Ambiente: i cittadini invitati a dare il loro parere su come migliorare la politica dell’UE sulla qualità dell’aria
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Data documento: 11-12-2012
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Environment: Give your opinion on how to improve EU air quality policy
Ambiente: i cittadini invitati a dare il loro parere su come migliorare la politica dell’UE sulla qualità dell’aria
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The European Commission is holding a public consultation on the best way to improve air quality in Europe.
La Commissione europea sta conducendo una consultazione pubblica sul modo più appropriato di migliorare la qualità dell’aria in Europa.
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For the next twelve weeks, interested parties are invited to share their views on ways to ensure full implementation of the existing framework, to improve it, and to complement it with supporting actions.
Nelle prossime 12 settimane le parti interessate sono invitate a esprimersi su come il quadro in vigore possa essere pienamente attuato, migliorato e integrato con ulteriori interventi.
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The results of the consultation will feed into a comprehensive review of Europe's air policies due in 2013.
I risultati della consultazione confluiranno nella revisione globale delle politiche europee sull’inquinamento dell’aria prevista per il 2013.
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The consultation is open until 4 March 2013.
La consultazione è aperta fino al 4 marzo 2013.
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Air pollution and the associated threats to the environment and human health continue to be a concern for many EU citizens.
L’inquinamento atmosferico e i suoi rischi per l’ambiente e la salute umana sono una preoccupazione costante per molti cittadini dell’UE.
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Despite progress in the past decades resulting from legislation to reduce harmful pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, lead, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and benzene, some pollutants are still causing problems.
Nonostante i progressi compiuti negli ultimi decenni grazie alla legislazione sulla riduzione di sostanze inquinanti nocive, come l’anidride solforosa, il piombo, gli ossidi di azoto, il monossido di carbonio e il benzene, alcune sostanze inquinanti continuano a creare problemi.
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Summer smog, potentially harmful ground-level ozone and fine particles that pose significant health risks regularly exceed safe limits.Consequently, exposure to air pollution still causes over 350,000 premature deaths in the EU every year.
Lo smog estivo, l’ozono troposferico potenzialmente nocivo e le particelle sottili, che rappresentano una grave minaccia per la salute, superano regolarmente i limiti di sicurezza, con la conseguenza che l’esposizione all’inquinamento atmosferico permane la causa di oltre 350 000 decessi prematuri ogni anno nell’UE.
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The consultation is divided into two parts – a short questionnaire for the general public, and a more extensive set of questions for experts and practitioners from national administrations, regional and local authorities, researchers, businesses, stakeholders, health, environmental and other groups with experience in implementing EU air quality legislation.
La consultazione si divide in due parti: un breve questionario per il grande pubblico e una serie più ampia di domande rivolte in particolare agli esperti e agli specialisti delle amministrazioni nazionali e delle autorità regionali e locali, ai ricercatori, alle imprese, ai portatori di interesse, ai gruppi ambientalisti e attivi nel campo della salute e ad altri gruppi con esperienza nell’attuazione della legislazione unionale sulla qualità dell’aria.
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This web-based consultation is part of a broader process designed to involve civil society in the upcoming air policy review.
La consultazione in rete fa parte di un più ampio processo di coinvolgimento della società civile nella prossima revisione delle politiche in materia di qualità dell’aria.
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It is the final formal step of the consultation process started by the Commission in January 2011 (see MEMO/11/31), and which has involved regular meetings with Member States and other stakeholders and a first public consultation on the effectiveness of EU air quality policy and priorities for the future (see IP/11/813).
Essa costituisce l’ultima tappa formale del processo di consultazione avviato dalla Commissione nel gennaio 2011 (v.MEMO/11/31), nell’ambito del quale si sono svolte riunioni periodiche con gli Stati membri e altre parti interessate, oltre che una prima consultazione pubblica sull’efficacia della politica dell’UE sulla qualità dell’aria e sulle priorità per il futuro (v. IP/11/813).
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The Commission will also shortly issue the results of a Eurobarometer survey on air quality. Some 25 000 European citizens in 27 Member States have been interviewed to give their views on air quality issues.
Entro breve la Commissione pubblicherà anche i risultati dell’indagine di Eurobarometro sulla qualità dell’aria, nella quale sono stati intervistati circa 25 000 cittadini europei in 27 Stati membri.
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Next Steps
Le prossime tappe
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Building on two years of in-depth analysis and the results of this extensive consultation process, the Commission will make a proposal on the future of EU air policy by 2013 at the latest.
Sulla base dell’analisi approfondita compiuta in questi due anni e tenendo conto dei risultati dell’ampio processo di consultazione descritto sopra, la Commissione presenterà entro il 2013 una proposta sulla futura politica dell’UE sulla qualità dell’aria.
Environment: Give your opinion on how to improve EU air quality policy
The European Commission is holding a public consultation on the best
way to improve air quality in Europe.
For the next twelve weeks, interested parties are invited to share
their views on ways to ensure full implementation of the existing framework, to
improve it, and to complement it with supporting actions.
The results of the consultation will feed into a comprehensive review
of Europe's air policies due in 2013.
The consultation is open until 4 March 2013.
Air pollution and the associated threats to the environment and human
health continue to be a concern for many EU citizens.
Despite progress in the past decades resulting from legislation to
reduce harmful pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, lead, nitrogen oxides, carbon
monoxide and benzene, some pollutants are still causing problems.
Summer smog, potentially harmful ground-level ozone and fine particles
that pose significant health risks regularly exceed safe limits.Consequently,
exposure to air pollution still causes over 350,000 premature deaths in the EU
every year.
The consultation is divided into two parts – a short questionnaire for
the general public, and a more extensive set of questions for experts and
practitioners from national administrations, regional and local authorities,
researchers, businesses, stakeholders, health, environmental and other groups
with experience in implementing EU air quality legislation.
This web-based consultation is part of a broader process designed to
involve civil society in the upcoming air policy review.
It is the final formal step of the consultation process started by the
Commission in January 2011 (see MEMO/11/31), and which has involved regular
meetings with Member States and other stakeholders and a first public
consultation on the effectiveness of EU air quality policy and priorities for
the future (see IP/11/813).
The Commission will also shortly issue the results of a Eurobarometer
survey on air quality. Some 25 000 European citizens in 27 Member States have
been interviewed to give their views on air quality issues.
Next Steps
Building on two years of in-depth analysis and the results of this extensive
consultation process, the Commission will make a proposal on the future of EU
air policy by 2013 at the latest. |