Il CdR invoca aiuti di Stato a finalità regionale coerenti con la politica di coesione post 2014
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Data documento: 01-02-2013
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The CoR calls for regional state aid to match cohesion policy post 2014
Il CdR invoca aiuti di Stato a finalità regionale coerenti con la politica di coesione post 2014
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There is a need to ensure greater coherence between the regional state aid mechanism and EU cohesion policy for 2014-2020 by including the new category of transition regions among the eligible regions and adopting relevant anti-relocation measures.
Occorre garantire una maggiore coerenza tra il dispositivo degli aiuti di Stato a finalità regionale e la politica di coesione dell'UE per il periodo 2014-2020, in particolare inserendo la nuova categoria delle regioni in transizione nelle zone ammissibili e prevedendo misure pertinenti contro la delocalizzazione.
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This was the thrust of the message which the Committee of the Regions (CoR) wished to convey through the adoption this morning of an opinion by Jean-Paul Denanot (FR/PES), president of the Limousin Region.
É questa la sostanza del messaggio che il Comitato delle regioni (CdR) vuole far passare con l'adozione, nella sessione plenaria di questa mattina, del parere di Jean-Paul Denanot (FR/PSE), presidente della regione Limosino (Limousin).
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The revision of the Regional State Aid guidelines (RSA) 2014-2020 is part of the process for recasting and simplifying EU rules on state aid.
La riforma degli orientamenti in materia di aiuti di Stato a finalità regionale (ASFR) per il periodo 2014-2020 si inquadra nel processo di rifusione e semplificazione delle norme europee relative agli aiuti di Stato.
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Since the RSA guidelines are intended to help with the economic development of regions experiencing difficulties, the principle of prohibiting state aid that is enshrined in the treaties does not apply.
Gli ASFR, in quanto destinati a territori in difficoltà e in quanto elementi che contribuiscono al loro sviluppo economico, derogano al principio del divieto di aiuti di Stato previsto dai Trattati.
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Before the CoR adopted its opinion on this issue, Joaquín Almunia, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Competition Policy, addressed the CoR's members on the subject. In particular, he noted that:
Prima che il CdR adottasse la sua posizione in materia, Joaquín Almunia, vicepresidente della Commissione europea, responsabile della Concorrenza, si è espresso dinanzi ai membri del Comitato su questo dossier, insistendo sul fatto che:
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"As we prepare to exit the crisis, public subsidies which stimulate investment in the least developed regions can make a real difference but only if they are well designed and targeted and when it is clear that they can support private investment.
sovvenzioni pubbliche che favoriscono gli investimenti nelle regioni meno sviluppate possono veramente fare la differenza, ma soltanto se esse sono ben concepite, mirate e se si stabilisce che esse possano sostenere gli investimenti privati.
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At a time when most public budgets require consolidation, we should be very careful about how taxpayers' money is spent.
Il denaro dei contribuenti deve essere speso in modo più attento in un periodo in cui la maggior parte dei bilanci pubblici deve essere risanata.
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The future RSA guidelines will make it possible to modernise how we monitor public aid and refocus public aid on the current challenges in order to improve its quality and limit distortions of competition on the internal market."
I prossimi orentamenti sugli ASFR permetteranno di modernizzare il controllo che abbiamo sugli aiuti pubblici e di allinearli alle sfide attuali per migliorarne la qualità e limitare le distorsioni di concorrenza nel mercato interno".
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The CoR is the first institution to adopt a position on the Commission's proposal.
Il CdR è la prima istituzione a prendere posizione sulla proposta della Commissione.
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In its own-initiative opinion which takes account of the recent up-dating of the Commission's proposal, the CoR defends the RSA measure so that this kind of aid may continue to provide effective support for regions in their efforts to close the economic gap.
Nel suo parere d'iniziativa, che tiene conto del recente aggiornamento della proposta, il CdR difende il dispositivo degli ASFR, affinché questo tipo di aiuti possa continuare a sostenere efficacemente le regioni nei loro sforzi per colmare il divario di livello economico con le altre regioni.
