Droghe illecite: una relazione dell'UE svela nuove tendenze allarmanti in fatto di traffico e consumo
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Data documento: 31-01-2013
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Illicit drugs:EU report unveils new worrying trends in smuggling and consumption
Droghe illecite: una relazione dell'UE svela nuove tendenze allarmanti in fatto di traffico e consumo
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Europe is entering an important new era in the supply and demand for illicit drugs — a development which is challenging current policies and responses.
L'Europa è alle soglie di una nuova era per quanto riguarda l'offerta e la domanda di droghe illecite, il cui sviluppo mette a dura prova le attuali risposte politiche.
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This is according to the first joint EU drug markets report from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and Europol released today in Brussels.
È quanto emerge dalla prima relazione congiunta dell'Osservatorio europeo delle droghe e delle tossicodipendenze (OEDT) e dell'Europol sul mercato europeo degli stupefacenti, pubblicata oggi a Bruxelles.
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The two EU agencies have joined forces to provide the first strategic analysis of the European illicit drug market in its entirety.
Le due agenzie dell'UE hanno unito le loro forze per realizzare la prima analisi strategica del mercato europeo delle droghe illecite nel suo insieme.
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In the report, they describe a market which is increasingly dynamic, innovative and quick to react to challenges and one which requires an equally dynamic, innovative and agile response across Europe.
La relazione mette in luce un mercato sempre più dinamico, innovativo e reattivo alle sfide, che richiede una risposta altrettanto dinamica, innovativa e solerte a livello europeo.
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The report unveils the ‘changing face of organised crime in Europe’:
Il documento svela "il nuovo volto della criminalità organizzata in Europa":
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while, historically, the EU drug market has focused on specific drugs trafficked by specialised operators along well-defined routes, the contemporary market is more ‘fluid’, with new routes and multi-substance consignments becoming more common.
il mercato europeo della droga, storicamente imperniato sul traffico di determinate sostanze stupefacenti ad opera di trafficanti specializzati, attraverso rotte ben definite, sta diventando sempre più "fluido" e si caratterizza per la comparsa di nuove rotte e di spedizioni multiple costituite da più sostanze.
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"This timely report shows the increasingly joined-up nature of the modern European drug market, one of the most complex and invasive criminal phenomena of our times.
"Questa relazione, che arriva al momento giusto, evidenzia il carattere sempre più coordinato del moderno mercato europeo della droga, uno dei fenomeni criminali più complessi e invasivi del nostro tempo.
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Organised crime groups are now more likely to deal in many substances at once and are more likely to join forces.
Oggi i gruppi criminali organizzati sono più propensi a trafficare contemporaneamente più sostanze stupefacenti e tendono a coalizzarsi tra loro.
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Drug trafficking is also diversifying, both in terms of the complexity of the routes chosen and the drug types moved along them.
Il traffico di stupefacenti tende anche a diversificarsi, sia dal punto di vista della complessità delle rotte scelte, sia per i tipi di droghe che vi transitano.
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This all calls for increased cooperation at EU level.
Questa evoluzione esige una maggiore cooperazione nell'ambito dell'UE.
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National measures are simply insufficient, no matter how robust they are.
Le misure predisposte a livello nazionale, per quanto energiche, non sono più sufficienti.
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By combining insights from the EMCDDA’s monitoring of Europe’s drug phenomenon with Europol’s operational understanding of trends in organised crime, the analysis offered by this report is unique", said EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström, presenting the findings today.
La presente relazione offre un'analisi senza precedenti, frutto di un riuscito connubio tra il lavoro di monitoraggio del fenomeno delle droghe svolto dall'OEDT e l'esperienza operativa dell'Europol in merito alle tendenze della criminalità organizzata", ha dichiarato Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria dell'UE per gli Affari interni, nel presentare le risultanze della relazione.
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Europol Director Rob Wainwright explains:
Rob Wainwright, direttore dell'Europol, spiega:
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"International drug trafficking remains the principal activity of most organised crime groups.
"Il traffico internazionale di stupefacenti rimane la principale attività della maggioranza dei gruppi criminali organizzati.
