È la Lituania il 15° Stato membro dell’UE ad adottare le norme di cooperazione rafforzata a sostegno delle coppie internazionali
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Data documento: 20-11-2012
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Lithuania is the 15th EU Member State to sign up to enhanced cooperation rules to help international couples
È la Lituania il 15° Stato membro dell’UE ad adottare le norme di cooperazione rafforzata a sostegno delle coppie internazionali
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Tomorrow, the European Commission will confirm Lithuania's decision to join the enhanced cooperation procedure allowing international couples to select which country's law would apply to their divorce and legal separation.
La Commissione europea confermerà domani la decisione della Lituania di aderire alla procedura di cooperazione rafforzata che consente alle coppie internazionali di scegliere la legge applicabile al loro divorzio e alla loro separazione personale.
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The Regulation gives couples legal certainty and prevents a "rush to court" and forum shopping in divorces, while at the same time avoiding emotionally and financially costly proceedings.
Il regolamento assicura certezza giuridica alle coppie ed impedisce la “corsa al giudice” e i fenomeni di “shopping del foro” nelle cause di divorzio, evitando al contempo procedimenti finanziariamente ed emotivamente stressanti.
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"For the first time in EU history, Member States used the enhanced cooperation procedure to push forward with rules allowing international couples to select which country's law would apply to their divorce.
“Per la prima volta nella storia dell’UE, gli Stati membri hanno utilizzato la procedura della cooperazione rafforzata per accelerare l’adozione di norme che permettono alle coppie internazionali di scegliere la legge nazionale applicabile al loro divorzio.
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People fall in love across borders, whatever their nationality, but Member States' courts have different ways of deciding which country's law applies to divorces.
Le persone si innamorano al di là delle frontiere, a prescindere dalla loro cittadinanza, ma i giudici degli Stati membri hanno modi diversi di decidere quale legge debba applicarsi ai divorzi.
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International couples need to be certain of the rules that apply in their situation – which is what the Regulation provides for," said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner.
Le coppie internazionali devono poter sapere con certezza quali norme si applicano al loro caso – proprio ciò che il regolamento disciplina,” ha dichiarato Viviane Reding, Vicepresidente e Commissaria per la Giustizia dell’Unione europea.
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"The new rules will benefit hundreds of thousands of international couples and it is encouraging to see that more and more Member States are recognising this."
“Le nuove norme gioveranno a centinaia di migliaia di coppie internazionali ed è incoraggiante constatare che sempre più Stati membri le riconoscono”.
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EU governments adopted the Council Decision authorising enhanced cooperation on the law applicable to divorce and legal separation in July 2010 (IP/10/917).
I governi dell’UE avevano adottato nel luglio 2010 la decisione del Consiglio che autorizza la cooperazione rafforzata nel settore del diritto applicabile in materia di divorzio e di separazione legale (IP/10/917).
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As a consequence, the 14 participating countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain) adopted a Council Regulation that contains detailed rules on the choice of the law applicable to international divorces (called Rome III Regulation).
In seguito, i 14 paesi partecipanti (Austria, Belgio, Bulgaria, Francia, Germania, Italia, Lettonia, Lussemburgo, Malta, Portogallo, Romania, Slovenia, Spagna e Ungheria) hanno adottato un regolamento del Consiglio che contiene norme dettagliate sulla scelta della diritto applicabile ai divorzi internazionali (cosiddetto “regolamento Roma III”).
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The Regulation entered into application on 21 June 2012. It has no effect on national divorce or marriage laws.
Il regolamento è entrato in vigore il 21 giugno 2012 e non produce effetti sulle leggi nazionali in materia di divorzio o matrimonio.
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Lithuania was the first additional Member State notifying its wish to participate in this enhanced cooperation (IP/12/590).
La Lituania è il primo Stato membro ad aver notificato la sua intenzione di voler aderire a questa cooperazione rafforzata (IP/12/590).
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Other Member States that want to participate can do so at any time.
Altri Stati membri che intendano partecipare possono fare altrettanto in qualsiasi momento.
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Enhanced cooperation allows a group of at least nine member states to implement measures if all 27 Member States fail to reach agreement.
La cooperazione rafforzata consente a un gruppo di almeno nove Stati membri di attuare misure qualora non sia raggiunto un accordo da parte di tutti i 27 Stati membri.
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Other EU countries keep the right to join when they want(Article 331 TFEU).
