Un piano sociale può prevedere la riduzione dell'indennità di licenziamento per i lavoratori prossimi all'età pensionabile
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Data documento: 06-12-2012
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A social plan may provide for a reduction in redundancy compensation paid to workers approaching retirement age
Un piano sociale può prevedere la riduzione dell'indennità di licenziamento per i lavoratori prossimi all'età pensionabile
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However, taking account of possible early retirement due to disability in the calculation of that reduction constitutes discrimination prohibited by EU law
Prendere invece in considerazione, ai fini del calcolo di tale riduzione, la possibilità di un pensionamento anticipato in forza di un handicap costituisce una discriminazione vietata dal diritto dell'Unione
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The social plan concluded by the German undertaking Baxter and its works council provides that the amount of compensation paid to workers made redundant on operational grounds is contingent, inter alia, on the length of service in the undertaking (standard formula compensation).
Il piano sociale concluso tra l'impresa tedesca Baxter e il suo consiglio aziendale prevede che l'importo dell'indennità di licenziamento per motivi economici dei lavoratori dipende, segnatamente, dalla loro anzianità nell'impresa (metodo di calcolo regolare).
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However, the plan also provides that, for workers over 54 years of age, the amount of compensation is calculated according to the earliest possible beginning of pension (special formula compensation).
Tale piano prevede, tuttavia, per i lavoratori che abbiano superato i 54 anni di età, che l'importo dell'indennità sia calcolato in funzione della prima data utile per il pensionamento (metodo alternativo).
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The amount to be paid to those workers is lower than the amount obtained using the standard formula, although it must be equal to at least half of that amount.
L'indennità da versare a detti lavoratori è inferiore all'importo di quella che risulterebbe dal metodo regolare, fermo restando che essa deve corrispondere ad almeno metà di quest'ultima.
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Dr Odar, who was employed by Baxter for over 30 years, is recognised as being severely disabled.
Il sig. Odar, dipendente della Baxter per oltre trent'anni, è stato riconosciuto disabile grave.
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When his employment relationship with Baxter ended, he received compensation on termination under the social plan.
Alla cessazione del suo rapporto di lavoro con l'impresa ha percepito, conformemente al piano sociale, un'indennità di licenziamento.
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As he was over the age of 54, he received an amount lower than that to which he would have been entitled if he had not been older than 54.
La circostanza di aver superato i 54 anni ha comportato il versamento di un importo inferiore a quello che avrebbe potuto legittimamente pretendere se non avesse superato tale età.
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The calculation method provided for in the social plan in the event of termination of employment on operational grounds does, therefore, give rise to a difference in treatment on the basis of age.
Il metodo di calcolo previsto dal piano sociale in caso di licenziamento per motivi economici produce, quindi, una disparità di trattamento direttamente fondata sull’età.
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The social plan further provides that when the worker has the possibility of receiving an early retirement pension on grounds of disability, that date is the one taken into account for the calculation under the special formula.
Il piano sociale prevede, inoltre, che, quando il lavoratore abbia la possibilità di percepire una pensione di vecchiaia anticipata in forza di un handicap, è questa la data che viene presa in considerazione per il calcolo secondo il metodo alternativo.
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Taking the view that the calculation of the compensation placed him at a disadvantage because of both his age and his disability, Dr Odar brought an action against Baxter before the Arbeitsgericht München (Employment Court, Munich, Germany).
Ritenendo che il calcolo dell'indennità lo svantaggi a causa dell'età e del suo handicap, il sig. Odar ha citato in giudizio la Baxter dinanzi all’Arbeitsgericht München (Giudice del lavoro di Monaco, Germania).
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That court decided to make a reference to the Court of Justice concerning the compatibility of any unequal treatment stemming from the social plan with EU law1, which prohibits any discrimination on grounds of age or disability.
Detto giudice ha deciso di interrogare la Corte di giustizia sulla compatibilità con il diritto dell'Unione1, che vieta qualsiasi discriminazione basata su età e handicap, dell'eventuale disparità di trattamento derivante dal piano sociale.
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By its judgment today, the Court holds that the prohibition, provided for by EU law, against any discrimination on grounds of age does not preclude rules under a social plan, such as those in the present case, which provide for differentiation in the calculation of the compensation according to age.
Con la sua sentenza odierna, la Corte rileva che il divietodi qualsiasi discriminazione basata sull'età, previsto dal diritto dell'Unione, non osta alla disciplina istituita da un piano sociale che, come nella fattispecie, differenzi il calcolo dell'indennità di licenziamento secondo l'età.
