Agenda digitale - Operatori turistici e agenzie di viaggio, aderite alla campagna per il numero di emergenza 112!
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Data documento: 11-02-2013
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Digital Agenda:Tour operators and travel agents join '112' emergency number campaign
Agenda digitale - Operatori turistici e agenzie di viaggio, aderite alla campagna per il numero di emergenza 112!
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The European Commission and The European Travel Agents' and Tour Operators' Associations (ECTAA) are asking tour operators, travel agents to promote the pan-European emergency number '112' on their websites, on e-tickets, and at major tourist destinations.
La Commissione europea e Associazione europea delle unioni nazionali delle agenzie e degli organizzatori di viaggi (ECTAA) chiedono agli operatori turistici e alle agenzie di viaggio di farsi promotori del numero di emergenza paneuropeo 112 sui loro siti internet, sui biglietti elettronici emessi e nelle grandi destinazioni turistiche.
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European Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes said:
La Commissaria europea per l’Agenda digitale e Vicepresidente della Commissione Neelie Kroes ha dichiarato:
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"Transport companies are already helping raise awareness, now it's the turn of tour operators and agents to step up and help.
“Le aziende di trasporto stanno già collaborando all’opera di sensibilizzazione, ora tocca agli operatori turistici e alle agenzie di viaggio attivarsi e contribuire alla campagna.
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European citizens should know that help is only one call away, wherever they are in the EU."
I cittadini europei devono sapere che l’aiuto è a portata di telefono, ovunque nell’Unione.”
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President of ECTAA, Mr. Boris Zgomba said:
Il presidente dell’ECTAA Boris Zgomba ha dichiarato:
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"ECTAA supports the Commission's campaign to raise awareness of the 112 emergency number.
“L’ECTAA sostiene la campagna della Commissione volta a sensibilizzare al numero di emergenza 112.
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We are happy to be associated with this campaign, as a single emergency number applicable across the EU is of great benefit for travellers - our customers - who may not necessarily know which local number to dial in case of emergency when travelling outside of their home country."
Siamo lieti di associarci a quest’iniziativa, perché un numero di emergenza unico valido in tutta l’UE è di grande aiuto ai viaggiatori, ossia ai nostri clienti, che, quando si trovano al di fuori del proprio paese non necessariamente sanno quale sia sul posto il numero da chiamare in caso di emergenza.”
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Knowing the 112 number helps people in difficulty.
Conoscere l’esistenza del 112 aiuta le persone in difficoltà.
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For example, a group of Belgian scouts were lost in the woods around Ghioroc Village in Romania. One of them knew and phoned the 112 emergency number.
Ne sa qualcosa il gruppo di scout belgi che si era smarrito nei boschi attorno al paesino rumeno di Ghioroc: una di loro conosceva il numero di emergenza 112 e lo ha chiamato.
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The emergency operator determined the exact location of the group and alerted intervention agencies who found them.A member of the group suffered from hypothermic shock, but thanks to prompt reaction, the patient was saved.
Dopo aver localizzato esattamente il gruppo, l’operatore ha lanciato l’allarme ai servizi di soccorso, che hanno trovato gli scout: il loro rapido intervento ha significato la salvezza per uno dei ragazzi, colpito da ipotermia.
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112 is the European emergency number, reachable from fixed and mobile phones, free of charge, everywhere in the EU.
Il 112 è il numero europeo di emergenza, raggiungibile gratuitamente da telefoni fissi e mobili in tutti i paesi dell’UE.
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112 links the caller to the relevant emergency service (local police, fire brigade or medical services) and allows them to speak to an operator in a choice of European languages.
Il 112 collega il chiamante al pertinente servizio di emergenza - polizia locale, vigili del fuoco o emergenza sanitaria - e lo mette in comunicazione con un operatore offrendogli la scelta tra varie lingue europee.
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It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
È attivo 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7.
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112 is now operational in all EU Member States alongside existing national emergency numbers (like 999 or 110).
Il 112 è attualmente operativo in tutti gli Stati membri dell’UE a fianco dei numeri d’emergenza nazionali (come il 999 o il 113).
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Denmark, Finland, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Sweden have decided to make 112 their sole or main national emergency number.
Danimarca, Finlandia, Malta, Paesi Bassi, Portogallo, Romania e Svezia hanno deciso di adottare il 112 come numero unico o principale di chiamata di emergenza nazionale.
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112 is also being used in countries outside the EU, such as Switzerland, Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey.
Il 112 è usato anche al di fuori dell’UE, ad esempio in Svizzera, Croazia, Montenegro e Turchia.
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From findings of a recent Eurobarometer survey, it is estimated that 5 million more people are aware of the 112 emergency number than was the case a year ago.
Stando a un recente sondaggio di Eurobarometro, si stima che le persone che conoscono il numero di emergenza 112 siano aumentate di 5 milioni rispetto a un anno fa.
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One year ago European Commission Vice Presidents Neelie Kroes and Siim Kallas called on transport companies to join an initiative to raise 112 awareness amongst travellers.
Un anno fa i Vicepresidenti dalla Commissione Neelie Kroes e Siim Kallas hanno esortato le aziende di trasporto a aderire a un’iniziativa di sensibilizzazione dei viaggiatori all’esistenza del 112.
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More than 30 Companies and Associations participated in the campaign. As a result, 112-relevant information was publicised on e-tickets, in on-board magazines, on participating companies' websites and through direct contact of their staff with travellers.
Oltre 30 aziende e associazioni hanno partecipato alla campagna pubblicizzando il 112 sia sui biglietti elettronici, sulle riviste di bordo e sui siti internet sia attraverso il contatto diretto del personale con i viaggiatori.
