La Corte annulla la sentenza del Tribunale che ha annullato gli atti dell’Unione che congelavano i capitali della sig.ra Bamba
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Data documento: 15-11-2012
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The Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court annulling the European Union acts freezing Ms Bamba’s funds
La Corte annulla la sentenza del Tribunale che ha annullato gli atti dell’Unione che congelavano i capitali della sig.ra Bamba
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The Court takes the view that the Council has provided a sufficient statement of reasons for the inclusion of Ms Bamba on the list of persons considered as obstructing the process of peace and reconciliation in Côte d’Ivoire
La Corte considera, infatti, che il Consiglio ha sufficientemente motivato l’inserimento della sig.ra Bamba nell’elenco delle persone che si ritiene ostacolino il processo di pace e di riconciliazione in Costa d’Avorio
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In the autumn of 2010, a presidential election took place in Côte d’Ivoire, following which the United Nations certified the victory of Mr Alassane Ouattara.
Nell’autunno 2010 si sono svolte in Costa d’Avorio le elezioni presidenziali, in esito alle quali l’ONU ha certificato la vittoria del sig. Alassane Ouattara.
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The European Union also acknowledged Mr Ouattara's victory and called upon the Ivorian leaders, both civilian and military, to place themselves under the authority of the democratically elected president, while confirming its determination to take targeted restrictive measures against those obstructing the respect of the sovereign wish expressed by the Ivorian people.
L’Unione europea ha riconosciuto la vittoria del sig. Ouattara e ha esortato i leader ivoriani, civili e militari, a riconoscere l’autorità del presidente democraticamente eletto, confermando al contempo la sua determinazione ad adottare sanzioni mirate nei confronti di coloro che ostacolassero il rispetto della volontà sovranamente espressa dal popolo ivoriano.
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In view of the seriousness of the situation in Côte d’Ivoire, the Council adopted restrictive measures against those persons obstructing the process of peace and national reconciliation, and in particular those jeopardising the proper outcome of the electoral process.
Tenuto conto della gravità della situazione in Costa d’Avorio, il Consiglio ha adottato misure restrittive nei confronti di persone che ostacolavano il processo di pace e di riconciliazione nazionale e minacciavano il rispetto del risultato del processo elettorale.
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Those restrictive measures involved, inter alia, freezing those persons’ funds.
Dette misure restrittive erano dirette segnatamente a congelare i capitali delle persone.
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A list detailing the names of the persons concerned was annexed to the acts imposing the restrictive measures.
Agli atti che imponevano le misure restrittive era allegato un elenco contenente i nomi delle persone interessate.
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Ms Nadiany Bamba is an Ivorian national and, according to the information given by the Council in the course of the written procedure, the second wife and one of the principal collaborators of Mr Laurent Gbagbo, former president of Côte d’Ivoire.
La sig.ra Nadiany Bamba è cittadina ivoriana e, stando alle informazioni fornite dal Consiglio nel corso della fase scritta del procedimento, la seconda moglie nonché uno dei collaboratori principali del sig. Laurent Gbagbo, già presidente della Costa d’Avorio.
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Ms Bamba's name was included in the list containing the names of those persons subject to restrictive measures.
Il nome della sig.ra Bamba veniva inserito nell’elenco contenente i nomi delle persone assoggettate a misure restrittive.
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The annexes to the decision and the regulation leading to that inclusion indicate, with regard to Ms Bamba's name:
La decisione ed il regolamento sulla cui base veniva effettuato l'inserimento riportano, nei loro allegati, con riferimento alla sig.ra Bamba:
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‘Director of the Cyclone group which publishes the newspaper "Le Temps":
«Direttrice del gruppo editoriale Cyclone cui fa capo la testata
"Le temps":
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Obstruction of the peace and reconciliation processes through public incitement to hatred and violence and through participation in disinformation campaigns in connection with the 2010 presidential election’.
Ostruzione del processo di pace e di riconciliazione mediante istigazione pubblica all’odio e alla violenza ed implicazione in campagne di disinformazione sulle elezioni presidenziali del 2010».
