L'UE assegna 680 milioni di euro a 302 ricercatori di alto livello
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Data documento: 22-01-2013
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302 top researchers awarded €680 million in EU funding
UE assegna 680 milioni di euro a 302 ricercatori di alto livello
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The European Research Council (ERC) is awarding €680 million to 302 senior research leaders in 24 different countries across Europe, in the latest competition for its prestigious 'Advanced Grants'.
Il Consiglio europeo della ricerca (CER) assegnerà 680 milioni di EUR a 302 ricercatori di fama in ventiquattro paesi europei, nell’ambito dell’ultimo bando per l’assegnazione delle sue prestigiose sovvenzioni per ricercatori esperti (advanced grants).
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With up to €2.5 million per project, the funding allows these scientists to pursue their most ground-breaking ideas at the frontiers of knowledge together with their own teams.
Grazie a sovvenzioni fino a 2,5 milioni di EUR per progetto, il finanziamento consente agli scienziati e ai loro collaboratori di sviluppare le proprie idee innovative, spesso alle frontiere del sapere.
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The projects selected cover a wide range of topics.
I progetti selezionati riguardano una grande varietà di temi.
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A scientist and his team in France will develop new models to explain certain physical phenomena like superconductivity
In Francia uno scienziato e il suo team svilupperanno nuovi modelli per spiegare alcuni fenomeni fisici come la superconduttività.
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A team based in Latvia will bring together computer science, physics and mathematics to assess the advantages and limits of quantum devices.
Un gruppo di ricercatori operante in Lettonia assocerà informatica, fisica e matematica per valutare i vantaggi e i limiti dei dispositivi quantici.
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Another grant goes to a researcher in Italy who will look at how economic actors form and change their beliefs about their environment and about each other, by adding emotional and psychological features to the existing models.
Un'altra sovvenzione sarà assegnata a un ricercatore che in Italia analizza come gli operatori economici formano e modificano le proprie convinzioni in merito ai propri contesti e ai propri omologhi, inserendo elementi emotivi e psicologici nei modelli esistenti.
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Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said:
La Commissaria europea per la ricerca, l'innovazione e la scienza Máire Geoghegan-Quinn ha dichiarato:
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"The ERC continues to identify the very best researchers.
“Il CER continua a selezionare i migliori ricercatori.
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ERC funding is leading to an increasing number of scientific breakthroughs and discoveries, as well as more publications in recognised scientific journals.
I finanziamenti del CER consentono di aumentare il numero di scoperte scientifiche e di pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche riconosciute.
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Promoting frontier research at the highest level is vital for Europe's competitiveness, and this is why we have proposed to increase the ERC budget as part of our Horizon 2020 programme."
La promozione della ricerca pioneristica ai massimi livelli è fondamentale per la competitività dell’Europa e per questo motivo abbiamo proposto di aumentare il bilancio del Consiglio europeo della ricerca nell’ambito del programma Orizzonte 2020.”
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In this Advanced Grant competition, some 2,300 applications were submitted to the ERC, which is a slight rise from that of the last year (4.5%).
Nell’ultimo bando per l'assegnazione di sovvenzioni per ricercatori esperti, il Consiglio europeo della ricerca ha ricevuto circa 2 300 domande, ovvero il 4,5% in più rispetto allo scorso anno.
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The call budget of €680 million also saw a minor increase.
Anche la dotazione finanziaria del bando, pari a 680 milioni di EUR, è aumentata leggermente.
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The number of researchers selected for funding rose slightly, from 294 to 302, while the rate of successful applications remains steady at 13%.
Il numero di ricercatori selezionati per il finanziamento è lievemente cresciuto, passando da 294 a 302, mentre la percentuale delle domande accolte rimane stabile al 13%.
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Advanced grants are awarded to well-established top researchers of any nationality or age, who are scientifically independent and with a recent research track-record and a profile which identifies them as leaders in their respective field(s). MEMO/13/19
Queste sovvenzioni sono assegnate a ricercatori di alto livello di chiara fama, di qualunque nazionalità ed età, scientificamente indipendenti e con un'esperienza recente e un profilo nel campo della ricerca che li qualificano come leader nei rispettivi settori. Cfr. MEMO/13/19
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ERC grants target top researchers of any nationality who are based in, or willing to move to Europe.