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Such a difference in treatment may be justified by the objective of granting compensation for the future, protecting younger workers and facilitating their reintegration into employment, whilst taking account of the need to achieve a fair distribution of limited financial resources in a social plan.
Infatti, una tale disparità di trattamento può risultare giustificata dall'obiettivo di concedere una compensazione futura, di tutelare i lavoratori più giovani e di sostenere il loro reinserimento nel lavoro, tenendo conto della necessità di una giusta ripartizione delle limitate risorse finanziarie di un piano sociale.
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Moreover, the aim of preventing compensation on termination from being claimed by persons who are not seeking new employment but will receive a replacement income in the form of an occupational old-age pension must be considered to be legitimate.
Inoltre, è legittimo l’obiettivo di evitare che di un’indennità di licenziamento possano beneficiare soggetti che non cerchino una nuova occupazione, ma stiano per percepire un reddito sostitutivo sotto forma di una pensione di vecchiaia.
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Rules such as those in the present case do not appear to be manifestly inappropriate and do not go beyond what is required to achieve the objective pursued.
La normativa, come quella controversa, non appare manifestamente inappropriata e non eccede quanto necessario per raggiungere tali obiettivi.
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The Court observes that the social plan provides for a reduction in the amount of the compensation on termination but that that amount varies according to age and must be at least equal to one half of the amount obtained using the standard formula.
La Corte sottolinea che il piano sociale prevede la riduzione dell'importo dell'indennità di licenziamento, ma che tale importo varia progressivamente secondo l'età e deve corrispondere ad almeno la metà di quello ottenuto in applicazione del metodo regolare.
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The Court further notes that the rules in question are the result of an agreement negotiated between employees’ and employers’ representatives exercising their right to bargain collectively which is recognised as a fundamental right.
La Corte rileva, inoltre, che detta normativa è il frutto di un accordo negoziato tra i rappresentanti dei lavoratori e quello dei datori di lavoro, che hanno esercitato il loro diritto di contrattazione collettiva riconosciuto quale diritto fondamentale.
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The fact that the task of striking a balance between their respective interests is entrusted to the social partners offers considerable flexibility, as each of the parties may, where appropriate, opt not to adopt the agreement.
Il fatto di lasciare alle parti sociali il compito di definire un equilibrio tra i loro rispettivi interessi offre una flessibilità non trascurabile, considerato che ciascuna delle parti può eventualmente recedere dall'accordo.
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However, the Court holds that the prohibition, provided for by EU law, against any discrimination on grounds of disability precludes the rules in question in so far as they take account, in the use of the special calculation formula, of the possibility of receiving an early retirement pension on grounds of disability.
Tuttavia, la Corte rileva che il divieto, previsto dal diritto dell'Unione, di qualsiasi discriminazione basata su handicap osta alla normativa di cui trattasi nella parte in cui prende in considerazione, nell'attuazione del metodo alternativo, la possibilità di percepire una pensione di vecchiaia anticipata in forza di un handicap.
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That difference in treatment of non-disabled and disabled workers disregards the risks faced by severely disabled people, who generally face greater difficulties in finding new employment, as well as the fact that those risks tend to become exacerbated as they approach retirement age.
Infatti, tale disparità di trattamento tra i lavoratori non disabili e i lavoratori disabili non tiene conto né del rischio cui sono soggette le persone gravemente disabili, le quali, in generale, incontrano maggiori difficoltà rispetto ai lavoratori non disabili a reinserirsi nel mercato del lavoro, né il fatto che tale rischio cresce man mano che esse si avvicinano all’età di pensionamento.
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Severely disabled people have specific needs stemming both from the protection their condition requires and from the need to anticipate possible worsening of their condition.
Orbene, queste persone hanno esigenze specifiche connesse tanto alla tutela richiesta dalle loro condizioni quanto alla necessità di prevederne l'eventuale aggravamento.
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Regard must therefore be had to the risk that disabled workers may throughout their lives have financial requirements arising from their disability which cannot be adjusted and/or that, with advancing age, those financial requirements may increase
Occorre, quindi, tener conto del rischio che le persone gravemente disabili si trovino esposte ad esigenze economiche incomprimibili connesse al loro handicap e/o che, con l’avanzare degli anni, tali esigenze economiche aumentino.
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It follows that, in ultimately paying a severely disabled worker compensation on termination on operational grounds which is lower than the amount paid to a non-disabled worker, the rules in question have an excessive adverse effect on the legitimate interests of severely disabled workers and therefore go beyond what is necessary to achieve the social policy objectives they pursue.