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The image below shows an example of how the information was provided through the in-flight magazine for Brussels Airlines.
A titolo di esempio, mostriamo come la compagnia aerea Brussels Airlines ha comunicato le informazioni nella rivista di bordo.
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According to a report on how each Member State is implementing 112:
Secondo la relazione sull’attuazione del 112 negli Stati membri:
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51% of all EU citizens say that they would call 112 in the event of an emergency in their own country, up from 47% in 2012;
il 51% dei cittadini dell’UE dichiara che chiamerebbe il 112 in una situazione di emergenza nel proprio paese, rispetto al 47% del 2012;
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In five countries, 50% or more respondents spontaneously identify 112 as the number to call for emergency services from anywhere in the EU: Poland (57%), Slovakia (55%), Finland (54%), Luxembourg (53%) and the Czech Republic (50%).
in cinque paesi il 50% o più delle risposte ha citato spontaneamente il 112 come numero per contattare i servizi di emergenza ovunque nell’UE: Polonia (57%), Slovacchia (55%), Finlandia (54%), Lussemburgo (53%) e Repubblica ceca (50%);
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The proportion of respondents who would call 112 in their own country ranges from 96% in Sweden to 2% in Greece.
la percentuale dei partecipanti che chiamerebbe il 112 nel proprio paese spazia dal 96% della Svezia al 2% della Grecia;
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English can be used in 25 European countries besides UK, Ireland and Malta;
con gli operatori del 112 ci si può esprimere in inglese in 25 paesi europei (oltre a Irlanda, Malta e Regno Unito);
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14 countries (besides Belgium, France and Luxembourg) can deal with calls in French: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain;
14 paesi (oltre a Belgio, Francia e Lussemburgo) sono in grado di trattare chiamate in francese: Bulgaria, Finlandia, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Lituania, Norvegia, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Repubblica ceca, Romania, Slovacchia e Spagna;
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German can be used in 12 countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Romania (in addition to Austria, Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg);
il tedesco può essere usato in 12 paesi: Bulgaria, Finlandia, Italia, Lituania, Norvegia, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Repubblica ceca, Romania, Slovacchia, Spagna e Ungheria (oltre ad Austria, Belgio, Germania e Lussemburgo);
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In the UK, emergency call centres can rely on interpretation services covering 170 languages, while in France a similar service can deal with 40 languages.
nel Regno Unito i centralini delle chiamate d’emergenza possono offrire l’interpretazione in oltre 170 lingue, mentre in Francia il servizio analogo è in grado di coprirne 40.
Digital Agenda:Tour operators and travel agents join '112' emergency
number campaign
The European Commission and The European Travel Agents' and Tour
Operators' Associations (ECTAA) are asking tour operators, travel agents to
promote the pan-European emergency number '112' on their websites, on e-tickets,
and at major tourist destinations.
European Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes
"Transport companies are already helping raise awareness, now it's the
turn of tour operators and agents to step up and help.
European citizens should know that help is only one call away, wherever
they are in the EU."
President of ECTAA, Mr. Boris Zgomba said:
"ECTAA supports the Commission's campaign to raise awareness of the 112
emergency number.
We are happy to be associated with this campaign, as a single emergency
number applicable across the EU is of great benefit for travellers - our
customers - who may not necessarily know which local number to dial in case of
emergency when travelling outside of their home country."
Knowing the 112 number helps people in difficulty.
For example, a group of Belgian scouts were lost in the woods around
Ghioroc Village in Romania. One of them knew and phoned the 112 emergency
The emergency operator determined the exact location of the group and
alerted intervention agencies who found them.A member of the group suffered from
hypothermic shock, but thanks to prompt reaction, the patient was saved.
112 is the European emergency number, reachable from fixed and mobile
phones, free of charge, everywhere in the EU.
112 links the caller to the relevant emergency service (local police,
fire brigade or medical services) and allows them to speak to an operator in a
choice of European languages.
It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
112 is now operational in all EU Member States alongside existing national
emergency numbers (like 999 or 110).
Denmark, Finland, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Sweden
have decided to make 112 their sole or main national emergency number.
112 is also being used in countries outside the EU, such as
Switzerland, Croatia, Montenegro and Turkey.
From findings of a recent Eurobarometer survey, it is estimated that 5
million more people are aware of the 112 emergency number than was the case a
year ago.
One year ago European Commission Vice Presidents Neelie Kroes and Siim
Kallas called on transport companies to join an initiative to raise 112
awareness amongst travellers.
More than 30 Companies and Associations participated in the campaign.
As a result, 112-relevant information was publicised on e-tickets, in on-board
magazines, on participating companies' websites and through direct contact of
their staff with travellers.
The image below shows an example of how the information was provided
through the in-flight magazine for Brussels Airlines.
According to a report on how each Member State is implementing 112:
51% of all EU citizens say that they would call 112 in the event of an
emergency in their own country, up from 47% in 2012;
In five countries, 50% or more respondents spontaneously identify 112
as the number to call for emergency services from anywhere in the EU: Poland
(57%), Slovakia (55%), Finland (54%), Luxembourg (53%) and the Czech Republic
The proportion of respondents who would call 112 in their own country
ranges from 96% in Sweden to 2% in Greece.
English can be used in 25 European countries besides UK, Ireland and
14 countries (besides Belgium, France and Luxembourg) can deal with calls in
French: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain;
German can be used in 12 countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland,
Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and
Romania (in addition to Austria, Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg);
In the UK, emergency call centres can rely on interpretation services
covering 170 languages, while in France a similar service can deal with 40