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Data documento: 19-12-2012
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EIB and EESC Presidents call for acceleration of investments in the EU
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EIB president Werner Hoyer and EESC president Staffan Nilsson met in Luxembourg on 19 December.
Il Presidente della Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI) Werner Hoyer e il Presidente del Comitato economico sociale ed europeo (CESE) Staffan Nilsson si sono incontrati a Lussemburgo il 19 dicembre 2012.
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They called for accelerating investments in the EU to facilitate structural change, and to put the EU economy on the path to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, and strengthen EU competitiveness as defined in the Europe 2020 Strategy.
Essi hanno auspicato un'accelerazione degli investimenti nell'Unione europea (UE) per poter favorire i cambiamenti strutturali, avviare l'economia dell'UE verso una crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva, e rafforzare la competitività dell'UE come indicato nella strategia Europa 2020.
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Long-term investment can significantly boost growth in times of crisis and constrained public budgets combined with private deleveraging.
Gli investimenti a lungo termine possono promuovere sensibilmente la crescita in tempi di crisi e di restrizioni per i bilanci pubblici, associati a una riduzione della leva finanziaria privata.
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Unprecedented levels of investment are needed in areas such as infrastructure, SMEs, innovation and skills, energy and efforts to tackle climate change.
Le infrastrutture, le PMI, l'innovazione e le competenze, l'energia e gli interventi per far fronte ai cambiamenti climatici, assieme ad altri settori ancora, hanno bisogno di investimenti senza precedenti.
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The EESC strongly supports the actions of the EIB, which makes long-term finance available for investment in the real economy and in projects in key sectors that contribute to a job-rich, competitive and inclusive sustainable EU.
Il CESE sostiene con forza le azioni della BEI, la quale mette a disposizione risorse finanziarie a lungo termine da investire nell'economia reale e in progetti destinati a settori chiave che contribuiscono a un'Unione sostenibile fonte di occupazione, competitiva ed inclusiva.
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With its tailored products the EIB can address the needs of specific sectors, helping to make the most of existing resources and attracting additional private sector financing from capital markets), which is crucial given the strain on government budgets.
Grazie ai suoi prodotti mirati, la BEI può venire incontro alle esigenze di settori specifici, contribuendo così a trarre il massimo vantaggio dalle risorse esistenti e ad attrarre ulteriori finanziamenti privati dai mercati dei capitali, aspetto, questo, che riveste un'importanza fondamentale per fronte delle pressioni esercitate attualmente sui bilanci pubblici.
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Werner Hoyer and Staffan Nilsson and therefore advocate a strong European budget for 2014-2020.
Werner Hoyer e Staffan Nilsson si sono pertanto detti favorevoli a un bilancio europeo forte per il 2014-2020.
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Staffan Nilsson welcomed the focus on projects with the greatest impact in terms of growth, employment, economic cohesion and climate action.
Staffan Nilsson ha accolto con favore l'attenzione per i progetti che presentano il massimo impatto in termini di crescita, occupazione, coesione economica e azione per il clima.
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The EESC has also called for a European "new deal" for growth, which would focus on major targeted projects in a few key sectors that are able to get the EU economy moving again in a relatively short period of time.
Il CESE si è anche fatto promotore di un "Piano europeo per la crescita" (New Deal) incentrato su grandi progetti mirati ad alcuni settori chiave in grado di rimettere in moto l'economia dell'UE in tempi relativamente brevi.
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Both the EIB and the EESC agreed on the need to strengthen the EIB's relations with civil society:
La BEI e il CESE hanno entrambi convenuto della necessità di rafforzare le relazioni della Banca con la società civile:
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civil society, especially business groups, provides valuable input in exploring ways to develop SME policies because of its understanding of local problems, needs and expectations.
questa, soprattutto sotto forma di gruppi di imprese, fornisce un contributo prezioso nella ricerca di possibili modalità di sviluppo delle politiche delle PMI grazie alla sua comprensione delle problematiche, esigenze ed aspettative locali.
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The EIB would therefore welcome stronger links to the EESC in areas of common interest. |
La BEI ha quindi espresso l'auspicio di intessere legami più forti con il CESE in settori di interesse comune. |
EIB and EESC Presidents call for acceleration of
investments in the EU
EIB president Werner Hoyer and EESC president Staffan Nilsson
met in Luxembourg on 19 December.
They called for accelerating investments in the EU to
facilitate structural change, and to put the EU economy on the path to smart,
sustainable and inclusive growth, and strengthen EU competitiveness as defined
in the Europe 2020 Strategy.
Long-term investment can significantly boost growth in times
of crisis and constrained public budgets combined with private deleveraging.
Unprecedented levels of investment are needed in areas such as
infrastructure, SMEs, innovation and skills, energy and efforts to tackle
climate change.
The EESC strongly supports the actions of the EIB, which makes
long-term finance available for investment in the real economy and in projects
in key sectors that contribute to a job-rich, competitive and inclusive
sustainable EU.
With its tailored products the EIB can address the needs of
specific sectors, helping to make the most of existing resources and attracting
additional private sector financing from capital markets), which is crucial
given the strain on government budgets.
Werner Hoyer and Staffan Nilsson and therefore advocate a
strong European budget for 2014-2020.
Staffan Nilsson welcomed the focus on projects with the
greatest impact in terms of growth, employment, economic cohesion and climate
The EESC has also called for a European "new deal" for growth,
which would focus on major targeted projects in a few key sectors that are able
to get the EU economy moving again in a relatively short period of time.
Both the EIB and the EESC agreed on the need to strengthen the
EIB's relations with civil society:
civil society, especially business groups, provides valuable input in exploring
ways to develop SME policies because of its understanding of local problems,
needs and expectations.
The EIB would therefore welcome stronger links to the EESC in
areas of common interest.