Fronte comune di 48 paesi contro la pedopornografia online
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Data documento: 04-12-2012
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48 countries worldwide join forces to fight child sexual abuse online
Fronte comune di 48 paesi contro la pedopornografia online
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On 5 December, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström together with US Attorney General Eric Holder will launch a Global Alliance against Child Sexual Abuse Online.
Domani 5 dicembre la Commissaria europea per gli Affari interni, Cecilia Malmström, e l’Attorney General degli USA, Eric Holder, terranno a battesimo l’Alleanza mondiale contro l’abuso sessuale di minori online.
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The initiative aims to unite decision-makers all around the world to better identify and assist victims and to prosecute the perpetrators.
Un’iniziativa che associa i responsabili politici di tutto il mondo per individuare e assistere meglio le vittime e punire i colpevoli.
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Participants at the launch include Ministers and high-level officials from 27 EU Member States, who are also joined by 21 countries outside the EU (Albania, Australia, Cambodia, Croatia, Georgia, Ghana, Japan, Moldova, Montenegro, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines, Serbia, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United States of America, and Vietnam).
Presenzieranno l’evento ministri e alti funzionari dei 27 Stati membri dell’Unione e di altri 21 paesi (Albania, Australia, Cambogia, Croazia, Georgia, Ghana, Giappone, Moldova, Montenegro, Nuova Zelanda, Nigeria, Norvegia, Filippine, Serbia, Repubblica di Corea, Svizzera, Thailandia, Turchia, Ucraina, Stati Uniti d’America e Vietnam).
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The countries of the alliance are committing themselves to a number of policy targets and goals.Thanks to increased international cooperation, the fight against child sexual abuse online will therefore be more effective.
I paesi che partecipano all’Alleanza si impegnano a realizzare una serie di obiettivi strategici e a combattere in modo più incisivo gli abusi sessuali di minori online intensificando la cooperazione internazionale.
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"Behind every child abuse image is an abused child, an exploited and helpless victim.
“Quando parliamo di materiale pedopornografico parliamo di bambini che soffrono e che subiscono, impotenti, le sevizie dei loro carnefici.
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When these images are circulated online, they can live on forever.
Una volta online, questo materiale si perpetua nel tempo.
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Our responsibility is to protect children wherever they live and to bring criminals to justice wherever they operate.
È nostra precisa responsabilità tutelare le giovani vittime e punire i colpevoli dovunque si trovino.
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The only way to achieve this is to team up for more intensive and better coordinated action worldwide", said Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström.
L’unico modo per riuscirci è fare fronte comune per coordinare e intensificare meglio la nostra azione in tutto il mondo”, ha affermato Cecilia Malmström.
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“This international initiative will strengthen our mutual resources to bring more perpetrators to justice, identify more victims of child sexual abuse, and ensure that they receive our help and support,” said Attorney General Holder.
“Con l’Alleanza mondiale disporremo di mezzi più efficaci per consegnare quanti più colpevoli alla giustizia, individuare le vittime e garantire loro aiuto e sostegno”, ha commentato Eric Holder.
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“Through this global alliance we can build on the success of previous cross-border police operations that have dismantled international pedophile networks and safeguard more of the world’s children.”
“Questa iniziativa ripercorre i successi di precedenti operazioni di polizia internazionali, grazie alle quali sono state sgominate reti di pedofili mondiali, e permetterà di tutelare un maggior numero di minori nel mondo.”
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It is estimated that more than one million images of children subjected to sexual abuse and exploitation are currently online.
Si stima che siano oltre un milione le immagini pedopornografiche attualmente in Rete.
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According to UNODC 50, 000 new child abuse images are added each year.
Secondo l’UNODC, l’agenzia delle Nazioni Unite contro la droga e la criminalità, ogni anno vengono messe online 50 000 nuove immagini di abusi su minori.
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No country can fight this horrible phenomenon alone, as the criminal networks behind it know no boundaries and exploit the lack of information exchange and the legal loopholes that exist within and between countries.
Nessun paese può sconfiggere da solo questo flagello, perché le reti di pedofili online non conoscono confini e prosperano grazie alle falle degli ordinamenti e alla mancanza di scambi di informazioni tra i paesi.
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This is why international cooperation is crucial to effectively investigate cases of child sexual abuse online and to better identify and prosecute offenders.