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Ms Bamba asked the General Court to annul that decision and that regulation insofar as they concern her.
La sig.ra Bamba ha chiesto al Tribunale di annullare la decisione ed il regolamento, nelle parti in cui la riguardavano.
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In a judgment of 8 June 2011, the General Court annulled the acts freezing Ms Bamba's funds, ruling that the Council had not provided a sufficient statement of reasons for the inclusion of Ms Bamba in the list of persons considered as obstructing the process of peace and reconciliation in Côte d’Ivoire.
Con sentenza 8 giugno 2011, il Tribunale ha annullato gli atti che congelano i capitali della sig.ra Bamba, considerando che il Consiglio non aveva sufficientemente motivato l’inserimento della sig.ra Bamba nell’elenco delle persone che ritenute ostacolare il processo di pace e di riconciliazione in Costa d’Avorio.
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The Council brought an appeal before the Court of Justice in order to have that judgment set aside.
Il Consiglio ha impugnato tale sentenza dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia.
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The Council claims, inter alia, that the reasoning contained in the acts in question was sufficient.
Il Consiglio fa valere che la motivazione degli atti in questione era sufficiente.
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Indeed, it had provided a detailed description of the particularly serious situation in Côte d’Ivoire which justified the measures taken against certain persons and entities.
Esso avrebbe infatti fornito una descrizione circostanziata della situazione di particolare gravità in Costa d’Avorio, che giustificherebbe le misure adottate nei confronti di determinate persone ed entità.
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In addition, the Council had clearly indicated the actual and specific reasons why Ms Bamba was to be subject to restrictive measures.
Inoltre il Consiglio avrebbe chiaramente indicato i motivi specifici e concreti per i quali la sig.ra Bamba doveva essere assoggettata a misure restrittive.
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The Court recalls that, since the obligation to state the reasons on which a decision is based is the corollary of the principle of respect for the rights of the defence, the statement of reasons must disclose in a clear and unequivocal fashion the reasoning followed by the institution which has adopted the contested act.
La Corte ricorda che poiché l’obbligo di motivazione costituisce il corollario del principio del rispetto dei diritti della difesa, la motivazione deve far apparire in forma chiara e non equivoca l’iter logico seguito dall’istituzione da cui promana l’atto contestato.
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Compliance with that obligation to state reasons is all the more important where the person concerned is not afforded the opportunity to be heard before the adoption of a decision to freeze funds.
Il rispetto di tale obbligo di motivazione è tanto più importante qualora la persona interessata non disponga di un diritto di audizione precedente all’adozione di una decisione di congelamento dei capitali.
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However, the Court states that that statement of reasons must be appropriate to the contested act and the context in which it was adopted.
La Corte precisa tuttavia che tale obbligo di motivazione dev’essere adeguato alla natura dell’atto contestato e al contesto nel quale è stato adottato.
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In particular, the reasons given for an act are sufficient if that act is adopted in a context which is known to the person concerned, enabling him to understand the scope of the measure concerning him.
In particolare, un atto è sufficientemente motivato quando è stato emanato in un contesto noto alla persona interessata, che le consente di comprendere la portata del provvedimento adottato nei suoi confronti.
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In the present case, the Court takes the view, first, that the Council has set out the general context which had led it to extend the list of persons covered by the restrictive measures against the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire.
Nel caso di specie la Corte considera, da un lato, che il Consiglio ha esposto il contesto generale che lo aveva condotto ad ampliare l’elenco delle persone interessate dalle misure restrittive adottate nei confronti della Repubblica della Costa d’Avorio.
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That general context concerned the seriousness of the situation in Côte d’Ivoire and the specific threat posed to international peace and security by obstructions to the processes of peace and national reconciliation.
Tale contesto generale era caratterizzato dalla gravità della situazione in Costa d’Avorio e dalla minaccia concreta che gli ostacoli ai processi di pace e di riconciliazione nazionale rappresentavano per la pace e la sicurezza internazionali.