Le sovvenzioni del CER sono destinate a ricercatori di punta di qualunque nazionalità, purché siano stabiliti o disposti a stabilirsi in Europa.
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In this Advanced Grant call, the selected candidates hold 32 different nationalities, with British, German, French, Dutch and Italian researchers being the most numerous.
Nel presente bando che assegna sovvenzioni per ricercatori esperti, i candidati selezionati sono di 32 nazionalità diverse, principalmente britannici, tedeschi, francesi, olandesi e italiani.
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They will conduct their research projects in over 160 institutions across 24 different European countries.
I progetti di ricerca saranno realizzati in oltre 160 istituzioni di 24 diversi paesi europei.
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As the largest countries in the EU, the UK, France and Germany host the greatest number of successful candidates.
Regno Unito, Francia e Germania, ovvero i paesi più grandi dell'Unione, ospitano il maggior numero di candidati selezionati.
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However, relative to population size the most successful researchers are based in the Netherlands, Denmark, UK and Cyprus of the EU countries, and Switzerland and Israel of the countries associated with the EU research programme.
Tuttavia, rispetto all’entità della popolazione, sono i Paesi Bassi, la Danimarca, il Regno Unito e Cipro, per l'UE, nonché Svizzera e Israele, per i paesi associati al programma di ricerca dell’UE, a ospitare i ricercatori di maggiore successo.
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This reflects the high quality of the research in these countries, which generally follows from long-term investment in research.
Ciò riflette l’elevata qualità della ricerca in detti paesi, che in genere deriva da investimenti a lungo termine nella ricerca.
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Of the senior scientists receiving grants in this call, 11 applied from outside the European Research Area (EU Member States plus countries associated to the Framework Programme for Research).
Dei ricercatori esperti che beneficeranno delle sovvenzioni stanziate, 11 hanno presentato domanda da paesi esterni allo Spazio europeo della ricerca (Stati membri dell'UE e paesi associati al programma quadro di ricerca).
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This is an increase from the last Advanced Grant call.
Ciò rappresenta un aumento rispetto all’ultimo bando per l’assegnazione di sovvenzioni avanzate.
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The majority are Europeans returning to their home countries;
La maggioranza è rappresentata da ricercatori europei che tornano nei propri paesi di origine.
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most were based in the United States, one in Canada and one in Lebanon.
La maggior parte di essi è stabilita negli Stati Uniti, uno in Canada e uno in Libano.
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There are three Americans amongst the selected scientists moving from the US to carry out their ERC-funded research at a Host Institution in Europe.
Tra i ricercatori selezionati vi sono tre cittadini americani che si trasferiranno dagli Stati Uniti per svolgere le proprie ricerche finanziate dal CER presso un'istituzione europea ospitante.
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In addition, 21 of the selected researchers hold a non-European nationality, but were already based in Europe.
Inoltre, 21 ricercatori selezionati non sono cittadini europei, ma vivono in Europa.
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Just over 15% of selected researchers are women, which is a rise from last year's 12%.
Poco più del 15% dei ricercatori sono donne, il che rappresenta un aumento rispetto al 12% dell’anno scorso.
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The average age of the researchers to be funded is 51 years.
L’età media dei ricercatori che riceveranno le sovvenzioni è 51 anni.
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In this call, 45% of selected proposals were in the 'Physical Science and Engineering' domain, 37% in 'Life Sciences', and 18% in 'Social Sciences and Humanities'.
In questo bando, il 45% delle proposte selezionate rientra nel settore delle scienze fisiche e ingegneristiche, il 37% nelle scienze della vita e il 18% nelle scienze sociali e umane.
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The grantees were selected through peer review evaluation by 25 panels composed of renowned scientists from around the world.
I beneficiari sono stati selezionati mediante una valutazione inter pares effettuata da 25 commissioni composte da scienziati di fama mondiale.
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Set up in 2007 by the EU, the European Research Council is the first pan-European funding organisation for frontier research.
Istituito nel 2007 dall'UE, il Consiglio europeo della ricerca rappresenta la prima organizzazione paneuropea destinata a finanziare la ricerca d'avanguardia.
