GMES: buono per l'ambiente, buono per l'occupazione!
Inglese tratto da:http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-1304_en.htm
Italiano tratto da:http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-1304_it.htm
Data documento: 03-12-2012
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GMES: good for environment, good for jobs!
GMES: buono per l'ambiente, buono per l'occupazione!
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GMES, Global Monitoring for Environment and Security, the European Commission’s earth observation programme will create 83 000 jobs in Europe by 2030.
Il GMES - Monitoraggio globale per l'ambiente e la sicurezza, il programma della Commissione europea per l'osservazione della terra, creerà 83 000 posti di lavoro in Europa entro il 2030.
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This is the result of a study presented by European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani today during the London conference "European Space Solutions", an initiative of the European Commission, hosted by the UK Space Agency.
È quanto emerge da uno studio presentato oggi a Londra dal Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Antonio Tajani in occasione della conferenza "European Space Solutions", organizzata dalla Commissione europea e ospitata dall'Agenzia spaziale del Regno Unito.
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GMES's primary objective is to provide information services giving access to accurate data in several environmental and security fields and tailored to users' needs.
L'obiettivo principale del GMES è fornire servizi informativi che diano accesso a dati accurati relativi a diversi settori legati all'ambiente e alla sicurezza e che rispondano alle esigenze degli utenti.
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Initial results show that GMES will stimulate economic growth and employment in a wide range of industrial sectors, and by 2030 will lead to the creation or maintenance of approximately 20 000 direct jobs in Europe, if enabling factors are put in place.
I primi risultati indicano che il GMES favorirà la crescita economica e l'occupazione in tutta una serie di settori industriali e porterà, entro il 2030, alla creazione o alla salvaguardia di circa 20 000 posti di lavoro diretti in Europa, a condizione che vengano poste in essere le necessarie condizioni preliminari.
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With highly skilled jobs in this sector typically impacting employment in other sectors, the GMES-related economic stimulus could also result in a wider economic effect, with an additional 63 000 indirect jobs secured by 2030.
Se si considera che i posti di lavoro altamente qualificati in questo settore influenzano positivamente l'occupazione in altri settori, la spinta economica originata dal GMES potrebbe anche produrre un'incidenza economica più ampia, che si tradurrebbe in ulteriori 63 000 posti di lavoro indiretti sempre entro il 2030.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said that this study demonstrates "that ecological and economical goals can be mutually beneficial;
Secondo il Vicepresidente della Commissione Antonio Tajani, Commissario per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria, questo studio dimostra "che gli obiettivi ecologici ed economici possono essere reciprocamente vantaggiosi;
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in other words environmental sustainability and the management of natural resources can promote economic development.
in altre parole, la sostenibilità ambientale e la gestione delle risorse naturali possono stimolare lo sviluppo economico.
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This GMES report confirms that European space policy will have a significant impact on economic growth and creation of jobs, as predicted by our industry communication of October 2012.
Questa relazione GMES conferma che la politica spaziale europea influenzerà in maniera significativa la crescita economica e la creazione di posti di lavoro, come anticipato nella comunicazione dell'ottobre 2012.
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European space applications will also boost innovation and create and maintain industry production in Europe."
Inoltre le applicazioni spaziali europee incentiveranno l'innovazione, oltre a creare e salvaguardare la produzione industriale in Europa".
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GMES report website
Sito web relazione GMES
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London Conference: European Space Solutions
London Conference: European Space Solutions
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GMES and Earth Observation satellites in support of many economic sectors
GMES e i satelliti per l'osservazione della terra a sostegno di molti settori economici
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In a world facing increased risk of natural and other disasters, GMES aims to monitor the state of the environment on land, at sea and in the atmosphere and also to improve citizens' security.
In un mondo alle prese con il rischio crescente di catastrofi naturali e di altro genere, il GMES ha la funzione di monitorare le condizioni dell’ambiente terrestre, marino e atmosferico nonché di migliorare la sicurezza dei cittadini.
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But at the same time, as the study reveals, GMES can be a driver for economic growth and employment, with the potential impact of almost 85 000 jobs over the period 2015-2030.
Come rivelato dallo studio, tuttavia, il GMES può fungere anche da volano per la crescita economica e l'occupazione, con un impatto potenziale corrispondente a quasi 85 000 posti di lavoro nel periodo 2015-2030.
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Building on a full and open access principle, GMES's data and information policy will allow the release of a great deal of data, free of charge.
Fondata sul principio di accesso integrale e aperto a tutti, la politica del GMES in materia di dati e di informazioni consentirà la diffusione gratuita di un'importante quantità di dati.
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A large variety of users can then create value-added products and sell them, generating new markets or enlarging existing ones.
Utenti appartenenti ad ambiti diversi potranno creare e vendere prodotti a valore aggiunto, aprendo nuovi mercati o ampliando quelli esistenti.
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GMES and Earth Observation satellite data can support the development of useful applications for a number of different industry segments (e.g. agriculture, insurance, transport, and energy) creating an attractive downstream services market.
I dati provenienti dal GMES e dai satelliti per l'osservazione della terra potranno sostenere lo sviluppo di applicazioni utili molti segmenti industriali diversi (ad esempio l'agricoltura, le assicurazioni, i trasporti e l'energia), creando un attrattivo mercato di servizi a valle.
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Examples include precision agriculture or the use of data for risk modelling in the insurance industry.
Tra gli esempi si annoverano l'agricoltura di precisione o l'utilizzo dei dati per l'elaborazione dei modelli di rischio in campo assicurativo.
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Several of these applications will be demonstrated during today space solution conference.
Di molte di queste applicazioni verrà data dimostrazione durante la conferenza odierna sulle soluzioni spaziali.
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GMES is hence not only a tool for re-industrialisation for the space industry itself, but through its downstream sector, can trigger different economic activities.
Il GMES non è quindi soltanto uno strumento per il rilancio dell'industria spaziale stessa, ma può anche incoraggiare attività economiche diverse nei settori a valle.
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An example of this is precision agriculture, or the use of data for risk modelling in the insurance industry.
Tra gli esempi si annoverano l'agricoltura di precisione o l'utilizzo dei dati per l'elaborazione dei modelli di rischio in campo assicurativo.
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GMES services are already available
I servizi GMES sono già disponibili
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GMES is composed of satellites and in-situ monitoring stations.
Il GMES è costituito da satelliti e da stazioni di monitoraggio in situ.
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Two services are already operational: the land service and the emergency service.
Due servizi sono già operativi: il servizio terrestre e il servizio di emergenza.
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Since the start of its operations on the 1st of April 2012 the emergency service has completed around twenty concrete interventions.
Da quando è stato varato il 1° aprile 2012, il servizio di emergenza ha effettuato circa venti interventi concreti.
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To give one example, four hours after the the earthquake in Emilia, new reference maps were available.
Per dare un esempio, quattro ore dopo il terremoto in Emilia erano già disponibili nuove carte di riferimento.
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The other four services, Atmosphere, Marine, Climate Change and Security, will soon enter into the operational phase.
Gli altri quattro servizi, relativi al monitoraggio dell'atmosfera, dell'ambiente marino, del cambiamento climatico e della sicurezza, entreranno presto in fase operativa.
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The launch of the first Sentinel satellites is scheduled for 2013 and GMES will be fully operational by 2014, providing Europe’s decision makers with a unique information system for evidence-based policymaking.
Il lancio dei primi satelliti Sentinel è previsto per il 2013 e il GMES sarà pienamente operativo entro il 2014, fornendo così ai decisori europei un sistema unico di informazioni, che permetterà loro di elaborare politiche sulla base di fatti concreti.
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GMES is one of the European Flagships Space Programmes.
Il GMES è una delle iniziative faro nell'ambito dei programmi spaziali europei.
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GMES stands for ‘Global Monitoring for Environment and Security’ and is an Earth Observation (EO) long-term programme jointly undertaken by the European Commission, its Member States, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Environment Agency (EEA).