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The Court states that that context was necessarily known to Ms Bamba, in view of her personal and professional position.
La Corte constata che tale contesto era necessariamente noto alla sig.ra Bamba a causa della sua posizione professionale e personale.
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The Court finds, second, that, regarding the grounds on which the Council decided that Ms Bamba was to be subject to restrictive measures, that institution has identified the actual and specific evidence – in terms of professional position, publishing group, newspaper and types of activities and press campaigns covered – which showed her involvement in obstructing the process of peace and reconciliation in Côte d’Ivoire.
Dall’altro lato, per quanto riguarda le ragioni per le quali il Consiglio ha considerato che la sig.ra Bamba dovesse essere assoggettata a misure restrittive, la Corte ritiene che detta istituzione abbia identificato gli elementi specifici e concreti – in termini di funzione esercitata a titolo professionale, di gruppo editoriale, di testata giornalistica e di tipologie di atti e di campagne stampa considerati – che implicavano un coinvolgimento dell’interessata nel blocco del processo di pace e di riconciliazione in Costa d’Avorio.
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The Court states that review of compliance with the obligation to state reasons is intended to ascertain whether the notes provided by the Council, in the contested acts, were sufficient to allow the reasons for imposing restrictive measures against Ms Bamba to be understood.
La Corte precisa che il controllo del rispetto dell’obbligo di motivazione è diretto ad accertare se le indicazioni fornite dal Consiglio negli atti contestati fossero sufficienti per consentire di comprendere le ragioni per cui erano state inflitte alla sig.ra Bamba misure restrittive.
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That review must be distinguished from review of the substantive legality of those acts, which consists of ascertaining whether the evidence relied on by the Council was well founded and whether it was capable of justifying the adoption of the measures in question.
Tale controllo dev’essere distinto dal controllo della legittimità nel merito di detti atti, il quale consiste nel verificare se gli elementi invocati dal Consiglio fossero effettivamente accertati e se essi potessero giustificare l’adozione delle misure in questione.
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Accordingly, the Court sets aside the judgment of the General Court and dismisses Ms Bamba's action.
Di conseguenza la Corte annulla la sentenza del Tribunale e respinge il ricorso della sig.ra Bamba.
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An appeal, on a point or points of law only, may be brought before the Court of Justice against a judgment or order of the General Court.
Avverso le sentenze o ordinanze del Tribunale può essere presentata impugnazione alla Corte di giustizia, limitatamente alle questioni di diritto.
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In principle, the appeal does not have suspensive effect.
In linea di principio, l'impugnazione non ha effetti sospensivi
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If the appeal is admissible and well founded, the Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court.
Se essa è ricevibile e fondata, la Corte annulla la decisione del Tribunale
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Where the state of the proceedings so permits, the Court of Justice may itself give final judgment in the case.
Nel caso in cui la causa sia matura per essere decisa, la Corte stessa può pronunciarsi definitivamente sulla controversia.
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Otherwise, it refers the case back to the General Court, which is bound by the decision given by the Court of Justice on the appeal. |
In caso contrario, rinvia la causa al Tribunale, vincolato dalla decisione emanata dalla Corte in sede di impugnazione. |
The Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court
annulling the European Union acts freezing Ms Bamba’s funds
The Court takes the view that the Council has provided a sufficient
statement of reasons for the inclusion of Ms Bamba on the list of persons
considered as obstructing the process of peace and reconciliation in Côte
In the autumn of 2010, a presidential election took place in Côte
d’Ivoire, following which the United Nations certified the victory of Mr
Alassane Ouattara.
The European Union also acknowledged Mr Ouattara's victory and called
upon the Ivorian leaders, both civilian and military, to place themselves under
the authority of the democratically elected president, while confirming its
determination to take targeted restrictive measures against those obstructing
the respect of the sovereign wish expressed by the Ivorian people.
