Il contributo del Fondo europeo di sviluppo (FES) per una rete stradale sostenibile nell’Africa subsahariana
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Data documento: 08-01-2013
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The European Development Fund (EDF) contribution to a sustainable road network in sub-Saharan Africa
Il contributo del Fondo europeo di sviluppo (FES) per una rete stradale sostenibile nell’Africa subsahariana
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The EU is one of the leading donors in the road sector in sub- Saharan Africa.
L’UE è uno dei donatori principali per quanto concerne il settore stradale nell'Africa subsahariana.
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Road transport is a focal sector for EDF (European Development Fund) cooperation strategy with most sub-Saharan African countries.
Il trasporto su strada rappresenta un settore cruciale per la strategia di cooperazione del FES con la maggior parte dei paesi di tale regione.
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Financially, it is by far the most important sector, with about € 7.4 billion in EDF commitments made in this region over the period from 1995 to 2011.
A livello finanziario rappresenta di gran lunga il settore più importante, con circa 7,4 miliardi di euro di fondi FES impegnati nella regione dal 1995 al 2011.
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European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published throughout the year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU budgetary areas or management topics.
Le relazioni speciali della Corte dei conti europea vengono pubblicate nel corso di tutto l’anno e presentano i risultati di audit selezionati relativi a specifici settori del bilancio UE o aspetti della gestione.
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This special report (SR 17/2012) entitled “The European Development Fund (EDF) contribution to a sustainable road network in sub-Saharan Africa” assessed whether the EDF has contributed to sustainability of the road network in sub-Saharan Africa effectively: whether the road infrastructure supported by the EDF is sustainable and whether the Commission effectively promotes the sustainability of road infrastructure.
La relazione speciale n.17/2012, intitolata “Il contributo del Fondo europeo di sviluppo (FES) per una rete stradale sostenibile nell’Africa subsahariana”, ha verificato se il FES abbia contribuito efficacemente alla sostenibilità della rete stradale nell'Africa subsahariana, se le infrastrutture stradali finanziate dal FES siano sostenibili e se la Commissione ne promuova efficacemente la sostenibilità.
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The audit focused on the technical, financial and institutional sustainability of road transport infrastructure and looked at 48 programmes financed since 1995 under the 8th, 9th and 10th EDFs in six partner countries:
L’audit è stato incentrato sulla sostenibilità tecnica, finanziaria e istituzionale delle infrastrutture per il trasporto stradale e ha considerato 48 programmi finanziati a partire dal 1995 nell'ambito dell'ottavo, nono e decimo FES in sei paesi partner:
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Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Tanzania and Zambia.
Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerun, Ciad, Tanzania e Zambia.
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The main conclusions and recommendations of the report will be presented to the press by Mr Szabolcs Fazakas, Member of the Court.
Le principali conclusioni e raccomandazioni della relazione verranno presentate alla stampa da Szabolcs Fazakas, Membro della Corte.
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DATE AND TIME Tuesday, 15 January 2013 at 10:30
DATA E ORA Martedì 15 gennaio 2013 alle ore 10:30
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VENUE The RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
LUOGO RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
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155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels – Belgium
155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Bruxelles – Belgio
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A PRESS KIT, consisting of the Special Report and a press release, will be made available for the press conference.
Per la conferenza stampa, verrà fornita un’apposita CARTELLA DI DOCUMENTAZIONE contenente la relazione speciale ed il relativo comunicato stampa.
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The Special Report will be published on the Court's website, www.eca.europa.eu, in 22 official languages.
La relazione speciale sarà pubblicata sul sito Internet della Corte, www.eca.europa.eu, in 22 lingue ufficiali.
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INTERPRETATION will be available in French and English. |
Sarà disponibile un servizio di INTERPRETAZIONE in inglese e francese. |
The European Development Fund (EDF) contribution to a
sustainable road network in sub-Saharan Africa
The EU is one of the leading donors in the road sector in sub-
Saharan Africa.
Road transport is a focal sector for EDF (European Development
Fund) cooperation strategy with most sub-Saharan African countries.
Financially, it is by far the most important sector, with
about € 7.4 billion in EDF commitments made in this region over the period from
1995 to 2011.
European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published
throughout the year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU
budgetary areas or management topics.
This special report (SR 17/2012) entitled “The European
Development Fund (EDF) contribution to a sustainable road network in sub-Saharan
Africa” assessed whether the EDF has contributed to sustainability of the road
network in sub-Saharan Africa effectively: whether the road infrastructure
supported by the EDF is sustainable and whether the Commission effectively
promotes the sustainability of road infrastructure.
The audit focused on the technical, financial and
institutional sustainability of road transport infrastructure and looked at 48
programmes financed since 1995 under the 8th, 9th and 10th EDFs in six partner
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Tanzania and Zambia.
The main conclusions and recommendations of the report will be
presented to the press by Mr Szabolcs Fazakas, Member of the Court.
DATE AND TIME Tuesday, 15 January 2013 at 10:30
VENUE The RESIDENCE PALACE - International Press Centre
155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels – Belgium
A PRESS KIT, consisting of the Special Report and a press
release, will be made available for the press conference.
The Special Report will be published on the Court's website,
www.eca.europa.eu, in 22 official languages.
INTERPRETATION will be available in French and English.