Una politica artica per l'UE
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Data documento: 01-02-2013
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On an Arctic Policy for the EU
Una politica artica per l'UE |
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On 31 January 2013 in Rovaniemi (Finland), the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a joint hearing with the Arctic Centre (University of Lapland) on the EU's Arctic policy.
Il 31 gennaio 2013, il Comitato economico e sociale europeo ha tenuto a Rovaniemi (Finlandia) un'audizione congiunta con il Centro artico (Università della Lapponia) sulla politica artica dell'UE. |
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Participants included representatives of civil society, academia, local authorities and media as well as parliamentarians and diplomats.
Tra i partecipanti figuravano rappresentanti della società civile, del mondo accademico, degli enti locali e dei mezzi di comunicazione, nonché parlamentari e rappresentanti diplomatici.
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The discussion focussed on the EU's interests and priorities in the Arctic, a region which is attracting ever-greater interest from global players in a number of policy areas such as energy, transport and the environment.
Il dibattito si è incentrato sugli interessi e le priorità dell'UE nella zona artica, una regione che risulta sempre più attrattiva per gli operatori mondiali in un vasto numero di settori politici quali l'energia, i trasporti e l'ambiente.
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Interest in the Arctic has grown in recent decades due to the changes taking place in the region.
Negli ultimi decenni è cresciuto l'interesse nei confronti della regione artica a causa degli sviluppi sopraggiunti in questa zona.
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Climate change is causing the ice sheet to melt and the permafrost to thaw, drawing global players' attention to energy and natural resources, new maritime routes and environmental challenges.
Il cambiamento climatico sta sciogliendo lo strato di ghiaccio e provocando una riduzione del permafrost, il che richiama l'attenzione degli operatori mondiali sull'energia e le risorse naturali, sulle nuove rotte marittime e sulle sfide ambientali.
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The EU has not been oblivious to these developments: it launched its Arctic policy in 2008 and in 2012, announcing its intention to pursue a comprehensive policy for the region.
L'UE ha deciso di non trascurare questi sviluppi: nel 2008 ha lanciato la sua politica artica e nel 2012 ha annunciato l'intenzione di portare avanti una politica globale per la regione.
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The public hearing on the upcoming EESC opinion entitled "EU Arctic Policy to address globally emerging interests in the region – a view of civil society" brought together a range of stakeholders, guaranteeing a valuable debate on the situation in the Arctic region and its future prospects.
L'audizione pubblica sull'imminente parere del CESE intitolato "Una politica artica dell'UE per affrontare gli interessi emergenti a livello globale nella regione - panoramica sulla società civile" ha riunito diversi soggetti interessati, il che ha assicurato la qualità del dibattito sulla situazione nella regione artica e le prospettive future.
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The EESC was represented by Paul Lidehäll, President of the study group on EU Arctic Policy, Sandy Boyle, President of the Section for External Relations and Filip Hamro-Drotz, rapporteur for the opinion and other members of the study group.
Il CESE era rappresentato dal presidente del gruppo di studio sulla politica artica dell'UE Paul Lidehäll, dal presidente della sezione Relazioni esterne Sandy Boyle dal relatore del parere Filip Hamro-Drotz e da altri membri del gruppo di studio.
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Other speakers included Professor Mauri Ylä-Kotola, Rector of the University of Lapland, Professor Paula Kankaanpää, Director of the Arctic Centre, Michael Gahler, Member of the European Parliament and rapporteur for the EU Arctic Report (EP), Esko Lotvonen, the Mayor of Rovaniemi and Ambassador Hannu Halinen from Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Tra gli altri oratori figuravano il professor Mauri Ylä-Kotola, Rettore dell'Università della Lapponia, la professoressa Paula Kankaanpää, direttrice del Centro artico, Michael Gahler, parlamentare europeo e relatore della relazione sulla politica artica dell'UE (PE), il sindaco di Rovaniemi Esko Lotvonen e l'ambasciatore Hannu Halinen in rappresentanza del ministero finlandese degli Affari esteri.
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The EESC endorsed the priorities outlined in the Communication on Arctic policy from the Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs.
Il CESE ha approvato le priorità illustrate dalla Commissione e dall'Alto rappresentante per gli Affari esteri nella comunicazione sulla politica artica.
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The representatives of the Committee stressed, however, that the EU should formalise its Arctic policy as soon as possible, to ensure its involvement as a credible and constructive player.
I rappresentanti del Comitato hanno sottolineato, tuttavia, che l'UE dovrebbe rendere ufficiale quanto prima la propria politica artica per garantire il suo coinvolgimento come soggetto credibile e costruttivo.
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This policy should be consistent with the strategy of each Arctic state, so that Arctic governance can be developed and implemented on the basis of effective cooperation with countries and key partners.
La politica dell'UE dovrebbe essere coerente con la strategia di ciascuno Stato della regione, al fine di elaborare ed attuare una vera e propria governance artica basata sull'efficace cooperazione con i paesi e i partner principali.
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"We want to make the best of the opportunities the Arctic brings but at the same time we should strive at limiting to the minimum the negative consequences of human activities in the region", said Filip Hamro–Drotz.
"Noi desideriamo sfruttare al meglio le opportunità che ci offre la regione artica ma al tempo stesso dobbiamo cercare di limitare il più possibile le conseguenze negative delle attività umane nella regione", ha affermato Filip Hamro–Drotz.
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The EESC furthermore asserted that civil society, especially the indigenous people living in the region, needed to be widely and regularly involved in Arctic work in an advisory role.
Il CESE ha poi affermato che la società civile, e in particolar modo le popolazioni indigene che vivono nella regione, devono partecipare appieno e costantemente ai lavori sulla politica artica e avere un ruolo consultivo.
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The participants welcomed the decision of the European Commission to allocate 1 million EUR for the preparatory project leading to establishment of the European Arctic Information Centre in Rovaniemi.
I partecipanti hanno accolto favorevolmente la decisione della Commissione europea di stanziare un milione di euro a favore del progetto preparatorio che porterà alla creazione del Centro europeo d'informazione sulla regione artica con sede a Rovaniemi.
On an Arctic Policy for the EU
On 31 January 2013 in Rovaniemi (Finland), the European Economic and
Social Committee (EESC) held a joint hearing with the Arctic Centre (University
of Lapland) on the EU's Arctic policy.
Participants included representatives of civil society, academia, local
authorities and media as well as parliamentarians and diplomats.
The discussion focussed on the EU's interests and priorities in the
Arctic, a region which is attracting ever-greater interest from global players
in a number of policy areas such as energy, transport and the environment.
Interest in the Arctic has grown in recent decades due to the changes
taking place in the region.
Climate change is causing the ice sheet to melt and the permafrost to
thaw, drawing global players' attention to energy and natural resources, new
maritime routes and environmental challenges.
The EU has not been oblivious to these developments: it launched its
Arctic policy in 2008 and in 2012, announcing its intention to pursue a
comprehensive policy for the region.
The public hearing on the upcoming EESC opinion entitled "EU Arctic
Policy to address globally emerging interests in the region – a view of civil
society" brought together a range of stakeholders, guaranteeing a valuable
debate on the situation in the Arctic region and its future prospects.
The EESC was represented by Paul Lidehäll, President of the study group
on EU Arctic Policy, Sandy Boyle, President of the Section for External
Relations and Filip Hamro-Drotz, rapporteur for the opinion and other members of
the study group.
Other speakers included Professor Mauri Ylä-Kotola, Rector of the
University of Lapland, Professor Paula Kankaanpää, Director of the Arctic
Centre, Michael Gahler, Member of the European Parliament and rapporteur for the
EU Arctic Report (EP), Esko Lotvonen, the Mayor of Rovaniemi and Ambassador
Hannu Halinen from Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The EESC endorsed the priorities outlined in the Communication on
Arctic policy from the Commission and the High Representative for Foreign
The representatives of the Committee stressed, however, that the EU
should formalise its Arctic policy as soon as possible, to ensure its
involvement as a credible and constructive player.
This policy should be consistent with the strategy of each Arctic
state, so that Arctic governance can be developed and implemented on the basis
of effective cooperation with countries and key partners.
"We want to make the best of the opportunities the Arctic brings but at
the same time we should strive at limiting to the minimum the negative
consequences of human activities in the region", said Filip Hamro–Drotz.
The EESC furthermore asserted that civil society, especially the
indigenous people living in the region, needed to be widely and regularly
involved in Arctic work in an advisory role.
The participants welcomed the decision of the European Commission to
allocate 1 million EUR for the preparatory project leading to establishment of
the European Arctic Information Centre in Rovaniemi.