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They are adapting to new criminal opportunities and changing smuggling methods and routes to evade law enforcement, and we have noticed an increase in the exploitation of legitimate commercial transportation options, such as containers, aircraft, couriers and postal services.
Questi ultimi si adattano alle nuove opportunità criminali e ai mutati metodi e canali di contrabbando per eludere i controlli, avvalendosi sempre più – come abbiamo constatato – di mezzi leciti di trasporto commerciale quali container, aerei, corrieri e servizi postali.
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This allows drugs to be moved through multiple transit points making them harder to intercept.
In questo modo le droghe transitano attraverso molteplici punti di passaggio e sono quindi più difficili da intercettare.
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Internet technology has also emerged as an important facilitator and is commonly used in the marketing and sale of drugs".
Anche Internet svolge un importante ruolo di favoreggiamento ed è comunemente usato per lo spaccio e la vendita di stupefacenti".
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Also detailed in the report is Europe’s role as a key global source of the precursor chemical used to manufacture heroin (acetic anhydride) and as an important player in the packaging, marketing and promotion of products containing new psychoactive substances.
La relazione mette in rilievo anche il ruolo dell'Europa come uno dei principali produttori mondiali del precursore chimico impiegato nella produzione di eroina, l'anidride acetica, nonché la sua responsabilità nel confezionare, commercializzare e promuovere prodotti contenenti nuove sostanze psicoattive.
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"For synthetic drugs, and increasingly cannabis, the EU remains an important drug-producing region", notes EMCDDA Director Wolfgang Götz.
"L'UE è un'importante regione produttrice di droghe sintetiche e, in misura crescente, di cannabis", osserva Wolfgang Götz, direttore dell'OEDT.
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"The trend for producing illicit drugs close to their intended consumer markets, where they are less likely to be intercepted, is a growing one.
"Sta prendendo piede la tendenza a produrre droghe illecite nelle vicinanze dei potenziali mercati di consumo, dove è meno probabile che vengano intercettate.
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We are now paying an increasing cost for this development in terms of community safety, public health and the burden placed on already stretched police resources".
Questa evoluzione ci costa sempre più salata in termini di sicurezza collettiva, salute pubblica e onere imposto alle già limitate risorse della polizia".
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According to the report, globalisation is an important driver of developments, with more countries now used as transit, storage or production points.
Secondo la relazione, gli sviluppi descritti sono in gran parte favoriti dalla globalizzazione, per effetto della quale sempre nuovi paesi diventano centri nodali per la produzione, il deposito o il transito delle droghe.
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Furthermore, the Internet is having a profound impact, both as communication tool and online marketplace.
Considerevole è anche l'influenza di Internet, sia come mezzo di comunicazione che come punto di vendita online.
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But innovation is also seen in the area of production:
L'innovazione interessa parimenti il settore della produzione:
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the EU is cited as a key ‘source of expertise and know how’ regarding intensive cannabis cultivation, synthetic drug production and cocaine concealment.
l'UE è designata come importante "fonte di competenza e perizia" in materia di coltivazione intensiva di cannabis, produzione di droghe sintetiche e occultamento di cocaina.
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Other findings of the report include the connections between cocaine and cannabis resin trafficking networks, the increasing importance of Africa as a transit and storage area, and how crime gangs based in North-West Europe play a pivotal role in the distribution of virtually all types of drug across the EU.
Tra le altre risultanze della relazione si possono citare i collegamenti tra le reti di trafficanti di cocaina e di resina di cannabis, l'importanza crescente dell'Africa come zona di deposito e di transito, nonché il ruolo centrale svolto dalle bande criminali dell'Europa nordoccidentale nello smistamento di ogni tipo di droga all'interno dell'UE.
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Among the action points proposed are that law-enforcement actors, to a larger extent, should prioritise intelligence gathering on high-value individuals and high-profile criminal groups.
Per quanto riguarda le linee di azione, si propone tra l'altro che le autorità di contrasto diano maggiore priorità alla raccolta di informazioni su singoli individui e gruppi criminali dal profilo particolarmente rilevante.
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Also, the speed of developments in the area of synthetic drugs means that Europe needs to scale up its early-warning capacity for new substances on the market.
