Ambiente: la Commissione consulta il pubblico sui combustibili fossili non convenzionali (ad es., gas di scisto) in Europa
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Data documento: 20-12-2012
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Environment: Commission consults public on unconventional fossil fuels (e.g. shale gas) in Europe
Ambiente: la Commissione consulta il pubblico sui combustibili fossili non convenzionali (ad es., gas di scisto) in Europa
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The European Commission is holding a public consultation on the future development of unconventional fossil fuels such as shale gas in Europe.
La Commissione europea sta effettuando una consultazione pubblica sugli sviluppi futuri dei combustibili fossili non convenzionali, quali il gas di scisto, in Europa.
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All interested individuals, organisations and public authorities are welcome to share their views on the possible opportunities and challenges that may arise from the development of such projects and on the best ways to address the challenges identified so far.
Tutti gli interessati (individui, organismi e autorità pubbliche) sono invitati ad esprimere le proprie opinioni sulle opportunità e le sfide che possono scaturire dallo sviluppo di progetti in questo ambito e sulle migliori modalità per affrontare i problemi fin qui emersi.
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The consultation is open until 20 March 2013. The consultation is available in all 23 EU languages.
La consultazione, che resterà aperta fino al 20 marzo 2013, è disponibile in tutte le 23 lingue dell’Unione europea.
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In the past, exploration for and production of natural gas and oil in Europe focused mainly on conventional resources.
In passato la prospezione e la produzione di gas naturale e petrolio in Europa riguardava soprattutto le risorse convenzionali.
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While opportunities for this type of domestic extraction are becoming increasingly limited, technological advances are now opening up new possibilities for the extraction of unconventional fossil fuels such as shale gas, tight gas and coal bed methane from geological formations that were previously too complex or too expensive to exploit.
Oggi, mentre le opportunità di estrazione convenzionale a livello nazionale si fanno via via più limitate, gli sviluppi tecnologici aprono nuove possibilità per l’estrazione di combustibili fossili non convenzionali – quali il gas di scisto, il cosiddetto tight gas e il metano da depositi carboniferi – provenienti da formazioni geologiche il cui sfruttamento era fino ad oggi troppo complesso o costoso.
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The European Commission aims to ensure that any further development of unconventional fossil fuels is carried out with the proper health, climate and environmental safeguards in place, with maximum legal clarity and predictability for citizens and operators. This will help ensure that the economic and energy security benefits of such developments can be reaped in a safe manner that does not compromise human health or the environment.
La Commissione europea mira ad assicurare che eventuali ulteriori sviluppi dei combustibili fossili non convenzionali siano accompagnati da opportune misure di salvaguardia della salute, del clima e dell’ambiente che garantiscano a cittadini e operatori la massima chiarezza sul piano giuridico e della prevedibilità, contribuendo in questo modo a fare sì che i benefici potenziali – in termini di sicurezza economica ed energetica – possano essere conseguiti senza ripercussioni per la salute e l’ambiente.
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The questions in the consultation cover issues such as broad opportunities and challenges, possible measures to reduce health and environmental risks, measures to increase the transparency of operations, and general recommendations regarding action at EU-level.
Le domande in cui si articola la consultazione riguardano aspetti quali le opportunità e i problemi, le possibili misure per ridurre i rischi per la salute e l’ambiente, le misure per migliorare la trasparenza delle operazioni oltre a raccomandazioni generali relative agli interventi a livello UE.
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Next Steps
Le prossime tappe
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Building on analytical work it has conducted since the end of 2011, the European Commission will propose in 2013 a framework to manage risks, address regulatory shortcomings, and provide maximum legal clarity and predictability to market operators and citizens across the EU.
Basandosi sul lavoro di analisi che ha realizzato a partire dalla fine del 2011, la Commissione europea intende proporre nel 2013 un quadro per gestire i rischi, eliminare le lacune a livello regolamentare e garantire il massimo livello di chiarezza giuridica e prevedibilità per operatori di mercato e cittadini in tutta la UE.
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Work on this framework has already started, and all relevant policy options will be assessed.
In sede di definizione (già in corso) del quadro citato saranno analizzate tutte le opzioni strategiche pertinenti.
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This web-based consultation is part of a broader process designed to involve civil society in the Commission's on-going work.
La consultazione in rete fa parte di un più ampio processo di coinvolgimento della società civile nei dossier su cui lavora la Commissione.
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The formal consultation process involves regular meetings with Member States and other stakeholders and foresees a public consultation meeting during the first half of 2013.
Il processo di consultazione formale comporta riunioni periodiche con gli Stati membri e altri soggetti interessati e prevede una riunione pubblica di consultazione da tenersi nella prima metà del 2013.
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The results of this public consultation will feed into this broader exercise. |
Dei risultati della consultazione si terrà conto in questo più ampio processo. |
Environment: Commission consults public on unconventional fossil fuels
(e.g. shale gas) in Europe
The European Commission is holding a public consultation on the future
development of unconventional fossil fuels such as shale gas in Europe.
All interested individuals, organisations and public authorities are
welcome to share their views on the possible opportunities and challenges that
may arise from the development of such projects and on the best ways to address
the challenges identified so far.
The consultation is open until 20 March 2013. The consultation is
available in all 23 EU languages.
In the past, exploration for and production of natural gas and oil in
Europe focused mainly on conventional resources.
While opportunities for this type of domestic extraction are becoming
increasingly limited, technological advances are now opening up new
possibilities for the extraction of unconventional fossil fuels such as shale
gas, tight gas and coal bed methane from geological formations that were
previously too complex or too expensive to exploit.
The European Commission aims to ensure that any further development of
unconventional fossil fuels is carried out with the proper health, climate and
environmental safeguards in place, with maximum legal clarity and predictability
for citizens and operators. This will help ensure that the economic and energy
security benefits of such developments can be reaped in a safe manner that does
not compromise human health or the environment.
The questions in the consultation cover issues such as broad
opportunities and challenges, possible measures to reduce health and
environmental risks, measures to increase the transparency of operations, and
general recommendations regarding action at EU-level.
Next Steps
Building on analytical work it has conducted since the end of 2011, the
European Commission will propose in 2013 a framework to manage risks, address
regulatory shortcomings, and provide maximum legal clarity and predictability to
market operators and citizens across the EU.
Work on this framework has already started, and all relevant policy
options will be assessed.
This web-based consultation is part of a broader process designed to
involve civil society in the Commission's on-going work.
The formal consultation process involves regular meetings with Member
States and other stakeholders and foresees a public consultation meeting during
the first half of 2013.
The results of this public consultation will feed into this broader
exercise. |