"Migranti in Europa": la Commissione lancia un concorso multimediale europeo
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Data documento: 01-02-2013
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'Migrants in Europe': Commission launches Europe-wide multimedia competition
"Migranti in Europa": la Commissione lancia un concorso multimediale europeo
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What is the role and place of migrants in Europe?
Che ruolo e che posto hanno i migranti in Europa?
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The Commission is inviting students at schools of art, graphics and communication from all the 27 European Union Member States and Croatia to reflect on the contribution migrants make to societies in Europe.
La Commissione invita gli studenti delle scuole di arte, grafica e comunicazione dei 27 Stati membri dell'Unione europea, più la Croazia, a riflettere sul contributo dei migranti alle società europee.
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The EU-wide competition challenges students to produce artwork that expresses their views on the issue, capturing the role migrants play in our lives.
I partecipanti al concorso europeo dovranno realizzare un'opera d'arte che rifletta la loro visione e illustri il ruolo dei migranti nella nostra vita quotidiana.
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With the goal of stimulating a constructive debate, while reflecting on the situation of migrants in Europe, the Commission gives Europe’s up-and-coming talent the chance to bring their perspective to the fore.
Con questo concorso la Commissione vuole stimolare un dibattito e una riflessione costruttivi sulla condizione dei migranti in Europa e dare ai talenti europei emergenti la possibilità di esprimere il loro punto di vista.
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The competition is open to all students over 18 years of age and registered at an institution of higher education for art/graphic/communication in any EU country plus Croatia.
Il concorso è aperto a tutti gli studenti di più di 18 anni che frequentano un istituto superiore di arte/grafica/comunicazione in uno dei paesi dell'UE o in Croazia.
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The schools should submit their work before 21st June 2013 in the following categories:Poster, Photography and Video.
Le opere, che devono essere presentate dalle scuole entro il 21 giugno 2013, concorreranno in tre categorie: poster, fotografia e video.
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Each school can present one or several pieces of work in one or several categories.
Ogni scuola potrà concorrere con una o più opere in una o più categorie.
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They will be judged at national level and those shortlisted (up to 10 per country) will be put forward to a European jury that will select the 30 finalists and decide on a European winner for each category.
Le opere saranno valutate a livello nazionale e quelle giudicate migliori (fino a dieci per paese) verranno inviate a una giuria europea che selezionerà i 30 finalisti e nominerà un vincitore europeo per ciascuna categoria.
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The jury will be made up of communication, art and media professionals as well as individuals from migrant communities.
La giuria sarà composta da professionisti della comunicazione, dell'arte e dei media e da membri delle comunità di migranti.
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The 30 European finalists will be invited to attend the prize-giving ceremony in Brussels with the expected participation of Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs.
Alla cerimonia di premiazione, che si terrà a Bruxelles e a cui dovrebbe partecipare Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria europea per gli Affari interni, saranno invitati gli autori delle 30 opere finaliste.
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A special prize will also be awarded based on the results of a public vote, which will take place via the website below.
Verrà inoltre aggiudicato un premio speciale in base ai risultati di una votazione pubblica sul sito Internet indicato in appresso.
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The schools whose students win first prizes in the three categories and the first prize in the public vote will receive an award of €10,000 each, to be used for educational purposes.
Un importo di 10 000 euro, da utilizzare a scopo didattico, sarà assegnato alle scuole degli studenti vincitori del primo premio in una delle tre categorie o del premio del pubblico.
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Full terms and conditions of the competition can be found on the following website:
Per i termini e le condizioni del concorso si veda il seguente sito Internet:
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In 2011, a year in which the world's population surpassed seven billion, there were 20.2 million third country nationals living in the EU. That is around 4% of the total EU population (502.5 million) and 9.4% of the estimated 214 million migrants worldwide.
Nel 2011, anno in cui la popolazione mondiale ha superato i 7 miliardi di persone, l'Unione europea ospitava ben 20,2 milioni di cittadini di paesi terzi, pari al 4% circa della popolazione totale dell'UE (502,5 milioni) e al 9,4% della popolazione migrante mondiale, stimata a 214 milioni di persone.
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By comparison, Canada has around 3.4% of the world's total (7.2 million representing 21.3% of its national population), whilst the USA has around 20% of the world's total (42.8 million representing 13.5% of its national population).
A titolo comparativo il Canada ospitava il 3,4% circa della popolazione migrante totale (7,2 milioni di persone, 21,3% della popolazione canadese) e gli Stati Uniti il 20% circa (42,8 milioni, 13,5% della popolazione statunitense). |
'Migrants in Europe': Commission launches Europe-wide multimedia
What is the role and place of migrants in Europe?
The Commission is inviting students at schools of art, graphics and
communication from all the 27 European Union Member States and Croatia to
reflect on the contribution migrants make to societies in Europe.
The EU-wide competition challenges students to produce artwork that
expresses their views on the issue, capturing the role migrants play in our
With the goal of stimulating a constructive debate, while reflecting on
the situation of migrants in Europe, the Commission gives Europe’s up-and-coming
talent the chance to bring their perspective to the fore.
The competition is open to all students over 18 years of age and
registered at an institution of higher education for art/graphic/communication
in any EU country plus Croatia.
The schools should submit their work before 21st June 2013 in the
following categories:Poster, Photography and Video.
Each school can present one or several pieces of work in one or several
They will be judged at national level and those shortlisted (up to 10
per country) will be put forward to a European jury that will select the 30
finalists and decide on a European winner for each category.
The jury will be made up of communication, art and media professionals
as well as individuals from migrant communities.
The 30 European finalists will be invited to attend the prize-giving
ceremony in Brussels with the expected participation of Cecilia Malmström,
European Commissioner for Home Affairs.
A special prize will also be awarded based on the results of a public
vote, which will take place via the website below.
The schools whose students win first prizes in the three categories and
the first prize in the public vote will receive an award of €10,000 each, to be
used for educational purposes.
Full terms and conditions of the competition can be found on the
following website:
In 2011, a year in which the world's population surpassed seven billion, there
were 20.2 million third country nationals living in the EU. That is around 4% of
the total EU population (502.5 million) and 9.4% of the estimated 214 million
migrants worldwide.
By comparison, Canada has around 3.4% of the world's total (7.2 million
representing 21.3% of its national population), whilst the USA has around 20% of
the world's total (42.8 million representing 13.5% of its national population).