2013 anno europeo dei cittadini: la cittadinanza e il futuro
dell’Europa al centro del dibattito
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Data documento: 23-11-2012
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"It's about Europe. It's about you.Join the debate" – 2013 is the 'European Year of Citizens'
2013 anno europeo dei cittadini:la cittadinanza e il futuro dell’Europa al centro del dibattito
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2013 has been officially named "The European Year of Citizens".
Il 2013 è stato ufficialmente proclamato “anno europeo dei cittadini”.
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20 years after the introduction of EU Citizenship, the year will focus both on what has already been achieved for citizens and on meeting citizens' expectations for the future.
A vent’anni dall’introduzione della cittadinanza europea, l’evento ha un duplice intento: illustrare quanto finora realizzato e rispondere alle aspettative future dei cittadini.
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The decision by the European Parliament and the Council on the proposal by the European Commission was published in the Official Journal today.
L’anno europeo è stato istituito con la decisione del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, su proposta dalla Commissione, pubblicata oggi nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea.
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Events throughout the European Year will explain how people can directly benefit from their EU rights and which policies and programmes exist.
Le manifestazioni previste metteranno in risalto le politiche e i programmi esistenti e spiegheranno ai cittadini come beneficiare direttamente dei diritti dell’Unione.
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The European Year will also stimulate an EU-wide debate with citizens about what the European Union should look like in the future and which reforms are needed to improve their every-day lives.
Scopo dell’evento è inoltre lanciare un dibattito pubblico sull’Unione europea del futuro e sulle riforme necessarie per migliorare la vita quotidiana dei cittadini europei.
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"After 20 years of EU citizenship, much has been achieved. It is time to reflect on where we stand and what the future should bring," said Vice-President Viviane Reding, EU-Commissioner responsible for Justice and Citizenship.
“In questi vent’anni di cittadinanza dell’Unione è stato fatto molto ed è ora di riflettere sul nostro presente e sul nostro futuro”, ha dichiarato Viviane Reding, Vicepresidente e Commissaria europea per la giustizia e la cittadinanza.
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"People expect concrete results from Europe, and with cheaper roaming charges, better rights for crime victims and easier shopping online for consumers, that is exactly what we are delivering.
“I cittadini si aspettano dall’Europa risultati concreti ed è esattamente ciò che stiamo facendo abbassando le tariffe roaming, tutelando meglio i diritti delle vittime di reato o ancora rendendo più facili gli acquisti online.
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We want to keep delivering on citizens' rights and this is why we are dedicating a full year to those at the heart of the European project – our citizens.
Questa è la strada che continueremo a percorrere e per questo motivo il prossimo anno sarà interamente dedicato ai cittadini europei, vero fulcro del progetto europeo:
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The European Year of Citizens is an opportunity for us to listen and learn from you what you want and how we can build the European Union of the future together."
ne ascolteremo la voce per capire quali sono le aspettative e come costruire insieme l’Unione europea del futuro.”
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The European Year of Citizens coincides with the 20th anniversary of the introduction of EU Citizenship, when the Maastricht Treaty came into force in 1993.
L’anno europeo dei cittadini del 2013 coincide con il ventesimo anniversario della cittadinanza dell’Unione, introdotta con l’entrata in vigore del trattato di Maastricht nel 1993.
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2013 will also be the year when the Commission adopts its next EU Citizenship Report (see the 2010 report: IP/10/1390), which will present further targeted EU initiatives to remove the remaining obstacles that hinder citizens from fully enjoying their rights.
Sempre nel 2013 verrà poi pubblicata la seconda relazione sulla cittadinanza dell’Unione (per la relazione 2010 vedi IP/10/1390) in cui la Commissione presenterà altre iniziative per eliminare gli ultimi ostacoli al pieno godimento dei diritti legati alla cittadinanza dell’UE.
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One year before the European elections 2014, it is also the right moment for a broad debate about the future.
Mancherà solo un anno alle elezioni europee del 2014: quale occasione migliore per lanciare un ampio dibattito sul futuro dell’Europa.
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To prepare the ground for the European Year, the Commission held a broad public consultation between 9 May and 9 September 2012 asking citizens what problems they have encountered in exercising their rights as EU citizens (see IP/12/461).
In preparazione dell’anno europeo la Commissione ha condotto, tra il 9 maggio e il 9 settembre 2012, un’ampia consultazione pubblica per rilevare i problemi incontrati dai cittadini nell’esercizio dei diritti legati alla cittadinanza europea (vedi IP/12/461).
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The contributions, which are currently being analysed, will feed into the Citizenship Report to be published on 9 May 2013.
I contributi ricevuti, attualmente in fase di esame, contribuiranno alla relazione sulla cittadinanza europea che sarà pubblicata il 9 maggio 2013.
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As part of the Year, politicians have started holding debates with citizens directly about the future of Europe.Such debates will be held all across the Union over the course of 2013. Everyone will be free to join the debates: see website indicated below.
L’evento prevede una serie di dibattiti pubblici sul futuro dell’Europa, aperti a tutti i cittadini, che si terranno dovunque nell’Unione: vedi sitoweb indicato sotto.
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The first debates already took place in Spain, Austria and Germany and many more are still to come.
I primi dibattiti si sono già tenuti in Spagna, Austria e Germania e altri seguiranno nel 2013.
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The European Year of Citizens will be officially launched by a debate with citizens in Dublin on 10 January 2013, coinciding with the start of the Irish presidency of the Council.
L’anno europeo dei cittadini sarà ufficialmente inaugurato il 10 gennaio 2013 a Dublino con un dibattito pubblico, in concomitanza con l’inizio della presidenza irlandese del Consiglio.
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Today's publication of the decision to make the 2013 the European
Year of Citizens in the EU's Official Journal, the EU's statute book, follows
the adoption by the European Parliament and the Council to a Commission proposal
from August 2011 (see IP/11/959)
Hanno adottato la decisione che proclama il 2013 “anno europeo dei cittadini”, pubblicata oggi nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea, il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio su proposta della Commissione presentata a agosto 2011 (vedi IP/11/959).
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This Decision indicates a budget for the European Year of €1 million.The final level of the budget allocated to the European Year is subject to ongoing negotiations about the EU Budget for 2013.
Il bilancio previsto per l’anno europeo è di 1 milione di euro ma l’importo definitivo dipenderà dai negoziati in corso sul bilancio dell’UE per il 2013.
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The European Year communication campaign will make the most of existing tools and materials (such as websites, portals, videos, brochures, events etc) to raise awareness about, and promote the use of, existing multilingual information and participatory tools (including Europe Direct, Your Europe, SOLVIT, Interactive Policy Making, the European Citizens' Initiative, Petitions) to address citizens' concerns and make a real difference in their every-day lives.
Sfruttando al massimo gli strumenti e il materiale disponibili (siti internet, portali, video, opuscoli, eventi ecc.), l’anno europeo lancerà una campagna di comunicazione e di sensibilizzazione che intende far conoscere gli strumenti partecipativi e informativi esistenti nelle diverse lingue (Europe Direct, La tua Europa, SOLVIT, Interactive Policy Making, diritto d’iniziativa dei cittadini europei, petizioni) in grado di rispondere alle preoccupazioni dei cittadini e di incidere sulla vita di tutti i giorni.
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To achieve this, the Commission is working closely with the other EU Institutions, Member State authorities (at national, regional and local level) and civil society organisations.
La Commissione opererà in stretta collaborazione con le altre istituzioni dell’Unione, con le autorità degli Stati membri (nazionali, regionali e locali) e con le organizzazioni della società civile.
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An EU-wide alliance of civil society organisations has set itself up expressly to collaborate with the Commission on the European Year.This 'European Year of Citizens Alliance' (EYCA, http://ey2013-alliance.eu/) is a key strategic partner representing civil society.
Per l’occasione le principali organizzazioni della società civile europee hanno stretto un’alleanza, la European Year of Citizens 2013 Alliance (http://ey2013-alliance.eu/)che collabora con la Commissione quale partner strategico in rappresentanza della società civile. |
It's about Europe. It's about you. Join the debate" – 2013 is the
'European Year of Citizens'
2013 has been officially named "The European Year of Citizens".
20 years after the introduction of EU Citizenship, the year will focus
both on what has already been achieved for citizens and on meeting citizens'
expectations for the future.
The decision by the European Parliament and the Council on the proposal
by the European Commission was published in the Official Journal today.
Events throughout the European Year will explain how people can
directly benefit from their EU rights and which policies and programmes exist.
The European Year will also stimulate an EU-wide debate with citizens
about what the European Union should look like in the future and which reforms
are needed to improve their every-day lives.
"After 20 years of EU citizenship, much has been achieved. It is time
to reflect on where we stand and what the future should bring," said
Vice-President Viviane Reding, EU-Commissioner responsible for Justice and
"People expect concrete results from Europe, and with cheaper roaming
charges, better rights for crime victims and easier shopping online for
consumers, that is exactly what we are delivering.
We want to keep delivering on citizens' rights and this is why we are
dedicating a full year to those at the heart of the European project – our
The European Year of Citizens is an opportunity for us to listen and
learn from you what you want and how we can build the European Union of the
future together."
The European Year of Citizens coincides with the 20th anniversary of
the introduction of EU Citizenship, when the Maastricht Treaty came into force
in 1993.
2013 will also be the year when the Commission adopts its next EU
Citizenship Report (see the 2010 report: IP/10/1390), which will present further
targeted EU initiatives to remove the remaining obstacles that hinder citizens
from fully enjoying their rights.
One year before the European elections 2014, it is also the right
moment for a broad debate about the future.
To prepare the ground for the European Year, the Commission held a
broad public consultation between 9 May and 9 September 2012 asking citizens
what problems they have encountered in exercising their rights as EU citizens
(see IP/12/461).
The contributions, which are currently being analysed, will feed into
the Citizenship Report to be published on 9 May 2013.
As part of the Year, politicians have started holding debates with
citizens directly about the future of Europe.Such debates will be held all
across the Union over the course of 2013. Everyone will be free to join the
debates: see website indicated below.
The first debates already took place in Spain, Austria and Germany and
many more are still to come.
The European Year of Citizens will be officially launched by a debate
with citizens in Dublin on 10 January 2013, coinciding with the start of the
Irish presidency of the Council.
Today's publication of the decision to make the 2013 the European Year
of Citizens in the EU's Official Journal, the EU's statute book, follows the
adoption by the European Parliament and the Council to a Commission proposal
from August 2011 (see IP/11/959).
This Decision indicates a budget for the European Year of €1 million.The final
level of the budget allocated to the European Year is subject to ongoing
negotiations about the EU Budget for 2013.
The European Year communication campaign will make the most of existing
tools and materials (such as websites, portals, videos, brochures, events etc)
to raise awareness about, and promote the use of, existing multilingual
information and participatory tools (including Europe Direct, Your Europe,
SOLVIT, Interactive Policy Making, the European Citizens' Initiative, Petitions)
to address citizens' concerns and make a real difference in their every-day
To achieve this, the Commission is working closely with the other EU
Institutions, Member State authorities (at national, regional and local level)
and civil society organisations.
An EU-wide alliance of civil society organisations has set itself up
expressly to collaborate with the Commission on the European Year.This 'European
Year of Citizens Alliance' (EYCA, http://ey2013-alliance.eu/) is a key strategic
partner representing civil society.
http://ec.europa.eu/european-debate/interactive_map/estonia/index_en.htm. |