I partenariati tra scuole migliorano le abilità dei discenti e dei docenti
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Data documento: 11-12-2012
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School partnerships improve pupils' and teachers' skills
I partenariati tra scuole migliorano le abilità dei discenti e dei docenti
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A new study on the impact of partnerships between schools in different countries has found that pupils - particularly at secondary level - significantly improved their skills, including cultural and social skills, IT and foreign languages.
Un nuovo studio sull'impatto dei partenariati tra scuole in diversi paesi ha riscontrato che gli studenti – in particolare a livello secondario – migliorano notevolmente le loro abilità, comprese le loro abilità culturali e sociali, informatiche e in lingue straniere.
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The impact of the partnerships was strongest on pupils who visited partner schools.
L'impatto dei partenariati è risultato maggiore tra gli studenti che hanno visitato le scuole partner.
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Seven out of ten schools said that the partnerships had a strong to very strong impact on pupils' cultural awareness and expression as well as social and civic competences.
Sette scuole su dieci dichiarano che i partenariati hanno avuto un impatto da forte a molto forte sulla sensibilità ed espressione culturale degli studenti nonché sulle loro competenze sociali e civiche.
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This was followed by computer skills (54%) and communication in foreign languages (52%).
In secondo piano si è riscontrato anche un impatto sulle abilità informatiche (54%) e sulla capacità di comunicare in lingue straniere (52%).
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The partnerships were funded through the Comenius exchange programme, the schools' equivalent of Erasmus.
I partenariati sono stati finanziati dal programma di scambio Comenius, l'equivalente di Erasmus a livello delle scuole.
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Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said:
Androulla Vassiliou, commissario europeo responsabile per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, ha affermato:
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"School partnerships enable young people to acquire the basic life skills and competences necessary for personal development, future employment and active citizenship.
"I partenariati tra scuole consentono ai giovani di acquisire le abilità e competenze di base necessarie per lo sviluppo personale, il futuro lavoro e la cittadinanza attiva.
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Comenius also helps pupils and staff to get to know different European cultures and languages.
Comenius aiuta anche gli studenti e il personale delle scuole a conoscere diverse culture e lingue europee.
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These partnerships will continue to receive support under our new Erasmus for All programme in 2014-2020."
Questi partenariati continueranno a ricevere nel 2014-2020 un sostegno nell'ambito del nostro nuovo programma Erasmus per tutti."
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The study also found that the scheme benefits teachers and schools within their local community.
Lo studio ha riscontrato inoltre che il sistema va a vantaggio degli insegnanti e delle scuole all'interno della loro collettività locale.
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Teachers said partnering a foreign school improved their knowledge of other education systems and strengthened social skills, as well as helping their language skills.
Gli insegnanti hanno affermato che partecipare a partenariati con una scuola straniera ha accresciuto la loro conoscenza degli altri sistemi educativi e ha rafforzato le loro abilità sociali, oltre a migliorare le loro competenze linguistiche.
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Two out of three schools claimed that the partnership had improved their image and 80% said it strengthened their European dimension.
Due scuole su tre hanno affermato che i partenariati hanno migliorato la loro immagine e l'80% ritiene che essi abbiano rafforzato la loro dimensione europea.
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Teaming up with schools abroad also helped develop closer ties both within the school and with local authorities.
L'associarsi con scuole all'estero ha comportato anche lo sviluppo di legami più stretti sia con le scuole che con le autorità locali.
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Comenius partnerships have a comparatively greater impact on teachers and on schools and their environments in pre-primary and primary schools because it is easier to mobilise and involve an entire school and to integrate new ideas and activities into curricula at this level.
I partenariati Comenius hanno un impatto comparativamente maggiore sugli insegnanti e sulle scuole sul loro contesto per quanto concerne le scuole pre-primarie e primarie poiché è più facile mobilitare e coinvolgere una scuola intera e integrare nuove idee e attività nei curricula a questo livello.
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In contrast, the impact on pupil skills is stronger at secondary level.
Di converso, l'impatto sulle abilità degli studenti è più forte a livello secondario.
