Uno studio indica che bisogna porre maggiormente l'accento sulle TI e sulle abilità imprenditoriali nelle scuole
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Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 19-11-2012
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Study calls for stronger focus on IT and entrepreneurial skills in schools
Uno studio indica che bisogna porre maggiormente l'accento sulle TI e sulle abilità imprenditoriali nelle scuole
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The teaching of IT, entrepreneurial and citizenship skills is fundamental for preparing young people for today's job market, but, in general, schools are still paying insufficient attention to these transversal skills compared with basic skills in literacy, mathematics and science, according to a new European Commission report.
L'insegnamento di abilità in tema di TI, imprenditorialità e cittadinanza è fondamentale per preparare i giovani all'attuale mercato del lavoro, ma le scuole in generale prestano un'attenzione insufficiente a queste abilità trasversali rispetto a quelle di base quali la capacità di leggere e scrivere, la matematica e scienza, come risulta da una nuova relazione della Commissione europea.
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Part of the problem is rooted in difficulties with assessment.
Parte del problema è legata a difficoltà di valutazione.
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For example, only 11 European countries (Belgium Flemish community, Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Finland) have standardised procedures to assess citizenship skills, which aim to develop critical thinking and active participation in school and society.
Ad esempio, soltanto 11 paesi europei (Comunità fiamminga del Belgio, Bulgaria, Estonia, Irlanda, Francia, Lettonia, Lituania, Malta, Polonia, Slovenia e Finlandia) dispongono di procedure standardizzate per valutare le abilità in tema di cittadinanza, al fine di sviluppare il pensiero critico e la partecipazione attiva al mondo della scuola e alla società.
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Such testing does not exist at all for entrepreneurship and IT skills in any of the 31 countries which took part in the survey (27 EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Norway and Turkey).
Un simile sistema di verifica non esiste affatto per l'imprenditorialità e le abilità nel campo delle TI in nessuno dei 31 paesi che hanno partecipato all'indagine (i 27 Stati membri dell'UE, la Croazia, l'Islanda, la Norvegia e la Turchia).
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The report also outlines progress in teaching six of the eight key competences defined at EU level for lifelong learning in knowledge, skills and attitudes.
La relazione dà inoltre rilievo ai progressi realizzati nell'insegnamento di sei delle otto competenze chiave definite a livello dell'UE per l'apprendimento permanente in tema di conoscenze, abilità e attitudini.
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“It is only by equipping children and young people with the necessary skills, including transversal skills, that we will ensure that the European Union will have the means to remain competitive and to seize the opportunities of the knowledge economy,” said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
"Soltanto se dotiamo i bambini e i giovani delle abilità necessarie, comprese le abilità trasversali, assicureremo che l'Unione europea disponga dei mezzi per rimanere competitiva e cogliere le opportunità offerte dall'economia della conoscenza" ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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"This study shows us where there is room for improvement and, most importantly, what we need to do to create more opportunities for our youth.
"Questo studio ci indica che vi è ancora spazio per miglioramenti e, ciò che più conta, evidenzia cosa dobbiamo fare per offrire maggiori opportunità ai nostri giovani.
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Rethinking education, a policy initiative that I will launch tomorrow, will outline concrete proposals for doing this."
«Ripensare l'istruzione», un'iniziativa politica che presenterò domani, delineerà proposte concrete a tal fine."
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Transversal skills are generally taught as a part of other subjects and national curricula in most countries cover IT, entrepreneurship and citizenship.
Le abilità trasversali sono in generale insegnate nel contesto di altre materie e i curricoli nazionali nella maggior parte dei paesi comprendono le TI, l'imprenditorialità e la cittadinanza.
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But the picture is uneven.
Ma il quadro è diseguale.
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Nine countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Romania, Ireland, Denmark, Belgium Flemish community and Croatia) do not explicitly cover entrepreneurship education at primary level while digital competences are addressed in primary school everywhere except Croatia.
Nove paesi (Germania, Paesi Bassi, Italia, Grecia, Romania, Irlanda, Danimarca, Comunità fiamminga del Belgio e Croazia) non affrontano direttamente l'educazione all'imprenditorialità nel livello primario mentre le competenze digitali sono trattate nella scuola primaria in tutti i paesi tranne la Croazia.
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It is still surprisingly unusual for schools to teach digital competences as part of science, mathematics and languages.
Stranamente è ancora insolito che le scuole insegnino le competenze digitali nel contesto delle scienze, della matematica e delle lingue.
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The report shows that integrating IT, entrepreneurship or citizenship education into core subjects may require schools to change the way they teach, as well as establishing agreed learning outcomes and appropriate assessment methods.
La relazione indica che l'integrazione delle TI, dell'imprenditorialità o dell'educazione alla cittadinanza nelle discipline centrali può imporre alle scuole di cambiare la didattica e di definire obiettivi di apprendimento concordati e adeguati metodi di valutazione.
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The report provides analytical evidence for policy-makers and supports the approach adopted in the European Commission's new 'Rethinking Education' strategy, due for adoption tomorrow (20 November).
La relazione fornisce prove analitiche all'indirizzo dei decisori politici e sostiene l'approccio definito nella nuova strategia della Commissione europea "Ripensare l'istruzione" che sarà adottata domani (20 novembre).
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This outlines the measures which Member States need to take to ensure education and training systems deliver the skills required in the modern workplace.
Vi sono delineate le misure che gli Stati membri devono adottare per assicurare che i loro sistemi d'istruzione e formazione forniscano le abilità necessarie in un posto di lavoro moderno.