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The ERC, which is the newest, pioneering component of the EU's Seventh Research Framework Programme ('Ideas' Specific Programme), has a total budget of €7.5 billion from 2007 to 2013.
Il CER, che rappresenta la componente più nuova e pionieristica del Settimo programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione (programma specifico “Idee”), dispone di una dotazione complessiva pari a 7,5 miliardi di EUR per il periodo 2007-2013.
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The European Commission has proposed a significant boost of the ERC budget to over € 13 billion in the new framework programme "Horizon 2020" (2014-2020). |
La Commissione europea ha proposto un incremento significativo del bilancio del CER per giungere a oltre 13 miliardi di EUR nel nuovo programma quadro "Orizzonte 2020" (2014-2020). |
302 top researchers awarded €680 million in EU funding
The European Research Council (ERC) is awarding €680 million to 302
senior research leaders in 24 different countries across Europe, in the latest
competition for its prestigious 'Advanced Grants'.
With up to €2.5 million per project, the funding allows these
scientists to pursue their most ground-breaking ideas at the frontiers of
knowledge together with their own teams.
The projects selected cover a wide range of topics.
A scientist and his team in France will develop new models to explain
certain physical phenomena like superconductivity
A team based in Latvia will bring together computer science, physics
and mathematics to assess the advantages and limits of quantum devices.
Another grant goes to a researcher in Italy who will look at how
economic actors form and change their beliefs about their environment and about
each other, by adding emotional and psychological features to the existing
Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire
Geoghegan-Quinn said:
"The ERC continues to identify the very best researchers.
ERC funding is leading to an increasing number of scientific
breakthroughs and discoveries, as well as more publications in recognised
scientific journals.
Promoting frontier research at the highest level is vital for Europe's
competitiveness, and this is why we have proposed to increase the ERC budget as
part of our Horizon 2020 programme."
In this Advanced Grant competition, some 2,300 applications were
submitted to the ERC, which is a slight rise from that of the last year (4.5%).
The call budget of €680 million also saw a minor increase.
The number of researchers selected for funding rose slightly, from 294
to 302, while the rate of successful applications remains steady at 13%.
Advanced grants are awarded to well-established top researchers of any
nationality or age, who are scientifically independent and with a recent
research track-record and a profile which identifies them as leaders in their
respective field(s). MEMO/13/19
ERC grants target top researchers of any nationality who are based in,
or willing to move to Europe.
In this Advanced Grant call, the selected candidates hold 32 different
nationalities, with British, German, French, Dutch and Italian researchers being
the most numerous.
They will conduct their research projects in over 160 institutions
across 24 different European countries.
As the largest countries in the EU, the UK, France and Germany host the
greatest number of successful candidates.
However, relative to population size the most successful researchers
are based in the Netherlands, Denmark, UK and Cyprus of the EU countries, and
Switzerland and Israel of the countries associated with the EU research
This reflects the high quality of the research in these countries,
which generally follows from long-term investment in research.
Of the senior scientists receiving grants in this call, 11 applied from
outside the European Research Area (EU Member States plus countries associated
to the Framework Programme for Research).
This is an increase from the last Advanced Grant call.
The majority are Europeans returning to their home countries;
most were based in the United States, one in Canada and one in Lebanon.
There are three Americans amongst the selected scientists moving from
the US to carry out their ERC-funded research at a Host Institution in Europe.
In addition, 21 of the selected researchers hold a non-European
nationality, but were already based in Europe.
Just over 15% of selected researchers are women, which is a rise from
last year's 12%.
The average age of the researchers to be funded is 51 years.
In this call, 45% of selected proposals were in the 'Physical Science
and Engineering' domain, 37% in 'Life Sciences', and 18% in 'Social Sciences and
The grantees were selected through peer review evaluation by 25 panels
composed of renowned scientists from around the world.
Set up in 2007 by the EU, the European Research Council is the first
pan-European funding organisation for frontier research.
The ERC, which is the newest, pioneering component of the EU's Seventh
Research Framework Programme ('Ideas' Specific Programme), has a total budget of
€7.5 billion from 2007 to 2013.
The European Commission has proposed a significant boost of the ERC
budget to over € 13 billion in the new framework programme "Horizon 2020"
(2014-2020). |