Seconda relazione della Commissione sullo “stato di salute” di Schengen
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Data documento: 23-11-2012
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Second Commission report on the state of the Schengen area
Seconda relazione della Commissione sullo “stato di salute” di Schengen
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The Schengen area of free movement allows more than 400 million EU citizens from 26 European countries and an increasing number of non-EU citizens, to travel without internal border controls.
Lo spazio Schengen di libera circolazione consente a più di 400 milioni di cittadini dell’UE, provenienti da 26 paesi europei, e a un numero crescente di cittadini di paesi terzi di viaggiare senza controlli alle frontiere interne.
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Today the Commission adopted its second Schengen 'health check', a biannual overview on the functioning of the Schengen area.
Oggi la Commissione ha adottato il secondo “check up” di Schengen, una panoramica semestrale sul funzionamento dello spazio Schengen.
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The report provides a clear account of the state of the Schengen area, to ensure a coherent interpretation and implementation of the common rules amongst all Schengen participating countries.
La relazione presenta con chiarezza la situazione dello spazio Schengen per garantire un’interpretazione e un'attuazione coerenti delle norme comuni nei paesi che ne sono membri.
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"Moving freely within the Schengen area is one of the biggest European achievements.
“La libertà di circolazione nello spazio Schengen è una delle maggiori realizzazioni europee.
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Maintaining an area without internal border controls requires an on-going effort and commitment by all of its members.
requires mutual trust, a proper European framework, transparent debates and
Mantenere una zona senza controlli alle frontiere interne richiede impegno e sforzi costanti da parte di tutti i suoi membri, nonché fiducia reciproca, un quadro europeo adeguato, discussioni trasparenti e cooperazione.
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In order to strengthen the Schengen area we need to improve the
evaluation and monitoring.
Per rafforzare lo spazio Schengen è necessario migliorare la valutazione e il controllo.
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I call upon the Council and the European Parliament to make progress on the on-going negotiations on the Schengen proposals", said EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström.
Chiedo al Consiglio e al Parlamento europeo di far avanzare i negoziati in corso sulle proposte relative a Schengen”, ha dichiarato Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria per gli Affari interni.
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This second report covers the period 1 May 2012 – 31 October 2012 and assesses in particular:
La seconda relazione copre il periodo che va dal 1° maggio 2012 al 31 ottobre 2012 e valuta in particolare i punti riportati in seguito.
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The situation at the external Schengen borders and within the Schengen area
La situazione alle frontiere esterne Schengen e all'interno dello spazio Schengen
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During April-June 2012, approximately 23 000 irregular border crossings were detected, which represents a 44% decrease compared to the same period in 2011 in the midst of the Arab Spring.
Nel periodo dall'aprile al giugno 2012 sono stati rilevati circa 23 000 attraversamenti irregolari delle frontiere: si registra quindi una diminuzione del 44% rispetto ai dati rilevati nello stesso periodo del 2011, nel pieno della Primavera araba.
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However, the detections at the land borders between Greece and Turkey reported a 29% increase.
Sono tuttavia aumentati del 29% i casi di immigrazione irregolare individuati ai confini terrestri tra la Grecia e la Turchia.
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56% of all detections were carried out at this border section, which remains the main entry point for irregular migration into the EU.
Il 56% dei casi è stato infatti rilevato in questa sezione di frontiera, che continua a essere il principale punto di immigrazione irregolare nell'UE.
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Since the redeployment in August 2011 of around 1.800 border guards (Operation Shield), controls at this border section have been greatly improved, with the Greek authorities reporting a sharp decrease of detected irregular border crossings in the Evros area.
Tuttavia, grazio allo spiegamento di circa 1 800 guardie di frontiera nell'agosto 2011 (operazione “Schield” – scudo), i controlli sulla frontiera terrestre greco-turca sono notevolmente migliorati e le autorità greche hanno segnalato una netta diminuzione degli attraversamenti irregolari rilevati nella regione di Evros.
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Efforts have also been made to improve the information gathering on migration flows within the Schengen area.
Si è inoltre cercato di migliorare la raccolta di informazioni sui flussi migratori all'interno dello spazio Schengen.
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The Commission will continue to find ways to improve the data collection and analysis of irregular migratory movements.
La Commissione continuerà a operare per perfezionare la raccolta dei dati e l’analisi dei movimenti migratori irregolari.
