Sicurezza aerea: la Commissione aggiorna l’elenco delle compagnie aeree soggette a divieto operativo
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Data documento: 04-12-2012
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Aviation safety: Commission updates the European safety list of airlines
Sicurezza aerea: la Commissione aggiorna l’elenco delle compagnie aeree soggette a divieto operativo
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The European Commission has adopted today the 20th update of the European list of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban or operational restrictions within the European Union, better known as "the EU air safety list".
La Commissione europea ha adottato oggi il 20° aggiornamento dell’elenco europeo dei vettori aerei soggetti a un divieto operativo o ad altre restrizioni operative all’interno dell’Unione europea, meglio noto come “elenco per la sicurezza aerea dell’UE”.
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Because of important safety concerns, air carriers certified in Eritrea have been added to the list.
A tale elenco sono stati aggiunti i vettori aerei certificati in Eritrea, a causa di gravi criticità riscontrate in materia di sicurezza.
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On the other hand, following improvement in the safety situation in Mauritania, it was possible to remove from the list all air carriers certified in Mauritania.
D’altro canto, a seguito dei miglioramenti constatati sotto il profilo della sicurezza in Mauritania, si è potuto rimuovere dall’elenco tutti i vettori aerei certificati in Mauritania.
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The same was true for the Jordan carrier Jordan Aviation, which was also removed from the list.
Lo stesso vale per il vettore giordano Jordan Aviation che è stato anch’esso rimosso dall’elenco.
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Progress was also noted in Libya but the Libyan authorities agreed that Libyan carriers would not be permitted to operate to Europe until they are fully recertified to the satisfaction of the Commission.
Anche in Libia sono stati osservati dei progressi, ciononostante le autorità di questo paese hanno accettato il mantenimento del divieto operativo in Europa per i vettori aerei libici fino a quando questi ultimi non avranno ottenuto una completa ricertificazione in grado di soddisfare la Commissione.
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Siim Kallas, Commission Vice-President responsible for transport, said:
Il vicepresidente Siim Kallas, responsabile per i trasporti, ha dichiarato in proposito:
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"The Commission is ready to spare no effort to assist countries affected by the safety list in building technical and administrative capacity to overcome the difficulties in the area of safety as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
“La Commissione è pronta a compiere ogni sforzo possibile per aiutare i paesi colpiti dal divieto operativo a dotarsi della capacità tecnica e amministrativa necessaria per superare le difficoltà nel settore della sicurezza con la massima rapidità ed efficienza.
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I am glad that one country and several airlines have been removed from the list.
Sono lieto che sia stato possibile rimuovere dall’elenco un paese e diverse compagnie aeree.
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This is important progress. But safety must always come first and we cannot accept any compromise in this area, hence the decision on Eritrea."
Si tratta di un progresso importante, tuttavia la sicurezza deve sempre avere la precedenza e non intendiamo accettare compromessi su questo punto, da qui nasce la decisione concernente l’Eritrea”.
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The new list replaces the previous one established in April 2012 and can be consulted on the Commission’s website.
Il nuovo elenco sostituisce il precedente, stabilito nell’aprile 2012, e può essere consultato sul sito web della Commissione.
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All air carriers certified in Mauritania were removed from the list following exceptional progress achieved by the competent authorities and the prospect of an on-site verification visit to be conducted by the Commission soon.
Tutti i vettori aerei certificati in Mauritania sono stati rimossi dall’elenco a seguito degli eccezionali progressi compiuti dalle autorità competenti e in considerazione di una verifica in loco che verrà effettuata fra breve dalla Commissione.
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This progress was acknowledged by two successful missions conducted on site by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
I progressi compiuti sono stati riconosciuti da due missioni, che hanno avuto esito positivo, condotte in loco dalla Organizzazione per l’aviazione civile internazionale (ICAO).
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As this is the first time a full ban affecting all air carriers from a State is removed, Mauritania committed to authorise flights to the Union only under strict conditions.
