Da gruppo BEI e Banco Popolare 560 milioni per PMI, Mid-cap, reti di imprese, progetti innovativi in R&S e terremoto dell’Emilia
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Data documento: 07-12-2012
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EIB Group and Banco Popolare lend EUR 560 million for SMEs, mid-caps, enterprise networks, innovative R&D projects and the Emilia earthquake
Da gruppo BEI e Banco Popolare 560 milioni per PMI, Mid-cap, reti di imprese, progetti innovativi in R&S e terremoto dell’Emilia
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-SMEs and mid-caps: 200 million
-PMI e mid-cap:200 milioni
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-EIF, guarantees for innovative SMEs: 60 million
-FEI, garanzie a PMI innovative: 60 milioni
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-Emilia earthquake: 50 million
-Terremoto dell'Emilia: 50 milioni
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-Industria 2015 and Italy Knowledge Economy: 55 million
-Industria 2015 e Italy knowledge economy: 55 milioni
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-Enterprise networks: 20 million
-Reti d'imprese: 20 milioni
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The European Investment Bank Group (EIB and EIF, European Investment Fund) and the Banco Popolare Group signed today in Verona five new agreements to provide medium and long-term finance and a new guarantee agreement for Italian businesses totalling EUR 385 million.
Il gruppo Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI e FEI, Fondo europeo per gli investimenti) e il Gruppo Banco Popolare hanno perfezionato oggi a Verona cinque nuovi accordi per finanziamenti a medio-lungo termine e un nuovo accordo di garanzia a favore delle imprese italiane per importi complessivi pari a 385 milioni di euro.
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The terms and conditions were also agreed for the deployment of three lines of credit, already signed, amounting to a further EUR 175 million.
These lines of credit are also intended to finance investment
programmes implemented by SMEs and mid-caps. |
Nell’occasione sono state inoltre concordate le modalità di utilizzo di tre linee di credito, già perfezionate, per ulteriori 175 milioni di Euro, anch’esse destinate al finanziamento di programmi di investimento eseguiti da PMI e imprese Mid cap.
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These operations strengthen the close relationship between the EIB and Banco Popolare and come under the 2009 Framework Agreement between the EIB, ABI and Confindustria to support Italy’s productive sector, intended to mitigate the effects of the financial crisis and help with the incipient recovery process.
Le operazioni rafforzano i rapporti consolidati tra BEI e Banco Popolare e si inseriscono all'interno dell'Accordo quadro BEI-ABI-Confindustria del 2009 per il supporto al settore produttivo italiano, il cui intento è mitigare gli effetti della crisi finanziaria e contribuire all’avvio del processo di ripresa.
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In particular, for the first time in Italy the EIF signed a guarantee agreement to support SMEs’ research, development and innovation projects thanks to the new RSI (Risk Sharing Instrument) launched in 2011 in cooperation with the European Commission.
In particolare, per la prima volta in Italia è stato perfezionato un accordo di garanzia del FEI per sostenere i progetti in Ricerca e Sviluppo e Innovazione delle PMI, grazie alla nuova struttura RSI (Risk sharing instrument), strumento finanziario per la condivisione del rischio lanciato nel 2011 un collaborazione con la Commissione Europea.
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“For businesses, especially SMEs, accessing credit is vital to be able to get through this long downturn:
“Per le imprese, specie quelle di minori dimensioni, l'accesso al credito è fondamentale per poter continuare ad affrontare questa lunga fase di crisi:
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thanks to its cooperation with Banco Popolare, the EIB Group can channel new finance into Italy’s productive sector”, remarked Dario Scannapieco, EIB Vice-President with responsibility for operations in Italy, Malta, the Western Balkans and Greece and President of the EIF.
grazie alla collaborazione con il Banco Popolare, il gruppo BEI riesce a veicolare risorse nuove al tessuto produttivo italiano”, ha commentato Dario Scannapieco, Vice Presidente BEI responsabile per le operazioni in Italia, Malta, Balcani Occidentali e Grecia e Presidente del FEI.
