L’analisi annuale della crescita 2013:guidare il percorso verso la ripresa
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Data documento: 28-11-2012
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Annual Growth Survey 2013: Charting the course to recovery
L’analisi annuale della crescita 2013:guidare il percorso verso la ripresa
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Brussels, 28 November 2012 – The European Commission today adopted the 2013 Annual Growth Survey (AGS), setting out five priorities designed to guide Member States through the crisis to renewed growth.
Bruxelles, 28 novembre 2012 – Oggi la Commissione europea ha adottato l’analisi annuale della crescita 2013, che definisce cinque priorità per aiutare gli Stati membri ad attraversare la crisi in attesa di un ritorno alla crescita.
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The AGS kick-starts the European Semester for economic policy coordination, which ensures Member States align their budgetary and economic plans with the Stability and Growth Pact and the Europe 2020 strategy.
L’analisi annuale della crescita dà il via al semestre europeo per il coordinamento delle politiche economiche, il cui scopo è garantire che gli Stati membri allineino i loro piani economici e di bilancio con il patto di stabilità e crescita e la strategia Europa 2020.
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Commenting on the priorities, José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, said:
Commentando le priorità, il Presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"It is crucial to stick to our strategy of growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, economic reforms and targeted investments. This is the only way to restore confidence and create lasting growth.
“È di fondamentale importanza attenerci alla nostra strategia di risanamento di bilancio, riforme economiche favorevoli alla crescita e investimenti mirati, perché questo è l’unico modo per ripristinare la fiducia e promuovere una crescita duratura.
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I understand that these reforms are difficult, painful and may have social consequences, which is why the Commission is doing its best to make the recovery as job-rich as possible.
Mi rendo conto che si tratta di riforme difficili, dolorose e gravide di conseguenze a livello sociale: per questo motivo la Commissione si sta impegnando al massimo per favorire una ripresa che sia il più possibile fonte di occupazione.
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The Annual Growth Survey provides Member States with policy guidance, ensuring that the burden of reform is shared fairly and that the most vulnerable are protected."
L’analisi annuale della crescita fornisce agli Stati membri orientamenti strategici per garantire che l’onere della riforma sia equamente ripartito e che le categorie più vulnerabili siano protette”.
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The main message of the AGS this year is that while EU policies are beginning to show results – deficits are coming down, tensions in financial markets are easing and there are signs that competitiveness is improving in some Member States – continued reform is needed to generate sustainable growth and jobs.
Il principale messaggio trasmesso dall’analisi di quest’anno, ora che le politiche dell’UE iniziano a dare frutti (diminuzione dei disavanzi, allentamento delle tensioni sui mercati finanziari e primi segni di miglioramento della competitività in alcuni Stati membri), è che occorre portare avanti le riforme per promuovere una crescita e un’occupazione sostenibili.
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That is why the Commission considers that the five priorities outlined in last year's AGS (see MEMO/11/821) remain valid. The five priorities are:
Per questo motivo la Commissione ritiene ancora valide le cinque priorità individuate nell’analisi dell’anno scorso (vedi MEMO/11/821):
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pursuing differentiated, growth-friendly fiscal consolidation;
portare avanti un risanamento di bilancio differenziato e favorevole alla crescita
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restoring normal lending to the economy;
ripristinare la normale erogazione di prestiti all’economia
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promoting growth and competitiveness for today and tomorrow;
promuovere la crescita e la competitività attuali e future,
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tackling unemployment and the social consequences of the crisis;
lottare contro la disoccupazione e le conseguenze sociali della cris
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and modernising public administration.
e modernizzare la pubblica amministrazione.
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Each of the five priorities is focused on delivering growth and jobs, with a special emphasis on fairness.
Ciascuna priorità mira a promuovere la crescita e l’occupazione, con particolare attenzione all’equità.
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There is no "one-size-fits-all" agenda to boost growth and jobs, but there are common goals and a range of reforms to consider.
Non esiste una ricetta valida per tutti per rilanciare la crescita e l’occupazione. Vi sono tuttavia obiettivi comuni ed una serie di riforme da prendere in considerazione.
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Targeted support for research in the public and private sectors, better performing education and training systems to raise overall skill levels, and a simpler legal regime for business start-ups – all of these measures can help to boost competitiveness and therefore growth.
Un sostegno mirato per la ricerca nel settore pubblico e in quello privato, un miglioramento delle prestazioni dei sistemi di istruzione e di formazione per innalzare il livello complessivo delle competenze e un quadro normativo più semplice per la creazione di nuove imprese: tutte queste misure possono contribuire a rafforzare la competitività e quindi la crescita.
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The Single Market and the further development of network industries (transport, energy and internet infrastructures) also offer opportunities for businesses to develop and for consumers to benefit from better services and products.
Anche il mercato unico e l’ulteriore sviluppo delle industrie di rete (trasporti, energia e infrastrutture Internet) offrono alle imprese opportunità per svilupparsi e ai consumatori la possibilità di beneficiare di servizi e prodotti migliori.
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The adoption of a Compact for Growth and Jobs by the Heads of State or Government at the June 2012 European Council should galvanise the efforts of the EU and Member States to mobilise the growth levers they have at hand - from the implementation of the Single Market Acts to the more targeted use of EU Structural Funds.
Il patto per la crescita e l’occupazione adottato dai capi di Stato e di governo al Consiglio europeo del giugno 2012 dovrebbe galvanizzare gli sforzi compiuti dall’Unione europea e dagli Stati membri per mobilitare le leve di crescita di cui dispongono, dall’attuazione degli Atti per il mercato unico a un uso più mirato dei fondi strutturali UE.
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The Commission has also recently proposed a strategy to improve the functioning of energy markets, as well as measures for a reinforced industrial policy.
La Commissione ha proposto di recente una strategia per migliorare il funzionamento dei mercati dell’energia nonché misure volte a rafforzare la politica industriale.
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Moreover, finding an overall agreement on the EU's multi-annual financial framework for 2014-2020 will be essential in restoring growth and competitiveness across Europe and in achieving our Europe 2020 goals.
Sarà inoltre indispensabile raggiungere un accordo globale sul quadro finanziario pluriennale 2014-2020 dell’UE per ripristinare la crescita e la competitività in tutta Europa e conseguire i nostri obiettivi nell’ambito di Europa 2020.
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The AGS underlines that the labour market situation calls for an urgent response.
L’analisi annuale della crescita sottolinea che la situazione del mercato del lavoro richiede un intervento immediato.
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Over the last 12 months, the number of unemployed people has increased by 2 million and there are now more than 25 million people without a job.
Negli ultimi dodici mesi il numero dei disoccupati è salito di 2 milioni ed ora vi sono più di 25 milioni di persone senza lavoro.
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Long-term unemployment has reached alarming highs and the situation of young people has dramatically deteriorated in many countries.
La disoccupazione di lunga durata ha raggiunto livelli allarmanti e la situazione dei giovani è peggiorata in modo gravissimo in molti paesi.
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The AGS outlines priorities to prepare for a job-rich recovery, to improve employability levels and to promote social inclusion.
L’analisi annuale della crescita presenta le priorità per preparare una ripresa fonte di occupazione, migliorare i livelli di occupabilità e promuovere l’inclusione sociale.
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Faced with a rise in the number of jobseekers, Member States should boost public employment services and step up "active labour market policies", including jobseekers' assistance, apprenticeships, support for entrepreneurs and quality traineeships.
Di fronte a un numero crescente di persone in cerca di lavoro, gli Stati membri dovrebbero potenziare i servizi di collocamento pubblici e le “politiche attive” del mercato del lavoro, tra cui l’assistenza per la ricerca di un impiego, gli apprendistati, il sostegno all’imprenditoria e l’offerta di tirocini di buona qualità.
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The situation of young people is particularly worrying, with youth unemployment hitting 50% in many countries.
La situazione dei giovani è particolarmente preoccupante: la disoccupazione giovanile raggiunge il 50% in molti paesi.
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The Commission has set up action teams to assist the eight Member States with the highest youth unemployment levels in redirecting EU funds for job training and support programmes (see MEMO/12/100).
La Commissione ha creato gruppi di intervento (action team) per aiutare gli otto paesi con i tassi più elevati di disoccupazione giovanile a riprogrammare i fondi UE per promuovere la formazione professionale e i programmi di sostegno (vedi MEMO/12/100).
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The AGS also invites Member States to develop a "youth guarantee", whereby every person under the age of 25 receives an offer of a job, further study or a traineeship within four months of leaving formal education or becoming unemployed.
L’analisi annuale della crescita invita inoltre gli Stati membri a sviluppare regimi di garanzie per i giovani che assicurino a tutti i giovani di meno di 25 anni un’offerta di lavoro, un’ulteriore formazione o un tirocinio entro quattro mesi dal termine dell’istruzione formale o dall’inizio della disoccupazione.
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The Commission will present a full proposal on youth guarantees in its Youth Employment Package on 5 December.
La Commissione presenterà il 5 dicembre una proposta completa sulle garanzie per i giovani nel suo pacchetto sull’occupazione giovanile.
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The AGS places the emphasis on protecting the most vulnerable.
L’analisi annuale della crescita pone l’accento sulla necessità di proteggere le categorie più vulnerabili.
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Income taxes and social security contributions should be reduced, particularly for the lower paid.
Le imposte sul reddito e i contributi previdenziali dovrebbero essere ridotti, in particolare per i lavoratori a basso salario.
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And reforms should be stepped up to simplify employment legislation and develop flexible working arrangements, as well as to make sure wage developments support job creation.
Le riforme dovrebbero essere intensificate per semplificare la normativa sull’occupazione e sviluppare l’organizzazione flessibile del lavoro, nonché per garantire che l’andamento salariale sostenga la creazione di posti di lavoro.
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Additional efforts are also needed to ensure the effectiveness of social protection systems and develop active inclusion strategies to counter the effects of the crisis.
Sono necessari anche ulteriori sforzi per garantire l’efficacia dei sistemi di protezione sociale ed elaborare strategie di inclusione attiva per contrastare gli effetti della crisi.
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Alongside the AGS, the Commission is publishing the second Alert Mechanism Report on macroeconomic imbalances (see IP/12/1275). The AMR provides an initial reading of Member States' economic policies (excluding those under an EU-IMF programme) against a scoreboard of 11 indicators that focus on developments in competitiveness, indebtedness, asset prices, adjustment and links with the financial sector.
Parallelamente all’analisi annuale della crescita, la Commissione pubblica la seconda relazione sul meccanismo di allerta sugli squilibri macroeconomici (vedi IP/12/1275), che costituisce una prima analisi delle politiche economiche degli Stati membri (esclusi quelli oggetto di un programma dell’UE/FMI) in base a un quadro di valutazione di 11 indicatori riguardanti la competitività, l’indebitamento, i prezzi delle attività, l’aggiustamento e i collegamenti con il settore finanziario.
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The 2013 AMR presents evidence that the adjustment of macroeconomic imbalances is progressing. Current account deficits are narrowing in the countries with the largest external imbalances, supported by gradually improving export performance and competitiveness gains, and the correction in the housing market is ongoing.
Dalla relazione 2013 sul meccanismo di allerta si evince che la correzione degli squilibri economici procede, con la diminuzione dei disavanzi delle partite correnti nei paesi con i maggiori squilibri esterni, sostenuta dal graduale miglioramento delle esportazioni e della competitività, e il graduale risanamento del mercato abitativo.
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The 2013 AMR calls for in-depth reviews of developments related to the accumulation and unwinding of macroeconomic imbalances in 14 EU Member States:
La relazione 2013 auspica un esame approfondito degli sviluppi connessi all’accumulo e al riassorbimento degli squilibri macroeconomici in 14 Stati membri dell’UE:
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Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Belgio, Bulgaria, Danimarca, Spagna, Francia, Italia, Cipro, Ungheria, Malta, Paesi Bassi, Slovenia, Finlandia, Svezia e Regno Unito.
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Only after the in-depth reviews are completed next spring will the Commission conclude whether imbalances or excessive imbalances exist, and propose appropriate policy recommendations.
Solo al termine degli esami approfonditi nella prossima primavera, la Commissione stabilirà se esistano squilibri o squilibri eccessivi e formulerà opportune raccomandazioni politiche.
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The Commission is also publishing its first Annual Report on Single Market Integration (see MEMO/12/913), which monitors the functioning of the Single Market in the European Semester process.
Contemporaneamente la Commissione pubblica anche la sua prima relazione annuale sull’integrazione del mercato unico (vedi MEMO/12/913), che monitora il funzionamento del mercato unico nel processo del semestre europeo.
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Annexed to the AGS are the Macroeconomic Report, which gives an overview of the economic situation, and the Draft Joint Employment Report (see MEMO/12/914), which analyses the employment and social situation in Europe.
In allegato all’analisi annuale della crescita figurano la relazione macroeconomica, che presenta una panoramica della situazione attuale, e il progetto di relazione comune sull’occupazione (vedi MEMO/12/914), che analizza la situazione occupazionale e sociale in Europa.
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All of these reports provide important information and analysis to the Commission in the lead-up to the Country-Specific Recommendations, which will be issued in the spring.
Tutte queste relazioni contengono informazioni e analisi importanti su cui la Commissione si baserà per elaborare le raccomandazioni specifiche per paese che saranno pubblicate in primavera.
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Next steps:
Prossime fasi
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In the coming weeks and months, the different Council formations will discuss the AGS and report to the March European Council so that it can adopt appropriate policy guidance for the Member States.This guidance should be incorporated into Member States’ national budgetary and economic plans, which are sent to the Commission in April.
Nelle settimane e nei mesi a venire, le diverse formazioni del Consiglio discuteranno dell’analisi annuale della crescita e riferiranno al Consiglio europeo di primavera perché possa adottare opportuni orientamenti politici per gli Stati membri, da integrare nei piani economici e di bilancio nazionali che saranno trasmessi alla Commissione in aprile.
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Having analysed these programmes, and with the AGS priorities in mind, the Commission will issue Country-Specific Recommendations in May, in time for these to be endorsed by the June European Council.
Dopo aver analizzato questi programmi, e tenendo presenti le priorità dell’analisi annuale della crescita, la Commissione pubblicherà le sue raccomandazioni specifiche per paese a maggio, in tempo perché possano essere approvate dal Consiglio europeo di giugno.
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The Member States should then incorporate this policy guidance into their annual budgets and sectoral legislation.
A questo punto gli Stati membri dovranno integrare gli orientamenti politici nei bilanci annuali e nella legislazione settoriale.
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The AGS sets out what the Commission believes should be the overall economic and social priorities for the coming year.
L’analisi annuale della crescita illustra quelle che dovrebbero essere, secondo la Commissione, le priorità socioeconomiche globali per l’anno prossimo.
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It provides Member States with policy guidance to boost growth and employment in line with the EU's long-term growth strategy, Europe 2020.
Fornisce agli Stati membri orientamenti strategici per promuovere la crescita e l’occupazione in linea con la strategia di crescita a lungo termine dell’UE Europa 2020.
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And it kick-starts the European Semester, the EU's calendar for budgetary and economic policy coordination, where national policies are reviewed collectively and endorsed at the EU level to ensure Member States are moving in the same direction.
E dà il via al semestre europeo, il calendario dell’UE per il coordinamento delle politiche economiche e di bilancio, nel cui ambito le politiche nazionali vengono esaminate collettivamente e approvate a livello di UE per garantire che gli Stati membri procedano nella stessa direzione.
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The AGS applies to the EU as a whole, but will be translated into Country-Specific Recommendations later in the Semester.
L’analisi annuale della crescita riguarda l’intera UE, ma sarà tradotta in raccomandazioni specifiche per paese in una fase successiva del semestre.
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This is the third AGS since the European Semester was introduced in 2010. |
Questa è la terza analisi dal 2010, anno in cui è stato istituito il semestre europeo. |
Annual Growth Survey 2013: Charting the course to recovery
Brussels, 28 November 2012 – The European Commission today adopted the
2013 Annual Growth Survey (AGS), setting out five priorities designed to guide
Member States through the crisis to renewed growth.
The AGS kick-starts the European Semester for economic policy
coordination, which ensures Member States align their budgetary and economic
plans with the Stability and Growth Pact and the Europe 2020 strategy.
Commenting on the priorities, José Manuel Barroso, President of the
European Commission, said:
"It is crucial to stick to our strategy of growth-friendly fiscal
consolidation, economic reforms and targeted investments. This is the only way
to restore confidence and create lasting growth.
I understand that these reforms are difficult, painful and may have social
consequences, which is why the Commission is doing its best to make the recovery
as job-rich as possible.
The Annual Growth Survey provides Member States with policy guidance, ensuring
that the burden of reform is shared fairly and that the most vulnerable are
The main message of the AGS this year is that while EU policies are
beginning to show results – deficits are coming down, tensions in financial
markets are easing and there are signs that competitiveness is improving in some
Member States – continued reform is needed to generate sustainable growth and
That is why the Commission considers that the five priorities outlined
in last year's AGS (see MEMO/11/821) remain valid. The five priorities are:
pursuing differentiated, growth-friendly fiscal consolidation;
restoring normal lending to the economy;
promoting growth and competitiveness for today and tomorrow;
tackling unemployment and the social consequences of the crisis;
and modernising public administration.
Each of the five priorities is focused on delivering growth and jobs,
with a special emphasis on fairness.
There is no "one-size-fits-all" agenda to boost growth and jobs, but
there are common goals and a range of reforms to consider.
Targeted support for research in the public and private sectors, better
performing education and training systems to raise overall skill levels, and a
simpler legal regime for business start-ups – all of these measures can help to
boost competitiveness and therefore growth.
The Single Market and the further development of network industries
(transport, energy and internet infrastructures) also offer opportunities for
businesses to develop and for consumers to benefit from better services and
The adoption of a Compact for Growth and Jobs by the Heads of State or
Government at the June 2012 European Council should galvanise the efforts of the
EU and Member States to mobilise the growth levers they have at hand - from the
implementation of the Single Market Acts to the more targeted use of EU
Structural Funds.
The Commission has also recently proposed a strategy to improve the
functioning of energy markets, as well as measures for a reinforced industrial
Moreover, finding an overall agreement on the EU's multi-annual
financial framework for 2014-2020 will be essential in restoring growth and
competitiveness across Europe and in achieving our Europe 2020 goals.
The AGS underlines that the labour market situation calls for an urgent
Over the last 12 months, the number of unemployed people has increased
by 2 million and there are now more than 25 million people without a job.
Long-term unemployment has reached alarming highs and the situation of
young people has dramatically deteriorated in many countries.
The AGS outlines priorities to prepare for a job-rich recovery, to
improve employability levels and to promote social inclusion.
Faced with a rise in the number of jobseekers, Member States should
boost public employment services and step up "active labour market policies",
including jobseekers' assistance, apprenticeships, support for entrepreneurs and
quality traineeships.
The situation of young people is particularly worrying, with youth
unemployment hitting 50% in many countries.
The Commission has set up action teams to assist the eight Member
States with the highest youth unemployment levels in redirecting EU funds for
job training and support programmes (see MEMO/12/100).
The AGS also invites Member States to develop a "youth guarantee",
whereby every person under the age of 25 receives an offer of a job, further
study or a traineeship within four months of leaving formal education or
becoming unemployed.
The Commission will present a full proposal on youth guarantees in its
Youth Employment Package on 5 December.
The AGS places the emphasis on protecting the most vulnerable.
Income taxes and social security contributions should be reduced,
particularly for the lower paid.
And reforms should be stepped up to simplify employment legislation and
develop flexible working arrangements, as well as to make sure wage developments
support job creation.
Additional efforts are also needed to ensure the effectiveness of
social protection systems and develop active inclusion strategies to counter the
effects of the crisis.
Alongside the AGS, the Commission is publishing the second Alert
Mechanism Report on macroeconomic imbalances (see IP/12/1275). The AMR provides
an initial reading of Member States' economic policies (excluding those under an
EU-IMF programme) against a scoreboard of 11 indicators that focus on
developments in competitiveness, indebtedness, asset prices, adjustment and
links with the financial sector.
The 2013 AMR presents evidence that the adjustment of macroeconomic
imbalances is progressing. Current account deficits are narrowing in the
countries with the largest external imbalances, supported by gradually improving
export performance and competitiveness gains, and the correction in the housing
market is ongoing.
The 2013 AMR calls for in-depth reviews of developments related to the
accumulation and unwinding of macroeconomic imbalances in 14 EU Member States:
Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, the
Netherlands, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Only after the in-depth reviews are completed next spring will the
Commission conclude whether imbalances or excessive imbalances exist, and
propose appropriate policy recommendations.
The Commission is also publishing its first Annual Report on Single
Market Integration (see MEMO/12/913), which monitors the functioning of the
Single Market in the European Semester process.
Annexed to the AGS are the Macroeconomic Report, which gives an
overview of the economic situation, and the Draft Joint Employment Report (see
MEMO/12/914), which analyses the employment and social situation in Europe.
All of these reports provide important information and analysis to the
Commission in the lead-up to the Country-Specific Recommendations, which will be
issued in the spring.
Next steps:
In the coming weeks and months, the different Council formations will
discuss the AGS and report to the March European Council so that it can adopt
appropriate policy guidance for the Member States.This guidance should be
incorporated into Member States’ national budgetary and economic plans, which
are sent to the Commission in April.
Having analysed these programmes, and with the AGS priorities in mind,
the Commission will issue Country-Specific Recommendations in May, in time for
these to be endorsed by the June European Council.
The Member States should then incorporate this policy guidance into
their annual budgets and sectoral legislation.
The AGS sets out what the Commission believes should be the overall
economic and social priorities for the coming year.
It provides Member States with policy guidance to boost growth and
employment in line with the EU's long-term growth strategy, Europe 2020.
And it kick-starts the European Semester, the EU's calendar for
budgetary and economic policy coordination, where national policies are reviewed
collectively and endorsed at the EU level to ensure Member States are moving in
the same direction.
The AGS applies to the EU as a whole, but will be translated into
Country-Specific Recommendations later in the Semester.
This is the third AGS since the European Semester was introduced in
2010. |