È la prima volta che viene tolto un divieto operativo totale che colpisce tutti i vettori aerei di uno Stato, la Mauritania si è pertanto impegnata ad autorizzare i voli verso l’Unione solo a condizioni rigorose.
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Jordan Aviation certified in Jordan was also removed from the list following the successful resolution of the deficiencies previously identified.
Anche il vettore Jordan Aviation, certificato in Giordania, è stato rimosso dall’elenco a seguito della correzione delle carenze individuate in precedenza.
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Such improvements were evidenced during an on-site assessment carried out by the Commission.
Tali miglioramenti sono stati riscontrati durante un’ispezione in loco effettuata dalla Commissione.
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In order to prevent risks, an operating ban on all air carriers certified in Eritrea was necessary due to an outstanding safety concern notified by ICAO and to the absence of adequate mitigating measures taken by the competent authorities of Eritrea.
A titolo di prevenzione, è stato necessario imporre un divieto operativo su tutti i vettori aerei certificati in Eritrea a causa di una criticità in materia di sicurezza notificata dall’ICAO e non ancora risolta e dell’assenza di adeguate misure di mitigazione adottate dalle autorità competenti di questo paese.
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Intense consultations were held with the civil aviation authorities of Libya and with the Libyan Minister of Transport.
Dopo intense consultazioni con le autorità per l’aviazione civile libiche e con il ministro libico dei trasporti.
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As a result, the Libyan civil aviation authorities agreed to maintain the voluntary restrictions applicable to all air carriers licensed in Libya, which exclude them from flying into the EU until these air carriers are fully recertified in accordance with international safety standards.
Di conseguenza, le autorità per l’aviazione civile libiche hanno accettato il mantenimento delle restrizioni volontarie applicabili a tutti i vettori aerei titolari di licenza rilasciata in Libia, il che li esclude dalle attività di volo nell’UE fino a quando non abbiano ottenuto una piena ricertificazione in conformità alle norme di sicurezza internazionali.
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Implementation of the measures decided by the Libyan authorities remains subject to close monitoring by the Commission.
L’attuazione delle misure decise dalle autorità libiche rimane soggetta a stretto monitoraggio da parte della Commissione.
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The European air safety list was also updated to remove certain carriers which ceased to exist or to add new carriers recently created in a number of countries:
L’elenco per la sicurezza aerea europea è stato inoltre aggiornato per rimuovere alcuni vettori che hanno cessato di esistere o aggiungere nuovi vettori sorti recentemente in una serie di paesi:
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the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Honduras, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Philippines and Rwanda.
Repubblica del Congo, Repubblica democratica del Congo, Guinea equatoriale, Honduras, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, Filippine e Ruanda.
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As a consequence, no carriers of Rwanda and of Honduras are mentioned on the list anymore.
Di conseguenza sull’elenco non figurano più vettori del Ruanda e dell’Honduras.
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Finally, the Commission recognises the efforts of the safety oversight authorities of Aruba, Indonesia, Libya, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Philippines and Russia to reform the civil aviation system and notably to improve safety to guarantee that international safety standards are effectively and consistently applied.
La Commissione riconosce infine gli sforzi compiuti dalle autorità di sorveglianza della sicurezza aerea di Aruba, Indonesia, Libia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, Madagascar, Filippine e Russia finalizzati a riformare i rispettivi sistemi di aviazione civile e in particolare a migliorare la sicurezza per garantire l’applicazione effettiva e uniforme delle norme di sicurezza internazionali.
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The Commission is ready to provide active further support for these reforms in cooperation with ICAO, EU Member States and EASA, in order to help some of these countries to get off the list when the safety situation will have further improved.
La Commissione è pronta a offrire un attivo sostegno supplementare a tali riforme, intervenendo in cooperazione con l’ICAO, gli Stati membri dell’UE e l’AESA, per aiutare alcuni di questi paesi a essere rimossi dall’elenco quando la situazione in materia di sicurezza sarà ulteriormente migliorata.
