Una delle missioni primarie della Corte dei conti europea consiste nel formulare raccomandazioni, dirette alla Commissione europea, su come migliorare la gestione finanziaria del bilancio dell’UE.
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 14-12-2012
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Providing the European Commission with recommendations on how to improve its financial management of the EU budget is one of the primary missions of the European Court of Auditors.
Una delle missioni primarie della Corte dei conti europea consiste nel formulare raccomandazioni, dirette alla Commissione europea, su come migliorare la gestione finanziaria del bilancio dell’UE.
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The Court’s report shows that its recommendations have been taken on board by the Commission.
Questa relazione mostra che la Commissione ha dato seguito alle raccomandazioni della Corte.
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The report shows that the Commission does take action to implement the Court’s recommendations.
La relazione mostra che la Commissione è intervenuta per dare attuazione alle raccomandazioni della Corte.
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The vast majority of the recommendations have been either fully implemented or implemented in most respects.
Un’ampia maggioranza delle raccomandazioni è stata attuata pienamente o per la maggior parte degli aspetti.
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Non-implementation only occurred in one case.
Soltanto in un caso le raccomandazioni non sono state recepite.
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The Court found that the Commission has a system in place to manage the implementation of the Court’s recommendations and the requests by the Parliament and Council, but this system needs to be strengthened to enable the Commission to respond in a timely, efficient, and effective manner.
La Corte ha osservato che la Commissione dispone di un sistema per monitorare il seguito dato a tutte le raccomandazioni della Corte e alle richieste del Parlamento e del Consiglio, ma che tale sistema dovrebbe essere rafforzato per consentire alla Commissione di reagire in modo tempestivo, efficace ed efficiente.
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“I am pleased to see that the Commission takes action to
implement the Court’s recommendations for improving the management of the EU
budget”, said Henrik Otbo, the ECA member responsible for the report.
“Sono lieto di constatare che la Commissione è intervenuta per dare attuazione alle raccomandazioni della Corte su come migliorare la gestione del bilancio dell’UE” ha dichiarato Henrik Otbo, il Membro della Corte responsabile della relazione.
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But there is also room for improvement - the Commission needs to improve its system for handling recommendations in order to respond in a timely, efficient and effective manner.
esistono ulteriori margini di miglioramento. La Commissione ha bisogno di migliorare il sistema di gestione delle raccomandazioni in modo da poter reagire con tempestività, efficacia ed efficienza.
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The Court intends to make a yearly follow-up report and by doing so it wishes to contribute further to improving sound financial management in the EU.”
La Corte intende presentare una relazione annuale sul seguito dato alle proprie raccomandazioni (relazione di follow-up) in modo da contribuire efficacemente al miglioramento della gestione finanziaria dell’UE”.
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Notes to the editors:
Note agli editori:
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European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published throughout the year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU budgetary areas or management topics.
Le relazioni speciali della Corte dei conti europea vengono pubblicate durante tutto l’anno e presentano i risultati di audit selezionati su specifici settori del bilancio dell’UE o temi gestionali.
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This special report (SR 19/2012) entitled “Follow-up of the European Court of Auditors’ Special Reports” reviews the extent to which the Commission has implemented the recommendations of seven of the Court’s special reports from the 2003-2009 period.
Questa relazione speciale (RS 19/2012) dal titolo “Seguito dato alle relazioni speciali della Corte dei conti europea” esamina in che misura la Commissione abbia attuato le raccomandazioni formulate dalla Corte in sette relazioni speciali relative al periodo 2003 - 2009.
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The Special Reports followed up covered three budgetary areas:
Le relazioni speciali prese in considerazione ai fini del follow up riguardavano tre aree di bilancio:
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agriculture, energy, and external actions.
agricoltura, energia ed azioni esterne.
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The Court assessed the actions taken by the Commission in response to the Court’s recommendations.
La Corte ha valutato le azioni intraprese dalla Commissione in risposta alle raccomandazioni della Corte.
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The follow-up of audit reports is considered by international auditing standards as the final stage in the performance audit cycle of planning, execution and follow-up.