Inoltre, la rapidità con cui evolvono le droghe sintetiche implica la necessità, per l'Europa, di potenziare la propria capacità di allerta precoce riguardo alle nuove sostanze immesse sul mercato.
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The report highlights how coordinated actions at EU level can make a difference.
La relazione sottolinea l'importanza di intraprendere azioni coordinate a livello dell'UE.
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Adopting an approach which is both pragmatic and applied, the agencies identify key conclusions and learning points to inform future policies and actions (MEMO/13/51 and case studies). |
Seguendo un approccio nel contempo prammatico e metodico, le agenzie giungono a conclusioni decisive e traggono insegnamenti destinati a informare le future politiche e azioni (MEMO/13/51 e studi di casi). |
Illicit drugs:EU report unveils new worrying trends in smuggling and
Europe is entering an important new era in the supply and demand for
illicit drugs — a development which is challenging current policies and
This is according to the first joint EU drug markets report from the
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and Europol
released today in Brussels.
The two EU agencies have joined forces to provide the first strategic
analysis of the European illicit drug market in its entirety.
In the report, they describe a market which is increasingly dynamic,
innovative and quick to react to challenges and one which requires an equally
dynamic, innovative and agile response across Europe.
The report unveils the ‘changing face of organised crime in Europe’:
while, historically, the EU drug market has focused on specific drugs trafficked
by specialised operators along well-defined routes, the contemporary market is
more ‘fluid’, with new routes and multi-substance consignments becoming more
"This timely report shows the increasingly joined-up nature of the
modern European drug market, one of the most complex and invasive criminal
phenomena of our times.
Organised crime groups are now more likely to deal in many substances
at once and are more likely to join forces.
Drug trafficking is also diversifying, both in terms of the complexity
of the routes chosen and the drug types moved along them.
This all calls for increased cooperation at EU level.
National measures are simply insufficient, no matter how robust they
By combining insights from the EMCDDA’s monitoring of Europe’s drug
phenomenon with Europol’s operational understanding of trends in organised
crime, the analysis offered by this report is unique", said EU Commissioner for
Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström, presenting the findings today.
Europol Director Rob Wainwright explains:
"International drug trafficking remains the principal activity of most
organised crime groups.
They are adapting to new criminal opportunities and changing smuggling
methods and routes to evade law enforcement, and we have noticed an increase in
the exploitation of legitimate commercial transportation options, such as
containers, aircraft, couriers and postal
This allows drugs to be moved through multiple transit points making them harder
to intercept.
Internet technology has also emerged as an important facilitator and is
commonly used in the marketing and sale of drugs".
Also detailed in the report is Europe’s role as a key global source of
the precursor chemical used to manufacture heroin (acetic anhydride) and as an
important player in the packaging, marketing and promotion of products
containing new psychoactive substances.
"For synthetic drugs, and increasingly cannabis, the EU remains an
important drug-producing region", notes EMCDDA Director Wolfgang Götz.
"The trend for producing illicit drugs close to their intended consumer
markets, where they are less likely to be intercepted, is a growing one.
We are now paying an increasing cost for this development in terms of
community safety, public health and the burden placed on already stretched
police resources".
According to the report, globalisation is an important driver of
developments, with more countries now used as transit, storage or production
Furthermore, the Internet is having a profound impact, both as
communication tool and online marketplace.
But innovation is also seen in the area of production:
the EU is cited as a key ‘source of expertise and know how’ regarding intensive
cannabis cultivation, synthetic drug production and cocaine concealment.
Other findings of the report include the connections between cocaine
and cannabis resin trafficking networks, the increasing importance of Africa as
a transit and storage area, and how crime gangs based in North-West Europe play
a pivotal role in the distribution of virtually all types of drug across the EU.
Among the action points proposed are that law-enforcement actors, to a
larger extent, should prioritise intelligence gathering on high-value
individuals and high-profile criminal groups.
Also, the speed of developments in the area of synthetic drugs means
that Europe needs to scale up its early-warning capacity for new substances on
the market.
The report highlights how coordinated actions at EU level can make a
Adopting an approach which is both pragmatic and applied, the agencies
identify key conclusions and learning points to inform future policies and
actions (MEMO/13/51 and case studies). |