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“The agreements entered into today enable Banco Popolare to make a wide range of possible financial instruments available to SMEs, particularly benefiting R&D projects in the relevant business sectors.”
“Gli accordi raggiunti oggi permettono al Banco Popolare di offrire alle PMI una gamma vasta di possibili strumenti finanziari, con una particolare valorizzazione dei progetti che puntano sulla ricerca e sviluppo nei rispettivi settori di attività”.
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“The agreements signed with the EIB and the EIF”, explained Maurizio Faroni, General Manager of Banco Popolare, “will serve to boost our support for SMEs, which have always been our Group’s main target clientele.
“L'accordo sottoscritto con BEI e FEI - spiega Maurizio Faroni direttore generale del Banco Popolare - consentirá di dare ulteriore impulso all'attività di sostegno nei confronti delle piccole e medie imprese che rappresentano da sempre il target di riferimento per il nostro Gruppo.
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These agreements will help to achieve three objectives:
Con l’accordo si conseguono tre obiettivi:
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substantial resources will be mobilised;
si mobilitano risorse di importo rilevante;
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action will be taken in the key emergency areas of our productive system;
si interviene sulle principali emergenze del nostro sistema produttivo;
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and our local banks will be provided with vital funding to support enterprises planning to invest in innovation, even in these difficult economic times.”
si offre alle nostre banche del territorio un apporto di fondamentale importanza per accompagnare gli imprenditori che intendono investire in innovazione anche in questo contesto economico difficile” .
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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-caps (EUR 200 million)
Piccole e medie imprese e Mid-cap (EUR 200 milioni)
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The EIB will provide EUR 200 million for Italian businesses on particularly favourable terms.
Al sostegno delle aziende italiane saranno destinati 200 milioni di euro, con impiego di fondi BEI a condizioni di particolare favore.
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At least 70% of the lines of credit will be intended for investment by SMEs (up to 250 employees) with the remainder supporting investment by Italian mid-caps (between 250 and 3 000 employees).
Le linee di credito sono destinate per almeno il 70% agli investimenti delle PMI (fino a 250 dipendenti), per la parte restante anche al sostegno di quelli avanzati dalle società italiane di medie dimensioni (Mid-cap, tra 250 e 3.000 dipendenti).
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In general, the loans will be intended either for new projects or projects in progress.
In generale, oggetto dei prestiti saranno sia nuovi progetti sia quelli in corso non ancora ultimati.
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All productive sectors are eligible for loans – agriculture, crafts, industry, commerce, tourism and services.
Gli interventi - relativi ad aziende attive in tutti i settori produttivi: agricoltura, artigianato, industria, commercio, turismo e servizi;
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The loans may be used to purchase, construct, extend or renovate
potranno riguardare l’acquisto, la costruzione, l’ampliamento e la ristrutturazione di fabbricati;
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purchase plant, equipment, vehicles or machinery; |
l’acquisto di impianti, attrezzature, automezzi o macchinari;
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cover project-related costs, additional charges and intangible assets, including research, development and innovation costs
; |
le spese, gli oneri accessori e le immobilizzazioni immateriali collegate ai progetti, incluse le spese di ricerca, sviluppo e innovazione;
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and provide the working capital that is always needed in connection with operational activities.
la necessità permanente di capitale circolante legata all’attività operativa.
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The loans deployed using EIB funds can cover up to 100% of the project cost and have maturities of up to 10 years.
I finanziamenti erogati con fondi Bei potranno coprire fino al 100% del costo del progetto e avere durate fino a 10 anni.
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Banco Popolare is also committed to providing its own resources to beneficiary SMEs, thereby increasing the overall ceiling available in support of Italy’s economy.
Banco Popolare si impegna a fornire anche risorse proprie alle PMI beneficiarie, facendo così aumentare il plafond complessivamente a disposizione per il supporto del sistema economico italiano.