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Eight key competences for lifelong learning in knowledge, skills and attitudes were defined at EU level in 2006.
Nel 2006 sono state definite a livello di UE otto competenze chiave per l'apprendimento permanente in relazione a conoscenze, abilità e attitudini.
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They are:
Esse sono:
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communication in the mother tongue;
la comunicazione nella madrelingua;
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communication in foreign languages;
la comunicazione in lingue straniere;
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mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology;
la competenza matematica e le competenze di base in campo scientifico e tecnologico;
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digital competence;
la competenza digitale;
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social and civic competences;
le competenze sociali e civiche;
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sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
senso di iniziativa e di imprenditorialità;
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learning to learn;
imparare ad imparare;
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cultural awareness and expression.
consapevolezza ed espressione culturali.
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These competences are fundamental in a knowledge-based society to meet the needs of the labour market, social cohesion and active citizenship.
Queste competenze sono fondamentali in una società basata sulla conoscenza per rispondere alle esigenze del mercato del lavoro, della coesione sociale e della cittadinanza attiva.
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The idea is to ensure greater flexibility and adaptability, satisfaction and motivation.
L'idea è assicurare che le persone godano di maggiore flessibilità e adattabilità, soddisfazione e motivazione.
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The report outlines progress in teaching these competences and suggests measures to ensure that education and training providers respond to changing demands for skills.
La relazione ribadisce i progressi realizzati nell'insegnamento di queste competenze e suggerisce misure per assicurare che l'istruzione e la formazione forniscano risposte all'evoluzione della domanda di abilità.
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Learning to learn and cultural awareness and expression were not covered by the report.
Imparare a imparare e la consapevolezza e l'espressione culturali sono aspetti che la relazione non ha trattato.
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The report compiles information from seven recent reports by the Eurydice network and covers compulsory and secondary general education in the 31 European countries covered.
La relazione rappresenta una compilazione delle informazioni provenienti da sette relazioni recenti elaborate dalla rete Eurydice e copre l'istruzione dell'obbligo e l'istruzione secondaria generale nei 31 paesi europei trattati.
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The reference year is 2011-12.
L'anno di riferimento è il 2011-2012.
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The report is produced for the Commission by the Eurydice network, which consists of 38 national units based in 34 countries (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey).
La relazione è prodotta per la Commissione dalla rete Eurydice che è composta di 38 unità basate in 34 paesi (Stati membri dell'UE, Croazia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Serbia, Svizzera e Turchia).
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Eurydice is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
Eurydice è coordinata e gestita dall'Agenzia esecutiva per l'istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura. |
Study calls for stronger focus on IT and entrepreneurial skills in schools
The teaching of IT, entrepreneurial and citizenship skills is
fundamental for preparing young people for today's job market, but, in general,
schools are still paying insufficient attention to these transversal skills
compared with basic skills in literacy, mathematics and science, according to a
new European Commission report.
Part of the problem is rooted in difficulties with assessment.
For example, only 11 European countries (Belgium Flemish community,
Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia
and Finland) have standardised procedures to assess citizenship skills, which
aim to develop critical thinking and active participation in school and society.
Such testing does not exist at all for entrepreneurship and IT skills
in any of the 31 countries which took part in the survey (27 EU Member States,
Croatia, Iceland, Norway and Turkey).
The report also outlines progress in teaching six of the eight key
competences defined at EU level for lifelong learning in knowledge, skills and
“It is only by equipping children and young people with the necessary
skills, including transversal skills, that we will ensure that the European
Union will have the means to remain competitive and to seize the opportunities
of the knowledge economy,” said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for
Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
"This study shows us where there is room for improvement and, most
importantly, what we need to do to create more opportunities for our youth.
Rethinking education, a policy initiative that I will launch tomorrow,
will outline concrete proposals for doing this."
Transversal skills are generally taught as a part of other subjects and
national curricula in most countries cover IT, entrepreneurship and citizenship.
But the picture is uneven.
Nine countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Romania,
Ireland, Denmark, Belgium Flemish community and Croatia) do not explicitly cover
entrepreneurship education at primary level while digital competences are
addressed in primary school everywhere except Croatia.
It is still surprisingly unusual for schools to teach digital
competences as part of science, mathematics and languages.
The report shows that integrating IT, entrepreneurship or citizenship
education into core subjects may require schools to change the way they teach,
as well as establishing agreed learning outcomes and appropriate assessment
The report provides analytical evidence for policy-makers and supports
the approach adopted in the European Commission's new 'Rethinking Education'
strategy, due for adoption tomorrow (20 November).
This outlines the measures which Member States need to take to ensure
education and training systems deliver the skills required in the modern
Eight key competences for lifelong learning in knowledge, skills and
attitudes were defined at EU level in 2006.
They are:
communication in the mother tongue;
communication in foreign languages;
mathematical competence and basic competences in science and
digital competence;
social and civic competences;
sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
learning to learn;
cultural awareness and expression.
These competences are fundamental in a knowledge-based society to meet
the needs of the labour market, social cohesion and active citizenship.
The idea is to ensure greater flexibility and adaptability,
satisfaction and motivation.
The report outlines progress in teaching these competences and suggests
measures to ensure that education and training providers respond to changing
demands for skills.
Learning to learn and cultural awareness and expression were not
covered by the report.
The report compiles information from seven recent reports by the
Eurydice network and covers compulsory and secondary general education in the 31
European countries covered.
The reference year is 2011-12.
The report is produced for the Commission by the Eurydice network,
which consists of 38 national units based in 34 countries (EU Member States,
Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey).
Eurydice is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual
and Culture Executive Agency. |