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The application of Schengen rules
L’applicazione delle norme Schengen
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During the 6 month period covered in the report, controls at internal borders have been reintroduced twice:
Nel semestre oggetto della relazione, dal 1° maggio al 31 ottobre 2012, i controlli alle frontiere interne sono stati ripristinati due volte:
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- by Spain between 28 April and 4 May 2012 for the meeting of the European Central Bank in Barcelona on 2-4 May 2012 (669 385 people were checked at the land border with France as well as at Barcelona and Gerona airports - 68 were refused entry);
in primo luogo dalla Spagna, tra il 28 aprile e il 4 maggio 2012, in occasione della riunione della Banca centrale del 2-4 maggio 2012 a Barcellona (sono stati effettuati controlli alla frontiera con la Francia e negli aeroporti di Barcellona e Girona su 669 385 persone, di cui 68 non sono state ammesse nel paese)
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- by Poland between 4 June and 1 July for the EURO 2012 football championships (28 980 people were checked at Poland's internal borders - 22 were refused entry and 15 were apprehended).
e in secondo luogo dalla Polonia, dal 4 giugno al 1° luglio, per il campionato di calcio EURO 2012 (sono state controllate alle frontiere interne della Polonia 28 980 persone, di cui 22 sono state respinte e 15 arrestate).
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Verifications of the correct application of the rules have been carried out through on the spot checks in several participating States (via the Schengen evaluation mechanism) regarding:
Per verificare che le norme siano applicate correttamente sono stati svolti controlli a campione in numerosi Stati dello spazio Schengen (attraverso il meccanismo di valutazione Schengen), per quanto riguarda
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sea borders (in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland and Slovenia), police cooperation (in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland), air borders (in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), data protection (in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Slovenia), SIS/Sirene (in Denmark, Iceland and Norway) as well as visa (in Latvia and Lithuania).
le frontiere marittime (Estonia, Lettonia, Lituania, Malta, Polonia e Slovenia), la cooperazione di polizia (Ungheria, Repubblica slovacca, Repubblica ceca e Polonia), le frontiere aeree (Estonia, Lettonia e Lituania), la protezione dei dati (Estonia, Lettonia, Lituania, Malta e Slovenia), il sistema SIS/SIRENE (Danimarca, Islanda e Norvegia) e i visti (Lettonia e Lituania).
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These evaluations have not shown the type of deficiencies that would require immediate action by the Commission.
Dalle valutazioni non sono emerse carenze tali da richiedere un intervento immediato da parte della Commissione.
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Visa issuance procedures
Procedure di rilascio dei visti
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On 10 May 2012, the Visa Information System (VIS) was successfully launched in the second region of deployment, the Near East (Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria).
Il 10 maggio 2012 il sistema d’informazione sui visti (VIS) è stato lanciato con successo nella seconda regione, il Medio Oriente (Israele, Giordania, Libano e Siria).
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On 2 October 2012, it started operations in a third region, the Gulf (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen).
E il 2 ottobre 2012 ha iniziato a operare in una terza regione, quella del Golfo (Afghanistan, Bahrein, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Arabia Saudita, Emirati arabi uniti e Yemen).
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The VIS is working well and by 4 November 2012, the system had processed around 1.800.000 visa applications, issued around 1.500.000 and refused some 220.000 visas.
Il VIS sta dando buoni risultati e, al 4 novembre 2012, aveva permesso di trattare circa 1 800 000 domande di visto, di rilasciare approssimativamente 1 500 000 visti e respingere circa 220 000 domande.
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In September 2011, the Commission made proposals to strengthen the efficiency nd legitimacy of the Schengen system (IP/11/1036 and MEMO/11/606).
Nel settembre 2011 la Commissione ha presentato alcune proposte per rafforzare l’efficacia e la legittimità del sistema di Schengen (IP/11/1036 e MEMO/11/606).
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In its Communication 'Schengen governance - strengthening the area without internal border control', the Commission announced its intention to present to the EU institutions, twice a year, an overview on the functioning of Schengen.
Nella comunicazione "Governance Schengen - Rafforzare lo spazio senza controlli alle frontiere interne", la Commissione ha annunciato l’intenzione di presentare alle istituzione dell’UE, due volte l’anno, una panoramica sul funzionamento di Schengen.
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These reports provide the basis for a debate in the European Parliament and in the Council and contribute to the strengthening of political guidance and cooperation between the Schengen countries.
Le relazioni della Commissione getteranno le basi per una discussione in seno al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio e contribuiranno a rafforzare gli orientamenti politici e la cooperazione tra i paesi Schengen.
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The first Commission report was adopted last May (IP/12/481) and discussed in the Council on 7 June 2012 and in the Parliament on 4 July 2012.
La prima relazione della Commissione è stata adottata lo scorso maggio (IP/12/481) e discussa al Consiglio e al Parlamento rispettivamente il 7 giugno e il 4 luglio 2012.
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In addition, negotiations on the two legislative proposals put forward in September 2011 are on-going and the Commission is optimistic that a satisfactory compromise between the legislators can be found.
Sono inoltre in corso i negoziati per le due proposte legislative presentate nel settembre 2011 e la Commissione è fiduciosa che si possa trovare un compromesso soddisfacente tra i legislatori.