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For many schools in remote parts of the European Union, partnerships financed from EU funds are the only opportunity for pupils and teachers to get involved in a project abroad.
Per molte scuole in parti remote dell'Unione europea i partenariati finanziati con fondi dell'UE sono l'unica opportunità per i discenti e i docenti di partecipare a un progetto all'estero.
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85% of schools covered by the study said they intended to apply for funding for future partnerships.
L'85% delle scuole esaminate nello studio ha affermato che intendeva chiedere un finanziamento per partenariati futuri.
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The study surveyed 50 schools in 15 European countries (Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom) which received grants from the Comenius programme to set up partnerships running from autumn 2009-2011.
Lo studio ha passato in rassegna 50 scuole in 15 paesi europei (Belgio, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Ungheria, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Romania, Slovacchia, Spagna, Turchia e Regno Unito) che hanno ricevuto tra l'autunno 2009 e il 2011 sovvenzioni dal programma Comenius per costituire partenariati.
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Monitoring the schools over the two years, and beyond, the study examined in-depth how the partnerships affected pupils, teachers and the school.
Monitorando le scuole nel biennio e anche al di là di esso, lo studio ha esaminato a fondo gli effetti che i partenariati hanno per gli studenti, gli insegnanti e la scuola.
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The study builds on the results of a previous large-scale survey among partner schools, published in 2007 (Full 2007 study; executive summary).
Lo studio si basa sui risultati di una precedente indagine su grande scala condotta tra le scuole partner, pubblicata nel 2007 (Testo integrale dello studio 2007; sintesi).
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Since 1995, the EU has provided grants to schools for joint projects.
A partire dal 1995 l'UE ha fornito borse alle scuole per partecipare a progetti.
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Comenius school partnerships are funded under the Lifelong Learning Programme, which is open to 33 countries (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).
I partenariati scolastici di Comenius sono finanziati nell'ambito del Programma di apprendimento permanente, che è aperto a 33 paesi (Stati membri dell'UE, Croazia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Svizzera e Turchia).
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The partnerships bring together at least two schools from different European countries, which set up a joint two-year project to improve teaching quality and to work together on innovative ideas or exchanges.
I partenariati riuniscono almeno due scuole di diversi paesi europei che elaborano un progetto biennale comune per migliorare la qualità dell'insegnamento e lavorare assieme su idee innovative o scambi.
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The projects focus on pupils’ areas of interest, on current educational issues in the countries concerned, or on priorities set by the schools themselves.
I progetti sono imperniati sugli ambiti di interesse degli allievi, sulle tematiche attuali che interessano il mondo della didattica nei paesi partecipanti o su priorità definite dalle scuole stesse.
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Since 2007 the EU has supported more than 7,000 Comenius projects, each involving 5 schools on average.
A partire dal 2007 l'UE ha supportato più di 7 000 progetti Comenius, ciascuno dei quali coinvolgeva in media cinque scuole.
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Every year these partnerships receive around €120 million, enabling more than 130 000 pupils and their teachers to visit their partner schools, and around 650 000 pupils to participate in local activities.
Annualmente questi partenariati ricevono 120 milioni di euro che consentono a più di 130 000 studenti e insegnanti di visitare le scuole partner e a circa 650 000 studenti di partecipare ad attività locali.
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In addition, the EU offers grants to teachers and trainee teachers to follow training or gain work experience abroad.
L'UE offre inoltre borse agli insegnanti e agli insegnanti tirocinanti per seguire una formazione o acquisire un'esperienza lavorativa all'estero.
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From 2014, EU support to schools will be part of Erasmus for All, the proposed new programme for education, training, youth and sport.
A partire dal 2014 il sostegno dell'UE alle scuole rientrerà in Erasmus per tutti, il neoproposto programma nel campo dell'istruzione, della formazione, della gioventù e dello sport.
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The new programme aims to double the number of pupils, students, teachers, apprentices, youth workers and others receiving grants for skills-enhancing opportunities through study, training and volunteering abroad, to 5 million people in 2014-2020.