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The Commission remains fully committed to supporting better compliance with international safety standards whenever possible and has mandated the European Aviation Safety Agency EASA to carry out a series of technical assistance missions to support the competent authorities of a number of States in their efforts to enhance safety.
La Commissione rimane pienamente impegnata a garantire una più stretta osservanza delle norme di sicurezza internazionali e ha dato mandato all’Agenzia europea per la sicurezza aerea (AESA) di effettuare una serie di missioni di assistenza tecnica per aiutare le autorità competenti di alcuni Stati nei loro sforzi diretti a migliorare la sicurezza.
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Today's Commission decision was based on the unanimous opinion of the Air Safety Committee, composed of representatives of the 27 Members States of the EU, Croatia, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and of EASA.
La decisione odierna della Commissione si basa sul parere unanime del comitato per la sicurezza aerea, composto da rappresentanti dei 27 Stati membri dell’UE, di Croazia, Norvegia, Islanda, Svizzera e dell’AESA.
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Background information
Informazioni generali
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The updated European air safety list includes all carriers certified in 20 States, accounting for 287 known air carriers, whose operations are fully banned in the European Union:
L’elenco per la sicurezza aerea europea aggiornato comprende tutti i vettori certificati in 20 Stati, per un totale di 287 vettori aerei noti, le cui attività sono totalmente vietate nell’Unione europea:
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Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon (with the exception of three carriers which operate under restrictions and conditions), Indonesia (with the exception of six carriers), Kazakhstan (with the exception of one carrier which operates under restrictions and conditions), Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Mozambique, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Sao Tome and Principe, Sudan, Swaziland and Zambia.
Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Repubblica del Congo, Repubblica democratica del Congo, Gibuti, Guinea equatoriale, Eritrea, Gabon (con l’eccezione di tre vettori soggetti a determinate restrizioni e condizioni), Indonesia (con l’eccezione di sei vettori), Kazakhstan (con l’eccezione di un vettore soggetto a determinate restrizioni e condizioni), Kirghizistan, Liberia, Mozambico, Filippine, Sierra Leone, São Tomé e Principe, Sudan, Swaziland e Zambia.
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The list also includes three individual carriers:
L’elenco comprende anche tre vettori individuali:
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Blue Wing Airlines from Surinam, Meridian Airways from Ghana and Conviasa from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Blue Wing Airlines del Suriname, Meridian Airways del Ghana e Conviasa della Repubblica bolivariana del Venezuela.
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Additionally, the list includes 10 air carriers which are subject to operational restrictions and are thus allowed to operate into the EU under strict conditions:
Inoltre, l’elenco comprende 10 vettori aerei che sono soggetti a restrizioni operative e sono autorizzati ad operare nell’UE ottemperando a rigide condizioni:
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Air Astana from Kazakhstan as well as Afrijet, Gabon Airlines and SN2AG from Gabon as mentioned before, Air Koryo from the Democratic People Republic of Korea, Airlift International from Ghana, Air Service Comores, Iran Air, TAAG Angolan Airlines and Air Madagascar. |
Air Astana del Kazakhstan nonché Afrijet, Gabon Airlines e SN2AG del Gabon menzionati sopra, Air Koryo della Repubblica democratica popolare di Corea, Airlift International del Ghana, Air Service Comores, Iran Air, TAAG Angolan Airlines ed Air Madagascar. |
Aviation safety: Commission updates the European safety list of airlines
The European Commission has adopted today the 20th update of the
European list of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban or
operational restrictions within the European Union, better known as "the EU air
safety list".
Because of important safety concerns, air carriers certified in Eritrea
have been added to the list.
On the other hand, following improvement in the safety situation in
Mauritania, it was possible to remove from the list all air carriers certified
in Mauritania.
The same was true for the Jordan carrier Jordan Aviation, which was
also removed from the list.
