Il Centro europeo per la lotta alla criminalità informatica (EC3) sarà inaugurato l’11 gennaio
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Data documento: 09-01-2013
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European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) opens on 11 January
Il Centro europeo per la lotta alla criminalità informatica (EC3) sarà inaugurato l’11 gennaio
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As from 11 January the new European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) will be up and running to help protect European citizens and businesses from cyber-crime.
A partire dall’11 gennaio il nuovo Centro europeo per la lotta alla criminalità informatica (EC3) sarà pienamente operativo allo scopo di contribuire a proteggere i cittadini e le imprese europei dalla criminalità informatica.
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EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström will participate in the official opening of the Centre established at the European Police Office, Europol in the Hague (the Netherlands).
Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria UE per gli Affari interni, parteciperà all’inaugurazione ufficiale del Centro, situato presso l’Ufficio europeo di polizia (Europol) all’Aia (Paesi Bassi).
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"The Cybercrime Centre will give a strong boost to the EU's capacity to fight cybercrime and defend an internet that is free, open and secure.
“Il Centro per la lotta alla criminalità informatica darà un forte impulso alla capacità dell’UE di combattere la criminalità informatica e proteggere una rete internet libera, aperta e sicura.
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Cybercriminals are smart and quick in using new technologies for criminal purposes;
I criminali informatici sono intelligenti e veloci nell’utilizzare le nuove tecnologie per scopi criminali;
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the EC3 will help us become even smarter and quicker to help prevent and fight their crimes", said Commissioner Malmström.
il Centro EC3 ci aiuterà a diventare ancora più intelligenti e veloci al fine di contribuire a prevenire e combattere i reati informatici”, ha dichiarato la Commissaria Malmström.
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"In combatting cybercrime, with its borderless nature and huge ability for the criminals to hide, we need a flexible and adequate response.
“Nella lotta alla criminalità informatica, priva di confini per natura e caratterizzata da una grande abilità dei criminali a nascondersi, è necessaria una risposta flessibile e adeguata.
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The European Cybercrime Centre is designed to deliver this expertise as a fusion centre, as a centre for operational investigative and forensic support, but also through its ability to mobilise all relevant resources in EU Member States to mitigate and reduce the threat from cybercriminals wherever they operate from", said Troels Oerting, Head of the European Cybercrime Centre
Il Centro europeo per la lotta alla criminalità informatica è stato istituito per fornire queste competenze in qualità di centro di fusione e di centro di sostegno operativo, investigativo e forense, ma anche grazie alla propria capacità di mobilitare tutte le risorse degli Stati membri dell’UE necessarie a mitigare e ridurre le minacce provenienti dai criminali informatici, ovunque essi operino”, ha dichiarato Troels Oerting, Capo del Centro europeo per la lotta alla criminalità informatica.
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Investigations into online fraud, child abuse online and other cybercrimes regularly involve hundreds of victims at a time, and suspects in many different parts of the world.
Le indagini condotte in materia di frodi online, abusi su minori online e altri reati informatici coinvolgono regolarmente centinaia di vittime e di sospetti in diverse parti del mondo.
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Operations of this magnitude cannot be successfully concluded by national police forces alone.
Le operazioni di questa portata non possono essere portate a termine con successo esclusivamente dalle forze di polizia nazionali.
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The opening of the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) marks a significant shift in how the EU has been addressing cybercrime so far.
L’apertura del Centro europeo per la lotta alla criminalità informatica (EC3) segna un notevole cambiamento rispetto al modo in cui l’UE ha affrontato la criminalità informatica fino ad oggi.
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Above all, the approach of the EC3 will be more forward-thinking and inclusive.
Innanzitutto, l’approccio dell’EC3 sarà più lungimirante e inclusivo.
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It will pool expertise and information, support criminal investigations and promote EU-wide solutions.
Verranno riunite competenze ed informazioni, verrà fornito sostegno alle indagini penali e verranno promosse soluzioni a livello dell’UE.
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The EC3 will focus on illegal online activities carried out by organised crime groups, especially attacks targeting e-banking and other online financial activities, online child sexual exploitation and those crimes that affect the critical infrastructure and information systems in the EU.
L’EC3 si concentrerà sulle attività illegali online compiute dalla criminalità organizzata, in particolare gli attacchi diretti contro l’e-banking e altre attività finanziarie online, lo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori online e i reati che colpiscono i sistemi di informazione e delle infrastrutture critiche dell’UE.
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The Centre will also facilitate research and development and ensure capacity building among law enforcement, judges and prosecutors and will produce threat assessments, including trend analyses, forecasts and early warnings.
Il Centro, inoltre, contribuirà a promuovere la ricerca e lo sviluppo, ad assicurare lo sviluppo di capacità da parte delle autorità incaricate dell’applicazione della legge, dei giudici e dei pubblici ministeri e a effettuare valutazioni delle minacce, compresi analisi delle tendenze, previsioni e allarmi rapidi.
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In order to dismantle more cybercrime networks and prosecute more suspects, the EC3 will gather and process cybercrime related data and will provide a Cybercrime Help desk for EU countries' law enforcement units.
Per smantellare un numero maggiore di reti criminali informatiche e perseguire più indiziati, l’EC3 dovrà raccogliere e trattare dati relativi alla criminalità informatica e fungere da help desk per le unità di contrasto dei paesi dell’UE.
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It will offer operational support to EU countries (e.g. against intrusion, fraud, online child sexual abuse, etc.) and deliver high-level technical, analytical and forensic expertise in EU joint investigations.
Il Centro offrirà sostegno operativo ai paesi dell’UE (ad esempio contro le intrusioni, la frode, l’abuso sessuale di minori online, ecc.) e fornirà competenze tecniche, analitiche e forensi di alto livello nelle indagini congiunte dell’UE.
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According to a recent Eurobarometer, Europeans remain very concerned about cyber security.
Secondo un recente sondaggio dell’Eurobarometro la sicurezza informatica desta ancora molta preoccupazione tra i cittadini europei.
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89% of internet users avoid disclosing personal information online, and 12% have already experienced online fraud.
L’89% degli utenti di internet non rivela informazioni personali online e il 12% è stato vittima di frode online.
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Around one million people worldwide fall victim to some form of cybercrime every day.
Circa un milione di persone nel mondo è vittima ogni giorno di varie forme di criminalità informatica.
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Estimates indicate that victims lose around €290 billion each year worldwide as a result of cybercriminal activities (Norton, 2011).
Secondo le stime le vittime perdono circa 290 miliardi di EUR ogni anno nel mondo a causa di attività criminali informatiche (Norton, 2011).
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The Commission announced its intention to establish a European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) in the 'EU Internal Security Strategy in Action' (IP/10/1535 and MEMO/10/598), adopted on 22 November 2010 by the Commission.
All’interno de ‘La strategia di sicurezza interna dell’UE in azione’ (IP/10/1535 e MEMO/10/598), adottata il 22 novembre 2010, la Commissione ha annunciato l’intenzione di istituire un Centro europeo per la lotta alla criminalità informatica (EC3).
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The setting up of a (EC3) European Cybercrime Centre (IP/12/317 and MEMO/12/221) is part of a series of measures that seek to protect citizens from online crimes.
La creazione del Centro europeo per la lotta alla criminalità informatica (EC3) (IP/12/317 e MEMO/12/221) fa parte di una serie di misure intese a proteggere i cittadini dai reati informatici.
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It complements legislative proposals such as the Directive on attacks against information systems (IP/10/1239 and MEMO/10/463) and the Directive on combating the sexual exploitation of children online and child pornography adopted in 2011 (IP/11/1255).
Essa integra le proposte legislative quali la direttiva relativa agli attacchi contro i sistemi di informazione (IP/10/1239 e MEMO/10/463) e la direttiva relativa alla lotta contro lo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori e la pornografia minorile online adottata nel 2011 (IP/11/1255).
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The official opening Ceremony of the EC3 will take place on the 11 January at the headquarters of Europol in the Hague, the Netherlands. |
La cerimonia d’inaugurazione ufficiale dell’EC3 si terrà l’11 gennaio presso la sede dell’Europol all’Aia, nei Paesi Bassi. |
European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) opens on 11 January
As from 11 January the new European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) will be up
and running to help protect European citizens and businesses from cyber-crime.
EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström will participate in
the official opening of the Centre established at the European Police Office,
Europol in the Hague (the Netherlands).
"The Cybercrime Centre will give a strong boost to the EU's capacity to
fight cybercrime and defend an internet that is free, open and secure.
Cybercriminals are smart and quick in using new technologies for
criminal purposes;
the EC3 will help us become even smarter and quicker to help prevent
and fight their crimes", said Commissioner Malmström.
"In combatting cybercrime, with its borderless nature and huge ability
for the criminals to hide, we need a flexible and adequate response.
The European Cybercrime Centre is designed to deliver this expertise as
a fusion centre, as a centre for operational investigative and forensic support,
but also through its ability to mobilise all relevant resources in EU Member
States to mitigate and reduce the threat from cybercriminals wherever they
operate from", said Troels Oerting, Head of the European Cybercrime Centre
Investigations into online fraud, child abuse online and other
cybercrimes regularly involve hundreds of victims at a time, and suspects in
many different parts of the world.
Operations of this magnitude cannot be successfully concluded by
national police forces alone.
The opening of the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) marks a significant
shift in how the EU has been addressing cybercrime so far.
Above all, the approach of the EC3 will be more forward-thinking and
It will pool expertise and information, support criminal investigations
and promote EU-wide solutions.
The EC3 will focus on illegal online activities carried out by
organised crime groups, especially attacks targeting e-banking and other online
financial activities, online child sexual exploitation and those crimes that
affect the critical infrastructure and information systems in the EU.
The Centre will also facilitate research and development and ensure
capacity building among law enforcement, judges and prosecutors and will produce
threat assessments, including trend analyses, forecasts and early warnings.
In order to dismantle more cybercrime networks and prosecute more
suspects, the EC3 will gather and process cybercrime related data and will
provide a Cybercrime Help desk for EU countries' law enforcement units.
It will offer operational support to EU countries (e.g. against
intrusion, fraud, online child sexual abuse, etc.) and deliver high-level
technical, analytical and forensic expertise in EU joint investigations.
According to a recent Eurobarometer, Europeans remain very concerned
about cyber security.
89% of internet users avoid disclosing personal information online, and
12% have already experienced online fraud.
Around one million people worldwide fall victim to some form of
cybercrime every day.
Estimates indicate that victims lose around €290 billion each year
worldwide as a result of cybercriminal activities (Norton, 2011).
The Commission announced its intention to establish a European
Cybercrime Centre (EC3) in the 'EU Internal Security Strategy in Action'
(IP/10/1535 and MEMO/10/598), adopted on 22 November 2010 by the Commission.
The setting up of a (EC3) European Cybercrime Centre (IP/12/317 and
MEMO/12/221) is part of a series of measures that seek to protect citizens from
online crimes.
It complements legislative proposals such as the Directive on attacks
against information systems (IP/10/1239 and MEMO/10/463) and the Directive on
combating the sexual exploitation of children online and child pornography
adopted in 2011 (IP/11/1255).
The official opening Ceremony of the EC3 will take place on the 11
January at the headquarters of Europol in the Hague, the Netherlands. |