Gli altri paesi dell’UE conservano il diritto di aderire quando lo desiderino (articolo 331 TFUE).
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The Regulation on the law applicable to divorce and legal separation aims to protect weaker partners during divorce disputes. It allows international couples to agree in advance which law would apply to their divorce or legal separation.
Il regolamento sulla legge applicabile al divorzio e alla separazione personale mira a tutelare il coniuge più debole nel quadro del contenzioso relativo al divorzio consentendo alle coppie internazionali di convenire in anticipo la legge applicabile al loro caso.
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In case the couple cannot agree, the judges can use a common formula for deciding which country's law applies.
In mancanza di accordo delle parti, le autorità giurisdizionali disporranno di una formula comune per determinare la legge nazionale applicabile.
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The Regulation gives couples more legal certainty, predictability and flexibility. This also helps to protect spouses and their children from complicated, lengthy and painful procedures.
Il regolamento assicura così alle coppie più certezza giuridica, prevedibilità e flessibilità, aiutando al contempo i coniugi e i figli ad evitare procedimenti complicati, lunghi e dolorosi.
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The Regulation has no effect on national divorce or marriage laws, nor does it foresee the adoption of rules affecting substantive family law of the Member States.
Il regolamento non produce effetti sulle norme nazionali in materia di divorzio o matrimonio, né prevede tantomeno l’adozione di norme che incidano sul diritto sostanziale degli Stati membri in materia di famiglia.
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The new solutions help couples of different nationalities, those living apart in different countries or those living together in a country other than their home country.
Le nuove soluzioni saranno di aiuto ai coniugi che hanno una cittadinanza diversa oppure vivono in paesi diversi o in un paese di cui non sono cittadini.
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The need for EU action is clear:There were more than 1 million divorces in the 27 Member States in 2007, of which 140,000 (13%) had an "international" element. |
La necessità dell’azione UE è chiara: nel 2007 i divorzi nei 27 Stati membri sono stati più di un milione, di cui 140 000 (13%) presentavano un elemento “internazionale”. |
Lithuania is the 15th EU Member State to sign up to enhanced cooperation
rules to help international couples
Tomorrow, the European Commission will confirm Lithuania's decision to
join the enhanced cooperation procedure allowing international couples to select
which country's law would apply to their divorce and legal separation.
The Regulation gives couples legal certainty and prevents a "rush to
court" and forum shopping in divorces, while at the same time avoiding
emotionally and financially costly proceedings.
"For the first time in EU history, Member States used the enhanced
cooperation procedure to push forward with rules allowing international couples
to select which country's law would apply to their divorce.
People fall in love across borders, whatever their nationality, but
Member States' courts have different ways of deciding which country's law
applies to divorces.
International couples need to be certain of the rules that apply in
their situation – which is what the Regulation provides for," said
Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner.
"The new rules will benefit hundreds of thousands of international
couples and it is encouraging to see that more and more Member States are
recognising this."
EU governments adopted the Council Decision authorising enhanced
cooperation on the law applicable to divorce and legal separation in July 2010
As a consequence, the 14 participating countries (Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal,
Romania, Slovenia and Spain) adopted a Council Regulation that contains detailed
rules on the choice of the law applicable to international divorces (called Rome
III Regulation).
The Regulation entered into application on 21 June 2012. It has no
effect on national divorce or marriage laws.
Lithuania was the first additional Member State notifying its wish to
participate in this enhanced cooperation (IP/12/590).
Other Member States that want to participate can do so at any time.
Enhanced cooperation allows a group of at least nine member states to
implement measures if all 27 Member States fail to reach agreement.
Other EU countries keep the right to join when they want (Article 331
The Regulation on the law applicable to divorce and legal separation
aims to protect weaker partners during divorce disputes. It allows international
couples to agree in advance which law would apply to their divorce or legal
In case the couple cannot agree, the judges can use a common formula
for deciding which country's law applies.
The Regulation gives couples more legal certainty, predictability and
flexibility. This also helps to protect spouses and their children from
complicated, lengthy and painful procedures.
The Regulation has no effect on national divorce or marriage laws, nor
does it foresee the adoption of rules affecting substantive family law of the
Member States.
The new solutions help couples of different nationalities, those living
apart in different countries or those living together in a country other than
their home country.
The need for EU action is clear:There were more than 1 million divorces
in the 27 Member States in 2007, of which 140,000 (13%) had an "international"
element. |