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EIF, guarantee for innovative SMEs (EUR 60 million)
FEI, garanzia per le PMI innovative (60 milioni)
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The EUR 60 million agreement between the EIF and Banco Popolare, the first of its kind signed by the EIF in Italy, will help support SMEs specialising in innovation and R&D via the RSI (Risk Sharing Instrument).
The EIF will use this mechanism to guarantee 50% of the bank’s
credit risk exposure to innovative projects by SMEs. |
L'accordo tra FEI e Banco Popolare del valore di 60 milioni, primo del genere perfezionato in Italia dal FEI, permetterà di sostenere imprese orientate all’innovazione e alla R&S utilizzando il meccanismo di garanzia denominato Risk sharing instrument (RSI), con il quale il FEI garantisce il 50% del rischio di credito della banca sull’esposizione verso i progetti innovativi delle PMI.
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The European Commission will provide security against any initial losses incurred by the EIF on such operations, which will ultimately give the banks more free capital to commit to new loans.
La Commissione dell’Unione europea interviene offrendo una garanzia contro le eventuali perdite iniziali di tali interventi da parte del FEI, con l’effetto finale di permettere alle banche di avere più capitale libero da destinare a nuovi prestiti.
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Thanks to the agreement, Banco Popolare will make available to beneficiary SMEs up to EUR 120 million in new loans over the next two years.
Grazie all'accordo, il Banco Popolare metterà a disposizione delle imprese beneficiarie fino a 120 milioni di nuovi prestiti nei prossimi due anni.
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The RSI concerns loans of between EUR 25 000 and EUR 7.5 million with maturities of up to seven years provided to businesses with fewer than 500 employees.
RSI riguarda prestiti con durata massima fino a 7 anni e di importo compreso tra 25.000 euro e 7,5 milioni rivolti a imprese con meno di 500 addetti.
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Industria 2015 (EUR 30 million) and Italy Knowledge Economy (EUR 25 million)
Industria 2015 (30 milioni) e Italy knowledge economy (25 milioni)
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The EIB is continuing to co-finance in Italy, in response to a proposal from Confindustria, projects selected by (i) the Economic Development Ministry under the Industria 2015 initiative and (ii) the Education, Universities and Research Ministry in connection with industrial research initiatives planned under the 2007-2013 National Research and Competiveness Programme.
La BEI continua a cofinanziare in Italia, raccogliendo una proposta di Confindustria, i progetti selezionati dal Ministero dello Sviluppo economico (MISE) all’interno dell’iniziativa Industria 2015 e dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) nell'ambito dei bandi relativi ai progetti di ricerca industriale previsti dal Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e Competività 2007 – 2013.
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The EIB has approved a EUR 150 million line of credit for each component (making a total of EUR 300 million).
Per ciascuna linea la BEI ha approvato una linea di credito complessiva di 150 milioni (per un totale quindi di 300 milioni).
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The tranche signed today for the Italy Knowledge Economy initiative is the first in Italy and provides an excellent example of how EIB finance in conjunction with the national authorities can support research, development and innovation, particularly in the Convergence Regions (Campania, Sicily, Puglia and Calabria).
In particolare, la tranche firmata oggi per Italy Knowledge Economy è la prima in Italia e costituisce un esempio efficace di come la finanza BEI di concerto con le istituzioni nazionali può intervenire a supporto della Ricerca, Sviluppo e Innovazione, in particolar modo nelle regioni cosiddette di convergenza (Campania, Sicilia, Puglia e Calabria).
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Enterprise networks (EUR 20 million)
Reti di imprese (20 milioni)
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This line of credit is for enterprise networks – the free associations between firms whose goal is to enhance the competitiveness and innovative spirit of their members.
E’ una linea di credito dedicata alle Reti di imprese, le libere aggregazioni tra aziende il cui obbiettivo è accrescere la competitività e innovatività dei soggetti aderenti.
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This form of association was recently introduced into the Italian legal system (Enterprise Networks agreement, law No 33/2009).
Si tratta di una figura di recente introdotta nell’ordinamento giuridico italiano (contratto di Reti di imprese, legge 33/2009).
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The EIB has approved a EUR 100 million line of credit in support of enterprise networks.
La linea di credito complessiva della BEI per il supporto alle Reti di imprese è di 100 milioni.
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The loans deployed using EIB funds can cover up to 100% of the project cost and have maturities of up to 10 years.
I finanziamenti erogati con fondi Bei potranno coprire fino al 100% del costo del progetto e avere durate fino a 10 anni.
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Emilia earthquake (EUR 50 million)
Terremoto dell'Emilia (50 milioni)
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A EUR 50 million loan will go to financing operations to restore and make safe structures damaged by the earthquake in May 2012.
Un prestito di 50 milioni è dedicato al finanziamento di interventi di ripristino e messa in sicurezza di opere danneggiate dal sisma del Maggio 2012.
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The loans will go to projects for which applications have been submitted by businesses of any size (SMEs, mid-caps, large corporates) and local authorities (municipalities, provinces) located in the areas struck by the earthquake and may concern any business sectors traditionally financed by the EIB.
I prestiti saranno destinati a progetti presentati da imprese di ogni dimensione (PMI, Mid-cap, grandi aziende) e da enti locali (comuni, province) localizzati nelle aree colpite dal sisma e potranno riguardare tutti i settori di attività tradizionalmente finanziati dalla BEI.
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The EIB has provided finance totalling EUR 200 million in association with Italy’s banking system to help deal with the aftermath of the Emilia earthquake.
La Banca europea ha messo a disposizione complessivamente 200 milioni di linee di credito per il terremoto dell'Emilia, in partnership con il sistema bancario italiano.
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The loans deployed using EIB funds can cover up to 50% of the project cost (100% if allocated to SMEs) and have maturities of up to 15 years.
I finanziamenti erogati con fondi Bei potranno coprire fino al 50% (100% se dedicati a PMI) del costo del progetto e avere durate fino a 15 anni. |
EIB Group and Banco Popolare lend EUR 560 million for SMEs, mid-caps,
enterprise networks, innovative R&D projects and the Emilia earthquake
-SMEs and mid-caps: 200 million
-EIF, guarantees for innovative SMEs: 60 million
-Emilia earthquake: 50 million
-Industria 2015 and Italy Knowledge Economy: 55 million
-Enterprise networks: 20 million
The European Investment Bank Group (EIB and EIF, European Investment
Fund) and the Banco Popolare Group signed today in Verona five new agreements to
provide medium and long-term finance and a new guarantee agreement for Italian
businesses totalling EUR 385 million.
The terms and conditions were also agreed for the deployment of three
lines of credit, already signed, amounting to a further EUR 175 million.These
lines of credit are also intended to finance investment programmes implemented
by SMEs and mid-caps. These operations strengthen the close relationship
between the EIB and Banco Popolare and come under the 2009 Framework Agreement
between the EIB, ABI and Confindustria to support Italy’s productive sector,
intended to mitigate the effects of the financial crisis and help with the
incipient recovery process.
In particular, for the first time in Italy the EIF signed a guarantee
agreement to support SMEs’ research, development and innovation projects thanks
to the new RSI (Risk Sharing Instrument) launched in 2011 in cooperation with
the European Commission.
“For businesses, especially SMEs, accessing credit is vital to be able
to get through this long downturn:
thanks to its cooperation with Banco Popolare, the EIB Group can channel new
finance into Italy’s productive sector”, remarked Dario Scannapieco, EIB
Vice-President with responsibility for operations in Italy, Malta, the Western
Balkans and Greece and President of the EIF.
“The agreements entered into today enable Banco Popolare to make a wide
range of possible financial instruments available to SMEs, particularly
benefiting R&D projects in the relevant business sectors.”