Il GMES, che è l'acronimo di Global Monitoring for Environment and Security ("monitoraggio globale per l'ambiente e la sicurezza"), è un programma di osservazione della terra a lungo termine avviato congiuntamente dalla Commissione europea, dai suoi Stati membri, dall’Agenzia spaziale europea (ESA) e dall'Agenzia europea dell'ambiente (AEA).
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The study, conducted by SpaceTec Partners on behalf of the European Commission, investigated the economic impact of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security programme (GMES) beyond the institutional sector, with a focus on the downstream market. |
Lo studio, realizzato da SpaceTec Partners per conto della Commissione europea, ha valutato l'impatto economico del monitoraggio globale per l'ambiente e la sicurezza (GMES) al di là del settore istituzionale, concentrandosi sul mercato a valle. |
GMES: good for environment, good for jobs!
GMES, Global Monitoring for Environment and Security, the European
Commission’s earth observation programme will create 83 000 jobs in Europe by
This is the result of a study presented by European Commission
Vice-President Antonio Tajani today during the London conference "European Space
Solutions", an initiative of the European Commission, hosted by the UK Space
GMES's primary objective is to provide information services giving
access to accurate data in several environmental and security fields and
tailored to users' needs.
Initial results show that GMES will stimulate economic growth and
employment in a wide range of industrial sectors, and by 2030 will lead to the
creation or maintenance of approximately 20 000 direct jobs in Europe, if
enabling factors are put in place.
With highly skilled jobs in this sector typically impacting employment
in other sectors, the GMES-related economic stimulus could also result in a
wider economic effect, with an additional 63 000 indirect jobs secured by 2030.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for
Industry and Entrepreneurship, said that this study demonstrates "that
ecological and economical goals can be mutually beneficial;
in other words environmental sustainability and the management of
natural resources can promote economic development.
This GMES report confirms that European space policy will have a
significant impact on economic growth and creation of jobs, as predicted by our
industry communication of October 2012.
European space applications will also boost innovation and create and
maintain industry production in Europe."
GMES report website
London Conference: European Space Solutions
GMES and Earth Observation satellites in support of many economic
In a world facing increased risk of natural and other disasters, GMES
aims to monitor the state of the environment on land, at sea and in the
atmosphere and also to improve citizens' security.
But at the same time, as the study reveals, GMES can be a driver for
economic growth and employment, with the potential impact of almost 85 000 jobs
over the period 2015-2030.
Building on a full and open access principle, GMES's data and
information policy will allow the release of a great deal of data, free of
A large variety of users can then create value-added products and sell
them, generating new markets or enlarging existing ones.
GMES and Earth Observation satellite data can support the development
of useful applications for a number of different industry segments (e.g.
agriculture, insurance, transport, and energy) creating an attractive downstream
services market.
Examples include precision agriculture or the use of data for risk
modelling in the insurance industry.
Several of these applications will be demonstrated during today space
solution conference.
GMES is hence not only a tool for re-industrialisation for the space
industry itself, but through its downstream sector, can trigger different
economic activities.
An example of this is precision agriculture, or the use of data for
risk modelling in the insurance industry.
GMES services are already available
GMES is composed of satellites and in-situ monitoring stations.
Two services are already operational: the land service and the
emergency service.
Since the start of its operations on the 1st of April 2012 the
emergency service has completed around twenty concrete interventions.
To give one example, four hours after the the earthquake in Emilia, new
reference maps were available.
The other four services, Atmosphere, Marine, Climate Change and
Security, will soon enter into the operational phase.
The launch of the first Sentinel satellites is scheduled for 2013 and
GMES will be fully operational by 2014, providing Europe’s decision makers with
a unique information system for evidence-based policymaking.
GMES is one of the European Flagships Space Programmes.
GMES stands for ‘Global Monitoring for Environment and Security’ and is
an Earth Observation (EO) long-term programme jointly undertaken by the European
Commission, its Member States, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European
Environment Agency (EEA).
The study, conducted by SpaceTec Partners on behalf of the European
Commission, investigated the economic impact of the Global Monitoring for
Environment and Security programme (GMES) beyond the institutional sector, with
a focus on the downstream market. |