
eliminating or substantially reducing tariffs and non-tariff barriers;
Conduct additional analysis of impacts of free trade agreements - after
negotiations are finished but before their signature;
Review trade defence instruments to ensure they are effective, transparent and
Raw materials
In order to ensure the efficient functioning of the internal secondary raw
materials market, the HLR considers it necessary to analyse scrap trade outside
the EU, while preserving open trade.
Include blast furnace coke in the list of Critical Raw Materials.
Extra costs due to legislation
Eliminate undue administrative burden, consider the cumulative impact of
legislation in the sector and deliver a fitness check of EU legislation in 2013.
Climate change
Create in Member States additional funding schemes for development of new
technologies including earmarking of emissions trading system (ETS) revenues;
In developing the 2030 energy and climate policy framework, continue to pay
attention to risks of carbon leakage still existing after 2020.
Explore new ideas and opportunities for improving the ETS policy design and
targets with continued emphasis on having in mind sector specific technology and
economic considerations and taking into account global competitiveness issues.
Energy policy
Report annually on electricity prices in EU as compared with major developed
Issue guidance on Long Term Electricity Contracts;
Issue guidance on renewable energy schemes to better integrate them in the
energy market.
Refrain from setting absolute caps such as on metals consumption (20% by 2020,
50% by 2050) without due consideration of their implications for competiveness;
Invite the European Investment Bank (EIB) to take into consideration requests
for financial assistance in order to introduce best available technologies
Promote an anticipative approach and socially responsible restructuring in
consultation with stakeholders, including in particular the social partners;
Encourage the use of the European Social Fund for workers' retraining and
re-skilling and maintain the European Globalisation Fund after 2013 as the main
tools to finance investment in human capital and to mitigate the social costs of
Launch an inter-service task force to investigate and follow up each case of
plant closure or significant downsizing.
Research & Development, Innovation
Give full support for R&D, demonstration and deployment of new technologies
using all available instruments such as Horizon2020, NER3000, structural funds,
the Research Fund for Coal and Steel;
Encourage companies to invest in best available technologies (BATs).
Next steps
Following the dialogue with stakeholders, the Commission will, by June 2013,
prepare an Action Plan for the European Steel Industry aiming to help the steel
sector confront the current situation and foster innovation, growth and
employment within this sector.
Previous meetings of the High level Group on Steel
Commissioners Tajani and Andor convened the High-level Roundtable on the future
of the European Steel Industry to provide a platform for dialogue between
industry, trade unions and the Commission. At the first and second meetings in
September and December 2012, its stakeholders identified the main policy factors
and challenges for the competitiveness of the sector.
These are (i) international competition including protectionism and unfair trade
practices, (ii) access to raw materials, (iii) regulatory costs, (iv)
implementation of EU climate policy (emission trading scheme), (v) EU climate
policy objectives for post-2020, (vi) costs of energy, (vii)
resource-efficiency, (viii) anticipation of skills and training needs and
investing in human capital, (ix) adaptations of capacities, (x) R&D and
innovation and (xi) demand-side measures stimulating recovery in the main
steel-using sectors.
Continuing significance of steel
With 360 000 people employed, turnover of around €170 billion and its position
in the manufacturing value chain of many downstream sectors, the steel sector
has a strategic place in Europe's economy.
Steel is essential to the technologies and solutions that meet society’s
everyday needs – now and in the future.
It is central to our current transport systems, infrastructure, housing,
manufacturing, agriculture, water and energy supply.
It is also critical to the sectors and technologies that will enable and drive a
green economy.
Renewable energy, resource-efficient and energy efficient buildings and low
carbon transport, infrastructure for fuel efficient and clean energy vehicles
and recycling facilities – all of these things depend on steel.
Changing situation of global industry
Over the last decade, a spectacular change has taken place in the global steel
landscape due to rapid growth in steel use and production capacities in BRIC
China is currently by far the biggest steel producer with a share of global
steel output rising from 18% to 45 % between 2001 and 2011.
By comparison, the share of EU-27 fell from 22% to 12%.
At present, European steelmakers are facing challenging economic conditions. Due
to the current stagnation and contraction in manufacturing output in the EU,
crude steel output in the EU is around 17% below the level of 2007 and in 2012
it is forecast to fall by 5% compared to last year.
The low demand resulted in situation of unused capacities that are estimated to
account for around 20 - 25% (40 to 50 million tonnes) of the total production
With reduced steel demand, temporary or permanent closures of production
capacities took place in several EU countries.
Legal framework for steel
Until 2002 the steel sector was governed by the European Coal and Steel
Community Treaty, which gave the Commission special powers to propose measures
related to restrictions on production, minimum price mechanisms and limits on
imports of steel.
The degree of powers allowed the reconstruction of the sector after WWII, the
efficient management of steel crises and the consolidation in the 90s.
However the steel sector is now subject to common rules under the Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and treated as any other European