“The agreements signed with the EIB and the EIF”, explained Maurizio
Faroni, General Manager of Banco Popolare, “will serve to boost our support for
SMEs, which have always been our Group’s main target clientele.
These agreements will help to achieve three objectives:
substantial resources will be mobilised;
action will be taken in the key emergency areas of our productive system;
and our local banks will be provided with vital funding to support enterprises
planning to invest in innovation, even in these difficult economic times.”
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-caps (EUR 200
The EIB will provide EUR 200 million for Italian businesses on
particularly favourable terms.
At least 70% of the lines of credit will be intended for investment by
SMEs (up to 250 employees) with the remainder supporting investment by Italian
mid-caps (between 250 and 3 000 employees).
In general, the loans will be intended either for new projects or
projects in progress.
All productive sectors are eligible for loans – agriculture, crafts,
industry, commerce, tourism and services.
The loans may be used to purchase, construct, extend or renovate
purchase plant, equipment, vehicles or machinery;
cover project-related costs, additional charges and intangible assets,
including research, development and innovation costs;
and provide the working capital that is always needed in connection
with operational activities.
The loans deployed using EIB funds can cover up to 100% of the project
cost and have maturities of up to 10 years.
Banco Popolare is also committed to providing its own resources to
beneficiary SMEs, thereby increasing the overall ceiling available in support of
Italy’s economy.
EIF, guarantee for innovative SMEs (EUR 60 million)
The EUR 60 million agreement between the EIF and Banco Popolare, the
first of its kind signed by the EIF in Italy, will help support SMEs
specialising in innovation and R&D via the RSI (Risk Sharing Instrument).
The EIF will use this mechanism to guarantee 50% of the bank’s credit risk
exposure to innovative projects by SMEs.
The European Commission will provide security against any initial losses
incurred by the EIF on such operations, which will ultimately give the banks
more free capital to commit to new loans.
Thanks to the agreement, Banco Popolare will make available to
beneficiary SMEs up to EUR 120 million in new loans over the next two years.
The RSI concerns loans of between EUR 25 000 and EUR 7.5 million with
maturities of up to seven years provided to businesses with fewer than 500
Industria 2015 (EUR 30 million) and Italy Knowledge Economy (EUR 25
The EIB is continuing to co-finance in Italy, in response to a proposal
from Confindustria, projects selected by (i) the Economic Development Ministry
under the Industria 2015 initiative and (ii) the Education, Universities and
Research Ministry in connection with industrial research initiatives planned
under the 2007-2013 National Research and Competiveness Programme.
The EIB has approved a EUR 150 million line of credit for each
component (making a total of EUR 300 million).
The tranche signed today for the Italy Knowledge Economy initiative is
the first in Italy and provides an excellent example of how EIB finance in
conjunction with the national authorities can support research, development and
innovation, particularly in the Convergence Regions (Campania, Sicily, Puglia
and Calabria).
Enterprise networks (EUR 20 million)
This line of credit is for enterprise networks – the free associations
between firms whose goal is to enhance the competitiveness and innovative spirit
of their members.
This form of association was recently introduced into the Italian legal
system (Enterprise Networks agreement, law No 33/2009).
The EIB has approved a EUR 100 million line of credit in support of
enterprise networks.
The loans deployed using EIB funds can cover up to 100% of the project
cost and have maturities of up to 10 years.
Emilia earthquake (EUR 50 million)
A EUR 50 million loan will go to financing operations to restore and
make safe structures damaged by the earthquake in May 2012.
The loans will go to projects for which applications have been
submitted by businesses of any size (SMEs, mid-caps, large corporates) and local
authorities (municipalities, provinces) located in the areas struck by the
earthquake and may concern any business sectors traditionally financed by the
The EIB has provided finance totalling EUR 200 million in association
with Italy’s banking system to help deal with the aftermath of the Emilia
The loans deployed using EIB funds can cover up to 50% of the project
cost (100% if allocated to SMEs) and have maturities of up to 15 years.