Dove andranno gli aiuti umanitari della Commissione europea nel 2013
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Data documento: 10-01-2013
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Where the European Commission's humanitarian aid will go in 2013
Dove andranno gli aiuti umanitari della Commissione europea nel 2013
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Brussels, 10/1/2013 – The European Commission has just adopted its plan for the allocation of over €661 million in humanitarian aid funding for 2013.
Bruxelles, 10/1/2013 — la Commissione europea ha appena adottato il piano per lo stanziamento di oltre 661 milioni di euro in aiuti umanitari per il 2013.
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This so-called World-Wide Decision on Humanitarian Aid will be the financial backbone of the Commission's humanitarian aid operational strategy for 2013.
La cosiddetta decisione in materia di aiuti umanitari a livello mondiale sarà l'asse portante della strategia operativa per gli aiuti umanitari della Commissione nel 2013.
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The Commission will fund humanitarian interventions run by more than 200 of its partner organisations in nearly 80 countries or regions.
La Commissione finanzierà interventi umanitari gestiti da oltre 200 organizzazioni partner in quasi 80 paesi o regioni.
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Based on an in-depth assessment of the needs of the most vulnerable populations in the world, the five largest humanitarian operations will be in the Sahel region of West Africa, including further response to the conflict in Mali (€82 million), Sudan and South Sudan (€80 million), the Democratic Republic of Congo (€54 million), Pakistan (€42 million) and Somalia (€40 million).
Sulla base di una valutazione approfondita delle esigenze delle popolazioni più vulnerabili nel mondo, le cinque principali azioni umanitarie si concentreranno nella regione del Sahel nell'Africa occidentale, ove è previsto anche un ulteriore intervento in risposta al conflitto in Mali (82 milioni di euro), in Sudan e Sud Sudan (80 milioni di euro), nella Repubblica democratica del Congo (54 milioni di EUR), in Pakistan (42 milioni di euro) e in Somalia (40 milioni di euro).
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All of these are large-scale, protracted crises resulting from conflict, food shortages or both.
In tutte queste aree siamo in presenza di crisi di grosse proporzioni che si protraggono nel tempo, provocate da un conflitto, dalla penuria alimentare o da entrambe le cose.
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Geographically, the largest portion of aid will go to sub-Saharan Africa to which €344.5 million, representing 52% of the Commission's pre-programmed humanitarian funding, is targeted.
Dal punto di vista geografico, la parte più cospicua degli aiuti sarà destinata all'Africa subsahariana, a cui andranno 344,5 milioni di euro, pari al 52% dei finanziamenti umanitari previsti dalla Commissione.
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Kristalina Georgieva, the European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, said:
Kristalina Georgieva, Commissaria europea per la cooperazione internazionale, gli aiuti umanitari e la risposta alle crisi, ha affermato:
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“The scope and size of the Commission's world-wide humanitarian aid decision is a sober reminder of the extent of humanitarian needs around the world.
"La portata e le dimensioni della decisione della Commissione in materia di aiuti umanitari a livello mondiale costituiscono un segnale di quanto diffuse siano le necessità di carattere umanitario in tutto il mondo.
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For hundreds of millions of people crises are not rare events but recurrent, seemingly unavoidable hardships.
Per centinaia di milioni di persone le crisi non sono eventi sporadici ma drammi ricorrenti e apparentemente inevitabili.
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Humanitarian aid is a vital expression of our humanity towards those who suffer.
Gli aiuti umanitari sono espressione sostanziale della nostra umanità verso coloro che soffrono.
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As well as the basic physical needs it fulfils, I have seen how it also serves as a source of hope for people who have lost nearly everything else.
Oltre a soddisfare le necessità fisiche basilari, ho potuto constatare quanto essi siano importanti nel dare speranza a chi ha perso praticamente tutto il resto. |
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"As in the past, the EU will provide its humanitarian assistance solely based on where people's needs are most pressing, and independently of any political agenda.
"Come in passato, l'UE fornirà assistenza umanitaria esclusivamente in base all'urgenza dei bisogni delle popolazioni, indipendentemente da qualsiasi considerazione politica.
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Over the past year, I have visited numerous conflict situations round the world – in Mali, in Syria and elsewhere - where aid could only get through to people in need because it is perceived as being neutral and not favouring one side or another.
L'anno scorso ho visitato molti luoghi in tutto il mondo in situazione di conflitto (il Mali, la Siria e altri paesi) dove gli aiuti sono potuti arrivare alle persone in difficoltà solo in quanto percepiti come neutrali e non a sostegno di una parte o dell'altra.
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This will continue to be a fundamental principle for the EU in its emergency relief work.”
L'UE continuerà a rispettare questo principio fondamentale nell'erogazione degli aiuti di emergenza."
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As in previous years part of the budget is dedicated to forgotten crises – populations that receive little media attention and for whom the Commission is often the only major donor.
Come per gli anni precedenti, una parte del bilancio è destinata alle crisi dimenticate — in cui le popolazioni ricevono poca attenzione dai media e per le quali la Commissione è spesso l'unico principale donatore.