Ne consegue che la normativa tedesca, che prevede il versamento ad un lavoratore gravemente disabile di un’indennità di licenziamento per motivi economici di importo inferiore a quello percepito da un lavoratore non disabile, produce l'effetto di arrecare un eccessivo pregiudizio ai legittimi interessi dei lavoratori gravemente disabili.La normativa va quindi oltre quanto necessario per la realizzazione degli obiettivi di politica sociale da essa perseguiti.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the Courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national Court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national Courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
A social plan may provide for a reduction in redundancy compensation paid
to workers approaching retirement age
However, taking account of possible early retirement due to disability
in the calculation of that reduction constitutes discrimination prohibited by EU
The social plan concluded by the German undertaking Baxter and its
works council provides that the amount of compensation paid to workers made
redundant on operational grounds is contingent, inter alia, on the length of
service in the undertaking (standard formula compensation).
However, the plan also provides that, for workers over 54 years of age,
the amount of compensation is calculated according to the earliest possible
beginning of pension (special formula compensation).
The amount to be paid to those workers is lower than the amount
obtained using the standard formula, although it must be equal to at least half
of that amount.
Dr Odar, who was employed by Baxter for over 30 years, is recognised as
being severely disabled.
When his employment relationship with Baxter ended, he received
compensation on termination under the social plan.
As he was over the age of 54, he received an amount lower than that to
which he would have been entitled if he had not been older than 54.
The calculation method provided for in the social plan in the event of
termination of employment on operational grounds does, therefore, give rise to a
difference in treatment on the basis of age.
The social plan further provides that when the worker has the
possibility of receiving an early retirement pension on grounds of disability,
that date is the one taken into account for the calculation under the special
Taking the view that the calculation of the compensation placed him at
a disadvantage because of both his age and his disability, Dr Odar brought an
action against Baxter before the Arbeitsgericht München (Employment Court,
Munich, Germany).
That court decided to make a reference to the Court of Justice
concerning the compatibility of any unequal treatment stemming from the social
plan with EU law1, which prohibits any discrimination on grounds of age or
By its judgment today, the Court holds that the prohibition, provided
for by EU law, against any discrimination on grounds of age does not preclude
rules under a social plan, such as those in the present case, which provide for
differentiation in the calculation of the compensation according to age.
Such a difference in treatment may be justified by the objective of
granting compensation for the future, protecting younger workers and
facilitating their reintegration into employment, whilst taking account of the
need to achieve a fair distribution of limited financial resources in a social
Moreover, the aim of preventing compensation on termination from being
claimed by persons who are not seeking new employment but will receive a
replacement income in the form of an occupational old-age pension must be
considered to be legitimate.
Rules such as those in the present case do not appear to be manifestly
inappropriate and do not go beyond what is required to achieve the objective
The Court observes that the social plan provides for a reduction in the
amount of the compensation on termination but that that amount varies according
to age and must be at least equal to one half of the amount obtained using the
standard formula.
The Court further notes that the rules in question are the result of an
agreement negotiated between employees’ and employers’ representatives
exercising their right to bargain collectively which is recognised as a
fundamental right.
The fact that the task of striking a balance between their respective
interests is entrusted to the social partners offers considerable flexibility,
as each of the parties may, where appropriate, opt not to adopt the agreement.
However, the Court holds that the prohibition, provided for by EU law,
against any discrimination on grounds of disability precludes the rules in
question in so far as they take account, in the use of the special calculation
formula, of the possibility of receiving an early retirement pension on grounds
of disability.
That difference in treatment of non-disabled and disabled workers
disregards the risks faced by severely disabled people, who generally face
greater difficulties in finding new employment, as well as the fact that those
risks tend to become exacerbated as they approach retirement age.
Severely disabled people have specific needs stemming both from the
protection their condition requires and from the need to anticipate possible
worsening of their condition.
Regard must therefore be had to the risk that disabled workers may
throughout their lives have financial requirements arising from their disability
which cannot be adjusted and/or that, with advancing age, those financial
requirements may increase
It follows that, in ultimately paying a severely disabled worker
compensation on termination on operational grounds which is lower than the
amount paid to a non-disabled worker, the rules in question have an excessive
adverse effect on the legitimate interests of severely disabled workers and
therefore go beyond what is necessary to achieve the social policy objectives
they pursue.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the Courts and tribunals of the
Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national Court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance
with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national Courts
or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |