La direttiva rimpatri degli immigranti irregolari non osta a che uno Stato membro sanzioni il soggiorno irregolare con la pena dell’ammenda che può, a talune condizioni, essere sostituita con la pena dell’espulsione
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 06-12-2012
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The directive on the return of illegal immigrants does not preclude a Member State from punishing an irregular stay with a fine which may, under certain conditions, be replaced by an expulsion order
La direttiva rimpatri degli immigranti irregolari non osta a che uno Stato membro sanzioni il soggiorno irregolare con la pena dell’ammenda che può, a talune condizioni, essere sostituita con la pena dell’espulsione
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By contrast, that directive does preclude a Member State from punishing an irregular stay with a home detention order if it is not guaranteed that that order will come to an end as soon as the physical transportation of the individual concerned out of that Member State is possible
Per contro, la direttiva non ammette che uno Stato membro sanzioni il soggiorno irregolare con l’obbligo di permanenza domiciliare, qualora non sia garantito che tale pena termini non appena sia possibile il trasferimento fisico dell’interessato fuori dallo Stato membro
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The directive on the return of illegally staying third-country nationals (‘the return directive’) establishes the common standards and procedures applicable in the Member States for the removal from their territory of illegally staying third-country nationals.
La direttiva sul rimpatrio dei cittadini di paesi terzi in soggiorno irregolare («direttiva rimpatri») fissa le norme e le procedure comuni applicabili negli Stati membri per l’allontanamento dal loro territorio dei cittadini di paesi terzi il cui soggiorno è irregolare.
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Under Italian legislation, irregular stays can be punished by a fine which may, under certain conditions, be replaced by an order for expulsion or home detention.
Secondo la normativa italiana, il soggiorno irregolare può essere sanzionato con un’ammenda che può, a talune condizioni, essere sostituita con l’espulsione o la permanenza domiciliare.
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Md Sagor, who claims to have been born in Bangladesh, is a street vendor of no fixed abode in Italy.
Il sig. Sagor, che dichiara di essere nato in Bangladesh, è venditore ambulante senza fissa dimora in Italia.
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As he did not possess a residence permit, in 2010 he was summoned before the Tribunale di Rovigo (District Court, Rovigo, Italy) for the offence of illegal stay.
Non possedendo titolo di soggiorno, egli è stato citato, nel 2010, dinanzi al Tribunale di Rovigo per il reato di soggiorno irregolare.
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Having some doubts as to the compatibility of the Italian legislation with EU law, the Italian court asked the Court of Justice whether the return directive precludes such national legislation.
Il giudice italiano, in dubbio sulla compatibilità della normativa italiana con il diritto dell’Unione, chiede alla Corte di giustizia se la direttiva rimpatri osti a una siffatta normativa.
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In its judgment delivered today, the Court observes as a preliminary point that the return directive is not designed to harmonise in their entirety the rules of the Member States on the stay of foreign nationals and thus does not preclude the law of a Member State from classifying an illegal stay as an offence and laying down criminal sanctions to deter and penalise such an infringement.
Nella sentenza odierna, la Corte ricorda preliminarmente che la direttiva rimpatri non mira ad armonizzare integralmente le disposizioni degli Stati membri sul soggiorno degli stranieri e, conseguentemente, ammette che il diritto di uno Stato membro qualifichi come reato il soggiorno irregolare e preveda sanzioni penali per dissuadere e reprimere tale violazione.
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However, national law must not undermine the application of the common standards and procedures established by that directive and thus deprive it of its effectiveness.
Tuttavia, il diritto nazionale non deve pregiudicare l'applicazione delle norme e delle procedure comuni fissate dalla direttiva, privandola così del suo effetto utile.
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The Court, first, upholds its case-law pursuant to which the return directive would be undermined if, after establishing that a third-country national is staying illegally, the Member State in question were to preface the adoption or implementation of the return decision with a criminal prosecution which could lead to a term of imprisonment during the course of the return procedure, a step which would risk delaying the removal.
La Corte conferma, anzitutto, la sua giurisprudenza, secondo cui la direttiva rimpatri non sarebbe correttamente osservata qualora lo Stato membro, dopo aver constatato il soggiorno irregolare del cittadino di un paese terzo, facesse precedere l’adozione o l’esecuzione della decisione di rimpatrio da un procedimento penale che può condurre alla detenzione nel corso della procedura di rimpatrio stessa, con il rischio di ritardare l’allontanamento.
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Next, the Court observes that the return measures are not delayed or impeded by a criminal prosecution such as that brought against Mr Sagor, since the national legislation in question allows the return to be achieved regardless of that criminal prosecution, without that prosecution having come to an end.
La Corte osserva poi che le misure di rimpatrio non sono ritardate o ostacolate da un procedimento penale come quello promosso a carico del sig. Sagor, poiché la normativa nazionale di cui trattasi consente che il rimpatrio sia realizzato indipendentemente da detto procedimento penale e senza che quest’ultimo abbia avuto esito.
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Nor is the imposition of a fine liable to impede the implementation of the return procedure.
Neppure l’applicazione di un’ammenda ostacola l’attuazione del rimpatrio.
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Also, the possibility given to the criminal court of replacing the fine with an expulsion order accompanied by an entry ban as regards Italy, in situations where it is possible immediately to effect the return of the individual concerned, is not contrary to that directive.
Del pari non è in contrasto con la direttiva la possibilità offerta al giudice penale di sostituire l'ammenda con una pena di espulsione, accompagnata da un divieto di ingresso nel territorio italiano , nel caso in cui sia possibile realizzare immediatamente il rimpatrio dell’interessato.