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In 2013 the Commission has identified several populations in nine countries – Algeria, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Colombia, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Yemen - who meet these criteria.
Nel 2013 la Commissione ha individuato diverse popolazioni in nove paesi — Algeria, Bangladesh, Repubblica centrafricana, Colombia, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka e Yemen — che si trovano in questa situazione.
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The only new crisis on this year's list is the one caused by conflict and internal displacement in Pakistan.
L'unica nuova crisi che si aggiunge all'elenco di quest'anno è quella provocata dal conflitto e dalle migrazioni interne degli sfollati in Pakistan.
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Other long-enduring forgotten crises include the armed conflict caused by the Lord's Resistance Army in Central African Republic, the Sahrawi refugees in Algeria, and the victims of conflict in Colombia.
Tra le altre crisi dimenticate e di lunga durata vi sono i conflitti armati causati dall'Esercito di resistenza del Signore nella Repubblica centrafricana, i rifugiati Sahrawi in Algeria e le vittime del conflitto in Colombia.
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The Commissioner added:
La Commissaria ha aggiunto:
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"New funding for old crises should not make us complacent in our efforts.
"L'erogazione di nuovi finanziamenti per le crisi che durano da tempo non deve frenare i nostri sforzi per la loro risoluzione.
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Indeed I want 2013 to be a time to innovate, especially in the areas of enhancing the emergency response capacity of the sector, working with new donors, and building resilience to crises among the poorest communities through our nascent initiatives such as AGIR Sahel and SHARE for the Horn of Africa.
Auspico che il 2013 sia un anno di innovazioni, in particolare in termini di rafforzamento della capacità di risposta alle emergenze del settore, collaborazione con nuovi donatori e potenziamento della capacità di reazione alle crisi nelle comunità più povere attraverso nuove iniziative come AGIR Sahel e SHARE per il Corno d'Africa.
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The big challenges to making this aid matter will be in gaining secure access to those who most need it and ensuring the accountability of our aid both towards the EU taxpayer and the beneficiary.
Affinché questi aiuti facciano la differenza, è fondamentale avere un accesso sicuro a coloro che ne hanno più bisogno e garantire che l'aiuto venga utilizzato in maniera responsabile sia nei confronti del contribuente europeo che del beneficiario.
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These are areas where coordination and leadership are crucial at a time of severe budget constraints and an ever-more challenging humanitarian landscape."
Si tratta di ambiti in cui coordinamento e leadership sono fattori determinanti in un momento di forti restrizioni di bilancio e in un contesto sempre più complesso sotto il profilo umanitario.".
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The World-Wide Decision on Humanitarian Aid is allocated on the basis of an annual Global Needs Assessment (GNA), where the European Commission categorises 140 developing countries in terms of their vulnerability and the recent occurrence of a crisis.
La decisione in materia di aiuti umanitari a livello mondiale viene definita sulla base di una valutazione annuale globale delle esigenze (GNA — Global Needs Assessment), attraverso la quale la Commissione europea classifica 140 paesi in via di sviluppo a seconda della loro vulnerabilità e del verificarsi di crisi recenti.
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In 2012, using the GNA methodology, the Commission identified 68 countries currently experiencing at least one humanitarian crisis.
Nel 2012, utilizzando la metodologia GNA, la Commissione ha individuato 68 paesi attualmente soggetti ad almeno una crisi umanitaria.
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Out of these, fifteen countries emerged as "extremely vulnerable", nine of which are found in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Tra questi, quindici si trovano in condizione di "estrema vulnerabilità", nove dei quali nell'Africa subsahariana.
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In addition to the €661 million that the Commission has allocated to the most intractable humanitarian problems around the globe, reserve resources are available during the year for unpredictable crises and disasters.
Oltre ai 661 milioni di euro che la Commissione ha stanziato per le situazioni umanitarie più problematiche nel mondo, nel corso dell'anno è disponibile anche una riserva per le crisi e le catastrofi non prevedibili.
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In 2012 the entire reserve was used due to major disasters in the Sahel region of West Africa, the escalation of the conflict in Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan, all of which caused renewed violence against civilians and displacement.
Nel 2012 l'intera riserva è stata utilizzata a seguito delle gravi catastrofi avvenute nella regione del Sahel nell'Africa occidentale, dell'escalation del conflitto in Siria e degli eventi nella Repubblica democratica del Congo e nel Sudan, tutte circostanze che hanno generato una nuova ondata di violenze contro i civili e di sfollamenti.
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These additional emergency responses brought the total amount of humanitarian funding from the Commission to nearly €1.3 billion in 2012, the Commission’s highest ever annual spending on humanitarian aid.
Grazie a queste risorse supplementari per le emergenze, nel 2012 l'importo totale degli aiuti umanitari della Commissione è ammontato a circa 1,3 miliardi di euro, la spesa annuale più alta mai sostenuta fino ad ora dalla Commissione per gli aiuti umanitari.
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The EU's humanitarian assistance is based on the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.
L'assistenza umanitaria dell'UE si fonda sui principi di umanità, neutralità, imparzialità e indipendenza.
