Il Presidente del CESE: l'UE agisca con urgenza per eliminare la povertà energetica
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Data documento: 29-11-2012
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EESC president argues for urgent EU action to eradicate energy poverty
Il Presidente del CESE: l'UE agisca con urgenza per eliminare la povertà energetica
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The EU must step up its efforts to combat fuel poverty which affects a growing number of EU citizens, according to Staffan Nilsson, president of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). He also attributed energy price rises to incomplete internal market integration.
L'UE deve raddoppiare gli sforzi per combattere la povertà energetica che affligge sempre più cittadini europei: questo l'appello di Staffan Nilsson, Presidente del Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE), secondo il quale l'aumento dei prezzi dell'energia è dovuto al mancato completamento del mercato interno.
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His call came at Tuesday's conference organised by the EESC and ELISAN, the European Local Inclusion and Social Action Network.
L'appello è stato rivolto nel corso del convegno organizzato su questi temi dal CESE e dalla Rete europea per l'inclusione locale e l'azione sociale (ELISAN), svoltosi a Bruxelles martedì scorso.
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Mr Nilsson said that no country in the EU had been spared rising energy prices.
In tale occasione il Presidente Nilsson ha fatto notare che l'aumento dei prezzi dell'energia non ha risparmiato alcuno Stato membro:
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In Latvia, for example, costs had increased by 27% in February 2011, while in France 42% of households had cut back on heating their homes to save on energy bills last year.
in Lettonia, per esempio, al febbraio 2011 tali prezzi erano aumentati del 27 %, mentre l'anno scorso in Francia il 42 % delle famiglie ha dovuto ridurre il riscaldamento delle loro abitazioni per risparmiare sulla bolletta.
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In Germany prices were expected to go up by 10 to 15% again this year.
E in Germania si stima che quest'anno i prezzi siano aumentati ancora del 10-15 %.
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The EESC president called for determined action at EU level to combat energy poverty:
Il Presidente del CESE ha invocato un'azione decisa a livello UE per combattere la povertà energetica:
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the EU could not ignore a problem that affected up to 125 million Europeans.
l'UE non può permettersi di ignorare un problema che affligge 125 milioni di europei.
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Mr Nilsson reiterated that adopting an EU-wide definition of the phenomenon should be the first step in recognising and mapping the issue. This had to be flexible and not a rigid, one-size-fits-all definition.
Nilsson ha ribadito che il primo passo per riconoscere e situare con precisione il problema consiste nell'adottare una definizione europea di povertà energetica, definizione che dovrà essere flessibile anziché rigida e "universale".
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He added: "Rather than opt for a top-down definition of fuel poverty, the authorities should be given the latitude to offer tailor-made solutions".
Egli ha aggiunto che, anziché optare per una definizione "dall'alto", bisognerebbe accordare alle autorità competenti un margine di manovra sufficiente per offrire soluzioni "su misura".
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The EESC has consistently argued that, in parallel, a consistent and comprehensive social and energy policy framework should be put in place at EU level. It could include an assessment and dissemination of good practice and further common targeted measures.
Il CESE ha costantemente sostenuto che, nel contempo, occorre mettere a punto un quadro politico coerente e completo in materia energetica e sociale, che includa magari la valutazione e diffusione di buone pratiche e ulteriori misure mirate comuni.
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Stéphane Buffetaut, president of the EESC transport and energy (TEN) section, called for advantage to be taken of untapped energy efficiency potential, which in his view was "a cost-effective way to achieve both social policy and energy objectives".
Stéphane Buffetaut, presidente della sezione specializzata Trasporti, energia, infrastrutture, società dell'informazione (TEN) del CESE, ha esortato a sfruttare appieno il potenziale esistente in termini di efficienza energetica, che a suo avviso costituisce "un mezzo efficace sotto il profilo dei costi per conseguire obiettivi sia di politica sociale sia in materia di energia".
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In the same vein, Remo Sernagiotto, President of Elisan and Minister for Social Services in the Veneto Region called for the EU and Member States to invest in energy-efficient technologies and take energy-saving measures. He said that project bonds should be used for investment in energy.
Sempre in quest'ottica, Remo Sernagiotto, presidente di Elisan e assessore ai Servizi sociali della regione Veneto, ha invitato l'UE e i singoli Stati membri a investire in tecnologie efficienti sul piano energetico e adottare misure per risparmiare energia, e ha aggiunto che, per finanziare gli investimenti in campo energetico, bisognerebbe ricorrere a obbligazioni di progetto (project bonds).
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Reduction of excessive energy consumption by public buildings and private homes would generate energy savings of 30-40% by 2020, Mr Sernagiotto pointed out.
Sernagiotto ha inoltre fatto notare che, riducendo il consumo eccessivo di energia da parte di edifici pubblici e abitazioni private, si otterrebbero risparmi energetici del 30-40 % entro il 2020.
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"In the short term this would boost social cohesion and ease fuel poverty".
E ha concluso affermando che "nel breve periodo ciò rafforzerebbe la coesione sociale e allevierebbe la povertà energetica".