In view of the seriousness of the situation in Côte d’Ivoire, the
Council adopted restrictive measures against those persons obstructing the
process of peace and national reconciliation, and in particular those
jeopardising the proper outcome of the electoral process.
Those restrictive measures involved, inter alia, freezing those
persons’ funds.
A list detailing the names of the persons concerned was annexed to the acts
imposing the restrictive measures.
Ms Nadiany Bamba is an Ivorian national and, according to the
information given by the Council in the course of the written procedure, the
second wife and one of the principal collaborators of Mr Laurent Gbagbo, former
president of Côte d’Ivoire.
Ms Bamba's name was included in the list containing the names of those
persons subject to restrictive measures.
The annexes to the decision and the regulation leading to that inclusion
indicate, with regard to Ms Bamba's name:
‘Director of the Cyclone group which publishes the newspaper "Le
Obstruction of the peace and reconciliation processes through public incitement
to hatred and violence and through participation in disinformation campaigns in
connection with the 2010 presidential election’.
Ms Bamba asked the General Court to annul that decision and that
regulation insofar as they concern her.
In a judgment of 8 June 2011, the General Court annulled the acts
freezing Ms Bamba's funds, ruling that the Council had not provided a sufficient
statement of reasons for the inclusion of Ms Bamba in the list of persons
considered as obstructing the process of peace and reconciliation in Côte
The Council brought an appeal before the Court of Justice in order to
have that judgment set aside.
The Council claims, inter alia, that the reasoning contained in the
acts in question was sufficient.
Indeed, it had provided a detailed description of the particularly serious
situation in Côte d’Ivoire which justified the measures taken against certain
persons and entities.
In addition, the Council had clearly indicated the actual and specific reasons
why Ms Bamba was to be subject to restrictive measures.
The Court recalls that, since the obligation to state the reasons on
which a decision is based is the corollary of the principle of respect for the
rights of the defence, the statement of reasons must disclose in a clear and
unequivocal fashion the reasoning followed by the institution which has adopted
the contested act.
Compliance with that obligation to state reasons is all the more
important where the person concerned is not afforded the opportunity to be heard
before the adoption of a decision to freeze funds.
However, the Court states that that statement of reasons must be
appropriate to the contested act and the context in which it was adopted.
In particular, the reasons given for an act are sufficient if that act
is adopted in a context which is known to the person concerned, enabling him to
understand the scope of the measure concerning him.
In the present case, the Court takes the view, first, that the Council
has set out the general context which had led it to extend the list of persons
covered by the restrictive measures against the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire.
That general context concerned the seriousness of the situation in Côte
d’Ivoire and the specific threat posed to international peace and security by
obstructions to the processes of peace and national reconciliation.
The Court states that that context was necessarily known to Ms Bamba,
in view of her personal and professional position.
The Court finds, second, that, regarding the grounds on which the
Council decided that Ms Bamba was to be subject to restrictive measures, that
institution has identified the actual and specific evidence – in terms of
professional position, publishing group, newspaper and types of activities and
press campaigns covered – which showed her involvement in obstructing the
process of peace and reconciliation in Côte d’Ivoire.
The Court states that review of compliance with the obligation to state
reasons is intended to ascertain whether the notes provided by the Council, in
the contested acts, were sufficient to allow the reasons for imposing
restrictive measures against Ms Bamba to be understood.
That review must be distinguished from review of the substantive
legality of those acts, which consists of ascertaining whether the evidence
relied on by the Council was well founded and whether it was capable of
justifying the adoption of the measures in question.
Accordingly, the Court sets aside the judgment of the General Court and
dismisses Ms Bamba's action.
An appeal, on a point or points of law only, may be brought before the Court of
Justice against a judgment or order of the General Court.
In principle, the appeal does not have suspensive effect.
If the appeal is admissible and well founded, the Court of Justice sets aside
the judgment of the General Court.
Where the state of the proceedings so permits, the Court of Justice may itself
give final judgment in the case.
Otherwise, it refers the case back to the General Court, which is bound by the
decision given by the Court of Justice on the appeal. |