Infrastrutture di trasporto: la Commissione sblocca più di 1,2 miliardi di euro per finanziare progetti essenziali TEN-T
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Data documento: 29-11-2012
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Transport infrastructure: Commission releases over €1.2 billion to fund key TEN-T projects
Infrastrutture di trasporto: la Commissione sblocca più di 1,2 miliardi di euro per finanziare progetti essenziali TEN-T
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The European Commission has launched two Calls for Proposals under the 2012 Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) multi-annual and annual programmes, making €1.265 billion available to finance European transport infrastructure projects in all transport modes – air, rail, road, and maritime/inland waterways – plus logistics and intelligent transport systems, and all EU Member States.
La Commissione europea ha pubblicato due inviti a presentare proposte nel quadro dei programmi annuali e pluriennali della Rete transeuropea di trasporto (TEN-T) per il 2012, mettendo a disposizione 1,265 miliardi di euro per finanziare dei progetti di infrastrutture di trasporto europei concernenti tutti i modi di trasporto, aereo, ferrovia, strada e marittimo/vie navigabili, oltre ai sistemi di logistica e di trasporto intelligenti, e relativi a tutti gli Stati membri.
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Commission Vice President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport, said:
Il vicepresidente della Commissione Siim Kallas, responsabile per i trasporti, ha dichiarato:
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"In making this considerable amount of funding available, the Commission aims for a competitive relaunch of the European economy, to sustain and support growth.
"Mettendo a disposizione un finanziamento di questa importanza, la Commissione mira a un rilancio competitivo dell'economia europea per sostenere e favorire la crescita.
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By directing this money to TEN-T infrastructure, we are also continuing to help the realisation of the entire TEN-T network – bringing a tangible benefit to all European businesses and citizens who will reap the rewards of a more efficient, sustainable and effective European transport system."
Indirizzando questi fondi verso le infrastrutture TEN-T, contribuiamo inoltre alla realizzazione dell'intera rete TEN-T, offrendo vantaggi concreti a tutti i cittadini e le imprese europei, che raccoglieranno i frutti di un sistema di trasporti europeo più efficiente, sostenibile ed efficace.".
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The TEN-T multi-annual programme traditionally finances the highest priorities of the TEN-T network.
Il programma di lavoro pluriennale TEN-T tradizionalmente finanzia le principali priorità della rete TEN-T.
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This year's multi-annual call focuses on six fields with €1.015 billion of total indicative budget available:
Il bando pluriennale di quest'anno è incentrato su sei settori per i quali è messo a disposizione un bilancio indicativo totale pari a 1,015 miliardi di euro.
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- The 30 TEN-T Priority Projects: indicative budget €725 million
- I 30 progetti prioritari TEN-T: bilancio indicativo pari a 725 milioni di euro.
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- European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS), enabling interoperability on the European rail network: indicative budget €100 million
- Sistema europeo di gestione del traffico ferroviario (ERTMS), che permette l'interoperabilità sulla rete ferroviaria europea: bilancio indicativo pari a 100 milioni di euro.
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- River Information Services (RIS), involving traffic management infrastructure on the inland waterway network: indicative budget €10 million
- Servizi d'informazione fluviale (RIS), che comporta un'infrastruttura di gestione del traffico sulla rete delle vie navigabili interne: bilancio indicativo pari a 10 milioni di euro.
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- Air Traffic Management (ATM), implementing the Single European Sky and ATM modernisation objectives: indicative budget €50 million
- Gestione del traffico aereo (ATM), che rende possibile la realizzazione del cielo unico europeo e gli obiettivi di modernizzazione della gestione del traffico aereo: bilancio indicativo pari a 50 milioni di euro.
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- Motorways of the Sea (MoS) providing viable alternatives for congested roads by shifting freight to sea routes:
indicative budget €80 million
- Autostrade del mare (MoS), che offre alternative efficienti alla congestione del traffico stradale spostando le merci sulle rotte marittime: bilancio indicativo pari a 80 milioni di euro.
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- Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS), promoting inter-modality and improvement of the safety and reliability of the network: indicative budget €50 million
- Sistema di trasporto intelligente (STI), che comprende il Servizio europeo di telepedaggio (SET), promuove l'intermodalità e il miglioramento della sicurezza e dell'affidabilità della rete:
bilancio indicativo pari a 50 milioni di euro.
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The annual programme complements the multi-annual programme and directs funding to four distinct priorities with a total indicative budget of €250 million:
Il programma annuale integra il programma pluriennale e indirizza i finanziamenti verso quattro priorità distinte con un bilancio indicativo totale pari a 250 milioni di euro:
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- Acceleration/facilitation of the implementation of TEN-T projects (studies and works for mature projects for all modes, as part of the projects of common interest): indicative budget €150 million
- Accelerazione/facilitazione della realizzazione dei progetti TEN/T (studi e lavori per progetti maturi per tutti i modi di trasporto, che rientrano in progetti di interesse comune): bilancio indicativo pari a 150 milioni di euro.
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- Measures to promote innovation and new technologies for transport infrastructure and facilities contributing to decarbonisation or the reduction of external costs in general: indicative budget €40 million
- Misure per promuovere l'innovazione e nuove tecnologie per l'infrastruttura dei trasporti nonché impianti in grado di contribuire alla decarbonizzazione o alla riduzione dei costi esterni in generale: bilancio indicativo pari a 40 milioni di euro.
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- Support to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and innovative financial instruments: indicative budget €25 million
- Sostegno a partenariati pubblico-privato (PPP) e a strumenti finanziari innovativi: bilancio indicativo pari a 25 milioni di euro.
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- Support to the long term implementation of the TEN-T, in particular corridors: indicative budget €35 million
- Sostegno alla realizzazione a lungo termine della TEN-T, in particolare per quanto riguarda i corridoi: bilancio indicativo pari a 35 milioni di euro.
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The TEN-T Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) manages the technical and financial implementation of the TEN-T programme, under the auspices of Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport.
L'Agenzia esecutiva (TEN-T EA) gestisce l'attuazione tecnica e finanziaria del programma TEN-T, sotto l'egida della Direzione generale della mobilità e dei trasporti.
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The TEN-T EA is holding an Info Day today 29 November 2012 in Brussels to help potential applicants better understand the call priorities, prepare their proposals and learn about the evaluation process.
La TEN-EA tiene oggi, 29 novembre 2012, un Info Day a Bruxelles, finalizzato ad aiutare i potenziali candidati a comprendere meglio le priorità dei bandi, a preparare le proposte e a conoscere meglio la procedura di valutazione.
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The deadline for the submission of proposals is 28 February 2013.
Il termine ultimo per l'inoltro delle proposte è il 28 febbraio 2013. |
Transport infrastructure: Commission releases over €1.2 billion to fund
key TEN-T projects
The European Commission has launched two Calls for Proposals under the
2012 Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) multi-annual and annual
programmes, making €1.265 billion available to finance European transport
infrastructure projects in all transport modes – air, rail, road, and
maritime/inland waterways – plus logistics and intelligent transport systems,
and all EU Member States.
Commission Vice President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport, said:
"In making this considerable amount of funding available, the Commission aims
for a competitive relaunch of the European economy, to sustain and support
By directing this money to TEN-T infrastructure, we are also continuing to help
the realisation of the entire TEN-T network – bringing a tangible benefit to all
European businesses and citizens who will reap the rewards of a more efficient,
sustainable and effective European transport system."
The TEN-T multi-annual programme traditionally finances the highest
priorities of the TEN-T network.
This year's multi-annual call focuses on six fields with €1.015 billion
of total indicative budget available:
- The 30 TEN-T Priority Projects: indicative budget €725 million
- European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS), enabling interoperability on
the European rail network: indicative budget €100 million
- River Information Services (RIS), involving traffic management infrastructure
on the inland waterway network: indicative budget €10 million
- Air Traffic Management (ATM), implementing the Single European Sky and ATM
modernisation objectives: indicative budget €50 million
- Motorways of the Sea (MoS) providing viable alternatives for congested roads
by shifting freight to sea routes:
indicative budget €80 million
- Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including the European Electronic Toll
Service (EETS), promoting inter-modality and improvement of the safety and
reliability of the network: indicative budget €50 million
The annual programme complements the multi-annual programme and directs funding
to four distinct priorities with a total indicative budget of €250 million:
- Acceleration/facilitation of the implementation of TEN-T projects (studies and
works for mature projects for all modes, as part of the projects of common
interest): indicative budget €150 million
- Measures to promote innovation and new technologies for transport
infrastructure and facilities contributing to decarbonisation or the reduction
of external costs in general: indicative budget €40 million
- Support to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and innovative financial
instruments: indicative budget €25 million
- Support to the long term implementation of the TEN-T, in particular corridors:
indicative budget €35 million
The TEN-T Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) manages the technical and
financial implementation of the TEN-T programme, under the auspices of
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport.
The TEN-T EA is holding an Info Day today 29 November 2012 in Brussels
to help potential applicants better understand the call priorities, prepare
their proposals and learn about the evaluation process.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is 28 February 2013.