Ecco perché la cooperazione internazionale è fondamentale per indagare efficacemente i casi di pedopornografia online e individuare i perpetratori.
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Global Alliance: Greater commitments for better results
L’Alleanza mondiale: un grande impegno per risultati migliori
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Tomorrow at the launching conference, the participating countries will make political commitments to pursue a number of goals, notably:
Alla conferenza di avvio, che si terrà domani, i paesi partecipanti sottoscriveranno una serie di impegni:
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- Enhancing efforts to identify victims and ensuring that they receive the necessary assistance, support and protection;
- potenziare gli sforzi per individuare le vittime e garantire loro l’assistenza, il sostegno e la protezione necessari;
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- Enhancing efforts to investigate cases of child sexual abuse online and to identify and prosecute offenders;
- potenziare gli sforzi per investigare i casi di pedopornografia online e identificare e punire i perpetratori;
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- Increasing children's awareness of online risks, including the self-production of images and 'grooming' methods used by paedophiles;
- informare i giovani sui rischi della Rete legati all’autoproduzione di immagini e ai metodi di adescamento;
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- Reducing the availability of child abuse material online and the re-victimization of children.
- intercettare il materiale pedopornografico online e evitare la rivittimizzazione dei minori.
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Countries would then choose the appropriate action to take at national level to achieve them, and would report regularly.
I paesi potranno scegliere i mezzi d’azione più adeguati per realizzare questi obiettivi e dovranno presentare relazioni regolari.
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The EU has made progress on a variety of fronts, not least through ambitious legislation to combat trafficking in Human beings (Directive 2011/36/EU) and the sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography (Directive 2011/93/EU).These laws cover the prosecution of offenders, protection of victims and crime prevention.
Le conquiste dell’Unione in questo settore spaziano su più fronti. Di particolare rilievo, le due direttive contro la tratta di esseri umani (direttiva 2011/36/UE) e contro l’abuso, lo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori e la pornografia minorile (direttiva 2011/92/UE) che armonizzano l’azione penale contro i perpetratori e rafforzano la protezione delle vittime e la prevenzione.
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Europol regularly supports international police operations.
Europol sostiene regolarmente le operazioni internazionali di polizia.
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In 2011, operation Rescue led to the identification of 779 suspects across the world, 250 were arrested and 252 children safeguarded.
Nel 2011 l’operazione Rescue ha permesso di identificare 779 sospetti in tutto il mondo, di arrestare 250 persone e di salvare ben 252 minori.
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Often, investigation of online child abuse is a key lead for dismantling networks of child-abuse perpetrators.
Spesso è proprio la pedopornografia online che permette di risalire alle reti di pedofili.
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The European Cyber Crime Centre (EC3)opening in January 2013 at Europol in The Hague, will have child abuse material online as a main focus.
A gennaio 2013 verrà inaugurato all’Aia, presso Europol, il Centro europeo per la criminalità informatica (EC3) specializzato nella pedopornografia online.
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The Commission also supports INHOPE, a network of NGO-run hotlines in EU States that collects reports on child abuse websites so that they could be removed and investigated (Safer Internet Programme).
La Commissione sostiene inoltre INHOPE, la rete di hotline gestite da ONG degli Stati membri che raccolgono segnalazioni di siti pedopornografici (programma “Internet più sicuro”).
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Yet much more needs to be done, and it has to be done globally.The Global Alliance will keep the fight against child sexual abuse online high on national agendas.
La strada però, soprattutto in ambito internazionale, è ancora lunga e l’Alleanza mondiale mira a mantenere vivo l’interesse nazionale per la lotta contro gli abusi sessuali su minori online.
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This in turn is likely to improve resources dedicated to combating these crimes, legislation and cooperation of national forces worldwide.
E ad aumentare le risorse impegnate per contrastare questi reati, migliorare le normative e intensificare la cooperazione tra le forze di polizia di tutto il mondo.
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48 countries are joining forces now, and more may come once the Global Alliance has been formally launched.
I paesi che hanno deciso di fare fronte comune sono attualmente 48 e molti altri si uniranno quando l’Alleanza mondiale sarà una realtà.
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The conference will take place in Brussels on 5 December under the High Patronage of H.M. Queen Paola of Belgium.
La conferenza di domani a Bruxelles si tiene sotto l’alto patronato di Sua Maestà la Regina Paola del Belgio.
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Experts and practitioners from participating governments, as well as representatives from international organisations and academics will examine the state of the problem and discuss the different policy targets of the Global Alliance.
