Assegnato per la quarta volta il premio europeo per il giornalismo sulla salute
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Data documento: 30-01-2013
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EU Prize awards excellence in health journalism for the 4th time
Assegnato per la quarta volta il premio europeo per il giornalismo sulla salute
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The winners of the fourth EU Health Prize for Journalists were announced by Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy at an award ceremony in Brussels yesterday evening.
I vincitori del quarto Premio europeo per il giornalismo sulla salute sono stati proclamati da Tonio Borg, commissario europeo responsabile per la Salute e la politica dei consumatori, nel corso di una cerimonia di premiazione tenutasi a Bruxelles ieri sera.
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The winning articles, selected from 557 submissions from journalists across the EU, cover issues related to healthcare and health services - with an additional "special prize" on smoking cessation.
Gli articoli vincenti, selezionati tra 557 articoli inviati da giornalisti di tutta l'UE, riguardano tematiche legate all'assistenza sanitaria e ai servizi sanitari – con un "Premio speciale" addizionale sulla cessazione del fumo di tabacco.
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The winners are:
I vincitori sono:
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1st place: Petr Třešňàk writing for Respekt magazine (Czech Republic) for his article "Adventures in ward 14", which tells the story of a psychiatric hospital ward dealing with the most difficult cases, and a dedicated nurse who made a difference.
1° posto: Petr Třešňàk della rivista Respekt (Repubblica ceca) per il suo articolo "Avventure nel reparto 14", in cui descrive la storia di un reparto psichiatrico che tratta i casi più difficili e di un infermiere che con forte senso di dedizione riesce a gestire la situazione.
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2nd place: Ailbhe Jordan writing for the Medical Independent (Ireland) for her article "Is screening a waste of cash?" which takes a stark look at the debate on the value and cost-effectiveness of cancer screening, especially breast cancer.
2° posto: Ailbhe Jordan del Medical Independent (Irlanda) per il suo articolo "Is screening a waste of cash?" (Lo screening è denaro sprecato?), che analizza criticamente il dibattito sul valore e sul rapporto costi/benefici dello screening del cancro, soprattutto del cancro della mammella.
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3rd place: Daniela Cipolloni writing for Oggi Scienza magazine (Italy) for her article "All those lies spread by umbilical cord banks", which as its title suggests, looks at the controversial subject of conserving a baby's umbilical cord for future medical treatment.
3° posto: Daniela Cipolloni che scrive per la rivista Oggi Scienza (Italia) per il suo articolo "Tutte le bugie sulle banche private del cordone" che, come indicato dal titolo, esamina il soggetto controverso della conservazione del cordone ombelicale di un neonato ai fini di terapie future.
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Winner of the special prize: Tobias Zick writing for NEON magazine (Germany) for his in-depth article "Thick Air" which explores how smoking has gone from being 'cool' to 'uncool', in Germany by giving an overview of the historical, political, legal and philosophical angles of tobacco control.
Vincitore del premio speciale: Tobias Zick che scrive per la rivista NEON (Germania) per il suo articolo approfondito dal titolo "Aria spessa", in cui esamina il cambiamento degli atteggiamenti nei confronti dei fumatori, che da figure 'interessanti' hanno perso ora in Germania la loro dimensione auratica, e passa in rassegna gli aspetti storici, politici, giuridici e filosofici del controllo del fumo di tabacco.
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Speaking from the award ceremony, Commissioner Borg said:
Prendendo la parola nel corso della cerimonia di premiazione, il commissario Borg ha affermato:
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"All four journalists awarded tonight pull no punches both in the topics they raise and the style in which they raise them.
"Tutti e quattro i giornalisti premiati questa sera non vanno coi guanti di velluto sia nella scelta delle tematiche trattate sia nel linguaggio diretto usato.
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Though on diverse topics such as mental health, cancer screening, cord blood banking and tobacco control, the common thread in the winning articles is that they confront uncomfortable issues for which debate is needed at EU level".
Sebbene gli articoli riguardino soggetti diversi, come la salute mentale, lo screening del cancro, le banche del cordone ombelicale e il controllo del tabacco, il filo comune degli articoli premiati è che affrontano questioni scomode per le quali si avverte la necessità di un dibattito a livello di UE".
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The EU Health Prize for Journalists, now in its fourth run, aims to raise awareness on important health issues affecting the lives of people from across the EU – issues that the European Commission addresses through legislation or other initiatives
Il Premio europeo per il giornalismo sulla salute, che è ora alla quarta edizione, intende far opera di sensibilizzazione su importanti tematiche sanitarie che interessano la vita quotidiana delle persone che vivono in tutta l'UE – questioni che la Commissione europea ha affrontato con i suoi strumenti legislativi o tramite altre iniziative.
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It also sets out to encourage and award excellent health journalism across Europe.
Esso è inteso anche a incoraggiare e riconoscere l'eccellenza del giornalismo sulla salute in Europa.
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The main theme of this edition of the Prize was once again the 'Europe for Patients' campaign, which comprises a wide range of healthcare and patient safety-related topics.
La tematica principale di questa edizione del premio era ancora una volta la campagna 'L'Europa per i pazienti' che abbraccia un'ampia gamma di tematiche relative all'assistenza sanitaria e alla sicurezza dei pazienti.
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Active and healthy ageing was added to the list of topics, in light of 2012 being the European Year for active ageing and solidarity between generations
In considerazione del fatto che il 2012 è stato l'Anno europeo dell'invecchiamento attivo e della solidarietà tra le generazioni, all'elenco dei soggetti è stata aggiunta la tematica dell'invecchiamento attivo e sano.
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In addition, for the second year running there was a 'special prize' on smoking cessation, a topic linked to the Commission's priority work to fight tobacco.
Inoltre, per il secondo anno di seguito, è stato assegnato un 'premio speciale' sulla cessazione del fumo di tabacco, soggetto legato alla priorità attribuita dalla Commissione alla lotta contro il tabagismo.
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The selection of the winners was a two-step process.
La selezione dei vincitori è avvenuta in due fasi.
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National juries selected a national finalist for the main theme and, in some cases, a finalist from the special category smoking cessation
Giurie nazionali hanno selezionato un finalista nazionale per la tematica principale e, in certi casi, un finalista per la categoria speciale sul fumo.
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The EU jury, composed of European Commission officials, public health experts and journalists then convened in Brussels to decide on the 4 winning articles.
La giuria dell'UE, composta di funzionari della Commissione europea, di esperti di sanità pubblica e di giornalisti, si è riunita a Bruxelles per scegliere i quattro articoli vincitori.
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All finalists were invited to Brussels to attend a Media Seminar and Award Ceremony.
Tutti i finalisti sono stati invitati a Bruxelles per partecipare a un seminario sui media e alla cerimonia di premiazione.
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The winner and two runners-up of the 4th edition of the EU Health Prize for Journalists receive prizes with a value of:
Il vincitore e il secondo e terzo classificato della quarta edizione del Premio europeo per il giornalismo sulla salute ricevono premi del seguente valore:
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- First prize € 6,000
- Primo premio 6.000 euro
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- 2nd prize € 2,500
- Secondo premio 2.500 euro
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- 3rd prize € 1,500
- Terzo premio 1.500 euro
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- Special prize on smoking cessation € 3,000 |
- Premio speciale sulla cessazione del fumo 3.000 euro |
EU Prize awards excellence in health journalism for the 4th time
The winners of the fourth EU Health Prize for Journalists were
announced by Tonio Borg, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy at
an award ceremony in Brussels yesterday evening.
The winning articles, selected from 557 submissions from journalists
across the EU, cover issues related to healthcare and health services - with an
additional "special prize" on smoking cessation.
The winners are:
1st place: Petr Třešňàk writing for Respekt magazine (Czech
Republic) for his article "Adventures in ward 14", which tells the story of a
psychiatric hospital ward dealing with the most difficult cases, and a dedicated
nurse who made a difference.
2nd place: Ailbhe Jordan writing for the Medical Independent
(Ireland) for her article "Is screening a waste of cash?" which takes a stark
look at the debate on the value and cost-effectiveness of cancer screening,
especially breast cancer.
3rd place: Daniela Cipolloni writing for Oggi Scienza magazine
(Italy) for her article "All those lies spread by umbilical cord banks", which
as its title suggests, looks at the controversial subject of conserving a baby's
umbilical cord for future medical treatment.
Winner of the special prize: Tobias Zick writing for NEON
magazine (Germany) for his in-depth article "Thick Air" which explores how
smoking has gone from being 'cool' to 'uncool', in Germany by giving an overview
of the historical, political, legal and philosophical angles of tobacco control.
Speaking from the award ceremony, Commissioner Borg said
"All four journalists awarded tonight pull no punches both in the
topics they raise and the style in which they raise them.
Though on diverse topics such as mental health, cancer screening, cord
blood banking and tobacco control, the common thread in the winning articles is
that they confront uncomfortable issues for which debate is needed at EU level".
The EU Health Prize for Journalists, now in its fourth run, aims to
raise awareness on important health issues affecting the lives of people from
across the EU – issues that the European Commission addresses through
legislation or other initiatives
It also sets out to encourage and award excellent health journalism
across Europe.
The main theme of this edition of the Prize was once again the 'Europe
for Patients' campaign, which comprises a wide range of healthcare and patient
safety-related topics.
Active and healthy ageing was added to the list of topics, in light of
2012 being the European Year for active ageing and solidarity between
In addition, for the second year running there was a 'special prize' on
smoking cessation, a topic linked to the Commission's priority work to fight
The selection of the winners was a two-step process.
National juries selected a national finalist for the main theme and, in
some cases, a finalist from the special category smoking cessation
The EU jury, composed of European Commission officials, public health
experts and journalists then convened in Brussels to decide on the 4 winning
All finalists were invited to Brussels to attend a Media Seminar and
Award Ceremony.
The winner and two runners-up of the 4th edition of the EU Health Prize
for Journalists receive prizes with a value of:
- First prize € 6,000
- 2nd prize € 2,500
- 3rd prize € 1,500
- Special prize on smoking cessation € 3,000 |