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This view was further developed by Antonio Cancian, MEP, who noted that raising awareness of efficient energy use could go a long way towards reducing energy bills:
Una posizione, questa, ulteriormente sviluppata dall'europarlamentare Antonio Candian, secondo il quale sensibilizzare all'uso efficiente dell'energia potrebbe contribuire grandemente a ridurne il prezzo:
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"The lack of awareness on the part of energy consumers must be addressed quickly".
"La scarsa sensibilità dei consumatori al riguardo è un problema che va affrontato in tempi rapidi".
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Jan Panek from the European Commission reminded participants that the Commission-led Citizen's Energy Forum, also called London Forum, had been working to raise consumer awareness for the past five years.
Da parte sua, Jan Panek (Commissione europea) ha ricordato ai partecipanti che, negli ultimi cinque anni, il Forum dei cittadini sull'energia guidato dalla Commissione – il cosiddetto Forum di Londra – ha svolto un lavoro importante di sensibilizzazione dei consumatori.
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Mr Nilsson added: "If we make sure that the most vulnerable can benefit from the lowest market rate and at the same time work to raise their energy awareness, in many cases we will be able to avoid social security schemes coming into play".
Il Presidente Nilsson ha aggiunto che "se ci assicuriamo che i più bisognosi paghino l'energia al prezzo più basso sul mercato e nel contempo lavoriamo per sensibilizzare i consumatori, in molti casi riusciremo evitare l'intervento dei sistemi di sicurezza sociale".
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He concluded by reasserting the EESC's commitment to a stronger effort to address fuel poverty at EU level.
Egli ha concluso rinnovando l'impegno del CESE a battersi affinché il problema della povertà energetica sia affrontato a livello europeo.
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In the past the EESC has adopted a number of opinions on energy poverty and related issues.
Il CESE ha infatti già adottato tutta una serie di pareri su questo tema e le questioni ad esso correlate:
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In a 2010 opinion it looked at the impact of energy liberalisation and the economic crisis on fuel poverty, while last year it tackled the EU's new energy policy.
in un parere del 2010 ha esaminato l'impatto della liberalizzazione del mercato dell'energia e della crisi economica sulla povertà energetica, mentre l'anno scorso si è occupato della nuova politica energetica dell'UE.
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Given recent developments, the Committee is likely to adopt a new opinion on energy poverty in 2013. |
Dati i recenti sviluppi, probabilmente il Comitato adotterà un nuovo parere sulla povertà energetica già nel 2013.
EESC president argues for urgent EU action to eradicate energy poverty
The EU must step up its efforts to combat fuel poverty which affects a
growing number of EU citizens, according to Staffan Nilsson, president of the
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). He also attributed energy price
rises to incomplete internal market integration.
His call came at Tuesday's conference organised by the EESC and ELISAN,
the European Local Inclusion and Social Action Network.
Mr Nilsson said that no country in the EU had been spared rising energy
In Latvia, for example, costs had increased by 27% in February 2011,
while in France 42% of households had cut back on heating their homes to save on
energy bills last year.
In Germany prices were expected to go up by 10 to 15% again this year.
The EESC president called for determined action at EU level to combat
energy poverty:
the EU could not ignore a problem that affected up to 125 million Europeans.
Mr Nilsson reiterated that adopting an EU-wide definition of the
phenomenon should be the first step in recognising and mapping the issue. This
had to be flexible and not a rigid, one-size-fits-all definition.
He added: "Rather than opt for a top-down definition of fuel poverty,
the authorities should be given the latitude to offer tailor-made solutions".
The EESC has consistently argued that, in parallel, a consistent and
comprehensive social and energy policy framework should be put in place at EU
level. It could include an assessment and dissemination of good practice and
further common targeted measures.
Stéphane Buffetaut, president of the EESC transport and energy (TEN)
section, called for advantage to be taken of untapped energy efficiency
potential, which in his view was "a cost-effective way to achieve both social
policy and energy objectives".
In the same vein, Remo Sernagiotto, President of Elisan and Minister
for Social Services in the Veneto Region called for the EU and Member States to
invest in energy-efficient technologies and take energy-saving measures. He said
that project bonds should be used for investment in energy.
Reduction of excessive energy consumption by public buildings and
private homes would generate energy savings of 30-40% by 2020, Mr Sernagiotto
pointed out.
"In the short term this would boost social cohesion and ease fuel
This view was further developed by Antonio Cancian, MEP, who noted that
raising awareness of efficient energy use could go a long way towards reducing
energy bills:
"The lack of awareness on the part of energy consumers must be
addressed quickly".
Jan Panek from the European Commission reminded participants that the
Commission-led Citizen's Energy Forum, also called London Forum, had been
working to raise consumer awareness for the past five years.
Mr Nilsson added: "If we make sure that the most vulnerable can benefit
from the lowest market rate and at the same time work to raise their energy
awareness, in many cases we will be able to avoid social security schemes coming
into play".
He concluded by reasserting the EESC's commitment to a stronger effort
to address fuel poverty at EU level.
In the past the EESC has adopted a number of opinions on energy poverty
and related issues.
In a 2010 opinion it looked at the impact of energy liberalisation and
the economic crisis on fuel poverty, while last year it tackled the EU's new
energy policy.
Given recent developments, the Committee is likely to adopt a new
opinion on energy poverty in 2013. |