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The rapporteur, Jean-Paul Denanot, stated that "Regional state aid is a valuable tool, particularly in the current climate of economic and social crisis, which helps encourage harmonious and balanced regional development.
relatore Jean-Paul Denanot ha dichiarato che
"Gli aiuti di Stato a finalità regionale sono strumenti preziosi - a maggior ragione nell'attuale contesto di crisi economica e sociale - che contribuiscono a promuovere lo sviluppo armonioso ed equilibrato dei territori.
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That is why I am proposing a series of amendments to the Commission draft, specifically to link the new rules more closely to the proposals for the future Structural Funds.
È per questo motivo che ho proposto una serie di emendamenti al progetto della Commissione, in particolare per creare un legame più stretto tra le nuove norme e le proposte sui futuri fondi strutturali". |
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In addition to recognising the special status of transition regions, the CoR is calling on the Commission not to limit the options for public support for large companies, restrictions which it considers to be unjustified in a period of economic crisis.
Oltre ad un riconoscimento della specificità delle regioni in transizione, il CdR invita la Commissione a non limitare le possibilità degli interventi pubblici a favore delle grandi imprese, in quanto tali restrizioni, a suo avviso, non sono giustificate in un periodo di crisi economica.
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This argument was especially stressed by Michel Lebrun (BE, EPP), a member of the Parliament of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, who highlighted the situation in the steel sector, and its heavy job losses.
Questa tesi è stata in particolare sostenuta da Michel Lebrun (BE/PPE), membro del parlamento della federazione Vallonia-Bruxelles, il quale ha menzionato la situazione del settore siderurgico e delle pesanti perdite di posti di lavoro.
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The CoR nevertheless supports the safeguard clause proposed by the European executive, which forces large companies to maintain investments and jobs created in those regions where aid has been provided.
Il CdR sostiene tuttavia la clausola di salvaguardia proposta dalla Commissione europea che obbliga le grandi imprese a mantenere gli investimenti e i posti di lavoro nei territori in cui gli aiuti sono stati versati.
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In line with the general regulation on Structural Funds, the CoR proposes adding a recovery clause whereby companies subject to a recovery procedure following the relocation of their activities will be unable to benefit from the Structural Funds.
Il CdR propone di aggiungere, in conformità con il regolamento generale sui fondi strutturali, una clausola di recupero, che stabilisca che le imprese soggette ad una procedura di recupero in seguito alla delocalizzazione della loro attività non possono beneficiare dei fondi strutturali.
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In order to address the repercussions of the crisis more effectively, CoR members are calling on the Commission to raise the ceilings for aid payments and to increase the percentage of the population covered by this type of aid.
Inoltre, per tener conto in modo più adeguato degli effetti della crisi, i membri del CdR chiedono alla Commissione di aumentare i massimali dei tassi per gli aiuti e la percentuale della popolazione interessata da questo tipo di aiuti.
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On this last point, the CoR welcomed the fact that the Commission had gone back on its original proposal and decided to maintain the percentage of the EU population covered by this aid at 45% (in place of the 42% initially proposed).
Su quest'ultimo punto il CdR si compiace per il fatto che la Commissione abbia rivisto la sua proposta e abbia deciso di mantenere il livello di copertura della popolazione dell'UE del 45 % (invece del 42 % proposto inizialmente).
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The CoR's core demands also include raising the de minimis thresholds (i.e. the threshold below which state aid is deemed to be compatible with the internal market) from EUR 200 000 to EUR 500 000, maintaining the special status given to the outermost regions and introducing special treatment for regions with natural, geographic or socio-demographic handicaps.
Tra le principali richieste del CdR vi sono anche l'aumento delle soglie de minimis (vale a dire le soglie al di sotto delle quali gli aiuti di Stato sono considerati compatibili con il mercato interno) da 200 000 a 500 000 euro, il mantenimento dello status speciale concesso alle regioni ultraperiferiche e un trattamento particolare per le regioni con svantaggi naturali, geografici o sociodemografici.
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The Commission launched a public consultation (available only in English) on 14 January to prepare for the revision of the RSA guidelines for 2014-2020.
