Un progetto di ricerca UE offre la speranza di periodi di festa più salutari
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Data documento: 21-12-2012
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EU research project offers prospect of healthier festive season
Un progetto di ricerca UE offre la speranza di periodi di festa più salutari
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European researchers have made progress towards finding an alternative to adding sulphur dioxide to red wine and other foodstuffs, such as dried fruit, holding out the hope of making future festive seasons healthier for millions.
I ricercatori europei hanno compiuto progressi nella ricerca di un’alternativa all’aggiunta di anidride solforosa nei vini rossi e in altri alimenti, come la frutta secca, offrendo a milioni di persone la possibilità di trascorrere periodi di festa più salutari.
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Sulphur dioxide (SO2), labelled E220 on food packets, is used as a preservative for certain dried fruits and in winemaking as an antimicrobial and antioxidant.
L’anidride solforosa (SO2), denominata E220 sulle confezioni alimentari, è impiegata come conservante per alcuni frutti secchi e come agente antimicrobico e antiossidante nella vinificazione.
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Most people can tolerate a small amount of SO2 in their food but in others it can cause allergic reactions or other after effects such as headaches.
La maggior parte delle persone può tollerare una piccola quantità di SO2 nel cibo ma in altre persone questa sostanza può provocare reazioni allergiche o altri effetti, come il mal di testa.
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The European Union-funded so2say project, led by ttz Bremerhaven, a non-profit applied research centre in Germany, believes it may now have identified a combination of two extracts that can be used instead.
Il progetto finanziato dall’Unione europea, so2say e diretto da ttz Bremerhavenn, un centro di ricerca applicata senza scopo di lucro in Germania, ritiene di aver individuato un’associazione di due estratti che può essere utilizzata in alternativa.
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Both of them occur naturally in wine.
Entrambi questi estratti sono naturalmente presenti nel vino.
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According to the project, it could reduce the presence of SO2 in wine, for example, by more than 95%.
Secondo il progetto, si potrebbe ad esempio, ridurre, la presenza di SO2 nel vino di oltre il 95%.
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Wine containing the new additive has already been tasted in the U.K., Spain and Germany and judged to be as good as reference bottles containing sulphur.
Dei vini contenenti il nuovo additivo sono già stati assaggiati nel Regno Unito, in Spagna e in Germania e sono stati giudicati buoni quanto i vini di riferimento contenenti zolfo.
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A further batch was bottled in May 2012 and will be opened in January 2013 by the project's nine consortium members.
Un altro lotto è stato imbottigliato nel maggio 2012 e sarà aperto nel gennaio 2013 dai nove membri del consorzio del progetto.
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Further tests will follow four months later.
Ulteriori test saranno eseguiti quattro mesi più tardi.
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If successful, the technical feasibility of the new extract will have been demonstrated and the procedures for its authorisation can start.
In caso di esito positivo, la fattibilità tecnica del nuovo estratto sarà stata dimostrata e si potranno avviare le relative procedure di autorizzazione.
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The main advantage of SO2 is the combination of anti-oxidative activity with its ability to inhibit the "enzymatic browning" of food products, for instance fresh cut apples.
Il principale vantaggio dell’SO2 è la combinazione dell’attività antiossidante con la sua capacità di impedire l’“imbrunimento enzimatico” di prodotti alimentari, che avviene ad esempio nelle mele appena tagliate.
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Furthermore, sulphur dioxide acts as a food preservative, preventing microbial growth.
Inoltre, l’anidride solforosa agisce come conservante alimentare, impedendo la crescita microbica.
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However, SO2 and sulphites strongly reduce vitamin B1 uptake.
Tuttavia, l’anidride solforosa e i solfiti riducono fortemente l’assorbimento della vitamina B1.
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Reduced uptake of this vitamin can lead to several health problems such as chronic headache and temporary memory loss.
Il minor assorbimento di questa vitamina può dar luogo a diversi problemi di salute, quali la cefalea cronica e perdite temporanee di memoria.
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Asthmatics are at particular risk.
Gli asmatici sono particolarmente a rischio.
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For these patients an intake of less than 10 mg sulphite might be enough to provoke an asthma attack.
Per questi pazienti, un assorbimento inferiore a 10 mg di solfiti potrebbe essere sufficiente a provocare un attacco di asma.
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The three-year project began in June 2009 with a total budget of €4.1 million, of which €3.0 million is funded from the EU's 7th framework programme for research and technological development (FP7).
Il progetto triennale è iniziato nel giugno 2009 con una dotazione di bilancio totale di 4,1 milioni di euro, di cui 3,0 milioni di euro finanziati dal Settimo programma quadro dell’UE per la ricerca e lo sviluppo tecnologico (7° PQ).
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The nine members of the project are:
I nove membri del progetto sono:
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ttz Bremerhaven, University of Bonn and Meyer Gemüse bearbeitung GmbH in Germany;
ttz-Bremerhaven dell’Università di Bonn e Meyer Gemüse bearbeitung GmbH (Germania);
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Wageningen University and Frutarom Netherlands BV in the Netherlands;
Università di Wageningen e Frutarom Netherlands BV (Paesi Bassi);
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U.K.-based food research organisation Campden BRI;
Campden BRI, un’organizzazione di ricerca in ambito alimentare (Regno Unito);
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and Biurko Gorri, a winemaker, Tecnalia, an applied research company, and Ekolo Productos Ecológicos, a bio-food manufacturer, in Spain.
Biurko Gorri, un produttore di vino, Tecnalia, un’impresa di ricerca applicata e Ekolo Productos Ecológicos, un produttore di prodotti alimentari biologici (Spagna).
EU research project offers prospect of healthier festive season
European researchers have made progress towards finding an alternative
to adding sulphur dioxide to red wine and other foodstuffs, such as dried fruit,
holding out the hope of making future festive seasons healthier for millions.
Sulphur dioxide (SO2), labelled E220 on food packets, is used as a
preservative for certain dried fruits and in winemaking as an antimicrobial and
Most people can tolerate a small amount of SO2 in their food but in
others it can cause allergic reactions or other after effects such as headaches.
The European Union-funded so2say project, led by ttz Bremerhaven, a
non-profit applied research centre in Germany, believes it may now have
identified a combination of two extracts that can be used instead.
Both of them occur naturally in wine.
According to the project, it could reduce the presence of SO2 in wine,
for example, by more than 95%.
Wine containing the new additive has already been tasted in the U.K.,
Spain and Germany and judged to be as good as reference bottles containing
A further batch was bottled in May 2012 and will be opened in January
2013 by the project's nine consortium members.
Further tests will follow four months later.
If successful, the technical feasibility of the new extract will have
been demonstrated and the procedures for its authorisation can start.
The main advantage of SO2 is the combination of anti-oxidative activity
with its ability to inhibit the "enzymatic browning" of food products, for
instance fresh cut apples.
Furthermore, sulphur dioxide acts as a food preservative, preventing
microbial growth.
However, SO2 and sulphites strongly reduce vitamin B1 uptake.
Reduced uptake of this vitamin can lead to several health problems such
as chronic headache and temporary memory loss.
Asthmatics are at particular risk.
For these patients an intake of less than 10 mg sulphite might be
enough to provoke an asthma attack.
The three-year project began in June 2009 with a total budget of €4.1
million, of which €3.0 million is funded from the EU's 7th framework programme
for research and technological development (FP7).
The nine members of the project are:
ttz Bremerhaven, University of Bonn and Meyer Gemüse bearbeitung GmbH
in Germany;
Wageningen University and Frutarom Netherlands BV in the Netherlands;
U.K.-based food research organisation Campden BRI;
and Biurko Gorri, a winemaker, Tecnalia, an applied research company,
and Ekolo Productos Ecológicos, a bio-food manufacturer, in Spain.