Progress was also noted in Libya but the Libyan authorities agreed that
Libyan carriers would not be permitted to operate to Europe until they are fully
recertified to the satisfaction of the Commission.
Siim Kallas, Commission Vice-President responsible for transport, said:
"The Commission is ready to spare no effort to assist countries
affected by the safety list in building technical and administrative capacity to
overcome the difficulties in the area of safety as quickly and as efficiently as
I am glad that one country and several airlines have been removed from the list.
This is important progress. But safety must always come first and we cannot
accept any compromise in this area, hence the decision on Eritrea."
The new list replaces the previous one established in April 2012 and
can be consulted on the Commission’s website.
All air carriers certified in Mauritania were removed from the list
following exceptional progress achieved by the competent authorities and the
prospect of an on-site verification visit to be conducted by the Commission
This progress was acknowledged by two successful missions conducted on
site by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
As this is the first time a full ban affecting all air carriers from a
State is removed, Mauritania committed to authorise flights to the Union only
under strict conditions.
Jordan Aviation certified in Jordan was also removed from the list
following the successful resolution of the deficiencies previously identified.
Such improvements were evidenced during an on-site assessment carried
out by the Commission.
In order to prevent risks, an operating ban on all air carriers
certified in Eritrea was necessary due to an outstanding safety concern notified
by ICAO and to the absence of adequate mitigating measures taken by the
competent authorities of Eritrea.
Intense consultations were held with the civil aviation authorities of
Libya and with the Libyan Minister of Transport.
As a result, the Libyan civil aviation authorities agreed to maintain
the voluntary restrictions applicable to all air carriers licensed in Libya,
which exclude them from flying into the EU until these air carriers are fully
recertified in accordance with international safety standards.
Implementation of the measures decided by the Libyan authorities
remains subject to close monitoring by the Commission.
The European air safety list was also updated to remove certain
carriers which ceased to exist or to add new carriers recently created in a
number of countries:
the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea,
Honduras, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Philippines and Rwanda.
As a consequence, no carriers of Rwanda and of Honduras are mentioned
on the list anymore.
Finally, the Commission recognises the efforts of the safety oversight
authorities of Aruba, Indonesia, Libya, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar,
Philippines and Russia to reform the civil aviation system and notably to
improve safety to guarantee that international safety standards are effectively
and consistently applied.
The Commission is ready to provide active further support for these
reforms in cooperation with ICAO, EU Member States and EASA, in order to help
some of these countries to get off the list when the safety situation will have
further improved.
The Commission remains fully committed to supporting better compliance
with international safety standards whenever possible and has mandated the
European Aviation Safety Agency EASA to carry out a series of technical
assistance missions to support the competent authorities of a number of States
in their efforts to enhance safety.
Today's Commission decision was based on the unanimous opinion of the
Air Safety Committee, composed of representatives of the 27 Members States of
the EU, Croatia, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and of EASA.
Background information
The updated European air safety list includes all carriers certified in
20 States, accounting for 287 known air carriers, whose operations are fully
banned in the European Union:
Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic
of Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon (with the exception of
three carriers which operate under restrictions and conditions), Indonesia (with
the exception of six carriers), Kazakhstan (with the exception of one carrier
which operates under restrictions and conditions), Kyrgyzstan, Liberia,
Mozambique, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Sao Tome and Principe, Sudan, Swaziland
and Zambia.
The list also includes three individual carriers:
Blue Wing Airlines from Surinam, Meridian Airways from Ghana and
Conviasa from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Additionally, the list includes 10 air carriers which are subject to
operational restrictions and are thus allowed to operate into the EU under
strict conditions:
Air Astana from Kazakhstan as well as Afrijet, Gabon Airlines and SN2AG
from Gabon as mentioned before, Air Koryo from the Democratic People Republic of
Korea, Airlift International from Ghana, Air Service Comores, Iran Air, TAAG
Angolan Airlines and Air Madagascar. |