La crescita dell'economia al centro della plenaria CdR
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Data documento: 28-01-2013
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Economic growth focus of CoR plenary
La crescita dell'economia al centro della plenaria CdR
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Economic and monetary union, cohesion, regional state aid, youth guarantee and EU citizenship main topics of debate
Unione economica e monetaria, coesione, aiuti di Stato a finalità regionale, garanzia per i giovani e cittadinanza dell'UE fra i principali temi del dibattito
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The smart and timely deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union and the full support of the Youth Guarantee scheme will be among the core political messages of the next Committee of the Regions' plenary (CoR) on 31 January and 1 February.
L'approfondimento intelligente e tempestivo dell'Unione economica e monetaria e un pieno sostegno alla garanzia per i giovani figureranno tra i messaggi politici fondamentali della prossima sessione plenaria del Comitato delle regioni (CdR), che si terrà il 31 gennaio e 1° febbraio.
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A resolution on the cohesion legislative package will be presented for adoption by Marek
Woźniak (PL/EPP), Marshal of the Wielkopolska region, which will firmly reiterate the CoR's call to ensure adequate funding is made available for cohesion policy from 2014-2020.
Marek Woźniak
(PL/PPE), presidente della regione polacca di Wielkopolska, sottoporrà all'adozione dell'Assemblea una risoluzione sul pacchetto legislativo in materia di coesione in cui si ribadisce l'invito del Comitato a garantire un finanziamento adeguato alla politica di coesione per il 2014-2020.
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It will also review the plans to reform EU regional policy setting out further improvements to the proposals.
Il testo farà anche il punto sui piani di riforma della politica regionale dell'UE, raccomandando ulteriori miglioramenti alle proposte sul tappeto.
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On 31 January, the plenary will be preceded by a meeting between the presidents of the political groups of the European Parliament and of the CoR. The discussions will focus on the ongoing negotiations on the EU budget 2014-2020 and the next steps to be taken to further intensify the cooperation between the two institutions.
Il 31 gennaio, la sessione plenaria sarà preceduta da una riunione fra i presidenti dei gruppi politici del Parlamento europeo e del CdR, che discuteranno dei negoziati in corso sul bilancio dell'UE per il 2014-2020 e dei prossimi passi da compiere per intensificare la cooperazione tra le due istituzioni.
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Lucinda Creighton, TD, Ireland's Minister for European Affairs, will also address the plenary to present Ireland's priorities during its 6 month EU Presidency which includes job creation and tackling the crisis.
Alla plenaria parteciperà anche il ministro irlandese degli Affari europei Lucinda Creighton, che presenterà le priorità del suo paese per i 6 mesi in cui garantirà la presidenza dell'UE. Fra queste, la creazione di posti di lavoro e la lotta alla crisi.
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Joaquín Almunia, Vice-president of the European Commission responsible for competition, will address the CoR plenary session on 1 February.
Joaquín Almunia, vicepresidente della Commissione europea responsabile della Concorrenza, interverrà alla sessione plenaria il 1° febbraio.
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It is foreseen that his intervention will be focused on the modernisation of EU State aid rules and, in particular, the revision of current regional state aid guidelines.
Si prevede che il suo intervento si concentrerà sulla modernizzazione delle norme in materia di aiuti di Stato, e in particolare sulla revisione degli attuali orientamenti sugli aiuti di Stato a finalità regionale.
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The vital role of regional state aid to support employment and growth will also be among the highlights of the plenary discussions, with Jean-Paul Denanot (FR/PES), President of the Limousin region, presenting an opinion on the reform of regional state aid guidelines for 2014-2020.
Il ruolo fondamentale di tali aiuti per sostenere l'occupazione e la crescita sarà al centro delle discussioni della plenaria: il presidente della regione francese del Limosino, Jean-Paul Denanot (FR/PSE), presenterà un parere sulla riforma degli orientamenti sugli aiuti di Stato a finalità regionale per il 2014-2020.
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In the context of the European Year for Citizens 2013 and in view of the 2014 European elections, the CoR, together with the European Parliament, is committed to promoting EU citizenship and supporting more widespread exercise of European electoral rights, an issue that will be discussed with the opinion presented by György Gémesi (HU/EPP), Mayor of Gödöllo".
Nel quadro dell'Anno europeo dei cittadini 2013 e in vista delle elezioni europee del 2014, il CdR, in collaborazione con il Parlamento europeo, intende promuovere la cittadinanza dell'UE e sostenere un più ampio esercizio dei diritti degli europei in materia elettorale, un tema su cui verte il parere elaborato da György Gémesi (HU/PPE), sindaco di Gödöllo".
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Enhancing interest in European elections and strengthening the democratic legitimacy of the EU also imply the creation of European-level legal status for European political parties and their affiliated foundations.
Al fine di aumentare l'interesse verso le elezioni europee e rafforzare la legittimità democratica dell'UE bisognerà anche creare uno status giuridico apposito per i partiti politici europei e le fondazioni loro affiliate.
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The CoR contribution to the European Commission's blueprint on the matter will be debated on the basis of the opinion of István Sérto"-Radics (HU/ALDE), Mayor of Uszka.
Il contributo del CdR al progetto della Commissione europea sull'argomento sarà il parere elaborato da István Sérto"-Radics (HU/ALDE), sindaco di Uszka.
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Europe's oceans and seas have been identified as a growth area which, if managed carefully, can help drive forward the EU's growth plan – Europe 2020 – creating jobs whilst combating climate change.
Negli oceani e nei mari d'Europa è stato individuato un potenziale di crescita che, se gestito opportunamente, può aiutare a realizzare il piano dell'UE per la crescita, ossia la strategia Europa 2020, con il suo obiettivo di creare occupazione combattendo i cambiamenti climatici.
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In this regard Adam Banaszak (PL/EA), member of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie regional assembly, will present an opinion on "Blue Growth" and Arnold Hatch (UK/NI), Craigavon Borough Council, an opinion on "Marine Knowledge 2020", ensuring that Europe's cities and regions make a valued contribution to the debate.
In proposito Adam Banaszak (PL/AE), consigliere comunale della Cuiavia-Pomerania, presenterà un parere sulla cosiddetta Crescita blu, mentre Arnold Hatch (UK/NI), membro del Consiglio del Borough di Craigavon, illustrerà il suo parere sul tema Conoscenze oceanografiche 2020, per garantire un valido contributo al dibattito da parte delle città e delle regioni d'Europa.
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The critical role of renewable energy will also be discussed as Witold
Stępień(PL/EPP) presents his opinion "Renewable Energy: A major player in the European market" for adoption.
Un altro punto in discussione sarà il ruolo decisivo delle energie rinnovabili, grazie al parere di Witold
Stępień (PL/PPE) sul tema Energie rinnovabili: un ruolo di primo piano nel mercato energetico europeo.
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The plenary session will be held in the European Parliament (room JAN 2Q2) on 31 January – 1 February in Brussels.
La sessione plenaria si terrà presso il Parlamento europeo (sala JAN 2Q2) il 31 gennaio e il 1° febbraio a Bruxelles. |
Economic growth focus of CoR plenary
Economic and monetary union, cohesion, regional state aid, youth
guarantee and EU citizenship main topics of debate
The smart and timely deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union and
the full support of the Youth Guarantee scheme will be among the core political
messages of the next Committee of the Regions' plenary (CoR) on 31 January and 1
A resolution on the cohesion legislative package will be presented for
adoption by Marek Woźniak (PL/EPP), Marshal of
the Wielkopolska region, which will firmly reiterate the CoR's call to ensure
adequate funding is made available for cohesion policy from 2014-2020.
It will also review the plans to reform EU regional policy setting out
further improvements to the proposals.
On 31 January, the plenary will be preceded by a meeting between the
presidents of the political groups of the European Parliament and of the CoR.
The discussions will focus on the ongoing negotiations on the EU budget
2014-2020 and the next steps to be taken to further intensify the cooperation
between the two institutions.
Lucinda Creighton, TD, Ireland's Minister for European Affairs, will
also address the plenary to present Ireland's priorities during its 6 month EU
Presidency which includes job creation and tackling the crisis.
Joaquín Almunia, Vice-president of the European Commission responsible
for competition, will address the CoR plenary session on 1 February.
It is foreseen that his intervention will be focused on the
modernisation of EU State aid rules and, in particular, the revision of current
regional state aid guidelines.
The vital role of regional state aid to support employment and growth
will also be among the highlights of the plenary discussions, with Jean-Paul
Denanot (FR/PES), President of the Limousin region, presenting an opinion on the
reform of regional state aid guidelines for 2014-2020.
In the context of the European Year for Citizens 2013 and in view of
the 2014 European elections, the CoR, together with the European Parliament, is
committed to promoting EU citizenship and supporting more widespread exercise of
European electoral rights, an issue that will be discussed with the opinion
presented by György Gémesi (HU/EPP), Mayor of Gödöllo".
Enhancing interest in European elections and strengthening the
democratic legitimacy of the EU also imply the creation of European-level legal
status for European political parties and their affiliated foundations.
The CoR contribution to the European Commission's blueprint on the
matter will be debated on the basis of the opinion of István Sérto"-Radics
(HU/ALDE), Mayor of Uszka.
Europe's oceans and seas have been identified as a growth area which,
if managed carefully, can help drive forward the EU's growth plan – Europe 2020
– creating jobs whilst combating climate change.
In this regard Adam Banaszak (PL/EA), member of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie
regional assembly, will present an opinion on "Blue Growth" and Arnold Hatch
(UK/NI), Craigavon Borough Council, an opinion on "Marine Knowledge 2020",
ensuring that Europe's cities and regions make a valued contribution to the
The critical role of renewable energy will also be discussed as Witold
d Stępień(PL/EPP) presents his opinion "Renewable
Energy: A major player in the European market" for adoption.
The plenary session will be held in the European Parliament (room JAN
2Q2) on 31 January – 1 February in Brussels. |