Eurobarometro standard dell'autunno 2012: una luce in fondo al tunnel?
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Data documento: 20-12-2012
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Autumn 2012 Standard Eurobarometer: Light at the end of the tunnel?
Eurobarometro standard dell'autunno 2012: una luce in fondo al tunnel?
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According to the latest survey results, a large majority of Europeans (85%) think that EU Member States will have to work more closely together to tackle the crisis.
Stando all'ultimo Eurobarometro, il sondaggio semestrale organizzato dalla Commissione europea, la stragrande maggioranza degli europei (85%) ritiene che gli Stati membri dell'UE dovranno cooperare più strettamente fra loro per superare la crisi.
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The autumn 2012 Eurobarometer, the bi-annual opinion poll organised by the European Commission published today shows that, overall, 41% (+1 percentage point compared to the spring 2012 survey) of Europeans believe that the EU is heading in the right direction to emerge from the crisis and face new global challenges (See Annex).
Sono stati pubblicati oggi i risultati dell'Eurobarometro dell'autunno 2012, secondo cui, complessivamente, il 41% dei cittadini europei (un punto percentuale in più rispetto al sondaggio della primavera 2012) crede che l'UE stia andando nella giusta direzione per uscire dalla crisi e affrontare le nuove sfide globali (vedi allegato).
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Europeans continue to see the EU as the most effective actor – ahead of national governments – in tackling the effects of the economic crisis.
I cittadini continuano a vedere nell'UE il soggetto più efficace, ben più dei governi nazionali, per affrontare gli effetti della crisi economica.
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The EU remains in first place (23%, +2) and is closely followed by the national governments (20%, -1). The G20 (14%, stable) comes third and is followed by the International Monetary Fund (15%, -2).
L'UE rimane in prima posizione (23%, +2), seguita da vicino dai governi nazionali (20%,
-1), dal G20 (14%, stabile) e dal Fondo monetario internazionale (15%, -2).
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Unemployment (48%, +2), the economic situation in general (37%, +2), inflation (24%, stable) and government debt (17%, -2) are the four main concerns Europeans say they face at national level while, at personal level, inflation is clearly the leading issue (44%, -1).
I principali motivi di preoccupazione dei cittadini europei sono, a livello personale, l'inflazione (44%, -1) e, a livello nazionale, la disoccupazione (48%+2), la situazione economica in generale (37%, +2), l'inflazione (24%, stabile) e il debito pubblico (17%, -2).
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Europeans see the economic situation in general (53%, -1), unemployment (36%+4) and the state of Member States' public finances (32%, -2) the main issues faced by the EU at this moment.
Per gli europei, le questioni più urgenti cui l'UE deve far fronte in questo momento sono: la situazione economica in generale (53%, -1), la disoccupazione (36%, +4) e lo stato delle finanze pubbliche degli Stati membri (32%, -2).
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As in previous surveys, responses about the situation of national economies differ widely between Member States.
Come nei precedenti sondaggi, le risposte relative alla situazione delle economie nazionali differiscono notevolmente da uno Stato membro all'altro:
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While three quarters of people in Sweden and Germany say the economic situation is good, fewer than 10% share this view in ten Member States and fewer than 2% share this view in Spain and Greece.
mentre in Svezia e in Germania tre quarti della popolazione giudica buona la situazione economica, questa opinione è condivisa da meno del 10% degli abitanti di dieci altri Stati membri e da meno del 2% in Spagna e in Grecia.
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Finally, Europeans continue to support the initiatives for growth, stability and jobs put forward in the Europe 2020 Strategy - the EU's economic growth strategy.
Infine, i cittadini europei continuano ad approvare le iniziative per la crescita, la stabilità e l'occupazione messe a punto nell'ambito di Europa 2020, la strategia di crescita economica dell'UE.
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The Autumn 2012 Standard Eurobarometer was conducted through face-to-face interviews between 3 and 18 November 2012.
Il sondaggio Eurobarometro dell'autunno 2012 è stato realizzato attraverso colloqui individuali svoltisi tra il 3 e il 18 novembre 2012.
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A total of 32,731 people were interviewed across the 27 EU Member States and in the candidate countries.
In totale sono state intervistate 32 731 persone nei 27 Stati membri dell'UE e nei paesi candidati.
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Further information
Ulteriori informazioni
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The First results report published today outlines Europeans’ perceptions of the current economic situation and preoccupations for the future as well as their opinions on the crisis and the Europe 2020 strategy.
La relazione sui primi risultati del sondaggio pubblicata oggi rileva come i cittadini europei percepiscono l'attuale situazione economica ed evidenzia le loro preoccupazioni per il futuro nonché il loro parere sulla crisi e sulla strategia Europa 2020.
Autumn 2012 Standard Eurobarometer: Light at the end of the tunnel?
According to the latest survey results, a large majority of Europeans
(85%) think that EU Member States will have to work more closely together to
tackle the crisis.
The autumn 2012 Eurobarometer, the bi-annual opinion poll organised by
the European Commission published today shows that, overall, 41% (+1 percentage
point compared to the spring 2012 survey) of Europeans believe that the EU is
heading in the right direction to emerge from the crisis and face new global
challenges (See Annex).
Europeans continue to see the EU as the most effective actor – ahead of
national governments – in tackling the effects of the economic crisis.
The EU remains in first place (23%, +2) and is closely followed by the
national governments (20%, -1). The G20 (14%, stable) comes third and is
followed by the International Monetary Fund (15%, -2).
Unemployment (48%, +2) the economic situation in general (37%, +2),
inflation (24%, stable) and government debt (17%, -2) are the four main concerns
Europeans say they face at national level while, at personal level, inflation is
clearly the leading issue (44%, -1).
Europeans see the economic situation in general (53%, -1), unemployment
(36%, +4) and the state of Member States' public finances (32%, -2) the main
issues faced by the EU at this moment.
As in previous surveys, responses about the situation of national
economies differ widely between Member States.
While three quarters of people in Sweden and Germany say the economic
situation is good, fewer than 10% share this view in ten Member States and fewer
than 2% share this view in Spain and Greece.
Finally, Europeans continue to support the initiatives for growth,
stability and jobs put forward in the Europe 2020 Strategy - the EU's economic
growth strategy.
The Autumn 2012 Standard Eurobarometer was conducted through
face-to-face interviews between 3 and 18 November 2012.
A total of 32,731 people were interviewed across the 27 EU Member
States and in the candidate countries.
Further information
The First results report published today outlines Europeans’ perceptions of the
current economic situation and preoccupations for the future as well as their
opinions on the crisis and the Europe 2020 strategy. |