Il follow-up delle relazioni di audit è considerato dai princìpi internazionali di audit la fase finale del ciclo dei controlli di gestione che comprende appunto la pianificazione, lo svolgimento e il follow-up.
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Approximately two-thirds of the recommendations reviewed related to effectiveness issues (e.g. the setting of strategic objectives, the preparation of project proposals, the design of projects, project performance, and monitoring and evaluation), with the remaining recommendations dealing with economy and efficiency issues (e.g. the occurrence of overpayments and the quality and timeliness of project selection methods).
Circa due terzi delle raccomandazioni esaminate riguardavano questioni relative all’efficacia (ad esempio, la definizione di obiettivi strategici, la preparazione dei proposte di progetti, la concezione dei progetti, l’esecuzione, il monitoraggio e la valutazione dei progetti) e le restanti riguardavano questioni relative all’economia e all’efficienza (ad esempio, pagamenti superiori al dovuto e la qualità e tempestività dei metodi utilizzati per la selezione dei progetti).
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The Commission has fully implemented 29 % of the recommendations examined, while 49 % have been implemented in most respects, 20% in some respects, and 2% have not been implemented.
La Commissione ha attuato integralmente il 29 % delle raccomandazioni esaminate, mentre il 49 % è stato attuato per la maggior parte degli aspetti, il 20 % per alcuni aspetti e il 2 % non è stato attuato.
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The Court’s follow-up exercise indicates that, the Court’s audit reports have contributed to improvements in financial management taking place in a number of areas of the EU budget.
L’esercizio di follow-up svolto dalla Corte indica che le relazioni di audit della Corte hanno contribuito ai miglioramenti della gestione finanziaria realizzati nelle diverse aree del bilancio UE.
Providing the European Commission with recommendations on how to improve
its financial management of the EU budget is one of the primary missions of the
European Court of Auditors.
The Court’s report shows that its recommendations have been taken
on board by the Commission.
The report shows that the Commission does take action to implement the
Court’s recommendations.
The vast majority of the recommendations have been either fully implemented
or implemented in most respects.
Non-implementation only occurred in one case.
The Court found that the Commission has a system in place to manage the
implementation of the Court’s recommendations and the requests by the Parliament
and Council, but this system needs to be strengthened to enable the Commission
to respond in a timely, efficient, and effective manner.
“I am pleased to see that the Commission takes action to implement the
Court’s recommendations for improving the management of the EU budget”, said
Henrik Otbo, the ECA member responsible for the report,
But there is also room for improvement - the Commission needs to
improve its system for handling recommendations in order to respond in a timely,
efficient and effective manner.
The Court intends to make a yearly follow-up report and by doing so it
wishes to contribute further to improving sound financial management in the EU.”
Notes to the editors:
European Court of Auditors (ECA) special reports are published
throughout the year, presenting the results of selected audits of specific EU
budgetary areas or management topics.
This special report (SR 19/2012) entitled “Follow-up of the European
Court of Auditors’ Special Reports” reviews the extent to which the Commission
has implemented the recommendations of seven of the Court’s special reports from
the 2003-2009 period.
The Special Reports followed up covered three budgetary areas:
agriculture, energy, and external actions.
The Court assessed the actions taken by the Commission in response to
the Court’s recommendations.
The follow-up of audit reports is considered by international auditing
standards as the final stage in the performance audit cycle of planning,
execution and follow-up.
Approximately two-thirds of the recommendations reviewed related to
effectiveness issues (e.g. the setting of strategic objectives, the preparation
of project proposals, the design of projects, project performance, and
monitoring and evaluation), with the remaining recommendations dealing with
economy and efficiency issues (e.g. the occurrence of overpayments and the
quality and timeliness of project selection methods)
The Commission has fully implemented 29 % of the recommendations
examined, while 49 % have been implemented in most respects, 20% in some
respects, and 2% have not been implemented.
The Court’s follow-up exercise indicates that, the Court’s audit
reports have contributed to improvements in financial management taking place in
a number of areas of the EU budget.