Esenzione dal visto: ancora ostacoli nonostante i progressi
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Data documento: 26-11-2012
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Visa-free travel: Progress, but hurdles remain
Esenzione dal visto: ancora ostacoli nonostante i progressi
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How well are countries outside the EU living up to their commitments when it comes to offering visa-free travel to EU citizens?
In che misura i paesi al di fuori dell’UE rispettano gli impegni quando si tratta di concedere l’esenzione dal visto ai cittadini dell’Unione?
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Today, the European Commission adopted its seventh report about breaches of the principle of visa reciprocity in third countries.
La Commissione europea ha adottato oggi la settima relazione sulle violazioni del principio di reciprocità in materia di visti da parte dei paesi terzi.
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The report shows that visa-free travel for EU citizens has been achieved towards more countries in the past year, for example with Brazil.
Dalla relazione emerge che il regime di esenzione dal visto per i cittadini dell’UE viene concesso, ora, da un maggior numero di paesi (ad esempio il Brasile).
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For some countries, however, EU citizens are still required to obtain a visa for travels that should be visa-free.
I cittadini europei continuano, tuttavia, ad essere soggetti all’obbligo del visto anche per recarsi in alcuni paesi che non dovrebbero richiederlo.
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Overall, the current 'reciprocity mechanism' has proved efficient when a third country whose citizens are exempt from the EU visa requirement maintains its own requirement for citizens of EU Member States.
Complessivamente, l’attuale “meccanismo di reciprocità” si è dimostrato efficace nei casi in cui un paese terzo i cui cittadini sono esenti dall’obbligo del visto per i viaggi nell’UE mantiene tale obbligo per i cittadini degli Stati membri:
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The number of these non-reciprocity cases has been reduced significantly since the introduction of the mechanism in 2005, when nearly one hundred cases with 18 countries were reported.
dall’introduzione del meccanismo nel 2005, anno in cui si erano registrati quasi 100 casi relativi a 18 paesi, il numero di questi casi di non reciprocità si è ridotto notevolmente.
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It is clear, however, that the existing mechanism needs revising to make it quicker and more efficient in order to achieve full visa reciprocity with all third countries that are exempt from visa requirements.
È chiaro, tuttavia, che il meccanismo in vigore dev’essere riveduto e reso più rapido ed efficace, per ottenere una piena reciprocità in materia di visti con tutti i paesi terzi esenti dall’obbligo del visto.
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"We must make sure that the principle of visa reciprocity is fully respected", said Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs.
“Dobbiamo garantire che il principio della reciprocità in materia di visti sia pienamente rispettato”, ha dichiarato Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria per gli Affari interni.
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"Therefore, we are pursuing our efforts in order to solve the remaining cases of non-reciprocity, with the U.S. and with Canada.
“Stiamo quindi continuando ad impegnarci per risolvere i casi rimanenti di non reciprocità, con gli Stati Uniti e con il Canada.
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The Commission is eagerly awaiting the adoption by the European Parliament and the Council of a new, reinforced, reciprocity mechanism, which would give us a stronger tool to act.
La Commissione attende con impazienza che il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio adottino un nuovo meccanismo di reciprocità rafforzato, che rappresenterebbe uno strumento più potente per intervenire”.
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The following progress has been made since the last report in November 2010:
Dopo l’ultima relazione, del novembre 2010, sono stati compiuti i seguenti progressi:
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- Citizens of all Member States are now allowed to travel visa-free to Brazil, thanks to the entry into force of the EU-Brazil short stay visa waiver agreement for ordinary passport holders on 1 October 2012.
- i cittadini di tutti gli Stati membri possono ora recarsi in Brasile in regime di esenzione dal visto, grazie all’entrata in vigore dell’accordo UE-Brasile di esenzione dal visto per i soggiorni di breve durata per i titolari di passaporti ordinari, il 1° ottobre 2012;
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- Japanese authorities have decided to extend the temporary visa waiver granted for Romanian citizens until 31 December 2012.
- le autorità giapponesi hanno deciso di prorogare fino al 31 dicembre 2012 l’applicazione dell’esenzione temporanea dal visto concessa per i cittadini rumeni;
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The Commission hopes that, further to the implementation of specific measures agreed between Romania and Japan, the temporary visa waiver will be converted by Japan into a permanent one.
la Commissione spera che, in seguito all’attuazione di misure specifiche convenute tra la Romania e il Giappone, quest’ultimo converta l’esenzione temporanea in esenzione permanente;
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- Full visa reciprocity was achieved with Brunei for all EU Member States, as well as for Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
- con il Brunei è stata raggiunta la piena reciprocità in materia di visti per tutti gli Stati membri dell’UE, nonché per l’Islanda, la Norvegia e la Svizzera;
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The Commission intends to request the extension of the visa waiver for stays up to 90 days also for citizens of Liechtenstein.
la Commissione intende chiedere la proroga dell’esenzione dal visto per soggiorni di durata non superiore a 90 giorni anche per i cittadini del Liechtenstein.
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Regretfully, there are still two important cases of "non-reciprocity" that remain:
Restano purtroppo due casi importanti di “non reciprocità”:
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the United States of America still maintains a visa requirement for citizens of Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania and Poland; Canada also imposes a visa requirement for the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania.
gli Stati Uniti d’America mantengono ancora l’obbligo del visto per i cittadini della Bulgaria, di Cipro, della Romania e della Polonia, e il Canada impone tale obbligo per la Repubblica ceca, la Bulgaria e la Romania.
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The U.S. considers that the Member States concerned still do not meet all criteria for visa exemption set in its legislation, in particular the thresholds for visa refusal and/or overstay rates.
Gli Stati Uniti ritengono che gli Stati membri in questione non rispettino ancora tutti i criteri per l’esenzione dal visto fissati dalle leggi nazionali, in particolare le soglie stabilite per i tassi di rifiuto del visto e/o di prolungamento del soggiorno oltre la scadenza del visto.
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By reintroducing the visa requirement for Czech citizens, Canada intended to reduce the number of unfounded asylum applications coming from the EU.
Ripristinando l’obbligo del visto per i cittadini cechi, il Canada intendeva ridurre il numero di richieste di asilo infondate provenienti dall’UE.
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Some positive developments are expected (a new draft Visa Waiver Programme legislation in the US, a new asylum legislation in Canada), but to date no solution has been found.
Si prevedono alcuni sviluppi positivi (un nuovo progetto di legge sul programma “Viaggio senza visto” - Visa Waiver Programme - negli Stati Uniti, una nuova legislazione sull’asilo in Canada), ma per ora non è stata individuata alcuna soluzione.
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In a bid to overcome the limits of the current mechanism, on 24 May 2011, the Commission proposed to the European Parliament and the Council to adopt a new, more efficient, mechanism (IP/11/629).
Nel tentativo di superare i limiti del meccanismo vigente, il 24 maggio 2011 la Commissione ha proposto al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio di adottare un nuovo meccanismo più efficace (IP/11/629).
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The two co-legislators have not yet agreed on the final form the revised mechanism will take, but it is likely that it will allow the EU to put more pressure on third countries not respecting the reciprocity principle.
I due colegislatori non hanno ancora raggiunto un accordo sulla forma definitiva del meccanismo, ma probabilmente esso consentirà all’UE di esercitare maggiori pressioni sui paesi terzi che non rispettano il principio di reciprocità.
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Not all third countries nationals must have a visa in order to travel to the Schengen area for a short stay.
Non tutti i cittadini di paesi terzi devono essere in possesso del visto per entrare nello spazio Schengen per un soggiorno di breve durata.
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The EU has a common list of countries whose citizens must have a visa and a list of countries whose citizens are exempt from that requirement (see Council Regulation (EC) 539/2001).
L’UE ha predisposto un elenco comune di paesi i cui cittadini devono avere un visto e un elenco di paesi i cui cittadini sono esenti da tale obbligo (si veda il regolamento (CE) n. 539/2001 del Consiglio).
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It is therefore logical that the EU also urges third that are visa free to grant a visa waiver to citizens of all EU Member States.
È quindi logico che l’UE esorti i paesi i cui cittadini sono esenti dall’obbligo di visto ad esonerare a loro volta dal visto i cittadini di tutti gli Stati membri dell’Unione.
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For this reason, a visa reciprocity mechanism has been set up in Council Regulation (EC) 539/2001 (reviewed through Council Regulation (EC) N° 851/2005)
Per questo motivo il regolamento (CE) n. 539/2001 del Consiglio (modificato dal regolamento (CE) n.851/2005 del Consiglio) ha istituito un meccanismo di reciprocità dei visti.
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If a country that is visa free introduces a visa requirement for one or more EU Member States, the Member State(s) concerned must notify the Commission, which takes steps with the authorities of the third country to restore visa-free travel and reports to the European Parliament and the Council.
Se un paese i cui cittadini sono esenti dall’obbligo di visto introduce tale obbligo per uno o più Stati membri dell’UE, questi devono comunicarlo alla Commissione, che interverrà presso le autorità del paese terzo per ristabilire l’esenzione dal visto e terrà informati il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio.
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The Commission can also propose to the Council retaliatory measures vis-à-vis the third country in question.
La Commissione può anche proporre al Consiglio contromisure nei confronti di quel paese.
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The Commission has already issued several general reports regarding the implementation of the visa reciprocity mechanism (last report in November 2010 – IP/10/1473). |
La Commissione ha già pubblicato varie relazioni generali sull’attuazione del meccanismo di reciprocità dei visti, di cui l’ultima nel novembre 2010 (IP/10/1473). |
Visa-free travel: Progress, but hurdles remain
How well are countries outside the EU living up to their commitments
when it comes to offering visa-free travel to EU citizens?
Today, the European Commission adopted its seventh report about
breaches of the principle of visa reciprocity in third countries.
The report shows that visa-free travel for EU citizens has been
achieved towards more countries in the past year, for example with Brazil.
For some countries, however, EU citizens are still required to obtain a
visa for travels that should be visa-free.
Overall, the current 'reciprocity mechanism' has proved efficient when
a third country whose citizens are exempt from the EU visa requirement maintains
its own requirement for citizens of EU Member States.
The number of these non-reciprocity cases has been reduced
significantly since the introduction of the mechanism in 2005, when nearly one
hundred cases with 18 countries were reported.
It is clear, however, that the existing mechanism needs revising to
make it quicker and more efficient in order to achieve full visa reciprocity
with all third countries that are exempt from visa requirements.
"We must make sure that the principle of visa reciprocity is fully
respected", said Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs.
"Therefore, we are pursuing our efforts in order to solve the remaining
cases of non-reciprocity, with the U.S. and with Canada.
The Commission is eagerly awaiting the adoption by the European
Parliament and the Council of a new, reinforced, reciprocity mechanism, which
would give us a stronger tool to act.
The following progress has been made since the last report in November
- Citizens of all Member States are now allowed to travel visa-free to
Brazil, thanks to the entry into force of the EU-Brazil short stay visa waiver
agreement for ordinary passport holders on 1 October 2012.
- Japanese authorities have decided to extend the temporary visa waiver
granted for Romanian citizens until 31 December 2012.
The Commission hopes that, further to the implementation of specific measures
agreed between Romania and Japan, the temporary visa waiver will be converted by
Japan into a permanent one.
- Full visa reciprocity was achieved with Brunei for all EU Member
States, as well as for Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
The Commission intends to request the extension of the visa waiver for
stays up to 90 days also for citizens of Liechtenstein.
Regretfully, there are still two important cases of "non-reciprocity"
that remain:
the United States of America still maintains a visa requirement for citizens of
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania and Poland; Canada also imposes a visa requirement for
the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania.
The U.S. considers that the Member States concerned still do not meet
all criteria for visa exemption set in its legislation, in particular the
thresholds for visa refusal and/or overstay rates.
By reintroducing the visa requirement for Czech citizens, Canada
intended to reduce the number of unfounded asylum applications coming from the
Some positive developments are expected (a new draft Visa Waiver
Programme legislation in the US, a new asylum legislation in Canada), but to
date no solution has been found.
In a bid to overcome the limits of the current mechanism, on 24 May
2011, the Commission proposed to the European Parliament and the Council to
adopt a new, more efficient, mechanism (IP/11/629).
The two co-legislators have not yet agreed on the final form the
revised mechanism will take, but it is likely that it will allow the EU to put
more pressure on third countries not respecting the reciprocity principle.
Not all third countries nationals must have a visa in order to travel
to the Schengen area for a short stay.
The EU has a common list of countries whose citizens must have a visa
and a list of countries whose citizens are exempt from that requirement (see
Council Regulation (EC) 539/2001).
It is therefore logical that the EU also urges third that are visa free
to grant a visa waiver to citizens of all EU Member States.
For this reason, a visa reciprocity mechanism has been set up in
Council Regulation (EC) 539/2001 (reviewed through Council Regulation (EC) N°
If a country that is visa free introduces a visa requirement for one or
more EU Member States, the Member State(s) concerned must notify the Commission,
which takes steps with the authorities of the third country to restore visa-free
travel and reports to the European Parliament and the Council.
The Commission can also propose to the Council retaliatory measures
vis-à-vis the third country in question.
The Commission has already issued several general reports regarding the
implementation of the visa reciprocity mechanism (last report in November 2010 –
IP/10/1473). |