La Commissione ha lanciato il 14 gennaio scorso una consultazione pubblica (disponibile soltanto in inglese) per preparare la riforma degli orientamenti per gli ASFR per il periodo 2014-2020.
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This consultation will enable cities and regions to be involved in the revision process so that the new mechanism will be better geared to regional needs.
La consultazione permetterà la partecipazione delle città e delle regioni al processo di riforma in modo che il nuovo dispositivo risponda al meglio ai bisogni dei territori.
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The new regulation is scheduled to be adopted in May 2013.
L'adozione della nuova normativa è prevista per il mese di maggio 2013.
The CoR calls for regional state aid to match cohesion policy post 2014
There is a need to ensure greater coherence between the regional state
aid mechanism and EU cohesion policy for 2014-2020 by including the new category
of transition regions among the eligible regions and adopting relevant
anti-relocation measures.
This was the thrust of the message which the Committee of the Regions
(CoR) wished to convey through the adoption this morning of an opinion by
Jean-Paul Denanot (FR/PES), president of the Limousin Region.
The revision of the Regional State Aid guidelines (RSA) 2014-2020 is
part of the process for recasting and simplifying EU rules on state aid.
Since the RSA guidelines are intended to help with the economic
development of regions experiencing difficulties, the principle of prohibiting
state aid that is enshrined in the treaties does not apply.
Before the CoR adopted its opinion on this issue, Joaquín Almunia,
Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Competition Policy,
addressed the CoR's members on the subject. In particular, he noted that:
"As we prepare to exit the crisis, public subsidies which stimulate
investment in the least developed regions can make a real difference but only if
they are well designed and targeted and when it is clear that they can support
private investment.
At a time when most public budgets require consolidation, we should be
very careful about how taxpayers' money is spent.
The future RSA guidelines will make it possible to modernise how we
monitor public aid and refocus public aid on the current challenges in order to
improve its quality and limit distortions of competition on the internal
The CoR is the first institution to adopt a position on the
Commission's proposal.
In its own-initiative opinion which takes account of the recent
up-dating of the Commission's proposal, the CoR defends the RSA measure so that
this kind of aid may continue to provide effective support for regions in their
efforts to close the economic gap
The rapporteur, Jean-Paul Denanot, stated that "Regional state aid is a
valuable tool, particularly in the current climate of economic and social
crisis, which helps encourage harmonious and balanced regional development
That is why I am proposing a series of amendments to the Commission
draft, specifically to link the new rules more closely to the proposals for the
future Structural Funds.
In addition to recognising the special status of transition regions,
the CoR is calling on the Commission not to limit the options for public support
for large companies, restrictions which it considers to be unjustified in a
period of economic crisis.
This argument was especially stressed by Michel Lebrun (BE, EPP), a
member of the Parliament of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, who highlighted
the situation in the steel sector, and its heavy job losses.
The CoR nevertheless supports the safeguard clause proposed by the
European executive, which forces large companies to maintain investments and
jobs created in those regions where aid has been provided.
In line with the general regulation on Structural Funds, the CoR
proposes adding a recovery clause whereby companies subject to a recovery
procedure following the relocation of their activities will be unable to benefit
from the Structural Funds.
In order to address the repercussions of the crisis more effectively,
CoR members are calling on the Commission to raise the ceilings for aid payments
and to increase the percentage of the population covered by this type of aid.
On this last point, the CoR welcomed the fact that the Commission had
gone back on its original proposal and decided to maintain the percentage of the
EU population covered by this aid at 45% (in place of the 42% initially
The CoR's core demands also include raising the de minimis thresholds
(i.e. the threshold below which state aid is deemed to be compatible with the
internal market) from EUR 200 000 to EUR 500 000, maintaining the special status
given to the outermost regions and introducing special treatment for regions
with natural, geographic or socio-demographic handicaps.
The Commission launched a public consultation (available only in
English) on 14 January to prepare for the revision of the RSA guidelines for
This consultation will enable cities and regions to be involved in the
revision process so that the new mechanism will be better geared to regional
The new regulation is scheduled to be adopted in May 2013.