La Corte celebra il 50° anniversario della sentenza Van Gend en Loos
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Data documento: 05-02-2013
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The Court marks the 50th anniversary of the judgment in Van Gend en Loos
La Corte celebra il 50° anniversario della sentenza Van Gend en Loos
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A conference will be held on 13 May 2013 at the Court of Justice to commemorate the delivery of the judgment establishing the principle of direct effect of European Union law
Il 13 maggio 2013 si terrà una conferenza alla Corte di giustizia per commemorare la pronuncia della sentenza che ha sancito il principio dell’effetto diretto del diritto dell’Unione
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On 5 February 1963, the Court of Justice delivered its judgment in Van Gend en Loos, in response to a request for a preliminary ruling from a Netherlands tribunal (the Tariefcommissie).
Il 5 febbraio 1963 la Corte pronunciava la sentenza Van Gend en Loos, in risposta a una questione pregiudiziale posta da un giudice dei Paesi Bassi (la Tariefcommissie).
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The case in the main proceedings had been brought by the transport company Van Gend en Loos, which, when importing goods from Germany into the Netherlands, was required to pay customs duties which it considered to be contrary to the rules of the EEC Treaty prohibiting Member States from increasing customs duties in their mutual commercial dealings.
La causa principale era stata proposta dall’impresa di trasporti Van Gend & Loos, la quale, importando merci dalla Germania ai Paesi Bassi, doveva versare dazi doganali che essa riteneva contrari alle norme del Trattato CEE che vietavano agli Stati membri di aumentare i dazi doganali nelle loro reciproche relazioni commerciali.
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By its judgment, the Court established one of the fundamental principles of European Union law: direct effect.
Con la sua sentenza, la Corte ha sancito uno dei principi cardine del diritto dell’Unione europea: l’effetto diretto.
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On 13 May 2013, a day of reflection will take place at the Court of Justice, organised by a committee chaired by President of Chamber A.Tizzano and composed of Advocate General J. Kokott and Judge S Prechal, which will examine the content of that judgment, its effects, impact and perspectives.
Il 13 maggio 2013 si terrà alla Corte di giustizia una giornata di riflessione, organizzata da un comitato presieduto dal Presidente di sezione sig. A. Tizzano e composto dall’Avvocato generale sig.ra J. Kokott e dal Giudice sig.ra S. Prechal, riguardante il contenuto della sentenza, le sue ricadute e le prospettive di tale giurisprudenza.
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The conference, the working languages of which will be French and English, will bring together representatives from across the legal professions and the academic world.
La conferenza, le cui lingue di lavoro saranno il francese e l’inglese, riunirà rappresentanti delle varie professioni giuridiche e del mondo accademico.
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Those wishing to take part in this event may register their interest with the Court, up to 8 March 2013, by completing the form available on the www.curia.europa.eu site, where more detailed information is also available.
Chi desidera partecipare a questo evento potrà manifestare il proprio interesse alla Corte entro l’8 marzo 2013, compilando il formulario reperibile sul sito, nel quale sono altresì disponibili informazioni più dettagliate.
The Court marks the 50th anniversary of the judgment in Van Gend en Loos
A conference will be held on 13 May 2013 at the Court of Justice to
commemorate the delivery of the judgment establishing the principle of direct
effect of European Union law
On 5 February 1963, the Court of Justice delivered its judgment in Van
Gend en Loos, in response to a request for a preliminary ruling from a
Netherlands tribunal (the Tariefcommissie).
The case in the main proceedings had been brought by the transport
company Van Gend en Loos, which, when importing goods from Germany into the
Netherlands, was required to pay customs duties which it considered to be
contrary to the rules of the EEC Treaty prohibiting Member States from
increasing customs duties in their mutual commercial dealings.
By its judgment, the Court established one of the fundamental
principles of European Union law: direct effect.
On 13 May 2013, a day of reflection will take place at the Court of
Justice, organised by a committee chaired by President of Chamber A.Tizzano and
composed of Advocate General J. Kokott and Judge S Prechal, which will examine
the content of that judgment, its effects, impact and perspectives.
The conference, the working languages of which will be French and
English, will bring together representatives from across the legal professions
and the academic world.
Those wishing to take part in this event may register their interest
with the Court, up to 8 March 2013, by completing the form available on the
www.curia.europa.eu site, where more detailed information is also available.