Esperti e operatori dei paesi partecipanti e rappresentanti del mondo accademico e di organizzazioni internazionali esamineranno il problema e discuteranno gli obiettivi strategici dell’Alleanza mondiale.
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Attending ministers from the participating countries (see MEMO/12/937) will express their endorsement of the Alliance, in the form of a declaration. |
I ministri dei paesi partecipanti (vedi MEMO/12/937) sottoscriveranno l’adesione sotto forma di dichiarazione. |
48 countries worldwide join forces to fight child sexual abuse online
On 5 December, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström
together with US Attorney General Eric Holder will launch a Global Alliance
against Child Sexual Abuse Online.
The initiative aims to unite decision-makers all around the world to
better identify and assist victims and to prosecute the perpetrators.
Participants at the launch include Ministers and high-level officials
from 27 EU Member States, who are also joined by 21 countries outside the EU
(Albania, Australia, Cambodia, Croatia, Georgia, Ghana, Japan, Moldova,
Montenegro, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines, Serbia, Republic of
Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United States of America, and
The countries of the alliance are committing themselves to a number of
policy targets and goals.Thanks to increased international cooperation, the
fight against child sexual abuse online will therefore be more effective.
"Behind every child abuse image is an abused child, an exploited and
helpless victim.
When these images are circulated online, they can live on forever.
Our responsibility is to protect children wherever they live and to
bring criminals to justice wherever they operate.
The only way to achieve this is to team up for more intensive and
better coordinated action worldwide", said Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia
“This international initiative will strengthen our mutual resources to
bring more perpetrators to justice, identify more victims of child sexual abuse,
and ensure that they receive our help and support,” said Attorney General
“Through this global alliance we can build on the success of previous
cross-border police operations that have dismantled international pedophile
networks and safeguard more of the world’s children.”
It is estimated that more than one million images of children subjected
to sexual abuse and exploitation are currently online.
According to UNODC 50, 000 new child abuse images are added each year.
No country can fight this horrible phenomenon alone, as the criminal
networks behind it know no boundaries and exploit the lack of information
exchange and the legal loopholes that exist within and between countries.
This is why international cooperation is crucial to effectively
investigate cases of child sexual abuse online and to better identify and
prosecute offenders.
Global Alliance: Greater commitments for better results
Tomorrow at the launching conference, the participating countries will
make political commitments to pursue a number of goals, notably:
- Enhancing efforts to identify victims and ensuring that they receive
the necessary assistance, support and protection;
- Enhancing efforts to investigate cases of child sexual abuse online
and to identify and prosecute offenders;
- Increasing children's awareness of online risks, including the
self-production of images and 'grooming' methods used by paedophiles
- Reducing the availability of child abuse material online and the
re-victimization of children.
Countries would then choose the appropriate action to take at national
level to achieve them, and would report regularly.
The EU has made progress on a variety of fronts, not least through
ambitious legislation to combat trafficking in Human beings (Directive
2011/36/EU) and the sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child
pornography (Directive 2011/93/EU).These laws cover the prosecution of
offenders, protection of victims and crime prevention.
Europol regularly supports international police operations.
In 2011, operation Rescue led to the identification of 779 suspects
across the world, 250 were arrested and 252 children safeguarded.
Often, investigation of online child abuse is a key lead for
dismantling networks of child-abuse perpetrators.
The European Cyber Crime Centre (EC3), opening in January 2013 at
Europol in The Hague, will have child abuse material online as a main focus.
The Commission also supports INHOPE, a network of NGO-run hotlines in
EU States that collects reports on child abuse websites so that they could be
removed and investigated (Safer Internet Programme).
Yet much more needs to be done, and it has to be done globally.The
Global Alliance will keep the fight against child sexual abuse online high on
national agendas.
This in turn is likely to improve resources dedicated to combating
these crimes, legislation and cooperation of national forces worldwide.
48 countries are joining forces now, and more may come once the Global
Alliance has been formally launched.
The conference will take place in Brussels on 5 December under the High
Patronage of H.M. Queen Paola of Belgium.
Experts and practitioners from participating governments, as well as
representatives from international organisations and academics will examine the
state of the problem and discuss the different policy targets of the Global
Attending ministers from the participating countries (see MEMO/12/937)
will express their endorsement of the Alliance, in the form of a declaration. |