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These legislative proposals provide for a stronger, EU-based evaluation and monitoring system to verify and ensure the application of the Schengen rules, and for a more structured European decision-making mechanism that could allow, in truly exceptional situations, for the temporary reintroduction of internal border controls in case of serious threats to public policy or internal security.
Tali proposte introducono un meccanismo più forte di valutazione e controllo a livello dell’UE per verificare e assicurare l'applicazione delle norme di Schengen, e un meccanismo decisionale europeo più strutturato che possa permettere, in circostanze del tutto eccezionali, il ripristino temporaneo dei controlli alle frontiere interne in caso di minaccia grave per l'ordine pubblico e la sicurezza interna. |
Second Commission report on the state of the Schengen area
The Schengen area of free movement allows more than 400 million EU
citizens from 26 European countries and an increasing number of non-EU citizens,
to travel without internal border controls.
Today the Commission adopted its second Schengen 'health check', a
biannual overview on the functioning of the Schengen area.
The report provides a clear account of the state of the Schengen area,
to ensure a coherent interpretation and implementation of the common rules
amongst all Schengen participating countries.
"Moving freely within the Schengen area is one of the biggest European
Maintaining an area without internal border controls requires an
on-going effort and commitment by all of its members. It requires mutual trust,
a proper European framework, transparent debates and cooperation.
In order to strengthen the Schengen area we need to improve the
evaluation and monitoring. I call upon the Council and the European Parliament
to make progress on the on-going negotiations on the Schengen proposals", said
EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström.
This second report covers the period 1 May 2012 – 31 October 2012 and
assesses in particular:
The situation at the external Schengen borders and within the
Schengen area
During April-June 2012, approximately 23 000 irregular border crossings
were detected, which represents a 44% decrease compared to the same period in
2011 in the midst of the Arab Spring.
However, the detections at the land borders between Greece and Turkey
reported a 29% increase.
56% of all detections were carried out at this border section, which
remains the main entry point for irregular migration into the EU.
Since the redeployment in August 2011 of around 1.800 border guards
(Operation Shield), controls at this border section have been greatly improved,
with the Greek authorities reporting a sharp decrease of detected irregular
border crossings in the Evros area.
Efforts have also been made to improve the information gathering on
migration flows within the Schengen area.
The Commission will continue to find ways to improve the data
collection and analysis of irregular migratory movements.
The application of Schengen rules
During the 6 month period covered in the report, controls at internal
borders have been reintroduced twice:
- by Spain between 28 April and 4 May 2012 for the meeting of the
European Central Bank in Barcelona on 2-4 May 2012 (669 385 people were checked
at the land border with France as well as at Barcelona and Gerona airports - 68
were refused entry);
- by Poland between 4 June and 1 July for the EURO 2012 football
championships (28 980 people were checked at Poland's internal borders - 22 were
refused entry and 15 were apprehended).
Verifications of the correct application of the rules have been carried
out through on the spot checks in several participating States (via the Schengen
evaluation mechanism) regarding:
sea borders (in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland and
Slovenia), police cooperation (in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and
Poland), air borders (in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), data protection (in
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Slovenia), SIS/Sirene (in Denmark, Iceland
and Norway) as well as visa (in Latvia and Lithuania).
These evaluations have not shown the type of deficiencies that would
require immediate action by the Commission.
Visa issuance procedures
On 10 May 2012, the Visa Information System (VIS) was successfully
launched in the second region of deployment, the Near East (Israel, Jordan,
Lebanon and Syria).
On 2 October 2012, it started operations in a third region, the Gulf
(Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United
Arab Emirates and Yemen).
The VIS is working well and by 4 November 2012, the system had
processed around 1.800.000 visa applications, issued around 1.500.000 and
refused some 220.000 visas.
In September 2011, the Commission made proposals to strengthen the
efficiency nd legitimacy of the Schengen system (IP/11/1036 and MEMO/11/606).
In its Communication 'Schengen governance - strengthening the area
without internal border control', the Commission announced its intention to
present to the EU institutions, twice a year, an overview on the functioning of
These reports provide the basis for a debate in the European Parliament
and in the Council and contribute to the strengthening of political guidance and
cooperation between the Schengen countries.
The first Commission report was adopted last May (IP/12/481) and
discussed in the Council on 7 June 2012 and in the Parliament on 4 July 2012.
In addition, negotiations on the two legislative proposals put forward
in September 2011 are on-going and the Commission is optimistic that a
satisfactory compromise between the legislators can be found.
These legislative proposals provide for a stronger, EU-based evaluation
and monitoring system to verify and ensure the application of the Schengen
rules, and for a more structured European decision-making mechanism that could
allow, in truly exceptional situations, for the temporary reintroduction of
internal border controls in case of serious threats to public policy or internal