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Every humanitarian aid decision taken must be in accordance with these four principles, which are at the heart of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid.
Ogni decisione relativa agli aiuti umanitari deve essere adottata in conformità a questi quattro principi, che costituiscono l'essenza del consenso europeo sull'aiuto umanitario.
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EU humanitarian aid is distributed purely according to these principles and, without exception seeks to help those in the greatest need, irrespective of their nationality, religion, gender, ethnic origin or political affiliation. |
Gli aiuti umanitari del'UE vengono forniti esclusivamente in base a tali principi e, senza eccezioni, sono destinati ai più bisognosi, senza distinzione di nazionalità, religione, sesso, origine etnica o appartenenza politica. |
Where the European Commission's humanitarian aid will go in
Brussels, 10/1/2013 – The European Commission has just adopted
its plan for the allocation of over €661 million in humanitarian aid funding for
This so-called World-Wide Decision on Humanitarian Aid will be
the financial backbone of the Commission's humanitarian aid operational strategy
for 2013.
The Commission will fund humanitarian interventions run by
more than 200 of its partner organisations in nearly 80 countries or regions.
Based on an in-depth assessment of the needs of the most
vulnerable populations in the world, the five largest humanitarian operations
will be in the Sahel region of West Africa, including further response to the
conflict in Mali (€82 million), Sudan and South Sudan (€80 million), the
Democratic Republic of Congo (€54 million), Pakistan (€42 million) and Somalia
(€40 million).
All of these are large-scale, protracted crises resulting from
conflict, food shortages or both.
Geographically, the largest portion of aid will go to
sub-Saharan Africa to which €344.5 million, representing 52% of the Commission's
pre-programmed humanitarian funding, is targeted.
Kristalina Georgieva, the European Commissioner for
International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, said:
“The scope and size of the Commission's world-wide
humanitarian aid decision is a sober reminder of the extent of humanitarian
needs around the world.
For hundreds of millions of people crises are not rare events
but recurrent, seemingly unavoidable hardships.
Humanitarian aid is a vital expression of our humanity towards
those who suffer.
As well as the basic physical needs it fulfils, I have seen
how it also serves as a source of hope for people who have lost nearly
everything else.
"As in the past, the EU will provide its humanitarian
assistance solely based on where people's needs are most pressing, and
independently of any political agenda.
Over the past year, I have visited numerous conflict
situations round the world – in Mali, in Syria and elsewhere - where aid could
only get through to people in need because it is perceived as being neutral and
not favouring one side or another.
This will continue to be a fundamental principle for the EU in
its emergency relief work.”
As in previous years part of the budget is dedicated to
forgotten crises – populations that receive little media attention and for whom
the Commission is often the only major donor.
In 2013 the Commission has identified several populations in
nine countries – Algeria, Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Colombia, India,
Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Yemen - who meet these criteria.
The only new crisis on this year's list is the one caused by
conflict and internal displacement in Pakistan.
Other long-enduring forgotten crises include the armed
conflict caused by the Lord's Resistance Army in Central African Republic, the
Sahrawi refugees in Algeria, and the victims of conflict in Colombia.
The Commissioner added:
"New funding for old crises should not make us complacent in
our efforts.
Indeed I want 2013 to be a time to innovate, especially in the
areas of enhancing the emergency response capacity of the sector, working with
new donors, and building resilience to crises among the poorest communities
through our nascent initiatives such as AGIR Sahel and SHARE for the Horn of
The big challenges to making this aid matter will be in
gaining secure access to those who most need it and ensuring the accountability
of our aid both towards the EU taxpayer and the beneficiary.
These are areas where coordination and leadership are crucial
at a time of severe budget constraints and an ever-more challenging humanitarian
The World-Wide Decision on Humanitarian Aid is allocated on
the basis of an annual Global Needs Assessment (GNA), where the European
Commission categorises 140 developing countries in terms of their vulnerability
and the recent occurrence of a crisis.
In 2012, using the GNA methodology, the Commission identified
68 countries currently experiencing at least one humanitarian crisis.
Out of these, fifteen countries emerged as "extremely
vulnerable", nine of which are found in Sub-Saharan Africa.
In addition to the €661 million that the Commission has
allocated to the most intractable humanitarian problems around the globe,
reserve resources are available during the year for unpredictable crises and
In 2012 the entire reserve was used due to major disasters in
the Sahel region of West Africa, the escalation of the conflict in Syria, the
Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan, all of which caused renewed violence
against civilians and displacement.
These additional emergency responses brought the total amount
of humanitarian funding from the Commission to nearly €1.3 billion in 2012, the
Commission’s highest ever annual spending on humanitarian aid.
The EU's humanitarian assistance is based on the principles of
humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.
Every humanitarian aid decision taken must be in accordance
with these four principles, which are at the heart of the European Consensus on
Humanitarian Aid.
EU humanitarian aid is distributed purely according to these
principles and, without exception seeks to help those in the greatest need,
irrespective of their nationality, religion, gender, ethnic origin or political