Il nuovo programma intende raddoppiare, portandolo a 5 milioni di persone nel periodo 2014-2020, il numero di allievi, studenti, insegnanti, tirocinanti, giovani lavoratori e anche borsisti che fruiscono di opportunità di studio, formazione e volontariato all'estero in modo da accrescere le loro abilità.
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More than two-thirds of the programme's proposed €19 billion budget would support individual exchanges abroad, with the remainder allocated to projects focused on cooperation for innovation, policy reform and sharing good practices.
Più di due terzi del bilancio proposto per il programma, pari a 19 miliardi di euro, dovrebbero essere destinati a scambi individuali all'estero, mentre il rimanente sarebbe consacrato a progetti imperniati sulla cooperazione per l'innovazione, sulla riforma politica e sulla condivisione di buone pratiche.
School partnerships improve pupils' and teachers' skills
A new study on the impact of partnerships between schools in different
countries has found that pupils - particularly at secondary level -
significantly improved their skills, including cultural and social skills, IT
and foreign languages.
The impact of the partnerships was strongest on pupils who visited
partner schools.
Seven out of ten schools said that the partnerships had a strong to
very strong impact on pupils' cultural awareness and expression as well as
social and civic competences.
This was followed by computer skills (54%) and communication in foreign
languages (52%).
The partnerships were funded through the Comenius exchange programme,
the schools' equivalent of Erasmus.
Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, said:
"School partnerships enable young people to acquire the basic life
skills and competences necessary for personal development, future employment and
active citizenship.
Comenius also helps pupils and staff to get to know different European
cultures and languages.
These partnerships will continue to receive support under our new
Erasmus for All programme in 2014-2020."
The study also found that the scheme benefits teachers and schools
within their local community.
Teachers said partnering a foreign school improved their knowledge of
other education systems and strengthened social skills, as well as helping their
language skills.
Two out of three schools claimed that the partnership had improved
their image and 80% said it strengthened their European dimension.
Teaming up with schools abroad also helped develop closer ties both
within the school and with local authorities.
Comenius partnerships have a comparatively greater impact on teachers
and on schools and their environments in pre-primary and primary schools because
it is easier to mobilise and involve an entire school and to integrate new ideas
and activities into curricula at this level.
In contrast, the impact on pupil skills is stronger at secondary level.
For many schools in remote parts of the European Union, partnerships
financed from EU funds are the only opportunity for pupils and teachers to get
involved in a project abroad.
85% of schools covered by the study said they intended to apply for
funding for future partnerships.
The study surveyed 50 schools in 15 European countries (Belgium,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland,
Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom) which received grants
from the Comenius programme to set up partnerships running from autumn
Monitoring the schools over the two years, and beyond, the study
examined in-depth how the partnerships affected pupils, teachers and the school.
The study builds on the results of a previous large-scale survey among
partner schools, published in 2007 (Full 2007 study; executive summary).
Since 1995, the EU has provided grants to schools for joint projects.
Comenius school partnerships are funded under the Lifelong Learning
Programme, which is open to 33 countries (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).
The partnerships bring together at least two schools from different
European countries, which set up a joint two-year project to improve teaching
quality and to work together on innovative ideas or exchanges.
The projects focus on pupils’ areas of interest, on current educational
issues in the countries concerned, or on priorities set by the schools
ince 2007 the EU has supported more than 7,000 Comenius projects, each
involving 5 schools on average.
Every year these partnerships receive around €120 million, enabling
more than 130 000 pupils and their teachers to visit their partner schools, and
around 650 000 pupils to participate in local activities.
In addition, the EU offers grants to teachers and trainee teachers to
follow training or gain work experience abroad.
From 2014, EU support to schools will be part of Erasmus for All, the
proposed new programme for education, training, youth and sport.
The new programme aims to double the number of pupils, students,
teachers, apprentices, youth workers and others receiving grants for
skills-enhancing opportunities through study, training and volunteering abroad,
to 5 million people in 2014-2020.
More than two-thirds of the programme's proposed €19 billion budget
would support individual exchanges abroad, with the remainder allocated to
projects focused on cooperation for innovation, policy reform and sharing good