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Indeed, the directive allows the Member States – on the basis of an individual examination of the situation of the individual concerned – to impose expulsion without granting a period for voluntary departure where there is a risk that that individual may abscond in order to avoid the return procedure.
Infatti, la direttiva consente agli Stati membri, sulla base di un esame individuale della situazione dell’interessato, di imporre l’espulsione senza concedere un termine di partenza volontaria, qualora esista un rischio che il soggetto fugga per sottrarsi alla procedura di rimpatrio.
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Lastly, the Court observes that the Member States are required, under their duty of loyalty and the requirements of effectiveness referred to in the directive, to carry out the removal as soon as possible.
La Corte ricorda, infine, che gli Stati membri sono tenuti, in ragione del loro obbligo di lealtà e delle esigenze di efficacia della direttiva, a procedere all’allontanamento nel più breve tempo possibile.
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Where a fine is replaced by a home detention order, the Court finds that that order, imposed in the course of the return procedure, does not help to achieve the physical transportation of an illegally staying third-country national out of the Member State concerned.
Orbene, qualora l’ammenda sia sostituita da un obbligo di permanenza domiciliare, la Corte constata che quest’ultima, applicata nel corso della procedura di rimpatrio, non contribuisce alla realizzazione del trasferimento fisico fuori dello Stato membro del cittadino di un paese terzo in soggiorno irregolare.
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On the contrary, that home detention order may delay and impede measures such as deportation and forced return by air.
Al contrario, l’obbligo di permanenza domiciliare può ritardare e ostacolare le misure di riaccompagnamento alla frontiera e di rimpatrio forzato per via aerea.
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Therefore, the Court finds that the return directive precludes national legislation which allows illegal stays by third-country nationals to be penalised by means of a home detention order without guaranteeing that that order must come to an end as soon as the physical transportation of the individual concerned out of that Member State is possible.
La Corte considera pertanto che la direttiva rimpatri osta ad una normativa nazionale che consente di sanzionare il soggiorno irregolare dei cittadini di paesi terzi con un obbligo di permanenza domiciliare, senza garantire che quest’ultima debba terminare non appena sia possibile il trasferimento fisico dell’interessato fuori dallo Stato membro.
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It is for the Italian court to assess whether there exists in the national legislation a provision by virtue of which removal overrides enforcement of the home detention order.
Spetta al giudice italiano esaminare se, nella normativa nazionale, esista una disposizione che faccia prevalere l’allontanamento sull’esecuzione dell’obbligo di permanenza domiciliare.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell’ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
The directive on the return of illegal immigrants does not preclude a
Member State from punishing an irregular stay with a fine which may, under
certain conditions, be replaced by an expulsion order
By contrast, that directive does preclude a Member State from
punishing an irregular stay with a home detention order if it is not guaranteed
that that order will come to an end as soon as the physical transportation of
the individual concerned out of that Member State is possible
The directive on the return of illegally staying third-country
nationals (‘the return directive’) establishes the common standards and
procedures applicable in the Member States for the removal from their territory
of illegally staying third-country nationals.
Under Italian legislation, irregular stays can be punished by a fine
which may, under certain conditions, be replaced by an order for expulsion or
home detention.
Md Sagor, who claims to have been born in Bangladesh, is a street
vendor of no fixed abode in Italy.
As he did not possess a residence permit, in 2010 he was summoned
before the Tribunale di Rovigo (District Court, Rovigo, Italy) for the offence
of illegal stay.
Having some doubts as to the compatibility of the Italian legislation
with EU law, the Italian court asked the Court of Justice whether the return
directive precludes such national legislation.
In its judgment delivered today, the Court observes as a preliminary
point that the return directive is not designed to harmonise in their entirety
the rules of the Member States on the stay of foreign nationals and thus does
not preclude the law of a Member State from classifying an illegal stay as an
offence and laying down criminal sanctions to deter and penalise such an
However, national law must not undermine the application of the common
standards and procedures established by that directive and thus deprive it of
its effectiveness.
The Court, first, upholds its case-law pursuant to which the return
directive would be undermined if, after establishing that a third-country
national is staying illegally, the Member State in question were to preface the
adoption or implementation of the return decision with a criminal prosecution
which could lead to a term of imprisonment during the course of the return
procedure, a step which would risk delaying the removal.
Next, the Court observes that the return measures are not delayed or
impeded by a criminal prosecution such as that brought against Mr Sagor, since
the national legislation in question allows the return to be achieved regardless
of that criminal prosecution, without that prosecution having come to an end.
Nor is the imposition of a fine liable to impede the implementation of
the return procedure.
Also, the possibility given to the criminal court of replacing the fine
with an expulsion order accompanied by an entry ban as regards Italy, in
situations where it is possible immediately to effect the return of the
individual concerned, is not contrary to that directive.
Indeed, the directive allows the Member States – on the basis of an
individual examination of the situation of the individual concerned – to impose
expulsion without granting a period for voluntary departure where there is a
risk that that individual may abscond in order to avoid the return procedure.
Lastly, the Court observes that the Member States are required, under
their duty of loyalty and the requirements of effectiveness referred to in the
directive, to carry out the removal as soon as possible.
Where a fine is replaced by a home detention order, the Court finds
that that order, imposed in the course of the return procedure, does not help to
achieve the physical transportation of an illegally staying third-country
national out of the Member State concerned.
On the contrary, that home detention order may delay and impede
measures such as deportation and forced return by air.
Therefore, the Court finds that the return directive precludes national
legislation which allows illegal stays by third-country nationals to be
penalised by means of a home detention order without guaranteeing that that
order must come to an end as soon as the physical transportation of the
individual concerned out of that Member State is possible.
It is for the Italian court to assess whether there exists in the
national legislation a provision by virtue of which removal overrides
enforcement of the home detention order.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of
the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |