Commissione, Parlamento e Consiglio incontrano le organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali per discutere della solidarietà tra le generazioni in Europa
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Data documento: 27-11-2012
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Commission, Parliament and Council meet philosophical and non-confessional organisations to discuss solidarity between generations across Europe
Commissione, Parlamento e Consiglio incontrano le organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali per discutere della solidarietà tra le generazioni in Europa
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Brussels, 27 November 2012 – European Commission President José Manuel Barroso today hosted a meeting with representatives from philosophical and non-confessional organisations in the Commission's headquarters in Brussels, under the motto "Intergenerational solidarity: setting the parameters for tomorrow's society in Europe".
Bruxelles, 27 novembre 2012 – Oggi il presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso ha ricevuto presso la sede della Commissione a Bruxelles i rappresentanti delle organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali nel corso di una riunione sul tema “Solidarietà intergenerazionale: definire i parametri della società di domani in Europa”.
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Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and Vice-President of the European Parliament László Surján co-chaired the meeting.The European leaders and the representatives exchanged views on how to strengthen solidarity between generations and to foster an active-ageing culture in Europe, all against the backdrop of important demographic challenges and a growing need for social innovation.
Durante la riunione, copresieduta dal presidente del Consiglio europeo Herman van Rompuy e dal vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo László Surján, i leader europei e i rappresentanti delle diverse organizzazioni hanno proceduto a uno scambio di opinioni sui possibili modi di rafforzare la solidarietà tra generazioni e promuovere una cultura dell’invecchiamento attivo in Europa, tenuto conto delle importanti sfide demografiche e della crescente necessità di innovazione sociale.
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José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, said:
José Manuel Barroso, presidente della Commissione europea, ha dichiarato:
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"Europe is built on solidarity, but this solidarity is challenged in the crisis.
“L’Europa si fonda sulla solidarietà, che è però messa a dura prova dalla crisi.
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When people suffer, the temptation is big to follow populist ideas and turn the European Union into a scapegoat.
Quando le persone soffrono, è grande la tentazione di seguire idee populiste e di trasformare l’Unione europea in un capro espiatorio.
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In reality, the EU is the only framework where both solidarity and the necessary reforms can be brought together for the common European good.
In realtà, l’UE è l’unico contesto in cui si possano far convergere per il bene comune europeo tanto la solidarietà quanto le necessarie riforme.
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We therefore should spare no effort to work hand in hand and restore solidarity between nations, between states and within states, between the rich and the poor, the old and the young.
Dobbiamo pertanto impegnarci a fondo per collaborare fianco a fianco e ripristinare la solidarietà tra le nazioni, tra gli Stati e al loro interno, tra ricchi e poveri, tra giovani e anziani.
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Today's meeting is an important contribution to this aim and I am encouraged by the commitment shown by all participants."
L’incontro odierno rappresenta un importante contributo a questo obiettivo e ritengo incoraggiante l’impegno dimostrato da tutti i partecipanti”.
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Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, stated:
Herman van Rompuy, presidente del Consiglio europeo, ha affermato:
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"I have put the accent this morning on European identity, on Europe, for who the most essential value is the respect for each and every person, a respect resulting in equal rights for everyone, non-discrimination in all its forms, as well as solidarity and brotherhood.
“Questa mattina ho tenuto a evidenziare l’identità europea e a sottolineare che il valore più importante per l’Europa consiste nel rispetto di ciascun individuo, un rispetto che comporta pari diritti per tutti, la non discriminazione in ogni sua forma, la solidarietà e la fratellanza.
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Today, thanks to the value we attach to each person, we are able to build a European Union that is founded on more solidarity, also between young and old."
Oggi, grazie al valore che riconosciamo ad ogni persona, siamo in grado di costruire un’Unione europea fondata su una maggiore solidarietà, anche tra giovani e meno giovani”.
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László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament, said:
László Surján, vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo, si è così pronunciato:
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"In the European Parliament, we believe that intergenerational solidarity has helped citizens survive the recent crisis.
“Al Parlamento europeo crediamo fermamente che la solidarietà fra le generazioni abbia permesso ai cittadini di sopravvivere alla recente crisi.
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Further, intergenerational solidarity is of paramount importance for the whole of society for other reasons - just to mention pension systems or the transfer of knowledge and experience from one generation to other."
Inoltre, la solidarietà fra generazioni riveste la massima importanza per l’intera società anche per altri motivi: basti pensare ai sistemi pensionistici o al trasferimento di conoscenze e di esperienze da una generazione all’altra”.
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During the meeting, the participants acknowledged the role that philosophical and non-confessional organisations play in promoting values like freedom, equal rights and solidarity in Europe and beyond.
Nel corso della riunione, i partecipanti hanno riconosciuto il ruolo svolto dalle organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali per promuovere valori quali la libertà, la parità di diritti e la solidarietà in Europa e oltre i suoi confini.
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They agreed on the need to address the challenges of demographic change, like fighting discrimination, creating better job opportunities for people of all ages, or fostering life-long learning.
Essi hanno altresì convenuto sulla necessità di affrontare le sfide lanciate dal cambiamento demografico, come ad esempio la lotta contro la discriminazione, la creazione di migliori opportunità di lavoro per le persone di ogni età o la promozione dell’apprendimento permanente.
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These endeavours directly feed into the European Commission's overall growth strategy for Europe, by striving for better education, less poverty, and a fairer society.
Tale impegno ad adoperarsi a favore di una migliore istruzione, della riduzione della povertà e di una società più giusta alimenta direttamente la strategia di crescita globale per l’Europa della Commissione europea.
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2012 marks the 'European Year for active ageing and solidarity between generations'.
Il 2012 è stato dichiarato “Anno europeo dell’invecchiamento attivo e della solidarietà tra le generazioni“.
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The Year has mobilised a wide range of stakeholders and showcased new initiatives to promote active ageing and strengthen solidarity between generations, thus contributing to the Commission's Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
A tal fine sono state mobilitate numerose parti interessate e sono state illustrate nuove iniziative volte a promuovere l’invecchiamento attivo e a rafforzare la solidarietà tra le generazioni, contribuendo così alla strategia Europa 2020 per una crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva.
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Today's meeting also fits in this strategy.
L’incontro odierno rientra altresì in tale strategia.
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High-level meetings between European institutions and philosophical and non-confessional organisations, as well as with churches and religious associations or communities, have become a solid tradition.
L’organizzazione di riunioni ad alto livello tra le istituzioni europee e le organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali, nonché con le chiese e le associazioni o comunità religiose, è diventata una solida tradizione.
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Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the dialogue with churches and communities of conviction is a legal obligation, enshrined in primary law (Art. 17 TFEU).
Dall’entrata in vigore del trattato di Lisbona nel dicembre 2009, il dialogo con le chiese e le comunità di pensiero costituisce un obbligo giuridico, sancito dal diritto primario (articolo 17 del TFUE).
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The dialogue is regarded by the EU institutions as an important instrument of participatory democracy.
Le istituzioni dell’Unione europea considerano il dialogo un importante strumento di democrazia partecipativa.
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Beyond the high-level meetings with religious leaders and with philosophical and non-confessional representatives there are regular dialogue seminars with the different interlocutors on specific EU policies. |
Oltre alle riunioni ad alto livello con i leader religiosi e con rappresentanti delle organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali, vengono periodicamente organizzati con i vari interlocutori seminari di dialogo su determinate politiche dell’UE. |
Commission, Parliament and Council meet philosophical and non-confessional
organisations to discuss solidarity between generations across Europe
Brussels, 27 November 2012 – European Commission President José Manuel
Barroso today hosted a meeting with representatives from philosophical and
non-confessional organisations in the Commission's headquarters in Brussels,
under the motto "Intergenerational solidarity: setting the parameters for
tomorrow's society in Europe".
Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and
Vice-President of the European Parliament László Surján co-chaired the
meeting.The European leaders and the representatives exchanged views on how to
strengthen solidarity between generations and to foster an active-ageing culture
in Europe, all against the backdrop of important demographic challenges and a
growing need for social innovation.
José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, said:
"Europe is built on solidarity, but this solidarity is challenged in
the crisis.
When people suffer, the temptation is big to follow populist ideas and turn the
European Union into a scapegoat.
In reality, the EU is the only framework where both solidarity and the necessary
reforms can be brought together for the common European good.
We therefore should spare no effort to work hand in hand and restore solidarity
between nations, between states and within states, between the rich and the
poor, the old and the young.
Today's meeting is an important contribution to this aim and I am encouraged by
the commitment shown by all participants."
Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, stated:
"I have put the accent this morning on European identity, on Europe, for who the
most essential value is the respect for each and every person, a respect
resulting in equal rights for everyone, non-discrimination in all its forms, as
well as solidarity and brotherhood.
Today, thanks to the value we attach to each person, we are able to build a
European Union that is founded on more solidarity, also between young and old."
László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament, said:
"In the European Parliament, we believe that intergenerational solidarity has
helped citizens survive the recent crisis.
Further, intergenerational solidarity is of paramount importance for the whole
of society for other reasons - just to mention pension systems or the transfer
of knowledge and experience from one generation to other."
During the meeting, the participants acknowledged the role that
philosophical and non-confessional organisations play in promoting values like
freedom, equal rights and solidarity in Europe and beyond.
They agreed on the need to address the challenges of demographic
change, like fighting discrimination, creating better job opportunities for
people of all ages, or fostering life-long learning.
These endeavours directly feed into the European Commission's overall
growth strategy for Europe, by striving for better education, less poverty, and
a fairer society.
2012 marks the 'European Year for active ageing and solidarity between
The Year has mobilised a wide range of stakeholders and showcased new
initiatives to promote active ageing and strengthen solidarity between
generations, thus contributing to the Commission's Europe 2020 strategy for
smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Today's meeting also fits in this strategy.
High-level meetings between European institutions and philosophical and
non-confessional organisations, as well as with churches and religious
associations or communities, have become a solid tradition.
Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the
dialogue with churches and communities of conviction is a legal obligation,
enshrined in primary law (Art. 17 TFEU).
The dialogue is regarded by the EU institutions as an important
instrument of participatory democracy.
Beyond the high-level meetings with religious leaders and with
philosophical and non-confessional representatives there are regular dialogue
seminars with the different interlocutors on specific EU policies. |